Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Hi all 👋

    Still a bit behind with myself but by getting a few things done the right side of lunchtime it will be downhill all the way (I'm telling myself). My parcel went off this morning frog, not without a slight panic because when you're tired you make mistakes 🙄 wrongly booked it in as up to 1kg not 2kg, but as it's a service where the price band is the same I hope it will just skate through without issue. Not much else I could do except rebook, have to send buyer revised tracking, and generally make myself look an unprofessional noob. Not as bad as the last mess-up I had, where I calculated I'd get a parcel under 2kg, weighed it at the final stage and it was a squeak over.. rejigged the packaging ever so slightly.. the weighing scale's batteries packed up and I had to wait til some rechargeables topped up before it would tell me if I'd got it under 😱. All avoidable, if you are properly organized. Sorry about your not quite right drive post 😬 hope the seller was ok about having it returned and the new onewill be fine. Thank goodness Sleek was not away for very long in the end, I did not have to go look for her, & see if she was curled up on 'the rug' 😄 (and if she was, well a few cat hairs would be fine it has her colours in it already 😸). Yes keep out intruders, Sleek, quite right. Will pop outside in a min before the light goes, my bird feeders need checking as well ta, have been out with cheese & crumbs already as I heard robin, but no birdies to be seen; the magpies are mostly eating any food atm. I am going to watch the pm with next teabreak thank you I have seen the cut of its jib yes I will definitely love it 😊. Have a good afternoon :) xx

    Hello joan, yes the brightness is the main thing really even today there was only a bit more sun around than yesterday but it helps a lot 😊 and if the rain keeps off even better. My parcel was ok I hope but no thanks to me being incompetent & declaring the wrong weight to Royal Mail 😳 no harm done hopefully, at least it wasn't as bad as when I thought I'd packed my metal ruler in the parcel 😄. Hope you are having a good day :) xx

    Love to bosh, & keef, will probably do a 2-parter today so you you both later & anyone else who may call in 👋 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni

    How are you today?

    yes well I think I will leaving the Chinese - learning to toady lol

    I’ll stick with the Italian and European languages generally I know my limitations 😂

    mums bs is ok thanks

    im not too bad thanks

    glad that that friend is “off my back” as it were now I have more time for things I like doing like sending these messages,

    you’re right when certain people drag us down and demand all our time for no reason, it may not be a very healthy thing

    that must have been scary about the truck

    what a hat!! Lol, sleek looks great

    i booked my eye checkup online at “Liability Waivers” but I had to do the questionnaire twice as there was some doubt as to whether I’m a human -“ I typed in I’m a mima” - that seemed to be quite acceptable fortunately lol

    when BR was here, his brother helped him move LA’s quilt and pillow outside my room and BR sort of camped out there, like he was waiting for a glimpse of Saint Bernardette in Lourdes in the morning or something like that lol, just an innocent joke of course, not meant to offend anyone in any way.

    That’s great about P - I knew he wasn’t the active volcano type lol.

    I’ll stop there due to flagging energy levels and the shower civil / world war situation of course.

    bye for now Toni tc xx

    👋toady and Keef

    hi Joan

    how are you both?

    mum and I are ok today thanks

    we’re having fish and chips for supper today - yummy - is this something you both like to eat?

    ok i may do a second sweep - to use a toady - ism lol

    but I’ll go for now

    bye for now everyone tc xx

    ps chinese dragon kettle as favoured by vampire nurse lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 20. Nov 2023, 20:26

    Hi again - quick breather and a teabreak while I wrestle with the last of my Monday evening nosegay listings 😣

    Will take more than a few hairgrips after I've been raking my fingers through my hair dealing with various frustrations bosh, it will be more like Beaker's than the Lady of Shalott 🤪 at one point I thought my photo editing programme had crashed taking my edited unsaved nosegay pics with it 😱😱 that's the very worst. BUT it still did actually work and let me save things, which means at other times it's said 'I've crashed and I absolutely must close' it was a LIE 😠. Ah well, nearly done and I can go back to trying to work out a complicated Doctor Who timeline, I'm sure my brain will thank me for that 😬. Hope your day has been ok I love Liability Waivers 😂😂 I hope they make a good job of your specs, are you short or long sighted (or have you already mentioned varifocals, or is that me making things up). Fish and chips, no such luck 😕 don't eat fish anymore being vegetarian (I do miss it), and don't really feel I can have chip shop chips either for that reason ie what they may be frying in. Make do with oven chips which incidentally I had in my riceland basket and noticed they have just redone the pack at less for the same money, it is very sneaky. But everyone is now. Hope yours were nice and glad your mum is ok. Funny about BR camping out, aw, nice to be popular and the stuff of pilgrimages 😄. Have a good night :) xx

    Love to keef, hope you are bearing up as they say, and to everyone xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi toady

    the stuff of pilgrimages I like it lol

    glad your nosegay stuff was saved

    yes that’s right- varifocals - but it’s just a checkup

    mum is ok thanks

    we actually had chicken and chips because dad “interpreted” fish as chicken 🤷‍♀️

    I’m ok thanks , im planning to go to bed at a godly hour as it were lol, so I’ll leave it there for now

    so this pic is called The Staircase” by Helen Allingham

    good night toady Keef and everyone take care xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 21. Nov 2023, 06:49

    Morning Joan I think you should only spend short periods with cats. Being itchy is a sign you are slightly allergic to them too. Dogs are better for you. Kari has asthma anyway so needs to be extra careful. Having said that she's lost a lot of weight recently and it's really helped her breathing so that's good. Have a good day love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi that was a lovely pic of the Arc de Triumph.

    Good to hear your Mum is well and you are doing well do.

    I am so glad you have that 'friend' off your back so to speak. You do not need to be dragged down by someone like that. It's great you are feeling freer to enjoy more of what makes you happy. Much better well done for taking the step.

    The truck was huge! No idea what it was carrying, but it seems it knocked down some traffic lights on it's way to where I took the photo. Because we went round the island the normal way we were at least able to be in front of it. Otherwise it might have been a slow journey for us.

    Well done booking your eye-test online with 'Liabilty Wavers'. I must book mine. I was with 'Roots' but they appear to have a huge backlog apparently (here) of about a YEAR!!! I believe Mima's are indeed human😃A rare species, but definitely human.

    Gosh those boys do love their Mima imagine them making a camp outside your bedroom door. That is so cute😍

    No P isn't the active volcano type he is very very calm. It takes a lot to make him angry angry or shout. I need that I'm like you, very sensitive to upset.

    Well you have a good day and take care ((()))

    Morning Keef I do hope all is well. I imagine you are trying to get to the bottom of your liver results and must be quite worried.

    I'm sure a nice coffee is ok for the liver so made (🤥( you this

    Isn't it beautiful? There really is coffee underneath the froth.

    I hope Loanda and Sucré are both well and that cold has finally gone for the little one.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady I see you have 'Beaker' hair' thanks to nosegay😄

    I had no idea until just now that he is actually a scientist! A physicist to be precise.

    Oh gosh no what hassle weighing parcels to get them under 1 or 2 KG🙄 I got mine which was most definitely over 2kg (it said it was a VERY HEAVY package) I couldn't lift it so sent it off with Paul! Hopefully they will refund me, but it was my own mistake. Organisation is not my strong point. Glad to hear your photos were saved though. Naughty fibbing computer scaring you for nothing😠

    Sleek says she loves your rug and I need to get one too! She is waiting for a sunny day so she can lie on it in the sun she hopes. She is out again patrolling her territory, mostly our garden, but if you remember she also 'owns' the Church and half of the village bless her.

    Colder weather is due so I am desperate to get the garden under control and my birdies looked after.

    Take care and I see you enjoyed the Blue cube vid it was just adorable, but can trigger people so i am respectful of that hence the PM.

    Love to Carol if you pops in I hope all is well with you, Cookie-cat and all of your family ((()))

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day. Love to your carers.

    Toady (()) sorry you had a parcel weight problem. Yes I remember the problem with your ruler. Our neighbour said this morning the lady next door to us could be doing deliveries because she has two door bells. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Sorry Kari (()) has Asthma. You always wonder if drivers in big transport can see to drive properly. The weeks go so quick it won’t be long till Meg comes. I remember Kitty saying she has Ra and Oa. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) you are a normal nice person not a robot. I’ve been a robot a few times. Love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) Have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Good afternoon everyone

    wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi toady

    how are today?

    to answer a question you asked a long time ago, I think that generally speaking unless kids are athletic, like horse riders, football players etc, it’s mostly boys who like wallowing in the mud

    mum and I are ok at the moment thanks

    we didn’t have chip shop chips either, in fact we didn’t have chips at all, that’s what happens when dad is sorting out dinner

    my plan is instalments but it of course depends on Mount Fuji

    bye for now toady tc xx

    hi Toni

    how are you?

    mum and I are ok at the moment

    but mum had backache in the morning due to mattress and there was a big row about changing it, don’t think they are right now

    I was so stuffy i left house very late for walk, but at least I did walk eventually

    blood test tomorrow lithium and rheumo

    BR made up a story about baddies trying to get him but he said, “ETB and LA run away and lock door and not wait for me” oh dear ! We think he was inspired by drama club, he hesitated and stammered whilst narrating but he was making it up on the spot it seems and he’s only about 2 and a half of course bless him.

    I’ll stop there as this may be the time to crawl out of the trenches for a mud bath / shower, oh no that’s LA lol.

    bfn Toni tc xx

    hi Joan

    how are you both today?

    mum and I are ok thanks

    are you both looking forward to Christmas?

    thanks, you were a robot a few times? Oh dear, lol,

    have a nice afternoon tc xx

    hi Keef

    how are you doing today?

    bye for now everyone tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Hi all 👋

    Just a hello, bit of a grotty day topped off by a jolly old drip, leaky pipe from the lavatory cistern - in a different place, not as per the last time, but even so, talk about household jobs that are dead but won't lie down 🙄 round and round we go. Hey ho, back tomorrow when slightly less end of tetherish. Have a good night everyone 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 22. Nov 2023, 06:46

    Morning Everyone!

    Morning Joan how are you and Sue? I hope feeling well. It's dry out ATM but will rain later so it says 🙄 What's new eh? Has Jacky's daughter been anywhere interesting lately? My sister copes well with her asthma on the whole it's behaving better the more weight she loses too. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    I am pleased to hear you and your Mum were well yesterday. If your parents' mattress is more than 10 years old I am not at all surprised it's upsetting your mum's back though.

    Good luck with your bloods today - don't tell me that both sets of bloods are actually being done on the same day?!! That is impressive I hope you get the good nurse fingers 🤞

    Gosh BR also has an excellent imagination! Wow and he was prepared to fight the baddies single handedly while you and LA saved yourselves!!! What a little hero he is😘

    I think you might be right about mud being largely gender specific 🤣 I suggest you get out of the trenches and stay out or you might get 'trench foot' to add to your health troubles!

    Love the elephant teapot rather beautiful isn't it?

    Foodbank for me today I have a load more clothes donated by the village to take with me.

    Morning Keef

    I do hope all is well chez Keef and that the family are ok, Loanda, Sucré and of course your Mum.

    The bike as well is it booked in for repair?

    Take care we miss your chats

    Morning Toady

    Oh dear me it is never ending isn't it? One thing to worry about after another🙄

    I know I would just wrap that white tape around the pipe and wait until I needed a plumber for something else but that's just me! Is it the sort of job you can do yourself?

    Well my bird food arrived and I managed to get some outside hopefully they will spot it now and can rely on me. I also got most of the geraniums (in pots I can lift into my wheelbarrow) into the potting shed to hopefully overwinter. Time will tell.

    Last night we had a situation though, over at the Church. A homeless chap was in the porch (not locked although the main door is) and lit a fire to make a cuppa which was a bit of a worry. Finally managed to get some help from other Churchy people (Paul is working away so on my own) I made a hot water bottle and the others took soup and a sandwich. Expecting him to move on this morning.

    Let's hope today is a good day.

    Ps love to Carol if she pops by ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326
    edited 22. Nov 2023, 07:17

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day. I hope everything is going okay.

    Toady (()) I’m sorry you have another drip. You don’t need anything else to go wrong. Things are sent to try your patience. Have a good day if you can. (())

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I’m sorry about the homeless man. I’m sure you and your neighbours will sort him out. Jacky’s daughter has gone to Lisbon. She’s working over Christmas because she wanted to. She has the new year off. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I’m sorry your mum had a bad night. We are alright thank you we have No family only friends. Have a good day. Love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) How are you and your family (()) have a good day.

    Julie (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef

    how are you all today?

    I went to blood test and group

    and had chip shop chips I blame toady lol

    mum and I are ok thanks

    Toni actually BR said Ellie The Biter and LA didn’t wait for him lol

    hi Joan

    that sounds like a nice way to spend Christmas

    very tired bye for now all tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Hi all, just a quick visit, tea please, needless to say 😬☕️

    Yes it's not my best run of luck lately frog, did I mention I also had to unstick my front door this week, also 'again', just call me Sisyphus 🙄😄. It will definitely be a bodge job with the drip, yes, but with what 🤔 haven't geared myself up to it yet what with one thing & another. Do you mean the white thread tape or something else? I have asstd stuff for that (threaded joints are a pain in the neck all round really), but I'm not attempting any taking apart so it needs to be a topical leak sealer as I'd rather it didn't need the plumber at all in the short/medium term, if poss. I'll try something tomorrow no doubt will take a few different products before I get anywhere, seeing as all things have reviews of either 'just the job never fails me' or 'didn't do a thing' (any recommendations welcome!) Ugh, water, will never be able to hear a tapping noise ever agin without shying like a started mustang, as Bertie Wooster would say 😱. At least I can isolate that pipe from the mains. Haven't done much else except cancel an appointment I couldn't see me getting to, my prescription meds are on a delay too, not my week. Glad you got in the garden, did good works for your birdies, and moved some things 👍️. I brought 1 vulnerable pot nearer the house that was it. No sign of a hedgehog for you I suppose? Poor church porch man being out in this 😕 as many will be, puts one's troubles in the shade of course. Hope things are ok with Paul and things all go well with you til he's back, love to family and all prospective kitties :) xx

    Hello joan, thank you, yes these things are sent to try us, I suppose they are meant to character building or something and help you become stoic but they never have that effect on me 😄. I have a parcel I should be sending too, people always wait to buy things til you have other things on your plate I find, but as it's going to Croatia (Split) I'll get away with packing it tomorrow I think. Really quite cold today and dropping further over the next few days, keep warm :) xx

    Hi bosh, sorry if I'm behind I'm a bit ravelled or unravelled, to borrow a previous topic - glad things not too bad with you today and your bloods went ok. Chip shop chips eh, well yes I suppose I do have to take some responsibility for that, but you will have deserved them especially after the fish and chips that never were, or rather they were imposters with chicken in fish's clothing. That doesn't make sense but I'm not exactly firing on all cylinders 😄. Muddy little boys, yes it does seem so, horse riders you're quite right I'm sure it's what would have put me off my very temporary keenness on horses as a child which wasn't genuine at all ofc just read the odd horsey book and owning a plastic horse or two 😄. Sorry there's a bit of mattress acrimony around, replacing these things is a bit of a minefield at the best of times in case they aren't right, let alone not being in agreement before you start. Hope you have a good night, don't let the chinese dragon kettles bite you've had enough vampires for one day :) xx

    Waves to keef 👋 love to everyone hope all ok 😘 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    *ever again without shying like a startled mustang; even my editing skills have deserted me now 😄

    'night all 😴 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Toni

    sorry got tired and didn’t manage to write when I wanted to.

    no vampire nurse 👍

    yes sometimes they let me do two lots of bloods in one fell swoop as it were lol

    managed to go to group but was a bit late so didn’t manage to talk to nice M but did talk to her dad who is very cheerful and friendly and is of a similar age to my dad - but in every other way an opposite- bless him

    you know recently I got a grotty letter from the hospital about lack of blood test- but I had covid of course and I told the rheumo nurse that, so I had to leave another message saying somewhat sarcastically, “ as previously mentioned, I’m sorry I was sick, I’m sorry I had covid” - my goodness what an efficient system 🤢🤢

    ok I think I’ll have to leave it there

    good night Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi toady

    Sorry you had a frustrating day

    Chicken in fish’ clothing, I like that lol

    I did overdo the chips though as mum and dad went out so I had no one to share them with, oh dear, I did have less sugar today however, I’ve got a sore gum, I’m hoping it doesn’t become a dentist situation, but already feeling slightly better, so I’m hoping that the dental gods are smiling radiantly and blindingly and I won’t need to camp outside their door using LA’s duvet and pillow lol.

    I’ve asked my mum about the mattress acrimony but she gave me the warning look, “any people foolhardy enough to make mattress - related queries will be fed to the T - Rex” - something like that lol

    dont worry I’ll feed the dragon kettle with some R Brek seasoned with red chillis and soy sauce, now if that doesn’t awaken the gastric oracles early I don’t know what will lol

    have a good night toady and everyone else tc xx

  • How's does this site work. Lol sorry

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 23. Nov 2023, 06:08

    Oh Dear @Emmasknackeredjoints did you not want to say hello to us lot? You are very welcome if you wanted to.😊

    Morning Joan hope you and Sue are doing ok? All is well here I'm off to help my friend close down the caravan up in Northumberland over night. Lisbon that sounds interesting I have never been there. She's young Jacky's daughter and will get more out of having New Year off. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef I do hope you are ok and Sucré and Loanda too. Your Mum of course bless her and the bike😣 I hope it's fixed or at least booked in unless it's a job you can do?

    Take care please ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi How are you and your Mum today?

    I am so glad your bloods are done. Well I know about those snotty letters from Rheumatology😠 I really don't think your blood would have been worth testing your inflammatory markers would have been sky high!!! Well done standing up for yourself.

    I'm glad you got to the group of course you'd be late after your bloods so sad you missed nice M, but her Dad he sounds adorable - just how Dads should be.

    That celestial cup and saucer are just gorgeous aren't they?

    LA has a lot of sense to make himself scarce at the merest hint of Ellie the Biter (ETB) being nearby😁I take it LA has an opinion about the girl. Did I tell you Tia (my step daughter) bit my brother on the nose when she first met him! I don't think she's bitten anyone recently they do grow out of it luckily.

    I am off up to Northumberland overnight to help my recently widowed friend shut down her caravan. That won't be fun it's cold up there. If tomorrow's message is brief you'll understand why.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady

    How are you today? So annoying having problems like the pipe and a sticking door too recently? 🙄 Well done fixing the door at least.

    Yes that white stuff for where bolts go on plumbing parts that's the stuff. Really probably far to temporary. What about the putty glue? Would that do it temporarily? Keep the plumbers away!!! At all costs.

    Don't worry i think we could all see it was a 'startled mustang' not a started one. At least it didn't get changed to started mustard I suppose.😃

    I do hope Keef is ok. He had had a worrying blood result last time he was here.

    Hope your prescription meds are not desperately needed?

    Everyone here is fine yes ta Paul has been working in Bournemouth back this evening for Sleek as I will be away in Northumberland (expect a short message tomorrow). Last time we saw each other was Monday🙄

    Our homeless man has moved on I hope he went somewhere warmish at least. Yes we are very lucky really aren't we? sigh

    Tea is ready see the top of my post.

    Take care

    a choice for breakfast today!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope everything is going on ok for you and your family.

    Toady (()) That is two leaks you have where will the next one be. Our friend had a leak she had pots and a bucket. She was trying to get dressed she put one leg in her pants changed a pot them carried on. The plumber came she was still changing the pots. We always have some thing to laugh at. Have a good day (()) I hope you don’t have to wait too long for your tablets.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) you are a good friend your friend is lucky to have a friend like you. Not many people stay friends they fall out over such little problems. Have a good journey (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I bet you enjoyed the fish and chips better to be too many than not enough. You did good standing up for your self (()) love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) I hope everything is alright there (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • @frogmorton yes I did but wasn't sure if I could and how to go about it. I'm always up for tea and chatting. Thank u

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Joan

    how are you both today?

    mum and I are ok today thanks,

    I’m just a bit tired from the mxt

    thanks about the chips, that’s true it would’ve been worse if the portions were too small, it was expensive enough as it was really lol, I would’ve got fish but they put the price up again so I left it this time

    there was only one person ahead of me in the queue but she was chattering on to the lady serving, telling her her life story so it took a long time lol

    I hope that you both have a nice evening bye tc xx

    ps fish latte lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326
    edited 23. Nov 2023, 20:04

    Hi Emma

    how are you?

    I’m trying to remember how it works initially lol

    you can become a member and make comments / post

    I can’t quite remember if guests can comment or not

    You can chat about anything within reason

    everyone is very friendly

    take care

    Reshmi xx

    ps sorry just realised you are a member lol, so yeah you’re ready to chat - if you want to 👍

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Hi all - bit of a rotten night and getting nowhere with the demon drip so far 🙄 stuff to do tomorrow and have HAH coming & various things, so excuse I and will come in soon when less strung out 😬

    Have a good night everyone & hello to @Emmasknackeredjoints , make yourself at home 👋 milk & sugar? ☕️

    Love to all 😘 xx