Val's Cafe
Hi Toni toady Joan and bosh and turbogran
how are you all this evening?
sorry for the inadequate posting, totm has left me very tired also mums heating obsession
EF without bill are coming tomorrow
LA has been singing and dancing all day, he was singing, “Hurray I’m going to Reading!” Lol - each to his own
yea Toni, I agree- Lorenzo has crossed some fraternal gangster - related boundaries there indeed
I did sleep thanks Toni
ive learned now to get things like resting after walking / shower done as soon as possible, at least until it’s warm enough to go in the cold room again, but it is extremely annoying- this situation
👋 Keef
very sorry to hear about the salmonella, my mother had that once, I hope at least one of the problems improves soon
👋 Joan thanks, I hope you’re both doing ok tonight?
👋 toady sorry I haven’t managed to read the posts properly today, I’m not too bad thanks, apart from totm and Heating Vesuvius- also mum made a lot of rich food with love and after having a major “strop” - so I ate in daughterly compliance, but my stomach isn’t particularly happy of course, still it decreased the lava flow - good thing really as yesterday the whole house was going crackers in Krakatoa - or something like that - excuse the mediocre pun lol.
I hope everyone has a good or at least ok night. Bye and tc xx
ps interesting clothes label - don’t slap pandas or bite big brothers - or something like that lol xx
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Morning we are in the motorhome in Shrewsbury. There are wild bunnies everywhere 😊
Morning Joan how are you and Sue? I agree a kitten will do Kari so much good. She is black and white mostly black just white whiskers and paws like Lucy's Winnie🤗 Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Keef. What a day you had. I am so so sorry to hear that on top of everything else you now have food poisoning😣
You are really not having a great time are you ATM. I think you are going to need to see the Dr again about that ear and maybe even be referred to ENT.
Keep close to the loo. Sending big ((())) and if you can face it
Morning Reshmi how are you all? I do hope TOTM will not prevent you from enjoying your visitors today.
How sweet is LA singing and dancing because he is coming to see you all! Children really can be the funniest and sweetest things. Do ask LA about the Lorenzo ear douching incident please😳 Are they still friends?
You will be tired with not only TOTM, but living in a sauna too. At least the cold room is probably about right now is it?
Not much happened here we are in the motorhome giving it a run out stayed overnight, but I am fighting off a cold and so far winning! Well more or less. I woke up with a headache have taken some tablets.
Have a good day ((()))
Morning Toady
how about you? are you feeling well(ish) today?
I am fighting off a cold, but ok. I blame the foster-babies they were both full of colds.
Yes radiators must be close on the scariest things to paint. You don't really think it might be too cold to dry?😮 Heavens to Betsy I hope not! Hold your nerve my friend you can do it🤞
Yes a teddy bear's cream tea any day for me please.
Well done braving your walk. So much the best thing for our arthritis really. Glad the gloves helped. Sleek preened visibly on reading your praise of her kindness and beauty. You're right it really has gone cold. Today we are due rain so will be warmer hopefully. It was too hot here last night (Paul and the heating honestly he should move in with Bosh's Mum) but I have remedied that this morning.
The kitten is indeed a particular one! A friend of hers fosters. She fluffy and black with white paws and whiskers. Photos when I get one.
Awww I love your postie being so considerate no need to leap out of bed to receive your parcel. We leave our porch door unlocked so ours can do the same for us. There is a sign but catazon always knock anyway. Not sure they can all read???
Sorry🤭 Have a good day
Ps love to Carol if you pop by today ((())) xxx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) love to you and your family and your carers.
Toady (()) Have a good day. how many radiator's are left now to paint. I hope all your little friends are well.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Sorry you have a cold (()) nice to see a change of scenery. What is Kari (()) calling the kitten. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) sorry it’s the time of the month again. Do you have tummy ache with it. Love to your mum (())
Carol (()) love to you and Mr T(()) have a good day.
Keef (()) Sorry you have so many problems are you run down. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Julie (()) love to you.
take care
joan xx0 -
Good morning everyone
EF are en route 😱😱
wppl xx
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Hi Dachshund, good point thank you, yes run down, may very well be lack of vitamin D as i have been as low as 7 which is the lowest reading my surgery had ever seen. Will pop some over the next few days see if that picks me up. Thank you for jogging my memory. Trouble with low Vit D or anemia is it impacts on my ability to think straight and I don’t realise till someone reminds me.
hi to all. Thanks for the coffee Toni 😁
my ear cleared this morning so at least I’ve got stereo hearing again. 🎧
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Hi Toni
how are you this afternoon?
EF arrived early today - apart from Bill of course, who’s preparing for some interview or other, how to file more than three receipts in 7 hours or some such specialist potential employment like that lol.
LA has already been interrogated - sorry questioned by his mummy -but to no avail, regarding ear - transgressions.
Ive had to resort to gluco - zade again, I was soldiering on without it, but I was made to eat such s stodgy heavy lunch, that without it I would have fallen asleep in the middle of lunch with LA eating a thousand hash browns off the top of mima’s head lol.
He did tell me that there’s no such thing as a sabre- toothed mima, but there was one around in the time of the Dinos lol.
I wonder if the prehistoric mima didn’t have to visit the dentist due to her superior teeth? That sounds like a great “super power” lol.
LA and L are still pals but LA wasn’t impressed by the ear violation- bless him.
The cold room is ok for certain hours of the day, but around evening time it gets too cold🥶
I could put the portable heater on in there, but I don’t like to do that unless I really need to, as it gets too hot and a bit uncomfortable, it hurts my skin.
I’m not feeling too bad thanks Toni especially after the evil but occasionally helpful gluco zade, but before that was extremely tired, to be honest on the verge of getting tired again, it felt like I was about to have a really deep sleep 💤
but then LA and BR came upstairs singing, “I am a scrambled egg” lol.
It is a bit sauna - ish and consequently energy- draining, you’re right there
Sorry about your headache and that you’ve got a bit of a cold.
I’ve eaten way too much sat fat recently, may have to resort to the Slough cabbage diet, with a celebratory cauliflower for special occasions- like the celebration of bill eating a salad, ok, or of dinosaurs coming back to earth to do their grocery shopping at al fresco - that’s a more realistic possibility
BR said to me today “Mummy just cooks chicken chicken chicken” - but he pronounces it “sicken” 😂
I told him not to worry as he was having sausages for lunch and he seemed satisfied aww
i myself am not keen on sausages, I do like the veggie ones sometimes, but only when they’re made of actual veg, not meat substitutes- which can taste ok at times, but the substitutes upset my stomach unfortunately.
At the moment I’m in mums room and it’s colder than al fresco’s freshly roasted chicken on the day that director of product control went on holiday- oh dear
but it’s not so bad really, I can put on all my thermals 👍
LA said BB was oldest family member and granny was medium, then he got angry as his mummy and granny were laughing, so he said mima was nothing she was zero years old and naturally even younger than BR who was a “goo goo gaga baby” meaning he can’t speak, although of course he can these days, well more or less haha.
ok I think I’ll leave it there for now Toni
have a nice afternoon tc xx
ps happy Diwali to those who celebrate it xx
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Hi Joan
How are you both doing today?
mum and I are okay at the moment 🙏
i do sometimes get bad stomachache at my totm, but this time it’s just pure exhaustion
The nephews are here today I was about to fall asleep when they started singing the scrambled egg song 🎵
have a nice afternoon and take care xx
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Hi toady
how are you?
im glad you enjoyed the teddy bears soirée lol
i was just fighting a losing battle yesterday in the evening with mums heating addiction and totm but I’m not too bad now thanks, today I fought on bravely for as long as poss, but after lunch had to partake of the old gluco zade unfortunately, but needs must and all that.
at one point I was on the verge of sleep 💤
when LA and BR suddenly raced up the stairs impersonating scrambled eggs or something similar and of course celebrating the moment in very loud cute and sleep - disrupting song, the lyrics were, “ I am a scrambled egg, the best that you can geg, put me in a bread roll and add some pastry made by baker Gregg, I call it a sat fatty breakfast that’s very much off the peg”, ok well they said the first line, the rest was made up by mima, but whether the sleep will soon be made up, I can but hope.
sorry didn’t read everything, how is your stomach now?
has it settled down a bit?
I hope you have a nice afternoon toady bye and tc xx
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Hi all 😬 that small icicle in the corner is me, pass me a hot drink someone, not fussy what as long as it's steaming ☕️
This is a stinker today, it really is, glad to see it's warming up from tomorrow, as you say frog, though the buckets of rain overnight is a bit heads you win tails you lose 🙄. Sorry you've got a sort of cold 🤧, that's not fair when you're trying to sit nicely among the bunnies 😔 hope it doesn't come to anything much. Getting any further with the radiators was a non starter today, apart from a little more prep to another, can't see what you're doing for one thing, no light on the subject at all. Yesterday's has dried, anyway, phew, so I should be ok. Couple of bright days coming up I will throw myself at it then - I do have other heaters, so don't worry I'm not freezing to the marrow but needless to say this is not my weather, one bit. I had another quick walk but it was revolting out, it really was. Quite a good skip up the road at the moment but being Sunday there was a driveful of cars and I dared not half-inch anything 😄. Look forward to pics of little miss amelia fluffykins sootyface, as I'm sure she won't be called 😂 (quite right to ask her name joan! I always forget to). Hope you have a good evening and everyone is ok at the moment :) xx
Hello joan, ooh it's cold, don't like it one bit. Only 5 weeks or so til the shortest day, that's what I keep telling myself 😄. After the 2 radiators I'm doing there's another that I will put on the pending list for another time, and a bathroom one, can't do that til it's warmer as there's no other heat in there whereas I've got elec heaters in the other rooms I can use while the CH is off. Did you see the King at the Cenotaph. I've just heard a past recording of him reading a Dylan Thomas poem that someone chose on a radio programme. No wildlife around today don't blame them, I'll see what I can spot when it warms up a touch. Strong winds tomorrow apparently 🙄. Have a good start to the week love to Sue and the dear dogs :) xx
Hi bosh, wish you me and Toni's Paul could all pool their thermostat temps, I bet the average of them all would turn out about right. Just too cold today, went for a walk and it even tried to lightly rain on my coat with the fake-furry collar, and I take exception to that, it goes like a damp stoat 🙄. You seem to be bearing up very well under the EF inhabitation, glad the gluco-zade is getting you through it, and still managing to be funny not sure how you do it 😄. I like I am a scrambled egg 😂 (original version), and I love the rhyming of egg with off the peg, brilliant. Funny as well that LA was singing Hurray I'm going to Reading, each to his own indeed, it's not quite Oh we're going to Barbados is it, no offence, but a bit of sunny Caribbean sea would be v nice around now 🏖️. Thanks I had a not too bad night but my digestion seemes generally a bit iffy at the moment, not sure why that should be 🤷♀️ suppose it's been a bit stressful with People and workmen lately, but I fondly like to imagine stress doesn't affect me in that way 🤨. Hope the rest of the visit goes ok and you don't have to have too much in the way of rich meals to tackle🤞. No news here so see you next time I will be glued to the cafe kettle at most hours of the day & night :) xx
Crikey keef that is a low vit D, get some down you it should definitely make some difference. Glad you have L & R hearing again 👍️ and hope you feel better in general soon, tea anytime or flat soda water or whatever is appropriate, take care xx
Love to all 😘 hope Carol, Barbara Kitty Jewels & mig &c having a good day as poss xx
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Hi Keef
sorry to hear about your vitamin D deficiency and anaemia, I had iron deficiency too for quite a while, my mum had it too, they gave her iron injections because the tablets upset her stomach so badly, don’t know if that information helps at all?
I hope you have a nice evening tc x
ps matcha lattes for the extra healthy people 😇 (not me lol)
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Thanks toady
I like “ I am a scrambled egg” Original Version lol, but it does make me wonder just how many versions of scrambled eggs and toadys there are out there though, I think even Spock may have trouble with that one.
Apparently my mum gave the noisy boys a tutorial in how to cook the aforementioned brunch item as they were being so naughty that nothing else would keep them quiet lol, hence LA’s inventing the latest hit song, not available on I - prunes however, unless you have certain stomach issues which it would be very impolite indeed to discuss over a rich tea biccie and non - fat cabbage latte garnished with chicken / soy nuggets and French fries dipped in jelly baby - flavoured ketchup substitute- not my fault - it’s what all the 5 and 2 year old artistes consume these days - as well as obviously Les oeufs a La mode in the kitchen of the toad 😂
Have a good night toady and everyone else, take care xx
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Some more Diwali lights.
Morning Joan I am doing ok - I have thrown the cold off that's it gone😊 The little kitten is going to be named Meg isn't that adorable?? Just so sweet❤️ On the subject of animals how are the dogs? Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Morning Keef
I am so glad your hearing is back that is such a relief in a musician.
Interesting that you may be vitamin deficient and it affects your ability to think clearly that is so interesting. We should all be tested regularly or take multivits maybe🤔 I do, because I am vegan, every day without fail.
appropriate coffee for today🙄
Morning Reshmi
Do you know you are lovely and upbeat your post really lifted my spirits today it being miserable out there. I will still brave my walk though with my sister.
Lovely visit yesterday clearly extremely entertaining for you all and thereby us!
Of course BIL needed a whole day to himself to prepare for his interview! I expect he has to do a PowerPoint presentation about said filing of 7 receipts or more in only one full working day😁 Not everyone can do that you know.
I think by the way the glucozade is quite acceptable when you are without energy it does help. Mum's room sounds a good temp easy enough to add thermals. I don't like the idea of you putting a heater in the cold room and hurting your skin at all. Nope not at all. I love the new song though 'I'm a scrambled egg' is great😍
Sounds as though BR has had enough 🐔 and prefers sausages (or scrambled eggs!!!). I am with you the meat substitute sausages are made with a fungus like a mushroom and they can hurt those of us with already delicate stomachs.
I am very interested to hear about how old you all are in LA's mind. BB is indeed the oldest Mima is very lucky she can start again and have all her youth over. Maybe not that might mean starting school again😮 BR is definitely doing so well with his speech. Not a goo goo gaa gaa baby at all. Aren't they great when they are his age?
I have chucked off the cold! I am quite impressed with myself, but like you and very very tired. To be on the safe side I did do a covid test twice both negative.
Glad to hear LA and L are still friends, but the ear violation must never happen again. Never. I bet the old, medium and non-existent family members had a good chat about ear-gate.
Take care and have a good day.
Morning Toady how are you today? This tea is positively steaming.
It was so cosy in the motorhome I wanted to stay there all day yesterday. Sleek was moaning at Paul when we got back to put the heating on. She said he was ' stinn- Gee'. Many a true word comes out of the mouths of cats you know...
Meg. The kitten will be called Meg. I will ask for a photo. Oh and Bill is thinking about getting a 4 legged friend too so isn't that great?
Oooh a nice full skip? you must get off there later today when all the cars have gone. What treasures might be there within? Quickly before it gets taken away.
I am pleased to hear that the radiator has dried ok and hope more daylight will be along soon to make it possible to continue. It's raining here and windy so really dark and depressing.
The good news is I have chucked off the threatened cold and am left just tired. Genuinely I was sure I was getting one. Bad head and throat full of ground glass, but all is well now apart from tiredness.
The epilepsy nurse specialist is supposed to be writing to the GP to increase one of Lucy's meds. Apart from that we are all fine.
Take care and keep warm.
Sleek is bringing you both hats she's knitted....
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) How are you feeling. Love to you and your carers.
Toady (()) the shortest day is the 21 December. Is that when you alter the clocks again. The weeks go so quick. I think it’s been freezing. Have a good day. The dogs are well thank you.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) That’s good you haven’t got your cold it’s gone to visit someone else.When is Kari (()) getting Meg. How is Tigger and Winnie getting on. It’s been so cold and windy. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) Have a good day and and your mum (()) that’s good you both feel better (()) take care.
Keef (()) That’s good you feel a bit better take care. Love to Loanda (()) and Sucre (())
Julie (()) have a good day.
take care
joan xx0 -
morning all
Hi Toni, I still have a slight ear problem mainly a thick head feeling like my ears are full, like talking with your fingers in your ears, but at least I can hear okay now. Guitar sounds good 👍
bit of low rumbling tinnitus when I stop playing but again I think that is congestion and that is a side effect of the tram so I’m still intending to cut down but could also be a hang over from the cold which I still haven’t shaken off fully and Sucré is still sneezing 50 times a day.
if this is as good as it gets then I’ll take it over how I felt with the ear infections.
now just gotta shake off the last of the salmonella poisoning and i be a lot better. Last time I had it from off fish in spain and it took 3 weeks to clear 🙄
lovely coffee as always
how is the Fig in this weather. Does she venture out of the garage? My bike is all fixed with 2nd new rear shock now, and i am ashamed to say has been dirty for 2 weeks in bunker but I just haven’t felt like cleaning it
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Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef
how are you all today?
Hi Keef
im glad your hearing is a fair bit better.
hi Joan
how are you both today?
thanks about mum and I
hi again Toni
im really glad you enjoyed my post
it was an entertaining visit but very exhausting
yes BR is v sweet
LA went home with a bowl of fruit to eat in his mummy’s car, not a container, an actual bowl, plastic, but it looked like china, very odd indeed lol, it’s the only way he’d leave
you’ve got a good point about BR, I hope no one tells him where eggs come from 😱
im glad you’ve fought off the cold
how did you do that by the way?
with paracetamol and hot drinks maybe?
make sure you get enough rest
Lorenzo beat another boy up, he’s becoming more of a problem
I’ll go now to fight the shower - battles
👋 toady - what’s your weather like today?
Bye for now all tc xx
ps pic of Kashmir India xx
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Well all I’ve done today is rest. Played 2 songs in bunker and had a play of my 6 string bass as I thought the low frequencies would be easier on my ears but I don’t enjoy bass in the same way as guitar. Anyway i was only out there for 20 minutes max. I did stagger off to the laundromat with 2 loads of wet washing in one bag and the stupid tumbler i chose wasn’t taking 50p s only £1 coins and what did I have??? Anyway managed to get some and sat there watching a guy unload one of the big driers in the most awkward way I ever seen. Most of his washing ended up on the floor at various moments. I would have helped him but I just felt too rough. Before I bought this bike I had an indoor line and dehumidifier in the bunker but just don’t have room now.
ive taken some more vitamin D and some Iron today so hopefully tomorrow i will start feeling better. Would be nice to at least feel well enough to do a morning or afternoon of music.
night all. Catch up tomorrow.
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Hi all 👋
Cold wet windy filthy weather, what's not to like 🙄 ugh. Tired & grumpy reigns supreme today, have to go and pack & parcel in a min, so will go and do that instead of whine in here haha. Glad you chucked the cold frog though no idea how you did it, once the ground glass sets in, it's usually all up, v impressed. Lovely hot steaming tea thank you 👍️ made all the difference, and by the time I got my lovely woolly hat too, I'm all set. Grumbling madly about the cold & rain (the rain kept me awake when I was set to have an ok night), but you can only cheer a toad up so far in winter 😂. Sleek suits her, I must say 😍. I have nothing else to report, have done nothing apart from poke round '👁️🗝️A' annoying myself, trying to fathom why they'll deliver a desk for £4 but a small light rug required a van delivery costing lord knows what 🤔. Haven't been skip hunting, or out at all, it was just too revolting. Oh two kitties to look forward to seeing pics of, lovely. Have a good evening & hope the house temps are to your liking :) xx
Hello joan, no I haven't been working too hard I haven't been working at all 😄 just odds & ends, not achieving much. Awful weather overnight & strong winds today, must remember to go and check that my bin isn't half way up the street 🙄. Hope not too bad where you are. Clocks don't change again til Spring but it will get lighter every evening of its own accord after the 31st won't it, that's the main thing, it's something to look forward to, although yes the time goes too quickly shouldn't wish it away I suppose. Hard not too when you are only a summer person 🌞. Have a good evening glad the dogs are well :) xx
Hi bosh, I see the EF have departed, bowls of fruit in hand 😂😂 must remember that if it it is a good way to get people to get in their cars & leave, maybe if the go away teacup & brooming them out of the door are not sufficient. Ah, I see the origin of the scrambled egg song, wonder if there will a remix version & if it will appear on the littleys' hit album or albumen if you wanted to make an even worse joke than crackers in Krakatoa, if that's even possible 😛 . Glad it was a good visit & entertaining if tiring & hope you can regroup now. and your mum too, now she is not hostessing for people. Different versions of toady, yes there is a question indeed, perhaps not too many let's hope 😄 it would be up to Spock to calculate all the parallel universes I may or may not be in, iterations of I (as the Doctor Who story I was listening to last night happened to be called). Weather horrible here thank you for asking 🙄😄 it can only get better. I have to get up for the midnight milkman so I hope my glam hairdo as previously discussed can withstand the leftovers of Storm Debi. Hope you are not too hot or cold yourself :) xx
Glad things are fair to middling with you keef and you can play guitar ok, sure other improvements will follow. Ah the dreaded wrong coins for machine, half my dreams are about having the wrong bus fare or no money for a payphone, very annoying. I have a washer dryer meself but the downside is it's not a big capacity so can't dry large stuff. Hope you have an ok night :) xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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Hi toady
my stomach is pretty miserable today
sorry you had a miserable and grumpy day
only LA demanded fruit in a bowl lol
no worries about our communal bad jokes, only G*d makes a good joke every single day lol
lets hope we all have a better day tomorrow
goodnight Keef toady and anyone else who is lurking around for the gothic milkman, take care xx
Ps Pic is a suitably gothic room for toady xx
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Morning Joan Meg will be moving in in 3 weeks time! Neither of us can wait. Winnie and Tigger are both ok although from now on both will go to the vets together so neither of them smells odd. That upset Winnie last time when Tigger smelt funny. How are you and Sue doing? ((())) xxx
Morning Keef how are you today. I am seeing improvements every day at the moment. Just need to get your mojo back and hopefully the vitamins will help with that.
At least you got out to the launderette that is a huge step forwards I hope it hasn't caused one step back though. Obviously that chap doesn't do the washing very often 🙄
The Fig will come out yes, but ideally on slightly better days than yesterday and today. You'll get the bike cleaned soon gosh it's been a rough week or so for you. I want to clean the Fig too and polish her again even though she is clean because i have some new polish and wax stuff to try....
Poor little Sucré too that's awful still sneezing like that it's been ages.😕 I hope you both shake it off soon.
Steady as you go keep moving forwards
Morning Reshmi I saw your stomach wasn't happy yesterday? I hope it's on the mend today.
Visits from EF are clearly very tiring I get tired reading about their exploits. However they are just so entertaining while they are young and it really doesn't last long enough. They soon grow up.
Some things however remain constant one of which is BR being a sweetie.
A bowl full of fruit! Wow LA! Still that's better than sweets isn't it?
You got it! I make my own hot lemon. Soluble paracetamol, vegan honey and lemon juice. You have to start as soon as you think 'Am i getting a cold?' The last cold I had was about 3 years ago. That one I couldn't prevent unfortunately.
Oh dear me Lorenzo does need counselling asap very worrying indeed if he is now beating other children up. Gosh your sister must be worried.
Take care Reshmi ((())) xxx
Morning Toady
Hope you're ok? All is well here apart from this rain! Will it ever stop? Yesterday I went out for a walk with my sister (bike ride first on the E bike) it blew my bike over! Luckily I wasn't on it just thinking about putting it back in the car (it's foldable). Storm Debi has a lot to answer for. I had a very sore back later on not sure why. The bike? The cold? The wind? Ah well it's not so bad today - my back not the weather it's just as bad.
Frogs aren't happy in winter either, but like Toads take pleasure in small things like birds feeding and something growing outside unexpectedly.
I think with a hot cuppa
woolly hat gloves and scarf that's the best anyone can do.
Did the parcel get packed up ok?
You looked round I- see-ya did you? Not a good move a lot of time can be lost that way! Really? a Desk can come through the post? Really? Well that is odd. A very odd shop that.
I am supposed to be pickling onions and am short a few jars 👁🗨 🗝 A sell them nice and cheap if i remember rightly..... Never go in there in real life it's just so stressful all those lights and mirrors and only one way in and out nope nope.
Still no chance of skip diving today I'm afraid the weather is just tooooo rubbish.🙄
I am fine here just put my dressing down n over my clothes.
Take care
Ps love to Carol if you pop by ((()))
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Good morning everyone
wppl xx
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morning all.
back to docs this morning hopefully if my online request went through ok. I seem to be living there at the moment. 🙄
will have to get bike out for first time since it being at the workshop to get down there. Wheelchair too uncomfortable and walking is a non starter. Glad it’s dry today.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) love to you and your carers.
Toady (()) Sue would like summer all year. I wear my thermal vest all year it seems. Have a good day. We have the spring to look forward to.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son and Niamh (()) and your son (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) 3 weeks will soon go for Kari (()) Meg will be loved in her new home she will soon settle in. That’s good your cold has gone (()) love to Paul (()) Charley (()) and Annie and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have you still got your tummy ache. Love to your mum (())
Keef (()) good luck at the Doctors. I hope Sucr’e cold soon goes (()) love to Loanda (())
Julie (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni toady and Keef and joan
how are you both today?
mum is ok thanks
my stomach was really bad yesterday, today it’s ok so far but I haven’t eaten much so I guess time will tell but thanks for asking 🙏
hi Keef
glad it’s dry, it’s heavy rain here, hope you get doctors appointment in time
hi toady
feel free to crack any jokes you can think of lol, as long as they don’t involve spinach juice please
hi again Toni
I like the cold prevention strategy 👍👍
im practically asleep 💤
mum is in a thermostat frenzy
I will not use expletives or euphemisms of course, well only in my mind lol
ill go for now
sorry this is brief
have a good afternoon all bye tc xx
ps mint tea for those who enjoy such beverages xx
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Hi all 😊
Right well radiator painting; I have actually finished one, and I shall just say, it's not a job I was born for and if anyone else would like a go, feel free 😂. Very glad I haven't got a dozen to do but it is one down and the sun did shine for a bit - in fact it didn't rain here frog, well apart from the bit at night when it said 0% chance - at the time it was actually coming down, not forecasted ahead I mean. So a less awful day and sunny tomorrow but it will make up for it on the next one I suspect. Sorry it blew your bike over, probably would have liked to get you too and had to settle for that, how very unsporting 🙄 no damage I hope. How far was your ride? Glad the back is not so gippy today but in any case hope you have not had too much to do. I got the parcel done nicely & it was picked up this morning, ta. Got a few more good works done too so I am going back to the online shopping now 😉 including the things i-see-ya will bring. Not sure how they would deliver a desktop exactly, that was an example I wasn't after one, but not in a jiffy bag and handed over to postie I assume; just the cheap charge as opposed to the whopping one. There was not much sense to what did & didn't qualify, as far as I could see. I have heard all the horror stories about shopping in store, but I would still like to go, at least once. If I never got out there would be worse places 😂. Although mirrors, ugh. Hope they have your jars in stock if you decide to get them there and will send etc if required. No other news, have a good evening :) xx p.s. hope they are sorting Lucy's meds out ok.
Hello joan, yes I am thinking of Spring already it's a bit soon but you can make plans at least can't you. No little birds about today but the magpies and pigeons appreciate me putting something out for them, and I did hear robin he must be about. Better day here a bit of sun, finished 1 radiator with only a bit of paint on the floor, a smear up my arm and one drop on my boots 😄 but none in my hair or clothes, that's quite good by my standards. Have a good evening :) xx
Hi bosh, thank you for the mint tea, that's meant to be good for stomachs but like everything someone will say it helps them and someone will say the opposite 🤷♀️. I must get one of those strainers! I keep looking but people say they let the tealeaves through, I will have to look for a better one apparently (quick pause to check if there's one in the shop I'm browsing online), no just one you hold over the cup, I want the swishy round sort. But thanks for the reminder 👍️. Hope your stomach is still on the right side of just about behaving especially if you can steer off anything of a dangerous nature. The gothic milkman lived up to his repute and was here in the dead of night but at least he brought everything. No other news, have you been able to have a quick walk, and has the new hair grip had an outing yet? No bad jokes either, just some trivia I learned yesterday, that Kuchisabishii is the Japanese term for boredom eating, translating as eating because your mouth is lonely, I wondered if certain members of EF have tried using that term as a shrimp eating justification 😉🦐. Have a good evening if poss :) xx
Hope you got on ok at the doc keef if the appt went through ok, and got back quickly to sanctuary/the bunker for tea etc without any sneaky rain. Have finished a radiator so the heating can go back on, if it warms up a touch I can always turn off & resume ops then - I think it went ok I just exited as soon as I finished and left it to dry, a little voice inside my head said don't look back you can never look back (easy pop quiz points there 😄) will check it tomorrow in the daylight. Have a good evening :) xx
Love to everyone 👋 xx
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Hi toady
glad about the sieve reminder
well stomach still isn’t that great to be honest but thanks
i didnt walk today
the hair clip is useful but a bit too delicate to risk getting entangled in a winter hat unfortunately
that’s very interesting about the Japanese word
If I focus on shrimp I feel a bit nauseous sorry about that
have a good evening everyone bye tc xx
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