Val's Cafe
Hey Toady, what colour have you painted your radiators??
I had a serious talk with myself this morning as I had a load of stuff to do. Painted this frame for Anda. It was white.
And I made a rackmount out of an old microwave stand for my vintage guitar gear.
Then we all went for an afternoon nap as my back was unbearable and tbh still is. Should have only done one or the other.
are you fully recovered now Reshmi???
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Hi again.
Toady I don’t mind the 8 legged intruders, but I don’t think I would like to have to open packets of them in gravy or jelly to feed the cat.
ok photo coming up of my 2 youngest great granddaughter and Great grandson
Stay positive always👍xx2 -
Added this one after this is my 2 youngest great grandchildren. Ava and Jaxon.
hope you like the photos love to you all
Take care.
Stay positive always👍xx2 -
Hello again folks, just popping back to do a proper job of saying what good news about your mum bosh 😊 fantastic. So glad the results were so quick save unnecessary worry. Hope your day is ok so far, which is most of it I realize, wonder if EF will go ahead as planned would bill come anyway if he does test neg 🤔. Hope they are alright anyway all things considered. Not much doing with me today, at least it was bright though. I must go for a walk soon I really must 😳. Not a good day on the nosegay fron either, my hinges I ordered were subtly wrong, not by much but not the design as shown and the measurements were slightly out, worth complaining for a couple of quid? usually not, but then again that's 3 packets of rich tea bics why should I be out of pocket. Then I tried to spend a '£2 off £5' voucher on paper for my printer, it was £5 before lunch when I chose it but when I came back to buy it, it had gone up to £7.50 🤨. Just in that time. Oh well, tiny irritations but I thought that was a bit petty even by the universe's usual standards 🙄. Kettle on if you are calling in later I will try & find a teacosy nothing will stay warm in this. Bye for now :) xx
Nice frame keef, is that a pewter sort of colour? or darker & photographed lighter, anyway I like 😊 and the stand is a project after my own heart, I love that, what a great adaptation. Should have done one or the either, yes, sounds familiar. The radiator will just be an off whitey sort of colour I toyed with idea of something else but this will be more forgiving if my workmanship is a bit dodgy on the day. At the mo I've just got as far as hammeriting the vulnerable top edges etc against any rust (old rads) and so that one coat of the main colour will be enough. Probably tomorrow or the day after depends on when I gear myself 😬. How many I do is up to if I can stick the heating being off. How's the new amp? Hope the nap helped :) x
Nice pics Carol I wasn't expecting to see Big Ben, isn't that a super photo. Look at you all together 😊 I come from such a little family tree 🌳 my mum was an only, and there aren't many of us left from her side of the family either, always such a contrast to see big family get-togethers! Nice that the next generation/s have those connections and can be there for each other etc. Everyone looks well & cheerful 😊 how old is the littlest? Have a good night :) x
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Hi Keef
I’ve tested negative on two consecutive days, but still feeling a bit weak and nauseous from time to time, but definitely feeling a lot better than I was few days ago, thanks for asking.
Very impressive painting of the frame, I hope your back improves a bit overnight.
Hope you have a tolerable evening bye and tc x
ps pic of Black Forest, Bavaria Germany.
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Hi again Toni
how are you this evening?
chappy snappy meal - I love it lol, not sure if quite sure if there’s a vegan one, there probably is though.
I’m ok thanks, just a bit tired and weak from time to time etc, but definitely improving thanks👍👍
Maybe the new Popeye has a superhero family, who knows? Lol, yes I agree it does sound quite odd though through our communal “ancient” eyes lol.
yes really great about mums b test results
ive maybe slept on my neck, it’s painful and I’m a bit tired, so I’ll leave it there.
bye for now Toni tc xx
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Hi toady
sorry you had a bit of a frustrating day
thanks so much about mum, it’s such a relief indeed 👍👍
bill has a job interview so that’s why he’s not visiting
sorry toady I’ve got some neck pain, so I’ll leave it there
have a good night tc xx
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Hey Toady, can’t you just turn off individual rads for painting rather than the whole house??
the frame is black, but has come up with a silvery sheen probably from the original white underneath. It’s also cracked, again from the original paint, which I like, as you know I am a big fan of artificially aged guitars and the cracks add to the frame in a similar way.
good news Bosh. 😁
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Hi Joan how are you doing? Thanks Lucy is doing well her shoulder is still great and her hip too although she does walk the tiniest bit wonky. How is Sue doing with her ankle? My stomach isn't too bad thanks. Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Keef how are you today? How are the ears? I am a bit worried they didn't seem much better yesterday.
If they aren't more or less back to normal will you go back to the docs?
My goodness me you are in for a penny in for a pound! That was a lot to do in one day😮no wonder you suffered later.
I thought you knew all about 'boom and bust'!
Hope Loanda and Sucré are both well ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi I was sorry to read that you are still struggling with tiredness and nausea.
what a great news that your Mum has suffered no ill-effects from contracting covid I am so so pleased. Are you feeling ok today yourself apart from living atop a lava filled volcano. A bit scary that....
I think I prefer our old Popeye although it's all superheroes these days isn't it? With all the marvel films.
I didn't think BIL would want to retest because when it says he's clear he's got to get on with it and go back to work😁
It will be good to finally see EF on Sunday it feel like a long rime since you've all been able to get together. You must have missed the boys. They will have missed you too I'm sure. Sans BIL? Ok interesting he clearly has too much work to do!
Did you get out yesterday?
Loved the spooky garden gate it's so pretty.
Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Carol how are you this morning?
It's a bit chilly here usually a tiny bit warmer in the city?
I am so glad you have made a few changes. A nearer by and more accessible Church is a really good idea. Does Mr T get to play the organ there?
The family too they are and always have been so important to you. I hope everyone is friends again now and well. I'd love to see some up to date photos of the littleys especially 'Jax' the latest addition to the family😊
I agree with Toady the one of the 3 with big Ben behind them is just fabulous.
Oh just spotted them! Adorable and gosh what an empire you and Mr T have created there! Wow wow wow! Who would have known that all those years ago when you got married☺️
How is Cookie-cat?
Take care
Morning Toady an early start for you here yesterday. I am impressed or was it radiator painting procrastination? Sleek has 'sorsd' you both some fingerless fluff-free gloves. Apparently from 'pawbay'.
I was even more impressed indeed with your Ftzgerald reference and your ability to get Carol to sort out your 8 legged visitor. One of hers apparently.
Yes it is good that the two parties are separate although the party who are not here are somehow still stirring up trouble complaining to higher powers (the remaining party is something to do with local politics???). Nope still not good at all. My dear sister has had trouble with a 'friend' posting upsetting inuendo posts referring to her too. So she is upset I am cross. Oh People!!!!😠 at least it's peaceful here in the café.
The kitchen spammers used to come on in the small hours and be there waiting for us in the morning. Being an early riser I saw plenty🙄 The mods must have been rushed off their feet deleting and banning them all.
Hope you managed to get that letter written?
Paper going up by £2.50 over lunchtime?! What is that about?
Take care and I hope the rads are finished today. Then you can have the heating back on!
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Love that coffee Toni.
Yes did do a bit too much, but it was dry and it was all outside stuff so just kept on.
ears seem to be more or less okay today. I am at docs later with Sucré for his flu vac so will ask them to have a quick look.
we both still have the snotts with sneezing and coughing. Just cant seem to shake it off as Swifty would say.
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Good morning everyone
wppl xx
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Hi all 😊
Early again, no I'm not just procrastinating 😄 it's more about the daylight and the not doing all my internet stuff too late in the day. I did do a bit to the radiators yesterday but they won't be finished in one go, I don't work at speed 🐌 might get one done completely tomorrow/over the weekend, then I will either do the prep to another & see how far I get, or quit while I'm ahead for now & alternate with another job seeing as this is aesthetic rather than necessary. No letters got written here, no, still on the list, will make a start later. Maybe. Was not a good night, indigestion, had a perfectly good sleep the one before. No idea why my gut is worse at the moment, it can't be tension, I mean look at all the relaxation I do 🤥. The paper was annoying, as it was the ideal purchase for that minimum spend, & something I could do with - and of course someone else that wasn't me had just bought some at that price. All these someone elses, with their lucky breaks and their lottery wins, they're a right pain in the neck 😒. Currently waiting for a signed for parcel that didn't say it was signed for. People, once again, as you say 🙄 all these little things are nothing by themselves, small annoyances, but they add up when you are hoping for a quiet unruffled existence. So cross for you/your sister about the nastiness, blah to all such horrible people 😠 again, all unnecessary!! 'friend', indeed. I hope she's ok not easy at all to shrug these things off lightly 😔. Hope everyone else ok today and little Tigger. Thank Sleek very much for the fingerless gloves 😍 they are such nice ones, off pawbay you say? maybe originally from somewhere nice like 'tabbytat'? Just the ticket, anyway. Have a good afternoon, whatever you have on :) xx
Hi keef 👋 yes I could isolate the rads I guess but the less I have to do with valves etc the happier I am, with everything being fairly aged. I will probably get so far and call it a day for now, I don't have a houseful of the things so a couple is a good start. Yes I like a bit of the old craquelure on things 👍️ 🖼️ where is the frame going now? I am heading towards the kettle to pass the time til the postman calls, or maybe doesn't 😕 have a good afternoon :) x
Hello joan (and Sue who may call in if Joan has gone to town), bosh, Carol & everyone, have a good day see you soon :) 😘
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Have a good day. And weekend.
Toady (())what colour are you painting the radiator’s. are you the same colour. Have a good day and weekend.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) have a good weekend. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Sorry Kari (()) has been made upset by a person that who has nothing better to do do than upset Kari. Have a good weekend I give sue her injection everyday I think of something I don’t like and I jab. Lucy (()) has done so well. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) sorry you have a sore neck (()) I hope it soon gets a bit better. Love to your mum (()) have a good weekend
Keef (()) you are good person to have around(()) any job you can do it. Have a good weekend. Good luck Sucr’e having is needle (()) love to Loanda (())
Carol (()) love to you and Mr T(()) you have lovely Grandchildren (()) have a good weekend.
Julie (()) have a good weekend
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef
How are you all this afternoon?
Mum and I are ok thanks
Hi again Toni
my neck is a lot better today thanks
but I’ll just send a short message right now
don’t want it to get bad again
the nausea has gone now 🙏
tiredness also decreasing a bit every day 👍
but I do have totm🤷♀️
LA was fighting because Lorenzo put something in his ear. I’m assuming cold pizza sauce and not therapeutic olive oil (the frying facilitator, not the superhero’s ex lol).
Not using iPad stand atm so will write properly later.
bye for now all tc xx
ps keys for toady xx
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Afternoon all.
Toni i had the lovely nurse check my ears after she did Sucré’s vaccine. I am getting better but the right one is dark behind the ear drum which I assume is congestion. Carry on with spray for another day and take some sudafed
Toady the frame which is a mirror is going in bathroom. At last a mirror big enough for the long and the short and the tall, tell them all tell them all lol
just dragged myself outta bed. Been migraine city after docs unfortunately ☹️☹️☹️
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Evening everyone, jolly cold, is t'kettle on by any chance?
Hello joan 😊 the radiators will be a sort of chalky white, which is my normal complexion, so yes we'll be the same colour 😉😄. No, I haven't been getting the paint all over myself, I've just been doing some dainty bits with a little brush at this point. When I do a whole coat I expect I'll get it on me and my clothes and the floorboards. What a good idea jabbing nasty things while doing Sue's injection 👍️. The postman didn't come today so will be here tomorrow, meaning I have to get up when otherwise I had no need to 🙄 then I bet he'll turn out to be the postie that will leave your signed parcels in the porch whether you've signed or not, but no way for me to know that. Never mind. Have a good Saturday :) xx
Glad your ears are improving keef, so far, hope another day will help some more. Yes I thought a mirror, lovely, not that I'm a fan of mirrors haha but you may as well look in a nice one if you are going to. Well done Sucré 👍️ & hope you get a weekend with less migraine. xx
Hi bosh, still haven't been on that walk 😬 tomorrow maybe. Thank you for the keys, sorry about totm but at least no mxt too (I assume), small mercies I suppose. Have a quiet weekend, as poss, hope your mum won't do too much for the EF visit. Ah no bill either way, I see, thanks. Hope you have an ok night 👋 :) xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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Hi Toni
sorry dad didn’t let me nap when I was tired by shouting on purpose, then mum joined in 🤷♀️
I’m not feeling too good but will be better after some sleep
hi toady
sorry about the indigestion, I’m not feeling that hungry right now incidentally, but maybe that’ll pass
hi Keef
sorry your migraine is back
good night everyone tc x
ps a cup for toady’s guests ( says “now get out”) Lol xx
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Evening All
been a real blustery day here fortunately no ☔️ rain today. Popped out for a bite to eat at lunch time and spent the afternoon out mainly drinking coffee. I’m absolutely exhausted my asthma has been playing up really bad causing my nose to block up and I have had real trouble sleeping. The damp weather doesn’t help. The cough it causes is really chesty. other than that and the arthritis pain I’m ok..
Toady The three children with Big Ben in the background are my grandsons little ones and they had come to London for the day they spent the morning sight seeing and they spent about 4 1/2 hours with us before they left for home . And the one of myself and grandchildren and great grandchildren was take in June. Littlest was at that time about 2 months old. The littlest is now just over 6 months
Toni yes your right changing churches was the best thing we did. It’s funny really when we went to the new church we were already known because our old one at one time had joint services with this church. We said we wanted to ease our way into this church and now after only 10 months in we are well and truly involved in the things that go on during the week. Yes Mr T has played the keyboard for services since the second week in 🤣🤣. My social life has definitely changed it has become very busy these days. It also means Mr T and I are doing more things together.
Cookie -cat is fine I can’t believe we have had her about 3 years now. She is still as crafty as ever. Glad you liked the pictures.
Love to you all but if I don’t get off this I pad soon I will fall asleep while typing 💬 mind you that might prove an interesting post 🤣🤣.
love to all ❤️❤️ See you soon.,
Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Morning Joan. Hope you're ok today and Sue too. I think I would have to think of something else too before I could jab someone it's just not nice. Still it is potentially saving her life so you have to do it. I knwo horrrible person upsetting my sister. Grrrr!!!! Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Keef
Well at least there is still good reason for your ear to be sore. Sudafed that's a good idea never thought of that hope it helps. Glad Sucré is vaccinated was he a big brave boy?❤️
I need a mirror like that! I think it's lovely but especially as it's for people of all heights😊 very good too made me smile😁. You were on the ball yesterday in spite of the migraine. Hope that's eased off BTW.
Glad you enjoyed yesterday's coffee here's one for today
Enjoy your day with the family and take care ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi how are you? I hope you slept ok last night as yesterday was not a good napping day was it?🙄Love that cup! 'now get out'! I need one😂
Sounds as though you are gradually recovering from the virus thank goodness I think it can take a while to fully get over. As long as you take it steady though it is ok isn't it? Us strong women can cope💪
Lorenzo!!! Nope you do not stick anything in anyone's ears! Honestly! Poor LA😣
Hope you'll be feeling almost normal tomorrow for EF visit avec or sans BIL either way.
Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Toady how are you today?
Not procrastinating? Oops sorry I shouldn't tar you with the same brush as myself.🤭To be fair you don't want streaky radiators forever looking at you all lumpy and bumpy....
Sleek says, yes the gloves might have been originally from Tabbytat! Glad you like them. She's knitting you a hat and scarf set atm
Nasty indigestion eh? Hmm it does happen sometimes for no discernible reason. I hope last night was more comfortable and you slept better?
So annoying other people having all the luck getting your paper it wasn't theirs!
We won't talk about unwritten letters ok?🤐
My sister is like me a ruminator and a worrier. It can't be helped as you say not easy to shrug of upsets like that. Honestly though it's not one there is no-one nicer than my sister. Bloomin woman upsetting her😠 Did I tell you though that she is having a kitten?🤗
I hope postie comes at a convenient time and your day is good.
Morning Carol.
Sounds as though moving Churches was the best thing you ever did! Mr T already playing the keyboard and it actually helping you two do more together well that is wonderful. You have found the right place.
I'm so glad to hear Cookie-cat is still a sassy and happy pusskin. 3 years? Wow time does really fly by doesn't it? It will soon be the anniversary of Aidan's passing 4 years this time. Mike1 going too is over a year ago. We have a lovely chap now here, Keef, he's great a musician/biker with a little boy.
Be careful of your chest I know you live in London is the pollution any better now with ULEZ?
Take care ((()))
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Good morning everyone
wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good day love to your carers.
Toady (()) I read a man you wouldn’t call a man raped a lady of 93 and she had Dementia in her own home. Yer son put a camera in there. Have a good day. Don’t work too hard.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Have a good day. That’s good Kari (()) having a kitten what colour will it be. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (()) try not to worry
Carol (()) have a good day your life is busy. Love to Mr T (())
Keef (()) have a good day and Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Julie (()) have a good day
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi all 👋
Nice bright day but really dropping now. Hope it's not so cold that my paint can't technically dry 🤔 that's a nasty thought, must consult tin. Have got a bit further frog, yes I don't want to rush at it, 'not streaky' is my hope, perfect is a bit too much to expect. Looking good so far, nice paint, nice colour & good brushes, so any faults will be all mine. No offence whatever tarring me with the procrastination brush 😄, I usually am a prime offender, I wholeheartedly admit 😬. I do like the virtuous feeling of having done all my jobs but not usually enough to get on with them. This sort of job is also about not losing my nerve too so gets doubly put off. How has your day been so far, any virtuous chores done yourself? If so can we knock off for afternoon teddy bears' cream tea please? Btw I have been for A Walk, finally, if I didn't go today someone would have had to strongarm me out of the cafe, it's a disgrace how long without one. Will try and get back into it. My gloves from Sleek were perfect, and very necessary, what lovely wool for my scarf! Tell her that her kindness is exceeded only by her beauty, as my mother used to say 😘. Kari's getting a kitten? Ooh, lovely news (is this a particular kitten?), 😊 I hope she is ok, Kari that is. You try & just feel sorry for nasty spiteful people but easier said than done. Oh, postie did actually sneak by at some point yesterday and left the parcel in the porch, I was v glad to find it when I locked up; I appreciate that they will do that, it saves going to the door but there could be a different postie that wants to knock, & you wouldn't know. Anyway no getting up early! I was very glad, and had had a much better night, thank you 👍️. Have a good evening & a nice Sunday :) xx
Hello joan, hope your Saturday has been nice. Such awful things in the news 😟, I try to avoid it mostly, but sometimes you just want to catch up on what's going on - but would like to screen out the worst news. Life is horrible, unfortunately, does it help to stick your head in the sand 🤔 I don't know. Have a good Sunday I hope, it will be cold but much warmer overnight than tonight it says :) xx
Hi Carol, glad it wasn't rain for you today, especially as you notice the damp. No wind here at all hardly, very still! Such a difference in places. Sounds like that was a lovely trip for your grandson & family, nice they could spend a good while with you 😊. Is it far for them to come? First Christmas for the littlest this year then🎄. Have a good Sunday, glad Mr T is enjoying the keyboard playing, they were pleased to have him by the sound of it if he settled in quickly! I expect there are now more keyboards than church organs it's inevitable really but would be a shame if there were none one day. x
Wave to bosh and will see you next visit hope your day has been ok :) I love the teddy bears' afternoon tea, they are definitely not going to get the now go away cups! 😄 They can all stay as long as they like 😍. Will catch up next visit :) xx
Hi keef hope you are doing ok today, less sniffles hopefully 👋 xx
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This is turning out to be a very problematic time for me. We took Sucré out for a birthday meal recently and it is the only time over the last few days that I have eaten anywhere other than home. In fact it is the only time I’ve been out for ages. From previous prolonged experience I am fairly certain I have salmonella poisoning.
My right ear is still blocked and then of course there is the always present arthritis pain.
I really hope one or two of these ailments goes away soon as I don’t think I can cope much longer.
sorry I’m all doom and gloom atm.
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Keef, you poor soul, it never rains 🙄 gloom away, you're certainly entitled; that's really putting the boot in, going out & making an effort is tough enough in the first place, this is the reward you get. Sheesh, so sorry for your bad time & sending moral support & whatnot xx
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'night to bosh too and hope you're ok as not in this evening 😘 x
love to all xx
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