Osteoarthritis in my hip

Rene Member Posts: 8
edited 21. Jul 2023, 12:34 in Living with arthritis
Just been told I have osteoarthritis in my hip. Been over 3 weeks and many painkillers and many tears. Life has changed drastically. Daily walks with our wee dog are now only done by hubby. The few times I have tried to have ended in agony. I know its early days for me but by god its hard. Reading all the advice I can. Here's hoping.


  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 897
    edited 21. Jul 2023, 12:33

    Hello @Rene welcome to the online community

    Rene, it is always a shock to receive the first diagnosis. Life does change but we all make adjustments to deal with the changes and sometimes some of them work out better for us than before! We are here to support you as you make these adjustments and come to terms with your condition. Our community members have lots of tips and advice so do browse round the forum when you get the chance.

    I attach some links with information and advice which I hope you will find useful.


    We are all being encouraged to exercise to help keep our joints as flexible and mobile as possible and I know it helped me pre and post my operation for a hip replacement. Small amounts of exercise may be more manageable for instance before a walk I take some paracetamol . Could you do a shorter walk with your dog twice as often? Be gentle with yourself though because we know the pain is tremendous at times, have a look at the post Anna sent to Pepsi ( above) on pain management that might be helpful.

    There are loads of comments from our members about how they cope , yes it is hard as you say, we are here to support you. Do let us know how you are getting on.

    Best wishes


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 542

    Total sympathies @Rene my hip went a couple of weeks ago, and I would definitely rate it as a life changing pain compared to pains in other joints. The difference is my arthritis has been around a while, so I developed a few tricks to keep on nursing the pain until it settles down.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 818

    Hi @Rene

    I am with @Baloo bwith hip pain. Both of mine went in November last year. The left is better than the right at the moment but still gives me a good kick.

    I used to love walking and could go for miles on a good day with my asthma but now I'm lucky to manage 1 or two miles. We are currently away for the weekend and I managed my favourite shortish walk of 5 miles on my Crutches on Friday, it's a flat walk, I don't do hills or steep inclines now, but now I'm still suffering the after effects. Hardly any sleep since and lots of tramadol.

    I did however feel really pleased with myself on Friday.

    I hope you've been given a referral to a physio,/MSK team and been given proper pain relief advice. I also use a tens machine which also has a massage option

    Don't give up on walking your dog, a daily walk of any length is good for you with a preventative dose of paracetamol first. Just don't overdo it. You'll know when it's time to find that bench and rest up for a bit before heading home and don't go out walking on your own until you know your limits. Having company also means you won't have to try to bend over to clean up after your dog.

    There's plenty on people here going through the same with or hips and lots who have had theirs replaced so don't be afraid to seek advice, or ejust moan about the pain or our treatment. We've all done it!

    Love n hugs

    Trish xz

  • Rene
    Rene Member Posts: 8

    Thanks to you all for the advice. Sorry its taken so long to reply.Too busy feeling sorry for myself and have decided to grow up and realise its not the end of the world, just a different world now.

    Have just had first physio appointment and getting on with exercises she gave me. I admit that the pain is not as intense now as in July but can still bring me to tears when the groin pain sets in and the frozen peas are out again.

    Thank you again and look forward to hearing any other advice you can offer.

  • Hi @Rene I've been several years with limitations and difficulties when I walk. I always thought it was stiffness in muscles so I used to stretch and do yoga so I was "kinda" ok. We went on holidays and the bus I used to catch to go from the city centre to the apartment was cancelled. I walked around 5 miles and that's it. It was the last time I could walk more than 5 minutes.

    For two months I've been living in hell. I can't believe I can't walk, even with canes. I can't drive, I can't go to the supermarket. I can'tgo to my pub and go upstairs. I received the diagnose of OA four weeks ago and the solution: Double hip replacement. Whaat? I've been sad, depressed, grumpy. I've gained 10lbs because I'm a couch potato. But enough is enough. I'm not giving up. I started doing some stretch and seated exercise to help the muscles with the struggle. We can't give up! Life is long and this is just a broken gear. We are much more than that.

    Big hugs X

  • ChelleFox
    ChelleFox Member Posts: 16

    Hey @Rene - I just received the same diagnosis about 5 weeks ago. My right hip is much worse than the left. I thought I was stiff and sore for the last couple of years due to another medical issue, but in the last few months it rapidly became very painful and debilitating. I definitely feel you. One thing that helped me, unexpectedly, was the Cymbalta prescribed for pain. It actually also helped with the growing depression that accompanied this fear of losing my mobility. A nice side effect, lol.

    I've been working with a physiotherapist since the day after my diagnosis, and added daily physio at-home exercises to my routine. She has taught me a lot of tricks to get around as well. But so far the best thing has just been the knowledge that there's a reason for my pain, I can do something about it, and I'm not just a lazy bum who's getting too old and weak to continue doing all the things I was able to do three years ago. Knowledge is power :)


  • Rene
    Rene Member Posts: 8

    Hi @Nurina I'm the same as you.Had few aches in my hip of and on for years but always able to get on with things but in June took the dog out for usual walk in the morning ,all well, but the evening walk ended up in tears as every step was agony. To be honest there has not been a totally pain free day since then. It's only my right hip so far so you have my heartfelt sympathy having it in both. I've also put on some weight as for the first 6 weeks I hardly left the house but now I'm trying my best to do lots more exercise so will see if it helps.

    It's hard to feel motivated when life has changed drastically, but like yourself going to keep my chin up and take each day as it comes.

    Many thanks. It's good to know we are not alone.

  • Rene
    Rene Member Posts: 8

    Hi Chellefox, thanks for your advise. I saw physio for the first time this week and have been following the exercises she gave me, so hopefully will help a bit.Back again in 6 weeks. I'm cutting my walks down a lot but try to at least do the evening walk for about 40 minutes but I'm really missing the long country walks.Hubby has been great and let's me hang on his arm when I need to but every step can be torture.

    Not heard of Cymbalta but will ask about it. I was prescribed Tramadol which I took for 6 weeks but stopped as I couldn't sleep or keep my legs still in bed and was up every hour to the toilet. Just now I'm just taking over the counter painkillers but will need to see if the doctor can suggest anything else.

    You are correct about knowledge is power and find myself reading everything I can about osteoarthritis in the hope that there is something new to try.

    Many thanks for your advise.😀

  • Rene
    Rene Member Posts: 8

  • Rene
    Rene Member Posts: 8

    Hi Poppyjane, thank you for the advise and links. I'm trying to take all the tips from here and hope that now I'm getting on with all the exercises from the physio they will make a difference.

    Thank you.

  • @Rene Exactly! One day at a time and chin up because we have a lot of things to do. X

  • Rene
    Rene Member Posts: 8

    Hi Baloo, good to here that you have tricks to manage your pain. Hopefully I will find some tricks too.

    Thank you.

  • Rene
    Rene Member Posts: 8

    Hello Trish9556 thank you for your kind advise. I was forcing myself to do every walk and felt I was letting myself down if I didn't but now I listen to my body and if I feel really sore I let them go alone but make sure I do the evening walk which is a bit shorter. Have started taking painkillers before I go out but not noticing a big change.I notice you take Tramadol. How often do you take it and are you OK with them. I think I was taking too many wether I had bad pain or not.

    Big thank you for all the advice Trish.