Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 5. Nov 2023, 06:21

    Morning Joan. Thanks Lucy is doing ok much better now. I wish she did have a warning a smell or anything would be enough. I have my yukky tablet in ginger squash right next to me as l type..... there you go all done😊Now I take my very nice vegan orange flavoured multivitamin. Much better! How are you getting on jabbing Sue every day? I heard from Bill yesterday he is doing really well. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef hope the migraine has settled and that the pain from going out has eased back a good bit. Thanks Lucy is actually taking daily pics of her eye! Great minds eh?

    Organised events like the firework display you went to are great and absolutely you should take Sucré he mustn't miss out and neither must you miss out seeing him enjoy them. I think the annoying fireworks are those that people have in their back gardens. Two people set them off here even though there are livestock who get upset by them. One lady even sent a village email out asking them not to if possible as it upsets the horses.

    Oh no😕 not the wheelchair soaked😣 a bit of a nuisance being in the bunker but still safer in there. They aren't cheap are they?

    It's so sad that the NHS and the police service are so understaffed. Bizarre really that it's come to this isn't it? Mind you there are also just tooooo many of us The current population of U.K. in 2023 is 67,736,802, a 0.34% increase from 2022. If we all gave £1 each now would it make any difference? Were you a motorbike traffic officer?

    Take care and enjoy today with the family ((()))

    Morning Reshmi how are you feeling? Still wiped out or a bit more yourself?

    Your Dad proved it yesterday didn't he? The virus takes some recovering from. Still he is a law unto himself. It's really good that your Mum is due a blood test to check her kidneys are ok after her run-in with coronavirus.

    LA and I did indeed collaborate with those vegan sausage rolls. They also are capable of taming seemingly untameable hair

    this took me only 5 minutes to knock together this morning🤥

    Thank you for being so kind about Lucy. It is horrible, but nothing we can do about it really. I suppose just be glad she was in bed maybe it could be worse. Lucky too that we could get to our nearest A&E for opening. Everyone was lovely too which is all that matters.

    How sweet is LA writing a card for his Daddy (interesting spelling I must say🤔 perhaps you can see what was really on his mind!) . I take it BIL is milking it again?🙄 Your sister probably just getting on with it.

    Is it lovely not having an MTX hangover? Take care of yourself.

    Morning Toady how are you this dry - yes dry - morning?

    Wasn't yesterday vile? Dank dark wet and miserable although that didn't stop the new neighbours and their bang bang bang fireworks🙄 Ah well live and let live Toni you must learn to chill! What insensitive rellies you have😠Honestly some people.

    The cup and saucer vine looks so healthy I am totally impressed go little bud go!👏

    I know I do need a few quiet weeks you are so right. My fitbit says that my resting heart rate is up. Lack of sleep and worry. I am a worrier anyway I have always been one. Kari is the same. Hopefully tomorrow I will get my walk with my sister.

    Some good news yesterday I got a lovely Sylvanian family house for our little Great niece who will be 5 soon. It is boxed and immaculate. We plan to start a collection for her she loves those little animals. Probably though we are both living vicariously through her🤭

    Lucy is doing well in fact much better than I would have expected. She will be able to cover the black eye with make-up easily once the steri-strips come off I'm sure. She is very good at make-up. Unlike her mother😁

    Well you take care today have a good one. I genuinely hope we both get outside in our gardens later.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi Toni, yes I was. Happy Days.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (())

    Toady (()) Yesterday I read something I thought was I don’t know what word I would use. They decided to change the birds names like blackbird because it’s offensive. What do you think. The world’s gone mad. Have a good day. Your cup and saucer plant is going well.

    Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) That’s good Lucy is feeling better She has grown up with it but she must wonder about having them. And you not knowing when she could have them but you have it under control Lucy (()) has a good family who care. I read yesterday someone has the idea to change birds names because they are offensive like blackbird. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good you feel a bit better and your mum (())

    Keef (()) life can be hard at times but we carry on Arthritis isn’t going to stop us we to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Morning Reshmi, how are you now?

    how is mum too?

    can’t remember if dad tested positive???

    Morning all

    I am giving up on using my wheelchair. Too painful. I’ve tried everything to make the bumps less and it just puts me in a really bad grumpy mood like last night.

    i will use my bike instead even if i only need to go 500 metres up the road. Much more fun.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    OMG We have a full scale emergency here!!!!



  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    I did post a while back that I was. Was off to driving school to be an instructor.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    how is Lucy?

    im not too bad thanks,

    still fairly tired yes, partly due to the paracetamol, but I’m taking less doses of it than previously thanks 👍

    mums not feeling too bad thanks

    I am indeed enjoying no mxt and it’s corresponding hangover thanks

    my right foot is a bit more painful though in the mornings especially but that’ll get better when I’m allowed to take leflunomide and mxt again no doubt 👍

    dad said he won’t stop going to all the events and nothing is his fault and never could be, I said if my dad repeats his bad behaviour soon, or even at some point in the future, maybe we can stay somewhere else for a while, even just b’n’b / hotel or whatever here or in MH because her not being infected is the most important thing, dad has really crossed a line with his callousness this time, maybe it’s not completely his fault, if he’s got dementia or something like that, I don’t know, but it’s hard for mum and I to deal with it, sometimes mum feels dispirited I know, but hearing about LA’s antics cheer us up lol.

    That’s quite a hairstyle there Toni! Lol, maybe a bit much for going to collect the milk bottles from the porch though 😂

    BR said he likes being bitten by Ellie- sorry I thought all biting -related nursery hostilities had ceased - I was mistaken - and that he’s her big brother, because the carer is reading him the storybook “ I’m a new big brother” lol, so that’s why he wipes her nose and holds her hand in return, to express her gratitude, Ellie gives BR a generous bite 😱, oh dear a vampire nurse in training there it seems lol.

    You’re welcome about Lucy, yes that’s true, it’s lucky you could get to A and E in time, I remember when the GP made mum and I go there for some tests related to arthritis problem at night and there were a whole load of drunks there, one of them, a female, asked me for a cigarette ( I of course don’t smoke) so I said that politely and she didn’t mind, but I was a bit worried in case things “kicked off” that’s one of the problems with “tourist destination Reading” lol, but don’t tell littley LA of course 🤐

    You’re absolutely right there, Bills milking it, poor sis is getting on with it indeed, yes a nice card by LA, the front of it did look an active volcano though! So maybe House Vesuvius has a little brother volcano who lives in Maidenhead? Mount Vienetta possibly? No I think that’s just me feeling hungry lol.

    Nice tasty looking breakfast there.

    Have a nice evening Toni and tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 5. Nov 2023, 20:04

    Hi all ☕️ ooh it's cold. Tea in hand.

    Bright but yes definitely cold, it was sunny for a while this morning and it made all the difference but once it dropped it really dropped. Still, dry so will take that, frog, defo 👍️. Hope you got your walk today. Quick potter in the garden, cold frame hinges have a touch of rust might have to attend to. Haven't done much else at all, sorted some junk mail & bits & pieces, that kind of thing. Must try & take some things to recycling but I always forget what they take at the nearest, it's something like clothes yes towels yes blankets no curtains no, must get it fixed in my head. The tip takes all the above and more but no use to me as a persona non grata pedestrian, as I've grumbled before. And try to remember which charity shops takes worn out stuff for rag etc. Glad Lucy is doing so well, yes I expect she is super at make-up, and I bet you're better than you say, I mean look at your hairdo skills. I think I fit the profile of those ladies they used to write articles aimed at in women's magazines, 'don't get stuck in a rut with old things in your make-up bag and haven't changed your 'look' in 25 years, tut tut' 😄. How nice to get the Sylvanian set, oh yes bound to want a go too 🤭, have just had a look at some sets I think I'd want to play with the furnishings & bits & pieces as much as the figures (and I note all the house roofs and tiles look nice and sound!!). Sorry about the silly fireworks, few still going on here, but no excuse where you are 🙄 . Might be niceish again tomorrow might not, depends how accurate the forecast is. Have a good Monday all :) xx

    Hello joan, hope Sue is ok today. I understand there are all sorts of opinions around naming things but blackbirds 🤔 well that does take a stretch of the imagination to object too, what about blackberries?? Haven't read the articles but I did see a headline. Still, I can say Mrs B whatever, nobody can prove it doesn't stand for something else can they 😉. Quite cold here today hope not too chilly where you are. Thank you I hope the plant carries on ok but at least overwinter you can prune them back and bring it in somewhere it might be ok for next year then. How is the mock orange has it lost all its leaves? Love to both :) xx

    Quick wave to bosh, hope you are not too bad and able to cut down the paracetomol. I would absolutely go to pick up the milk bottles with that hairdo 😂 maybe not the frock, but then again why not. 📿👗 Might call in again later, unless I've gone to bed, bit tired & cold today, if so catch you next time 👍️ :) xx

    Hope the teabag emergency has been sorted keef 😱 unthinkable, no tea, have to scuffle at the back of cupboards in the hope of some odd old ones if it's me, but that's usually some loose leaf sort & I never get around to getting a strainer 😄. Plenty of custard creams here. Glad you both enjoyed the 80s show (or 'the music of today' as I prefer to think of it 😂), have a good start to the week :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Joan

    thanks about mum and I

    We’re not too bad thanks

    I hope you’re having a nice Sunday

    bye for now tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Keef

    How are you?

    im not too bad thanks, tested negative today for a second time thanks

    just mainly feeling tired now and stomach isn’t too great, but nothing severe

    the nurse said mum is negative but she may have symptoms for some time but generally she’s not feeling too bad 🙏

    dad is negative but is in an especially foul mood

    don’t worry we all have meltdowns sometimes

    that’s sweet that your son was dancing

    I hope you have an ok night

    bye for now tc. x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi toady

    sorry it was an unpleasantly cold day for you today.

    I on the other hand am missing being able to go outside for 5 seconds of fresh air, lol, well I could technically I suppose, at least in the garden, but mum would worry, bless her, so I’m leaving it for now.

    Yes you’ve got a good point about Rubenesque ladies, I didn’t think of that, but ‘fat Sylvie’ was defined by Balzac by her eating habits, which I found a bit harsh really, now “elephant- sized Bill” I would happily read about lol.

    I almost forgot to mention when LA visited the “Madison” hotel in New York, sorry Reading lol, I composed a tiny song with the lyrics “ There’s a Babu who is big And Peppa is a pig, today” not the most imaginative of lyrics I know, but LA seemed to like the tune and with true Mima - worshipping fever in his eyes, he sang this song repeatedly until Big Babu was at the end if his tether, it was so funny.

    I hope you have an ok night toady.

    ps A nice staircase for you, as green as my stomach 🤢xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    'night bosh, yes you must certainly be feeling the call of the wild for a change and some fresh air, I hope you can soon🤞. Sorry about your stomach too, can't say I'm a big fan of mine today either 🙄 tomorrow is another day etc hope it's a better one. I love the tale of the special mima song, very funny indeed that it was such a hit, well with some more than others! 😂 glad I can't hear the tune anything catchy gets stuck with me nowadays sometimes for weeks 😬. I read the bit about the 'volcano' get well card too, that's a novel theme 😄 I was browsing some old postcards on nosegay yesterday and saw one that said Happy New Year but was a painting of a little ship running aground on some rocks - very jolly! - someone with the same sort of artistic leanings as LA obviously 😄. Glad EF are doing ok all things considered. Balzac, yes I see what you mean, definitely not meant in an admiring way then, in fact quite cruel no sugar coating at all there, eek. Hope you have not too bad a night :) xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning everyone

    Hi Joan thank you yes Lucy has had seizures for a long time. She copes pretty well. She is quite sensible really. Changing the name of blackbirds?😮 I doubt it offends anyone. I hope Sue is doing ok and not in pain now with her ankle? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? I bet it is lovely not feeling queasy. If the ankle is playing up maybe a call to the nurse see whether you can restart your MTX this week? I only had one week off my meds when I had it. I expect they know best of course, but you are doing so well coping with coronavirus she might say you can safely restart.

    I do not know what to suggest with your Dad and the risks he is taking. I mean luckily (I hope I know there is still your Mum's kidney blood test to be sure) it seems no lasting harm has been done. You shouldn't have to move out of your home! No way. It would be better the other way around. ((())) to you and your Mum.

    Oh gosh that was so funny! BR is Ellie (ETB)'s big brother bless his heart!!! All that he does for her and 'in return she gives him a generous bite'. I feel bad but I really had to laugh. You do have a way with words Reshmi😁 What a sweet boy wanting to be a big brother because of that book and no doubt LA being his own big brother.

    I know what you mean at least Lucy considerately had her seizure early morning so it slotted nicely into the A&E opening times. I have been there with her when people have been drunk too like you in the small hours on a Friday night it is so scary. I know those people need help too, but there is tension in the air isn't there?

    I thought BIL would be milking his covid symptoms. Taking to his bed or the sofa and needing waiting on🙄 I bet he is actually negative now you know. Interesting the small 🌋 on the front of LA's card...makes you think..... Mount Vienetta! Brilliant!!

    Well you have a good day and take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady how are you? All is quiet here please let it stay that way I want to meet Kari for a walk this morning....shhh Toni let's not tempt fate. I suggest you take a walk down to your local recyc and take a photo of what it will accept maybe?

    That is my make-up bag!! probably 30 years, but that's still my make-up bag you described. Once upon a time I could do it. I am going to brave the hairwash on my return form my walk so we'll see whether I really can concoct anything like that hairdo!

    I also sometimes see those tutorials on Youtube about how not to dress old? I mean really! They want me to bin my entire wardrobe🙄

    I absolutely cannot wait to have a go with the Sylvavian house's furniture! This house has a table and chairs and also a wood-burner. The tiles are in excellent nick yes I am impressed. I think the furniture is one of the reasons I love knitted frog and toad🤗

    I think it will be dry and that we must get out for at least some of the day today in our gardens. Have you treated those rusty hinges?

    Have a good day Toad😊

    Morning Keef

    I hope today has started out ok for you? Here's a cup of coffee

    I do hope the teabag crisis was averted? Did Loanda top the supplies up before heading off to work? I'm sure she did she sounds lovely.

    Maybe you are right about the wheelchair. For sure going on the bike will get any journeys over quicker. Also bieng on the bike is good for your spirits. I am desperately missing my Figgy although I may see what it's like out there today if it's dry.

    Take care ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good day. Love to the carers (())

    Toady (()) How are you. The Mock Orange still has its leaves. We planted all our plants 22 years ago. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) Have a good day love to Mr B(()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I hope you have a calmer day today. Has Lucy still got a black eye (()) and to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good you both feel better you don’t want it again. Do you know this yy ur yy u b I c u r yy 4 m e have a good day and your mum (())

    Keef (()) I hope you found some tea bags. Have a good day. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    How are you?

    Mum and I aren’t too bad thanks

    Thanks I’ll ask the nurse if the foot becomes a nuisance.

    bye for now need to fight for the shower in Mount Viennetta / HV lol

    more later xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hello all 👋 ..still with the fireworks, on a gloomy monday with nothing at all to do with nov 5th 🤷‍♀️ oh well.

    Hope you had a good day frog and saw Kari ok. Quite nice this am, it was windy enough to dry some washing, not exactly Little Grey Rabbit's Washing Day in this weather, more of a cold flap about a bit, but got the job done. The cold frame hinges were a bit far gone so I've bought some new ones, and made a start on a top-up layer of wood preserver. Not much in it at the moment, but there will be, by hook or by crook. I have the usual problem of some things in pots that I want the pot for something else, there might have to be a bit of covert evicting and replanting I think. Yes I must take a pic of the clothes bank, good idea thanks, then pin it up somewhere, or the info. 👍️ Probably made some sort of long lost note once, that's what usually happens. Maybe have a stroll up there tomorrow, it looks okish for weather. I have to pack a nosegay parcel at some point too but they bought it too late this evening for me to feel I must do it for tomorrow morning. It may not surprise you to know that they are rolling out the option for the AI to write your item description for you 😂 good grief. I fear one day they will take all control off you, they have already as much as they can, limiting the range of typefaces font sizes colours etc, and trying to dissuade you from doing anything other than a simple boring layout. So I make mine as fancy as I can 😉. Ooh I have no idea what youtube want me to wear, mercifully by the sounds of it 😱, but I'm going to work on the theory it would be terrible advice anyway and all wrong, think of the stuff trinny & susannah used to put people in, something awful and a wide belt. Shall we turn out our make-up bags for the new year? 😬💄. Hope the hair went as well as can be expected! Love to all :) xx P.s. oh yes little furniture, so very appealing, I sold some once and somewhat regretted it. I do have a little bathroom suite somewhere 😄.

    Hello joan, hope you are both managing ok. That's nice that the mock orange has its leaves, how are your raised beds at the moment. I was just telling Toni that went to list something on ebay this afternoon and they ask if you want their AI robot option thing to write the description for you 😮 it is really everywhere now no getting away from it. I suppose some people will be glad not to write their own but you'd still have to check it it might write any old nonsense. I hope the cafe doesn't suggest the AI write our posts 😂. Have a good day tomorrow looks bright hopefully :) xx

    Might make this a two-parter and put the kettle on, back later if poss 👋☕️ xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Joan

    How are you both today?

    Thanks so much, mum and I are not too bad today thanks, mum said the metallic taste in her mouth has gone today.

    My stomach is not too good but i probably ate some wrong things.

    I hope you have a nice night, bye tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi Toni

    How are you this evening?

    Mum isn’t too bad at all today thanks, she says the metallic taste from her mouth has gone now thankfully 👍

    my stomach isn’t at all good today, but I may have eaten some wrong foods

    i went on a very tiny walk today, I felt really tired near the start but then I felt better thanks

    yes, I agree, in a normal situation no one should have to temporarily move out of their own house due to one person being stubborn and irresponsible like this, but I can’t see any other way, whether mum would agree in the end to do this I don’t know, anyway we can only deal with the present in many ways, but thanks for the hugs.

    LA said MH McDs is inferior to the Reading one, because the Talkative Little Chappy Meal / Happy Meal or whatever it’s called lol, doesn’t contain a paw patrol cuddly -well that’s his opinion anyway haha - so my question is what’s added to MH Chappy Meal? A Bite - Proof Vest perhaps? I think poor old little/ big brother could do with one at least, lol.

    Yes LA being his own big brother and probably his own grandfather- that’s a great idea, I like ELB too 😂

    Yes very lucky L got seen in time, yes the drunks can be scary I agree.

    Once I worked with someone who had recently moved to Reading from a rural location and she said, “Why do I hear police and ambulance sirens blaring all the time in my lunch break? Is there really so much chaos going on here? It’s not London”, I almost said, “ You can count yourself lucky that it’s not London, at least not the part of east London I briefly lived in, so much noise that sleep was a luxury, not good for anyone’s mental or physical health really”.

    Bill said he was doing some “administrative work” at home while sis was working, but all he did was put a few receipts in some folders lol, I bet the Kangaroo receipts were put in the shredder though lol, unless ETB bit some overpriced over spiced biryani paperwork, both the paper and the rice dishes being of dubious nutritional value? Still better than taking out her frustrations on poor big / little brother lol.

    My day was better today due to mum feeling better of course and that tiny bit of fresh air, mums gone a bit batty 🦇with the thermostat to be frank- but if it keeps her happy 🤷‍♀️

    I hope you had an enjoyable day Toni bye for now tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    Sorry the firework enthusiasts are still making a racket.

    A nice soothing staircase for you.

    A massive hair clip I bought arrived today, it’s great actually, I may become toady version 2.0!

    I may need some hair extensions and friendly bat to take for walk’s though lol.

    oh yes, can you arrange an amphibian software update please?

    bye for now toady tc xx

    👋 Keef

    how are you doing today?

    bye everyone have a good night tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    just a quick goodnight to bosh and keef, having overshot my energy for one night 😔 and I really must turn off & go to bed sensibly.

    Catch you all tomorrow, glad your mum is feeling better and you had a walk bosh, hurrah 👍️ :) I will see what I can do about the update although the muck up I have made of sorting a few simple tech things today, who knows what I might unleash instead of toady 2.0 😄 . Fireworks not too noisy at all thanks, vaguely in the distance, just seems a bit silly to use up your leftovers after the 5th even more than starting them too early. Better post next time hope you sleep ok and stomach settles🤞xx p.s. I am just choosing one of your past pics for my new phone screen :)

    Hope you have a good night too keef 😴 x

    'night all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,317

    Hi again Joan

    sorry I forgot to say, about what you wrote, something about larger ladies being beautiful or something like that? Sorry I didn’t fully get it, but if that’s you meant, I agree completely basically 🤗

    ok good night again tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    That's the carpark in town not a lake. This time luckily there are no cars with water up to their rooves.

    Morning Joan how are you? Lucy is doing ok and yes still has a very bruised eye and cheek. the colour is going straight from red to yellow I think no blue or purple in between. Hope Sue is coping ok love to you both ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef

    I am quite worried whether you are ok? I will pop you a coffee to keep you going and send some ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    Well done braving your walk it sounds as though it did you good. Not so good your stomach was a bit sore though. I hope that eases off today.

    Glad your Mum's mouth tastes normal again that must have worried her a bit. Sounds as though she was feeling the cold yesterday though bless her.

    I think you might well be right. Your Mum probably wouldn't move out for a few days when your Dad takes risks with his/your health.

    The picture above is from our Mcd's carpark I am not sure whether there are paw patrol characters in our Chappy meals here🤔I really need to find out. Essential knowledge that. Maybe Reading (being a holiday resort) has better toys? Our children probably get self assembly toy arks.

    MH might have bite proof vests or vouchers for Waitrose maybe? They are slightly 'better' than the likes of us don't forget. Tickets to the opera/ballet even?

    BIL is doing some admin from home is he? Send him in to work ASAP 3 receipts in a folder does not constitute a full day's work!!

    We are quite rural but a short cut through our village can take you to the M6 so we get a lot of 🚑 coming through, but I can imagine what living in London must have been like. Must have been a constant noise in the background. I'm glad you are in a quieter area now even if the person you worked with didn't appreciate the relative peace!

    Well let's hope today is a god day take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    How are you doing?

    OMG no not AI writing our descriptions whatever next I am quite quite worried.😕 That noesgay parcel can be packaged today that's quite soon enough.

    I visited Charley yesterday and her XLBullies. All well practising wearing their muzzles atm for December. the relevant part was that I purloined her Great Ormand hospital charity bag for some clothes and will drop it off later today. I hope you can soon recycle some of your bits. My old clothes will be for the rag-man after this year i think or for Kari's paint brushes....

    What a shame that you needed new hinges they did not last long at all. I need to pot and repot stuff for the shed for overwintering too. Such a big and messy job but needs doing.

    Shall we post pics of the contents of our makeup bags for the new year😂 Trinny and Suzannah oh heaven help us no! You have a tiny bathroom? Really?😍

    Better shut up now I forgot to post this