Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    'night all 😴

    Yes sorry bosh, not the time for a japanese lesson, do excuse. The latest news is I found 2 tea strainers on the site after all, under tea infusers - the bad news is they won't deliver the cheap one with the good reviews, only the other one with the bad ones 😄 hey ho. See you anon :) xx

    Have a good night everybody 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 15. Nov 2023, 07:06

    some ducks and a moorhen approaching we see on our walk.

    Morning Joan yes 3 weeks will fly by we are so excited can't wait to pick that kitten up and squeeze her! Any news on when you'll see someone about your back? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today?

    I hope your Mum is doing ok today and her BS is perfect.

    I see she is still treating the house as a sauna

    Well done only using expletives in your head! I don't know really how you cope. You ahve the patience of a saint at times.

    That teapot set you posted to Toady is just beautiful I love it! It looks like it's made of chocolate. Much use that would be.

    I hope you have more energy today take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef

    Did you see someone at the Drs? I hope so and that the bike got you there safely and almost comfortably.

    Here's a cuppa for you and some virtual hugs ((()))

    Well Toady! Well done you one radiator done and dusted! I am not offering to do any for you mys standard is very very low when it comes to radiators. 😔 sorry.

    Well done sorting out the parcel that's another good job done.

    Are you near junction 10 M6? is so that's the very I-see-ya which sent me in a panic at least twice. Having said that I do believe they do vegan swedish meatballs which I'd love to try

    Give it a go then and let me know how you get on! Oh brave one! I got my jars from snobby-draft? Nearer and could do click and collect. Would have preferred I-see-ya, but not sure about delivery costs. I mean they would probably need a pallet going by your experience....

    I can manage about 30 minutes on my bike. I am trying to improve my hips and knees, but I am pretty sure my back isn't too happy. Bike is fine just got a bit muddy.....will need to wash it I think. You're right I am sure storm Debi was actually after blowing me over!

    No luck so far with Lucy's increased meds so have to stay on the lower dose for now.

    Hope your day is a good one foodbank for me.

    Ps love to Carol if you pop by ((()))

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Well my appointment came through for tomorrow so got docs then hospital an hour later for bladder problems 🙄

    decided to have a go at doing some of the planters as ears too bad for music.

    then went off to see mun. It rained on way back. Lots. ☹️ and didn’t have waterproofs with me. ☹️☹️

    went back out to see Loanda and Sucré as they were home from home alone.

    So a busy day, but have found best way to avoid withdrawal is keeping busy, guess I’m paying the pain price now as I can’t sleep.

    well done with the radiator painting Toady.

    been up since 1am as withdrawals keeping me awake even though I took two pills before midnight. It’s now 7am and I’ve caught up with 3 rounds of MotoGP.

    Hopefully docs will give me something to sort ears out today and I’ll be able to play guitar again for more than a couple of songs. I thought it was okay but then the dreaded tinnitus comes back really bad and I’m sure it’s down to infection or congestion.

    really has been a tough time last couple of weeks, but then I heard on R2 in connection with Vernon’s ultra ultra marathon challenge thing about a young boy that lost his dad to illness and how it affected the poor little chap and it just made me even more determined to hang around for as long as I can even though I’ve had thoughts of the opposite lately. Keep on keeping on. Would be nice to keep on with a bit less pain though.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    I also heard that Keef!

    It made me well-up too. Vernon has been incredible hasn't he?

    I do hope the doc can help tomorrow with your ears i think you need some real help now it's gone on long enough. It's affecting your quality of life.

    Keeping busy is not a bad idea at all anyway. Then even if you are in pain or can't sleep later you can at least feel pleased with yourself.

    Hope your Mum was ok?

    Take care today ((()))

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day love to your carers (())

    Toady (()) I think we have a tea strainer we don’t use we have coffee. Sorry you couldn’t get the one you wanted. Have a good day. Don’t work too hard.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I’m sorry about Lucy’s (()) tablet’s. I used to have an exercise bike. The hospital said I would hear from them in December. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (()) I hope she is well.

    Keef (()) good luck at the doctors I hope he can help you. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (()) Julie (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Saw a lovely nurse at the surgery. Different one from last time. She says on no account to stop the tram as I need pain management. She said she hasn’t heard of tram affecting ears badly.

    So I have a nasal spray to clear me tubes out as apparently they are probably blocked. Can take 3 to 4 weeks 😳

    Hopefully I can then get back to guitar guitar guitar when I have my alone days.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Mum was about as good as she gets thanks Toni. She is very forgetful these days and has no recollection of anything recent at all even from just a few moments previously.

    I went to make her a coffee soon after I got there and when I went back to her room she just about stopped herself from saying oh I didn’t know that you were here.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    I went to group but got a lift back

    not really feeling too good totm and maybe the fatigue and bad cold type feelings people get after covid I suppose

    mum is ok thanks

    I had time yesterday but no energy

    i liked the sauna pic

    thermostat mania is still going on which makes me more tired you’re right there

    ok I’ll go for now Toni bye and take care xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    I think the no sleep is catching up with me. I feel so rough. Had a nap at lunchtime but feeing weird. Actually when I went down the alleyway to the High Street on my bike earlier this morning and the cold air hit me inside the crash helmet it felt exactly the same as riding out of the car park after finishing a night shift. Will get back on UK time over the next couple of nights no doubt. I promised Sucré apple crumble today. Might need some help with that from Loanda.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    no need to worry I didn’t mind the Japanese lesson

    just wasn’t in the shrimp mood yesterday due to stomach

    more later hopefully

    bit tired now

    bye for now tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 15. Nov 2023, 15:53

    Hi all 👋 lots to read, if I miss anything vital I'll do a second sweep.

    Hope you are having a nice bright day frog, not that bad at all if cold, even got a couple of bits of washing flapping on the line, better than nothing. Rads can go on in theory tomorrow and probably a good thing as I'm forecast daytime temp of 8. Rather disappointed you aren't going to step into the radiator painting role 🤨😄 ah well, lovely pictures of ducks, hot drinks, and handcrafted cat knitwear, you can't have everything. 30 mins on the bike is jolly good, how is the 'e' side of things going? Not that I'm likely to get one, just interesting in general. No I'm not going to the aforementioned large store, I say 'I'd like to' about things but they mostly have an '..if' tacked on the end, modest little provisos such as for example 'if I were some entire different person'. Your jars might have been ok but glad you got some that will do you. Is it on with the pickling now then? Does Sleek mind a pickly aroma? Haven't done much today except pull the furniture out and give one room the sort of clean that means it just thinks it's had one 😄 this is in advance of bringing in my shopping odds & ends, rugs etc. Hurry up and dispatch things, people, toad is waiting 😬. Should do a couple of things outdoors but rain again tomorrow, blah. Still lovely weather for ducks, glad someone's happy 😊🦆. Have a good evening :) xx

    Hello joan, it's like the haves and have nots then with tea strainers, and you don't even want one 😄 I'll pick one up when I get around to it. Mind you will I use it then either, I have various things for coffee I don't get out and I do drink coffee 🤷‍♀️. Have a good afternoon, it's been cold but bright, very useful to see where I was cleaning as at least you can see how bad it is and where the cobwebs are 😄. That's all I have done, I will now just be poking about online til next tea time. :) xx

    Quick hi to bosh, ooh well done getting to group, you're bound to still feel a bit under normal energy levels (normal for us who feel tired at the best of times, you know what I mean), hope there a few people there. How is nice M? Nothing doing with me, I suppose it was nice enough for a walk today but I did housework instead which was a bit silly I can do that on a wet day. Nice cups of java in that picture, not the krakatoa east of java sort of course haha. See you later probably 👋 :) xx

    Ugh the rain caught up with you in the end keef 🙄. Hope you feel a bit better as the afternoon goes on, the GP had some useful stuff to say by the sound of it and I guess if they don't want you to stop the tram at the moment it removes one dilemma. Bound to feel a bit odd too if your sleep is off at the moment. Glad your mum was par for usual when you saw her, if being forgetful isn't distressing her then that's v much the main thing I suppose. Hope the planters are shaping up & good luck with the crumble :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni

    how are you this evening?

    mums blood sugar was okay today I don’t know the details but she said it was okay and that was the main thing 👍👍

    I’m feeling better than yesterday thanks Toni, but still feeling very tired also totm it’s still going on as well

    I’ve got the bus to the group and then my dad grumpily, but kindly gave me a lift back

    but when I walked to the bus stop in the morning, I was completely exhausted and it took all my willpower to get there, not because of arthritic pain or anything like that, but just the fatigue I’d perhaps overdressed slightly, because as we talked about before, the coat situation is very difficult to get right isn’t it? Lol, but I didn’t want to feel too cold, so I don’t think I’d got it extremely wrong. It just was a difficult situation but I managed in the end and it was nice to go to the group after such a long time I was a bit late getting there, but it was definitely better than not going there at all. I talked to J the organiser. She is a very nice lady as you know, but she seemed a bit preoccupied with something so when I told her about my fears when mum had Covid there wasn’t really a lot of sympathy but that’s okay I think she just maybe had her own problems. The Reading Rembrandt was in a good mood probably chocolate fuelled maybe even scrambled egg fuelled, nobody knows haha, but he was at least nice and friendly and said that he hopes my parents feel better soon and that kind of stuff. Unfortunately the nice M was right at the other end of the table. I don’t think she could really see me properly, but still it was nice to attend as I said also an elderly gentleman who pops in from time to time was there. He is elderly, but he’s very fit and healthy does a lot of walking really wish I had his health to be honest lol. Anyway he was there so we exchanged a few words which was also very pleasant.

    I decided it was best to get that lift back because I was so tired getting there I didn’t want to overdo things and really torture myself unnecessarily.

    I also didn’t really spend much time in the town centre because of the fatigue so really didn’t do some little bits of shopping that I would’ve liked to, but not really the end of the world.

    I got a brownie from Cost A packet one of those soft brownies, but I thought of my stomach which may or not be okay. I’m waiting for the nocturnal Oracle haha, so I got a takeaway one and just had quarter of it and threw the rest very disciplined but I’m not usually that disciplined.

    Those vegan dumplings look nice by the way

    I remember what you said in a previous post about the sausages made out of meat substitute the fungus mushroom type ones that was very interesting because when I was a student i used to eat those sausages and I like the taste, but then like you said it probably wasn’t so good for my stomach but also my main problem at that point was that it seemed to really upset my eczema, so I couldn’t eat those anymore which was a shame because they were just quite handy and tasty, but I don’t also don’t like pork sausages, but it’s good to know that those sort of artificial mushroom fungus type products can upset a lot of people stomachs. Thanks for that info.

    there’s one very funny piece of news. I have to report on the LA front, he and Lorenzo plus another little boy went on to the forest club or something like that school club basically and they went into the park I suppose and decided to roll around in the mud like peppa the pigs oh dear - wearing shorts, T-shirts, coats and socks and shoes, so my poor sister has to somehow clean his winter coat and all these things, very naughty indeed wallowing in the mud in a porcine manner.

    Okay i’ll stop for now Toni I hope you have a nice evening.bye and Take care xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201
    edited 15. Nov 2023, 20:20

    operation crumble was a success. Sucré put the chopped apples in the pie dish and put the crumble mix I made over the top with only minimal spillage, he kept watch over it cooking in the oven and as soon as I got it out asked for some with custard AND ice-cream, which of course he got. He then lead me over to my chair and sat on my lap to eat it. He’s so good to have around. My little cheer me up chap.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good evening Joan and Keef

    hope you’re both more or less ok? And Sue too of course.

    sorry I’m pretty cream crackered really but did quickly go to the group which was nice

    mum is ok thanks

    Keef I’m glad the tram isn’t affecting your ears

    bye for now tc xx

    👋 toady - east of Java very good, group was nice thanks

    didn't get to talk to nice M unfortunately

    according to a character in Balzac, poor men aspiring to become lawyers would marry rich women to secure tuition fees - related funding and then demean themselves further by licking their mother in laws’ feet! What a terrible image lol, now if that doesn’t fully enrage our gastric oracles, I don’t know what will, good job I never wanted to become a lawyer really

    bye for now toady tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 16. Nov 2023, 06:54


    Lucy's Winnie-cat in her outdoor pram. Both of hers are indoor cats so when they go out it's in the pram😍

    Morning Joan good December is only weeks away that is good news. Let's hope you hear early December. Kari sent me a video of Meg yesterday but I can't post those. She is so sweet! Take care both of you ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef

    Well that's better I can tell you are feeling more positive after your appt with the nurse. Your ears sound very blocked I hope they clear with the spray (or a syringe???) and hearing is restored.

    I am so glad it's not the tramadol you need them - they are prescribed with good reason. They don't give those out easily Keef.

    Sorry to hear how much memory your poor Mum is losing bless her. She seems aware though as she was able to pretend she knew you were there after you made her coffee. Bless her😕

    Well done enjoying that cooking time with Sucré he is a real blessing for you (as is Loanda of course). He always lifts your spirits as small children do.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    Well done going to the group. How was everyone did they miss you I bet they had. Very odd that J the leader wasn't really listening to you. Something really must have been on her mind I hope nothing too serious. At least we have each other here to share our worries with.

    RR our Reading Rembrandt sounded quite kind yesterday bless him. Now he is someone I expect really did miss you being there. Fuelled maybe by chocolate buttons/brownies or even scrambled eggs (😂), but a good person in essence.

    Shame nice M was too far away to talk to though. I expect you chatting to the elderly gentleman made his day you know. He'll be telling his family about 'the nice young lady'! Good job he has his health bless him

    Good idea to get a lift back for a few weeks until you have your stamina back. Covid really does take it out of you. TOTM is dragging on a bit that can leave you a bit low on iron can't it?

    Good to hear your Mum's sugar was fine that's all that matters.

    I wonder how on earth you managed to only eat 1/4 of a brownie😮 that is totally impressive! Did you stomach survive it ok? Did the nocturnal oracle visit? I sued to love those sausages too until I realised my own stomach didn't. Now Lucy likes the Richmond vegan sausages. Have you tried them? Might be worth a try one day when they are on offer. Her stomach (and Charley's) can also be delicate. We are all learning from each other.

    Oh no!!!

    LA!!!! That Lorenzo is such a bad influence! I bet they had a great time though your poor poor sister. I hope she got the mud out😣

    You take care and have a good day ((()))

    Morning Toady

    How are the rads? Are they on yet? Mine are currently off and will be on later much to Sleek's annoyance. She likes them on at all times! Then sometimes she dangles her paw out because she gets too hot!

    So sorry my radiator painting skills are definitely substandard

    about my ability see above 😕

    I am enjoying my cycling very much and only using the E bit occasionally. The old boy I see every time I go out keeps telling me 'put it on 4' but 1 is more than enough for me even on hilly bits. On 4 it would ride itself and I'd be scared! To be fair he is 80.

    I think you are wise to avoid I-see-ya it is a bit scary with or without any 'ifs'. The jars are adorable they turned out to be hexagonal but smaller than the large store sells. Sleek will keep out of the kitchen whilst pickling is happening.

    Well done getting washing out on the line it will have at least lightened it and also moving I do hope your goodies arrive soon Toads can be fairly impatient maybe, but why not🙂

    Better get some breakfast on

    I do so miss this....

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and your carers.

    Toady (()) that’s good you dried some washing out side. Yes it’s cold it would be nice to have a coat like animals have but then we would be too warm. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your Son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) How is your brother getting on (()) Winnie looks good in her pram. I’ve seen people on e bikes they are fast but better than e scooters. How are your lovely neighbours. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have you tried Quorn sausages. I love brownies. That’s good you went to your club. Love to your mum (())

    Keef when my legs ache I sit in my recliner. Love to you Sucr’e is a good little boy (()) love to Loanda (())

    Julie (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Morning all. Bad head day. Sucré asking for bunker and I’m just not able. Got osteo later so hopefully she will work her magic.

    thats all, can’t type anymore

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 16. Nov 2023, 12:07

    Morning all 👋 yes, me, and it's not even elevenses yet 😮 well it will be by the time I finish but near enough.

    Bit of a dull old day out there but haven't got much to do. I will put the rads on in a bit frog, I need to brace myself that they are ok after a long time off, I expect all things to drip or leak or blow up after the way things have been going lately 😬 boiler service was not long ago but many a slip etc. Glad your pickle jars are nice ones 👍️ my rug, the one I bought from elsewhere, is out for delivery today so that was very quick indeed. Will I like it 🤔 🤔 that's the thing. I read many reviews for various ones expecting just comments about look and quality but mostly people wanted to talk about how it coped with all the various mishaps their dog or cat had had on it, which really puts you into a swish interior decor mood, don't it. Lovely to see Winnie and glad you've seen Meg on screen. Interesting to hear that 1 on the bike is ample, 4 sounds like the bike equivalent of 'these go to eleven' 😄, what would 2 do, on the flat? Between you and Reshmi's fit old gent too, and I know 1 or 2, there are a lot of these enviable old boys out there aren't there! Hope you have a good day whatever you have planned or if no plans whatsoever. I am mid-letter write at the same time as this, dredging up a line or two and having a break. The cheese on toast, oh if only 😍 you can't have, I probably couldn't digest it, but nice to look at. I can tolerate the sausages you mention though, they are my current fave 👍️ must see if I can get the fake bacon you've mentioned before too, I'm not sure I can from anywhere I shop. Keep warm/warm enough/toasty whatever suits :) xx

    Hello joan, I used to have those sausages, and the ham/chicken type slices, I used to be alright with them but they are one of the things with the fungus/mushroom type based ingredients and I don't get on with them these days 😕 I'm ok with the sausages Toni mentioned though 👍️. I would love a furry coat maybe one where you have a thicker one in winter and grow a lighter one in summer, can't think what does that off the top of my head but there are things aren't there. Lexi & Pepper have dog coats to wear, I think you've said? have a good day all :) xx

    Hi bosh, glad there was a reasonable turnout at group even if not everyone was available to chat to or had things on their mind. I expect you will notice a bit more energy each time you go now 👍️ and must have been a good change even though tiring, sorry about your bits of shopping though, not vital as you say but shopping for odds & ends is fun. Hope the gastric oracle was lenient I should hope so with your quarter takeaway and part of brownie, that's very restrained. Oh Lorenzo & the littleys, I envy them not caring if they get messy, is it really more of a boy thing? I understand they are blissfully untroubled by not being the ones who will have to clean it up, but I never even wanted to get muddy or wet or mucky anyway, just didn't like it. Given that kind of fastidious nature Balzac's literary feet licking would be indeed the horrific thought as you say, well you live & learn 😬. my much more tasteful trivia for the day, did you know there is an apple variety called Winter Banana? Me neither til yesterday. Have a good afternoon I will see you for the supper drink shift probably ☕️ :) xx

    Crumble and custard and icecream, keef, jolly good 😀 none left I take it. Hope you got some half decent kip and weren't up for too many early hours pots of tea🤞, I had a couple couldn't tell you what time now sometimes best not to know 😬 have a good afternoon :) xx edit good luck with the osteo.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    Mum is okay thanks so is her blood sugar

    It is indeed, nice to be able to communicate with people in here.Yes I think you’re right about Reading Rembrandt, he’s not a bad person at heart he just he’s a bit unguarded in the things he says perhaps sometimes

    Unfortunately I have to have a one - off methotrexate Thursday today. Probably will do that in 5 to 10 minutes. It was lovely having a methotrexate holiday you’re right there, but I have noticed the aches and pains are a bit more than normal but that’ll of course get sorted out very quickly though one thing that’s annoying me is that the my rheumatology appointment has been postponed yet again to March, so when the nurse tells me they can see me in four months that seems to be a load of rubbish basically oh well never mind

    So yes, I love the wallowing in the mud picture 👍

    I also as a child did not see the attraction of mud wallowing neither did Toady. How about yourself? Were you a mud - wallower as a child? I can’t imagine so I can see you as being a very clean and tidy child, and I just thought I’d ask haha

    Had some cheese today after a very long time not full on cheese, fat - wise I mean, but hopefully that will be okay for my stomach. It was relatively mild cheese spread basically, not the types of sliced cheese that gourmet LA favours, that was funny wasn’t it going it? Going home with a bowl of fruit of all things? lol he does eat fruit and cakes with equal enthusiasm bless him I wonder if that’ll change when he gets older? I do of course try to eat fruits but the situation with my dad putting things out of reach is still going on and is a bit of a nightmare. I eat bananas if I can find them but it’s not a good situation, I’m trying to resolve it gradually though, even if its just getting some kind of fruit from outside , which is much better than having hardly any at all. Remember LLF was rebelling against the doctor by having no fruit whatsoever? A very silly lady indeed, okay I’ll leave it there because methotrexate is calling my name, unfortunately. I hope you are having an okay afternoon? I’ll post fairly soon or as soon as I have the energy

    bye for now take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    im rather rice crackered by mxt today I’m afraid

    winter banana- very odd indeed

    BR asked his mummy to give him a cracker with cheese and ketchup- bless him - it makes me wonder what happened to the sliced tomato though? I think his brother has stolen it and is eating it out of a Wedgwood china bowl in his mothers car! Oh dear

    Sorry this is short I’ll send a proper message when I feel a bit better

    bye for now tc xx

    ps pic of vampire nurse’s hand looking for haemoglobin shots 😱

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Joan

    how are you both this afternoon?

    I have tried Quorn, but unfortunately same issues for me, yes brownies are nice,

    mum is ok today 🙏

    thanks about the group

    im tired but ok thanks,

    bye for now tc xx

    Ps oh my goodness peppa pig muddy puddles cake! Don’t tell LA lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    good night toady and everyone tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 17. Nov 2023, 06:32

    Morning Everyone

    There she is Sleekipuss peeking at us all😊

    Morning Joan how are you today? My bro is doing really well he is still having physio. It's almost a year since he fell it was coming up Christmas last year. My lovely neighbours are doing very well amazingly. 😊 Can you get out with Sue in plaster? ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef How are you today? Have you been cricked and crunched into place? I do hope the migraine has eased and you can do bunker with Sucré.

    Today's cuppa for you:

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi Glad your Mum is all good if in need of a bit too much heating!

    I see you have done your MTX a bit early. I'm sure the aches you were experiencing will subside now a bit. I hope you are not to 'hung over' though ((())) The break was wonderful I could tell. Still not a good move long term is it? I think all of us are having the same with our appts atm I know I am, but things are stable for me so I don't mind too much as l hate medical appts anyway.

    That's what I think about RR he has no filter as soon as something come into his head it's out of his mouth. Like food in reverse! At the heart of it a kind person. That's why you always cut him some slack when he puts his size 10s in it.

    Did I like wallowing in mud? Nope not me. Now Kari was quite different she used to like making mud pies and kissing (ready?) worms and sp****s!!!! Gross child!!! Still she's far more normal now. I reckon Toady might have liked mud really I'm sure toads like it??????

    How did the little bit of cheese spread go down? I hope ok because you probably enjoyed it. Gosh LA can eat the stuff can't he? Bless him. I hope he keeps eating fruit as he gets older. It's almost like he's half his Mummy (fruit) and half his Daddy (cakes). We need the Mummy half to become dominant as he gets older for teh sake of his cholesterol!

    Annoying that your Dad is still putting the fruit where you can't reach it! We need to solve this somehow because he sure isn't going to change is he? 🤔

    Take care I hope you feel ok ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you this dry yes (dry!) day?

    How did the rads bear up? I bet they were just fine😊

    I did some pickle top and tailing yesterday not too many at a time it hurts my hands and back so steady as you go Toni. The jars are perfect.

    I hope your rug arrives today maybe and it's lovely. Sleek was most affronted ready your post she said she is extremely unlikely to have any mishaps on it. If she has a fur-ball she will try to cough them up at home! Thanks Sleek!🤢

    There are super fit old boys out there! Incredible really and I am very pleased for them. The E bikes go from 1 to 4. I am happy with 0, 1 on inclines. Joan has a point though E scooters are a bit less safe. Scary for us on paths and scary for them on roads.

    Wasn't cheese on toast fabulous? I so loved it. Still I have other things now and as you say our stomachs would all rebel anyway. The Richmond bangers are nice and mild I hope Bosh can manage them too. The vegan bacon is new to this country from France this year. In time it will get to al-fresco and the rest of the supermarkets I'm sure. ATM only Sainsbury have got it. Not even Work-hardo!

    Have a good day it's set to be dry again🤞

    Love to Carol if she calls by ((()))