Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you all. Have a good day.

    Toady (()) It’s warmer today I hope it is for you has well. Pepper and Lexi haven’t got coat’s they have long hair. Have a good day. Did you see last night on tv the tonight programme about old people Amazon and Dpd delivery drivers just taking parcels to the gate and dropping them there.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni Yes Sue goes out on her scooter she wears a plastic bag in case it rains. We are going to town today there is only Tesco’s we can get things from or the pound shops. It’s nice going somewhere different. That’s good your brother is going on alright (()) and your lovely neighbours (()) I hope you are doing okay has well.and Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) we have sat in mud it’s very squashy we had a horse riding school for 30 years. Have a good day and your mum (()) have you tried Banana and marmite lovely.

    Keef (()) good you are seeing the Osteo. Have a good day and Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Joan

    how are you both today?

    I’m not too bad thanks

    mum is feeling more or less ok too thanks 🙏

    squashy mud - I like that lol

    Horse riding school that sounds interesting

    banana and marmite - no I haven’t I might try it thanks

    hope you’re both having a good afternoon / evening bye and take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    im feeling a lot better today thanks limited mxt hangover luckily 👍

    mums bs is ok thanks 🙏

    and she’s generally ok thanks apart from the “skirmishes” with dad of course

    you’re right about RR I believe, a nice person made of loose leaf tea- no tea bags no filter lol

    Internet is painfully slow right now

    I had to end a friendship today, it was someone I became acquainted with when I was mentally ill, I don’t really want to go into details but it upset me quite a lot, but I’m beginning to put into perspective now thanks 👍👍

    I’ll have to stop for now Toni but I’ll try to write another instalment from the sauna soon.

    bye for now Toni tc xx

    Ps Mount Fuji in Reading Berkshire, or something like that lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    👋 toady

    hi Keef

    ps a calm Mount Fuji located somewhere near Maidenhead lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 17. Nov 2023, 20:17

    Hello folks 👋

    Well the radiator has had a dummy run of having its paintwork hotted up, so far so good, unless it develops a crackle glaze by tomorrow, and it was certainly a lot nicer today (not to mention more sensible) to actually have some heating in the house. Nice to be dry and bright too though rain from hereon by the looks. The rug arrived yesterday frog and I like it thank you 😊 in fact very much; v pleased, as I hate making a bad purchase/wasting time choosing things/wasting money if something is wrong &c, fuss fuss fuss 🙄 nobody likes to I suppose but I am quite bad at thinking never mind. My I-see-ya purchases were fine too, not least because I have a nice big box of crunchy packing paper which I reuse for ebay and have nearly run out of 👍️. So sorry to have offended poor Sleek, you did make me laugh 😂 , no offence intended. Tell her her photo is gorgeous 😍 that might make it up to her. Tbh the rug is not what my mother would call a serviceable colour though so it's up to me as well not to drip coffee on it. Hope the pickling in instalments is going well. Thank you for tipping me off with the bacon info I will bear that in mind. Hope you have a good weekend, has Penelope been far lately? Yes I almost don't begrudge the super fit old boys, that's the best I can do 😉. Kari and the worms and other things, well it takes all sorts 🤨 I trust she was never of the try & chase you with them sort? 😱 eek. It's not just mud & muck I wasn't keen on, I don't like papier mache, getting your hands in stuff like clay etc, just not my thing, how about you. xx

    Hello joan, hope you & Sue had a good day especially if you went out. Yes it was warmer, frost first thing though, glad of the heating on. I didn't see about the delivery men - mine left my box in the porch today without knocking even though I hadn't signed the online thing telling them to & that I accept all responsibility etc, so you wonder what the point is. You must have mentioned about the riding school before sorry, things go out of my head (head like a tea strainer in fact!), that's so interesting. I have been on a horse once ever, and fell off 😳. I'm sure you would have got me back on again :) xx

    Hi bosh, glad to hear mxt thursday was ok all things considered 👍️. I liked the analogy of loose leaf tea for RR, very good ☕️. Sorry about the friend 😔 well done if you are managing to be philosophical about it, never very nice is it but glad you are ok. Hope the various mount fuji skirmishes have not come too close to you, pity the volcanic activity in Reading is not the sort that's in the middle of one it's 800 year dormant spells, like the Iceland one 😕. Ooh I do rather like the peppa pig cake, but by eck that's a lot of mud/choc, and those are kitkats all round it I see, gosh 😬. Have done a fair bit of odds & ends of chores today so I will be glad to get off to bed now even though it's early for me. Don't suppose you will be hanging around long in the gloaming either so have a good night :) xx

    'Night to keef today hope things not too bad with you atm🤞xx

    and love to everyone else 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Erm....Kari and me called into a certain supermarket to have our photos taken with Kevin the carrot!!!

    Morning Joan I am so glad you and Sue are getting out that's great as you say a change of scenery does you good. Please do send my love to her she must be miserable. Take care both of you ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef

    Thinking about you and hoping you are doing ok. Sending some extra (((()))) your way. Sure your boy will be doing his best to look after his Daddy and Loanda too

    take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi how are you? How is the MTX hangover? Hopefully not too bad by now you did so well this week. You can do Thursdays if you want to I think some people do Weds. I preferred Fridays originally so I could lie in if needs be on Saturdays.

    How is your Mum all good? I hope so. Hope Big Babu is behaving and skirmishes are minimal.

    I love that it's so clever RR is loose leafed tea!!! He really is! No filter at all🤣

    Right now I am going to say only one thing about ending a friendship that wasn't good for you. The ins and outs are your business, but I am very proud of you. You did the right thing you only need people in your life who lift you not anyone who drags you down lower. Well done ((()))

    Love the Reading Mount Fuji it's is rather beautiful. Don't want to be near the lava really though.

    It's warmer here today (tell your Mum that!!! No perhaps not😣) because it's raining yet again! Dare we walk? Yes if we can stay dry(ish) it still does us good.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady

    Raining there is it like here?🙄I'm very very pleased to hear the radiator paint is holding it will not develop a crackle glaze I promise.

    I'm so glad the rug is what you wanted😊 You must be extra careful of spillages and keep it looking as lovely as it does. I have told Sleek not to sharpen her claws on it too no spill any fishy lattes. She preened when you said she looks good in her photo.

    No you're ok Kari did not chase me with any of her creatures she was just a sweet child to be honest. No wonder she is vegan now. She has 16 days left till she takes possession of Meg!😻

    You'd have never made a Potter then if you don't like slimy stuff🧐

    I actually called into Brains-berry's yesterday and got some of that vegan bacon (sorry) for myself and Kari whose friend is bringing Meg in 17 days. The date on it is December. Took some clothes into the foodbank clothing store donated by a friend.

    Have a good day try to stay dry. Maybe just admire the radiator and rug???

    Love to Carol if she pops in ((()))

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Have a good weekend love to your carers (())

    Toady (()) Have a good weekend. The programme was a Tonight one. Are you thinking of painting the other radiator’s. It’s raining here.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) Have a good weekend. and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) That’s a good photo of you and Kevin (()) I hope you all have a good weekend. Sue is never miserable we are always laughing at something our friend phones when she wants a laugh. That’s not long till Kari (()) gets Meg. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) love to you and your mum (()) E had a friend. We had been friends for over 40 years she got very nervous of people and she did not want to be friends with us anymore. Have a good weekend.

    Keef (()) love to you and Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) have a good weekend.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

    ps pic of Jaipur India xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi toady

    how are you today?

    i hope you had a better nights sleep?

    Yes odd kind of volcanic activity in Reading no doubt lol

    the gloaming night, I like that

    I must admit I lose hairbands and clips almost daily in my thick messy hair and winter hat lol, but the new hair clip is actually so big - as well as delicate of course - that it may be less prone to ending up as a magpies’ nest - lining than I thought lol.

    thanks about the friendship, like you, I think, I don’t really like any type of confrontation, but I had to think what was mentally healthy for me and no one else in this context 👍👍

    I didn’t read back properly but will try and do so later and hopefully provide another “instalment”

    bye for now toady tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    mum is ok now thanks but she had an almost hypo in the night and a stomach ache unfortunately,

    but she’s feeling better now thank goodness

    im ok thanks, I feel so much better injecting mxt on Thursday I actually had some energy today on a Saturday!

    I understand about mxt days, people have different routines, constraints etc, I think I’ll change the day to Thursdays - thanks for thinking about that 🙏

    Brains - berry’s- that’s a great one lol!

    I did tell mum but she’s still cold 🤷‍♀️

    Thanks Toni, about me ending the friendship 👍

    You’re right there family we can’t choose and all that…lol

    Clever little LA got full marks for spelling - but he also told granny on the phone that one word in the test he could spell was in Chinese!!

    oh my goodness- that master of porky pies, that imitator of multilingual guys - what a character

    Ok I’ll go now otherwise I will definitely lose the battle of BB’s glower / also known as the shower lol

    ill try and do another instalment later depending on volcanic activity

    bye for now Toni tc xx

    👋 Joan and Keef

    have a nice afternoon everyone bye for now xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Joan

    how are both today?

    mum and I are ok thanks

    that’s very sad about the friend who stopped talking to you both, it’s strange isn’t it? That sometimes we don’t know what’s going on in people’s minds?

    I hope you’re having a nice Saturday take care xx

    ps peppa pig cake I’m afraid - that LA is brainwashing me lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 18. Nov 2023, 19:53

    Hi all 👋

    Funny old day 🤔 felt like Sunday and dull as pitch, can't say I cared much for it. Not raining though, no, frog, so I did scuttle outdoors for a bit and move a few pots, dig up old tomato plants etc, in between rug-admiring sessions etc 😄 glad I did all my arranging of that sort of thing yesterday as it was a much better day for it. Talking of new shopping though I was very sad today to find out that one of my v favourite sellers, Left2Paradise I'll call them, has closed 😥 don't know if you've shopped with them, I have for years & went to them for all sorts of things. Missed any closing sales, naturally 🙄 but less worried about missing bargains, than that I would have liked the chance to get certain things knowing I wouldn't be able to again 😕. Did you buy anything interesting when you went out or was the purpose of your trip just the supermarket and meeting Kevin 😂 lol, Kari the Carrot would be quite good actually. Is it a compliment or an insult to tell someone they suit their head being a conker, I have no idea 😂 good fun though! Haven't seen anything about the xmas campaign so it was news to me. Oh and you have the special bacon too do you, alright for some 😉 ah well my turn will come. Yes I would never have made a potter even from a temperant standpoint, it used to stress me just watching the Great Pottery Throwdown 😱. Have a good Sunday :) xx

    Hello joan, yes I will paint more radiators as I go along, it seemed worth doing one first as a test of how the paint goes on & in case it starts to go funny once they are on. Thank you for taking an interest 😄 I've done most of the prep anyhow, & don't have that many thankfully. If it warms up again sometime I can turn them off for a couple of days & do another. I will look up the Tonight prog on the online catchup if I get a minute 👍️. I keep checking the news at the minute for updates on the men trapped in the Himalayan tunnel, hope they make some progress soon 😔. Have a good Sunday both :) xx

    Hi bosh, glad to hear that it actually worked well having mxt Thurs, good plan to maybe stick to that in future, if it gives you a better Sat 😀. Sorry your mum didn't have too good a night I hope she has felt better during the day. Not much news of mine to go back over so never mind, haven't done much today either quite tiring but I have had a couple of better nights. Still haven't really adjusted to the clocks altering it seems ridiculously early all the time 🤨. Losing hairgrips, oh gosh yes, I have some little ones I use for where I don't want them to be seen, they're awful for getting lost I don't know where they go 🤷‍♀️ I'm down to 2 or 3 now. Your nice delicate one sounds nice it will have its day when there is less winter hatting going on I expect 😊. Clever LA can do foreign language spelling tests I see, I could have done with him the other day when I didn't know Hai was Japanese for yes in a quiz 😳. It's a wonder any of us learn to spell, as they say, the Eng Lang is not exactly sensible, I mean stomach for example, I remember that being a bit of a revelation as a child that that's the spelling of that word 😄. Hope you won the battle of BB's glower and you were in the right catchment for the shower attachment 😉. Have a good night and a good Sunday :) xx

    Wave to keef and everyone else, the kettle is going on in an attempt to pass random bits of time til I can reasonably call it bedtime. 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316
    edited 18. Nov 2023, 21:51

    Hi toady

    Glad you had some better nights

    the hair clip isn’t as delicate as I thought actually and I can wear it under winter hats if I’m careful, but I’m not always careful to be honest because sometimes outside is the Antarctic and inside is of course the well documented tropical frazzled brain - forest, lol - to paraphrase Toni.

    toady I had so many things to write here but backache has set in for the night as it sometimes does for me, also then I had buy a scarf in the online sale while the internet was working at more than a snails pace.

    also the brain - forest is exceptionally warm tonight

    So I’m signing off sorry about that

    Mum is feeling better now 🙏

    have a god night toady, please source some suitable matchsticks for my eyelid- open - propping procedures please- thanks

    good night everyone tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 19. Nov 2023, 06:36

    Joan that is just lovely to have Sue so upbeat. I know I'd be miserable if I was in plaster. Do you have friends who send funny pictures on their phones then? I do. Do you remember TJT (Tony) from here? He had a cat called Rah he sends me cat ones. Meg will soon be here that's true. Kari had bought lots of pusskin stuff ready for her arrival. ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef Oh dear me I very much hope you are doing better than I fear. It's not like you to have been AWOL for quite so long😕

    Sending you a cup of coffee and some extra ((()))

    Take care

    Morning Reshmi how are you doing today? I am so glad to hear that this Saturday you had some energy instead of your usual MTX hangover. I am thinking maybe of changing too now instead of ruining the weekend for Paul🤔 For you it will also be better when LA comes to feel more 'on the ball'.

    Oh dear your poor Mum having a near-hypo and a bad stomach I wonder whether there is any connection.... 🤔 Hope everything is ok today. Even if she is still cold🙄

    Bless you keep that bikini on😁

    LA is as bright as a button isn't he? Full marks again in his spelling?!! Go him. I am very pleased I bet your sister is thrilled and BB probably thinks he takes after himself🤭 Especially his language skills! His imagination is incredible. Maybe he'll be a famous (no infamous) author too!

    I hope volcanic activity remains at a low level today for you and you win 'The battle of the Shower'.

    Take care ((()))

    Ps love the P Pig cake cute!

    Morning Toady how are you? Yesterday rained solidly all day and I mean all day.... Have you got Sleek? She went out and so far has nor reappeared. She was chasing an intruder cat. Ah she's back finally all good.

    Have you seen any wildlife? Mrs B and Mousie family while you were outside? I have sent you a Pm in case the pic triggers anyone it's very cute for your mousie family. I am sure rug admiring will factor ito your daily routine for many many days to come. Sleek keeps talking about it too.

    Thanks I'm glad to hear my head suits being a conker😃 We were out doing other stuff when Kari said she'd seen that in Imradli so i thought well let me at it!!! We both took one Kari put hers on youtube!!!! I bought a Kevin crochet set. Wish me luck sewing that up🤭

    I am so sorry to read about your lost seller that's so upsetting. It's like everything is closing. It would have been great to stock up before they closed for good😕

    Best you don't try pot throwing in the circumstances I think. What a gloopy thought....... gloopy is proper onomatopoeic don't you think?

    Enough Toni! time to get dressed and go for a walk.

    Take care

    vegan/veggie options are also available.....

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day (()) love to everyone

    Toady (()) I’m sorry the place you liked has closed. I hope you can find another one just has good. Have a good day. I read yesterday we could have snow the end of November. We shall wait and see.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Yes I remember Tjt how is he. No we don’t have phone calls. We laugh at Lexi she is13 years old she is so lively chasing pepper he sits there watching her. Most people on here have R A I think They take MTX I don’t know what that’s like I have OA. Yes you was good has Kevin. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) Is your mum feeling better now (()) have a good day. Have you got long hair.

    Keef (()) i hope everything is alright there. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi all, I’m still about.

    Latest thing is I now have signs of liver damage and my bike fell over just outside my gate. £450 for a new cam cover 🙄, not sure how much a liver is 🤪

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    yes mum is feeling better now thanks

    i am ok too thanks just very warm in the Reading sauna

    i don’t have long hair, it’s a kind of bob, but it’s very thick and unruly

    i hope you have a good afternoon

    bye for now and tc. xx

    ps purple yam latte xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni

    how are you doing today?

    mum is ok today and her bs is normal 🙏

    Thanks about the Thursday thing

    of course it’s up to you, but I’d do a mxt day that suits your needs best of all, I’m sure P will understand 🤗

    Yes the change will definitely help with LA visit situations that’s true

    but if I have to learn Chinese as well as Italian and world domination too to prepare for LA’s sojourns, I may find myself with a bit too much on my plate lol

    Sorry I’m quite tired Toni I’ll try to write again later

    bfn tc xx

    ps this is toady’s latest winter hat lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi all 👋

    Only a quick line, bit behind with everything today and have to finish a parcel off too, so better be sensible and go to bed after especially as the wind kept howling last night and stopped me every time I was just dropping off 🙄. I will make a proper job of posting tomorrow so love to everyone and hope you have good nights yourselves 😘.

    Thank you thank you for the pm frog will save that for tomorrow too 😊👍️ xx

    Love to joan & sue, snow by end of Nov you say 🤔 my forecast says 4 clear days of full sunshine the 29th through to the 2nd, fat chance! Have a good Monday :) xx

    Hi bosh, ooh don't I look fetching in that 😄 will catch up with you tomorrow too, have a good night 👋 :) xx

    Keef, I don't know, you take your eye off people for 5 mins and they're breaking their bikes and their livers 🙄 sorry to hear, try & behave yourself overnight tea anytime ☕️ xx

    Love to everyone see you soon 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Thanks toady

    good night to toady Keef and everyone else too

    ps Chinese tea ceremony pic as donated by Professor LA - well practically lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 20. Nov 2023, 06:03

    This huge vehicle driving through town on Saturday had to go the wrong way round roundabouts with a police escort. It was also towing that truck! Paul was driving not me so I could safely take a pic.

    Morning Joan I remember you having Lexi a year or so after Sleek came here. She is incredible at 13 bless her. I thought she was only about 7! Time flies. TJT is doing really well thanks he has a rescue cat now, Teddy, Rah died so he still loves cats. MTX just dampens down the immune system if you have an inflammatory arthritis like RA or Psoriatic arthritis. After some years most of us have Osteoarthritis as well so we're all in the same boat aren't we? Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef

    Gosh no not your liver too. What on earth? Livers are clever though and can recover sometimes? Is there anything 'they' have suggested? I sued to give the kids Dad milk thistle but then he was a drinker.

    Your poor bike too oh no😕 is she alright? A new cam cover go on - how much? I put my new (rather lovely) mats in my fig yesterday the old (original) ones will have a thorough wash and be saved for shows. I know you understand. Some people would bin them!

    Cuppa for you:

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you this morning? Glad to hear your Mum's Bs is ok and all is well with her.

    Oh gosh have you got to learn Chinese too for LA's Reading holidays?😮 You know I would just learn one sentence for next time he comes!! That will scare him😂

    Thanks for saying that about the MTX day. Paul would understand - whatever day suits me personally - he is a nice person (most of the time I know we all have our moments!) and caring.

    I do rather wonder what purple yam latte tastes like??? I would try it.

    Take care and hope you have more energy today ((()))

    PS cat with yesterday's 'hat of the day' on!

    Morning Toady

    How are you? I hope recovered from yesterday. The PM will absolutely wait, but you will just love it I am 100% certain.

    All well here Sleek is still protecting the house from cat-garden-intruders.

    I also had to pack up a parcel - a return - yesterday my own fault. I got a post for in front of the motorhome and it needed to be dug too deep (right inside the ground) and we have solid sandstone here after about 2ft. Managed to get one which fold sideways instead.

    Have ordered big supplies of bird food for winter. I am needing to clear my bird feeding area up so I can reach everything properly.

    Take care ((()))

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day love to everyone (())

    Toady (()) have a good day. Good luck with the parcel. They say the snow will come on the 27. Let’s hope we have sun even if it’s not warm.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Sleeke is doing well she looks lovely in her photos. Cats make me itch. bet that was fun going around the roundabout with that there. Thank you for the photo. Thank you for explaining about RA interesting. Good luck with your parcel. Yes I would want to keep the car mats has well. Have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day you do so well (()) love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) you wasn’t on the bike when it fell over was you. Sorry you have another problem to add to the ones you have. Love to Surc’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

    Ps Arc de Triomphe in the morning xx