Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    The food was excellent last night Joan I was very pleased Paul enjoyed his too. Probably not great for his diet though. He has lost over a stone so far. I'm so pleased Sue has an open cast and can use her leg maybe a bit when she's in bed I bet she's over the moon😊

    Very good Keef😁 you'll be a millionaire. Just hope next lockdown is not in our lifetime really though.

    Ta for the breakfast cake Reshmi...question is are any of or stomachs up to it?!!!

    Christmas market in town and Tia has a stall so off to support her for an hour.


  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hi all 👋

    Decent bit of sunlight there today, I have Got On With Things 😀 this does not include xmas cards, no, frog. Your lead is secure. I have received just 4 in the post over yesterday and today - one for next door, 3 for people all the way at the end of the road. Ho ho ho 🙄 That address always causes problems people write it down wrong (has a B on the end instead of an 8). I see the house changed hands in Nov so all the time spent by previous lot getting people to get it right is wasted. Postbox for me this evening then. Anyway other chores have gone better, sorting charity stuff, bit of gardening, photos for nosegay etc. Oh well done Kari getting videos in hand etc that's a v good idea. I find people don't buy off me for xmas much anyway and if anything buy in Jan instead, so I won't get my hopes up there are just things I'd like out of the house, as much as anything. Hope things ok with you today. Weather looking not too bad for the next few days, believe it when we see it but fingers crossed, hope it's handy for anything you have planned - you have to grab it while it lasts atm. Shortest day in a week's time :) xx

    Hello joan, lovely to hear that Sue has been signed off so to speak and has a much better cast, that's great 😀. Were there many at the hospital? I will keep an eagle eye on any snow forecast, it doesn't look bad here next few days but it was colder today for sure. Have a good Friday especially if you go out :) xx

    Thanks for the explanatory bit about the speaker sound keef, not boring at all, always interested to hear this stuff. Hope it being in the right place now sound wise is also an ok place in other ways, ie not right in the gangway etc. Hope the back is not complaining more than usual today 🤞 definitely still cold hope you haven't had to have the door open again much. Yes the 'bunker' would not do you for the full doom prepping or whatever they call it now, though there is rising interest in bunkers unsurprisingly. The grim real world stuff, well indeed so, remember very well how I felt in the 80s with all the 'When the Wind Blows' and protect & survive type stuff around 😕 the pandemic was the icing on the cake really, it just has everything doesn't it 🙄. Hope your day has been ok so far, will take you up on tea if I'm awake like I was at that time last night, I should have got up myself sometimes it's an effort too far innit ☕️.

    Love to Carol hope your journey to see family was ok and everyone well :) xx

    Quick wave to bosh, will probably do a 'second course' later 👋 glad the meal went ok even if filling and hope it didn't cause any trouble oracle-wise. Oh dear your mum is stressing over EF, inc cooking I suppose, hope the visit goes ok bit quick for you to be force-fed another meal out, as Toni put it 😬 good luck in advance for the weekend etc. Lovely that the doc & nurse said nice things about how well your mum did with the covid 👍️. Will see you later if I'm around and not rushed off my feet with nosegay or redelivering other peoples' xmas cards 🙄. xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    just wanted to say about dr who, without “spoilers” the assistant is an old one

    will try to reply properly later

    just “enjoying” mxt and totm at the moment

    bye for now tc xx

    ps one way to throw HD / blood hound off the scent lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    I hope you enjoy the market

    don’t worry breakfast cake is very much virtual lol

    I’ve got totm as well as it being my mxt day of course

    so feeling shattered really

    maybe that contributed to the full feeling yesterday

    mum is ok thanks but she’s tired and won’t let me help

    EF are coming in Sunday, LA is staying over and going on Tuesday, sorry I got it wrong before

    had a very lovely chat with nice M’s dad yesterday, very nice person

    hope your stomach improves

    I need to stop here sorry so tired

    👋Joan and Keef

    have a good afternoon everyone tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hey Toady I had forgotten about that film. I found that very scary as a teenager. It bothered me for a long time.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    yes the speaker cab is positioned perfectly now. Angled up bouncing the sound off my new ceiling, which spreads the sound out around the room. The louder the better, ears are ringing a bit now though.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201
    edited 14. Dec 2023, 18:52

    Latest CD buy was Andrew Synowiec with a track called Lead Foot. Very talented guy. It’s on utube.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hi bosh 😊 ooh a Doctor Who previous assistant, you say? 🤔 I do now remember reading about one new character, I'll go & check out the whole thing over the weekend, ta 👍️. Sorry it's the double mxt and totm whammy for you, glad at least the EF visit is not hot on the heels of, gives you Fri and Sat at least hope that helps. Oh I love that picture 😍 she has my hair colour actually, ish, and a touch of my general colouring, so apart from the 95% that's nothing like her, we're practically dead ringers 😄 sigh. Yes it would keep the HD at bay for sure, and actually we should all be doing lovely stuff like that if you ask me, or just different to normal hairdos, why not, would be ideal at the bus stop would it not. Have as good an evening as poss :) xx

    Didn't see you there earlier frog 👋 hope the Christmas market was nice, and well attended, nice that you could go for Tia 😊. Was there anything worth buying, I have been doing some online xmas browsing, thoroughly dispirited & unimpressed by the big names online so many have gone downhill for actual well designed attractive giftware so you do need to go to things like markets really or independent places. Have not long posted the misdelivered cards, nearly put them in the box but given that they wouldn't get far going round the post again as it's Fri tomorrow, I walked up & posted them at the house in person, very kind of me I thought; Santa take note 😉. Have a good night :) xx

    Sorry to bring back your teenage trauma over that film keef 😬 certain things do catch you that way don't they. Stupid humans, basically 😕 I remember watching a programme (or series not sure), charting what might happen in terms of wildlife, buildings etc across the plant over a timespan if humans were to disappear, you'd think would be depressing but actually you half think bring it on, let nature take everything back. Will check out that artist you mentioned. Have a good night as poss :) xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    *planet, not plant obviously 🙄

    just came in with a ps, I'm sure everyone knows to organise their xmas prescription meds but have only just thought to do mine (which come in the post) so worth mentioning anyway xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    First to the kettle. I've put the teacosy on, next up should get a shot at a hot cuppa 👍 x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    You alright Toady? You were up early/late.....

    Joan I hope you found my post above?

    Oh dear Reshmi there's a double whammy for you I do hope you are not feeling too grotty. Of course that wasn't helping and may well explain part of why you felt so off on Weds.

    Lucky nice M having a lovely Dad so supportive and kind isn't he? I am glad for her. Just wish you had the same.

    Right let me get this straight EF are coming this Sunday (celebrating your Mum's birthday I hope) leaving their eldest Tiny terror with you and coming back for him on Tuesday. Well I hope you do feel better in time I think you should do.

    At least LA is highly entertaining; there will be some great stories about his friends and their escapades as well as BR's friends ETB included. Then you can tell us😊

    That mad hatter's cake is amazing really incredible I love it thank you.

    Now take care look after yourself and your Mum. ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef there is tea in the pot but I fancy coffee I'll put the posh coffee machine on so you can choose.

    How are you doing today? Ok I hope?

    I see the speaker cab is now perfectly positioned and you have treated yourself to a new CD - and why not? If you can afford it and enjoy it you deserve it😊 Sounds great in there. Sound bouncing around beautifully. The lad will appreciate it no doubt?

    He is definitely going to be musical like his Daddy.

    Hope all the work you've done hasn't aggravated anything.

    Have a good day ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you? I was concerned about the hour you were up this morning.....

    All those cards you got and half of them not for you! How annoying - not your usual postie then? Surely he/she (they?) would recognise the names on the envelopes? Santa will know that you were a good kind person and redelivered them through the correct letterbox. A good excuse for a walk there.

    You got outside well that is great well done. I didn't 😕 I did some wreath making - sat down this time it helped a bit although not all can be done seated. Then I visited my widowed friend. walked her dogs. Came home did some ironing then out to the Christmas market spent £33 on Tia's stall cat and dog pressies. I now have 4 Grandogs, 6 Grandcats. My friends 2 dogs, Mabel and of course my own precious Sleek to buy for. Still need more maybe.

    I also collected Lucy from work - well she walked down to us on the stall - and took her home.

    I know what you mean stuff needs to go out of the house January hopefully will see it sold. Not that we are there yet, (by any means) but I was checking how much pension is these days it's not that bad really at all. Maybe when you get there you can do less Kari too.

    That is my tree above which turned it's own lights on again overnight - alexa smart switch not so smart probably the setter of times (me) not so smart😳

    Yippee shortest night is nearly here!!!!!!!!!!!!! That has actually cheered me no end it's been so dark lately.

    Take care Toad Sleek is on her way.

    Love to Carol (currently in Margate) and Emma if they pop in ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day and a good weekend love to everyone

    Toady (()) Did you see the Tonight programme about parcel post. All the parcels came undone because of the travelling. Have a good day and weekend.

    Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) have a good day and weekend love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Yes I did see your other post. I hope Tia (()) has a good day on her stall. Yes sue is pleased. Have a good day and weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and weekend love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) have a good day and weekend love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 15. Dec 2023, 11:46

    Hi all 👋

    I'm fine thanks frog, I keep funny hours, the only reason you'd notice is if I post 😉 if I'm up because I feel iffy, well that's another matter I wouldn't be posting, last night was just general late browsing and kettle putting-on of. Another chilly day unfortunately no sign of any sun though, it was v welcome yesterday. Dry will have to do. Glad the market was good, I love that most of your xmas shopping is cat & dog presents 😂 well the ones you were mentioning, anyway. Lovely. Mabel's too little to write a list I expect 📃 but I'm sure she'll be happy with whatever she gets 😺. No post today so far (in fact all of yesterday's was not for me), but at least what I don't get I don't have to reply to 😬 I am so behind. For all my talk, do I even have enough stamps? No 😂. Yes at least every time I get a card for the other people - I'm sure that won't be the end of it, it's leverage for a walk. I have no idea if postie is new, I mean it's a whole other postcode, I imagine postman's ennui has a lot to do with it, probably a matter of just get the stuff posted and knock off I should think, can't blame them. Nosegay will take care of itself pretty much over xmas, hard to predict, but there won't be a rush for sure there is only so much 'up' at the moment and people are busy panicking over giftware type things I imagine. As to pensions, gosh no, heaven forbid 😱 I've had no truck whatever with the future since I realized it was a non-starter, & don't have much truck with the present either tbh, it's all la la I'm not listening round here. You won't find a less practical forward looking person 😄. Nosegay is for house tidying/keep brain active/amusement/fund the odd nice purchase, nothing more. Have a good day, and meant to say well done Paul, I expect that lost stone was slightly against his will was it but all good 👍️. Lovely tree! 😍 has your 'purple tin of chocs' (yes I'm snooping at your nice things) got the new paper wrappers, wouldn't it be fab if everything just keeps rewinding like that to where it should be, kitkats in tinfoil & paper & all that :) xx ps Sleek is just here now, I will tell you next time what we get up to.

    Morning joan, I haven't seen the programme, I will check into it later. I'm trying not look up the last posting dates because they creep up on you horribly, I will be apologizing to people (again) 😬 but some have had Nov letters so that's something. Quite a cold day but it's not blowing a gale or anything so that will have to do. Have a good day :) xx

    Will see everyone else later probably, love to bosh, keef, Carol, mig, Emma, Julie et al 😘 and to Barbara & Kitty always xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316
    edited 15. Dec 2023, 15:18

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    mums bs is ok thanks

    im very tired but ok thanks

    yes you got the EF etc coming and going’s right👍

    only I don’t know if LA’s parents will collect tiny terror senior or of my parents will drop him off

    I went on a walk this morning but it was so difficult, I had to take my hat off at times just to stay awake, even though my head was cold

    yes the monthlies could well have made after lunch - stodgy side effects worse

    there was nothing that simple on the menu, I had lemon and herb roast chicken with mash, but there was so much butter in it, which made it too rich

    RR had a cheese -free pizza which looked nice, but it was massive and that much tomato purée would definitely be stomach unfriendly for me, well downright hostile really lol

    yes I agree, nice M indeed has a nice dad, both lovely people and her dad doesn’t suffer from bitter - Babu disease or whatever’s currently going on with my father lol, but things are how they are I guess

    how was the Christmas market?

    my feet hurt a lot after doing one of the longer walks that do on Wednesdays - not WR walk though, it’s much shorter than that - I think it was the snow boots, i put insoles in but I think I need to put some more in it’s not comfortable enough- anyway I survived that’s the main thing lol

    BR has a new friend and they both ride in the big toy car together at nursery, she has blond curly hair and looks a bit like mosquito - deterrent candle with citronella, the biter known as Ella! However his mummy said that definitely isn’t ETB, because the biter is a younger sister figure and the new little girl is a female admirer, name as yet unknown, my sis is investigating.

    Yes family belated birthday celebration on Sunday

    meal out on Monday

    Tuesday maybe cinema not sure yet

    i just hope im not expected to eat fried food outside on Tuesday Toni

    like you implied there’s only so much our stomachs can take

    oh well I’ll just have to deal with the situations as they arise I suppose

    have a nice afternoon Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    well you feel free to do lovely stuff to your hair of course but too much hair feels like a burden to me rather than something comfortable and yet beautifying, but that’s of course just my personal taste, also any form of hairstyling products make my eczema and psoriasis start screaming basically plus the time involved- so basically it’s a case of each to her own lol 🎀

    im more than cream crackered today sorry toady

    but have a good evening and take care xx

    ps nice pride - related sugar cubes etc for you courtesy of the dentist lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Joan

    how are you both today?

    mum and I are ok thanks

    im just really tired

    have a nice evening bye tc xx

    Hi Keef

    how are you Sucre and Loanda today?

    hope you have a good evening bye tc x

    ps some gothic snacks I found online lol

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Hi bosh 👋 sorry a bit of a tiring day hope you get enough of a good night and better day tomorrow to brace you up for EF Sunday🤞. Gosh yes fancy hairdos are definitely for my fantasy self, who has the energy to weave ivy and twiny bits and flowers into pre raphaelite creations, not me. Besides bit awkward in the old bend down & pick something up department 🤔😄. No I'm with you, hair is an encumbrance even as it in real life, always up to something going frizzy misbehaving &c and generally wanting attention & hairgrips 😱 just can't quite bring myself to hack the lot off. Cold here today really noticed it, hope you've managed some sort of not too hot/cold temps or been relocated too often. Myself will be going for a short walk in a min that I don't really fancy, but suppose I ought. Tea when I get back, one lump please 🌈 they're cool aren't they but the dentist must never know he hasn't seen me since ahem best not say when, sometime around the great birdbath earthquake iirc. See you anon :) xx

    Love to keef and anyone passing ☕️ xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316
    edited 15. Dec 2023, 21:11

    Thanks toady

    good night everyone tc xx

    ps Victorian decorated cookies, perfect snack for the car journey to the root canal procedure lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 16. Dec 2023, 06:55


    Not cat and dog stockings are up well most of them anyway!

    Morning Joan I hope you and Sue are well. I bet Sue is happy will she have to have another check up or are they happy with her now? Just a few more wreaths to make and I'll be more or less done for Christmas. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef Hope you're ok and not overdoing it. Is your tree up for Hooli? Is it a gothic tree or a 'normal' one?

    This will be the first christmas he really understands won't it?

    Coffee for you help yourself


    Morning Reshmi I hope you are well and your Mum's bs remains good.

    I do have those Cheese free pizzas too sometimes and scrape off most of the tomato base. For some reason if there's no cheese they do often go OTT with the tomato base. No good at all for us. Sometimes it's the best of a bad job when you are out. Too much butter in mash potatoes honestly! No need is there?

    Hope you are feeling much better today, less drained and can walk easier (with you hat on). Gosh yes WR far too far on a rough day but any walk is better than not walking. I keep trying to tell Paul that🙄

    Lucky nice M having a lovely Dad. Do you ever remember your Dad being happier, easier to get on with? I think mine always had a temper from what my Mum said, but she adored him anyway bless her. She never got over his loss before she went herself. Big Babu Disease! Love it!!

    Gosh you have a lot ahead of you I do hope you are feeling on form.

    I am very glad to hear that BR might have a more socially civilised friend now. ETB really you know, it's not ideal is it getting bitten on a regular basis?

    Love the biccies they are really beautiful as you say the dentist will be raking it in!

    Take care and try to rest today after that - no chance😣 ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Aha I see now you post only when you are able, but oftentimes are up and about at strange hours. Now I know where Sleek disappears to. Mind you I have noticed some cat spy cams I think she is monitoring me so she can nip back at a moments notice if she sees movement!

    This morning she needed the loo at 5am! Will she use that litter? Nope🙄cats eh?

    Yes a lot of my pressies are for animals! hehehe! It's great fun😊 Sleek's is finally on it's way I hope she loves it. Paws crossed.

    I am very glad to hear Nosegay will take care of itself i don't want you working up to the 11th hour. Mabel has taken to walking around with feathers in her mouth like she's caught a bird!

    No idea what's in the purple tin it was a gift to us someone who doesn't realise i am vegan and Paul is on a diet.. As you can see lot's of wrapping for me to do yet.

    Poor Paul the stone off is a good start we need to get his cholesterol down to 4 instead of 4.3 to avoid statins. Oh yes it's reluctantly done!!

    What did you think of Bosh's fairy on her tree?😂 I loved it!!!

    You are so right I am heartily sick of all the plastic wrapping it's just too much isn't it?

    Having trouble with my Elves atm.....

    The butterfly above is for one of the girls who didn't survive her cancer when Lucy was ill.

    Have a good dry day I hope.

    Love to Carol and Emma if they call in ((())) xxx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (())

    (())Toady (()) I read we will have 3 days of snow from the 20’th have a good day.we went to town yesterday there was people sitting outside the shops trying to get some money. How can people get that bad.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Thank you for caring about sue. She has to go back in February for an ex-ray. You are good with the wreath’s I remember P (()) showed you how to make them. P was a clever lady. Have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (())

    Keef (()) have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Emma (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi Toni

    how are you today?

    sorry I thought I’d sent a message already but I got it wrong lol

    i was trying to get out the house before the al fresco delivery arrived lol

    I’m feeling a bit better than yesterday thanks

    I think part of the problem on yesterday’s walk was that I lost the coat war as it were haha,

    I wore the wrong coat basically, I was too warm, but still better than the other way round no doubt

    Mums bs is ok thank you 🙏

    but she’s feeling a bit congested and is taking some rest at the moment

    dad is cooking, I’ve been banned from cooking

    LA has ordered a homemade cheeseburger in advance lol

    BR had his first haircut at a proper HDs today, he got to wear a Dino robe for the haircut, I was a bit jealous

    he seemed to thoroughly enjoy the experience like a big and brave boy aww

    He does have a cold though I think the culprit has to be ETB, who has announced a biting detente, but more importantly, she hugs BR on an affectionate and regular basis whilst in possession of a runny nose - oh dear 😱😱

    I’ll have to cease writing (and biting) activities temporarily as shower G*ds are calling, maybe a 10 min ablution - related detente for mima

    my plan is to write more later

    but it depends on BB - related hostilities etc

    bye for now Toni tc xx

    👋Joan toady and Keef

    ps purple sugar cubes shaped in a slightly Alice - y manner lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316
    edited 16. Dec 2023, 19:01

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    sorry what happened to Sue? I must’ve missed it.

    how is she now?

    im ok thanks

    mums not too bad at the moment thanks.

    Hope you have a nice evening. Take care xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 16. Dec 2023, 20:18

    Hi all 👋

    Have multi-tasked quite well today all things considered but I wouldn't exactly say I was 'ahead' 😬 still have a lineful of washing outdoors, I suppose it might be an idea to do something about that 😄. Letters and cards are creeping along, slowly. And a tiny bit of gift shopping. Sleek was very helpful in that line making suggestions 😺 that was yesterday, we weren't up in the early hours honest larking about being giggly and drinking tea, that's not why she wanted the outdoor wc at 5am (poor you). I'm sure she'll love her pressie, v wise not to mention details on here, she would only be reading over your shoulder like she does, or would try and get it out of me 😄. I do love your tree and everything on it (what are the elves up to? 🤔), and the meaningful butterfly. Yes bosh's 'fairy' is very good 😄 it even took me a second to 'twig' though don't ask me why! Likewise fancy asking you about chocs, what a twit, I'll be asking if you like dairy milk next 😳 sorry, brain not switched fully on atm apparently. How much more village christmassing is there to go? Not too many big dinners I hope for you and Paul's sake, he is doing well, not sure how straight-line trying to bring cholesterol is but that doesn't sound a huge distance to go hopefully, between 4 & 4.3. I had my first sprouts of the season yesterday haha my lunches will probably get even less formal as I go on, and can't be bothered, so by xmas, it will be a sandwich - doing it all backwards 🤪. Btw is there a xmassy-themed knitted frog & toad tableau, bet there is, will go & look. Have a good Sunday :) xx

    Hello joan, oh not not snow really, I'd rather not - just the sort of thing it would do, just when I've finally written my cards, and have to go to the postbox on a sledge 😄. I brought up the right bins yesterday, but cancelled that 'success' out by putting out a charity bag on the wrong day it should have been Thursday 🤨 oh well next time. Awful to see people on hard times in our towns, such a complicated problem isn't it, you read of people who have been helped and gone into temporary accom somewhere but some just drift back on the streets for various reasons, very difficult 😔. Hope you & Sue are well today, is the new washing machine behaving itself🤞have a good Sunday :)

    Hi bosh, is there room for another one in that packet of cream crackers, am a bit too busy today 😱 will have to cut off early to bed and try to make up for it. Haven't had a walk either but I did last night. Hope your mum is feeling no worse and the congested feeling eases off, don't want any more colds, especially with LA coming. I see the HD has even caught up with poor little BR 😬 well the symbolic HD not the exact one, but you know what I mean, fancy hunting down littleys how ruthless 😄 oh well apparently he was laid back about the whole thing, well done. Yes maybe the Dino robe is the key, what could they have do to similarly lure me in I wonder, something nice like a teddy bear outfit perhaps. Hope he gets better quickly from his sniffles, anyway, oh dear an over affectionate sniffly child, worse than all the nameless things that go bump in the night put together 😱. Have as good a Sunday as possible not too much early singsongs or lego on the stairs🤞:) xx

    Wave to keef and anyone not in, kettle on ☕️ xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hello everyone.

    No tree up of any description. Not enough room unfortunately. Sucré being a handful too so he’d probably only wreck it.

    very rare occasion I had him for an hour as Loanda was online studying as part of her degree course. I decided he could help me fix the gate which keeps sticking and the postie can’t manage to give it an extra pull to make sure it’s closed. Honestly don’t they give them any gate closing training these days??? I took the mechanism off and redrilled the hole for the connecting bar which connects the two handles on either side of the gate so you can turn either and it lifts the latch. Went to put it all back together and no bar. I’m the first to admit I misplace things but not when doing a mechanical job. Everything goes on the towel or back in the tool box including all the parts so they don’t get gritty or dirty on the ground. Sucré said he took it but couldn’t remember what he did with it. I suspect it went down the drain at the corner of the house. He said he’d put it in the bin, which I went through but it wasn’t in there so I had to go buy a new one. Thankfully Steph at the hardware store had one in her odds and sods box for £2.50. But that’s been the way of it lately. I am putting new pickups in the Warwick guitar as the originals have bitten the dust and i was going to involve him and show him the dark art of soldering neatly without scorching one’s fingers but I am not letting him anywhere near my guitars atm.

    they off tomorrow and i am looking forward to being on my own.

    we made ginger bread shapes this afternoon all 3 of us. He whinged and moaned almost the whole time if he thought someone was doing more than him, don’t even think about trying to show him how to use the rolling pin !!!!!!

    he didn’t want to clean his teeth just now so us 2 both cleaned ours very noisily and within 10 seconds he came running into the bathroom screaming coz he was missing out, on something he didn’t even want to do lol. Gets a bit wearing tbh.

    he laying in bed and I’ve got some chill instrumental guitar music playing just now. Hopefully help him fall asleep.