Val's Cafe
I have kept on with the naproxen even though it was making me miserable and it seems to have improved things a little. Just one 500 mg tab after dinner and cut the tram back to 4 pills a day. Seems to be about right. I am still in a lot of pain but it keeps it from being constant agony and makes it almost manageable. Managed to walk to Greggs at lunchtime for a hotchoc, but I couldn’t manage the extra walk to the library so left my two for a slow hobble back home.
how is everyone here? How are the furries Toni, all good???
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Thanks toady
glad you got some things done
another demon barber who hunts the littleys oh no,
must be a relative of yours surely? Haha
mums stopped resting now I think she’s feeling a little bit better thanks
yes plenty of room in the savoury biccie packet
im almost in the land of nod / sweeney Todd / toady myself - well you know what I mean lol
have a good night toady and everyone tc xx
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Some of my wreaths for Joan to see.
Morning Joan hope you're ok? Of course I care about Sue well both of you really. Hopefully by February her ankle will be well and truly healed fingers crossed. I hope P would be pleased with my wreaths I think she would be. I have actually enjoyed doing them this year although my hands and back haven't been so pleased with me! Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Keef
How are you? I hope not too bad health-wise?
I see you are looking forward to some peace and quiet ahead when your two go to Nannie's for a few days.
Gosh yes Little Sucré AKA Hooli is certainly bang in the middle of the terrible twos not easy for us parents to cope with, but you did a great job doing the tooth brushing trick!
I hope the gate is now nice and smooth and postie-proofed! Well done fixing it with your happy helper (hinderer!) to be honest I would not recommend getting his help any time soon with guitar repairs. Definitely not.
Well done Loanda doing a degree course and you for supporting her👏
Morning Reshmi how are you today? I am fine thanks just the usual aches you know.
Oh no you wore the wrong coat! It was mild yesterday wasn't it? I wore warm coat but without my jumper underneath yesterday.
Glad to hear your Mum's BS is ok shame she's congested though. Erm what was dad cooking and was it any good?
Great idea to get in the shower while he was busy! I like it! Good thinking😉
ETB clearly adores our little BR, but oh dear snotty ETB hugging him is not what your sister needs is it? Of course LA needs a homemade burger c/o of his Grandma much better for him than one courtesy of Maccie D's. Do you need some cheese dropped off too?
I am having my hair cut on Tuesday like BR, but probably no dino robe for me either 😞 I am rather covetous too...
Love the sugar cubes!
Take care Reshmi ((())) xxx
Morning Toady
Aha! You were up the other night drinking tea and gilling with Sleek hence the need for an early morning wee! I get it. Fair enough. No I shall say nought about her pressie on here although she is currently AWOL so mot peeping over my shoulder...where is she?🤔
Oh here is Mabel yesterday I went to see her and my sis:
I have several scratches from playing with her!!! Adorable.
Well you will have overtaken me as far as card writing is concerned, but I think I have done almost enough wreaths. Only 2 specials to do. Well done you👍️
We bought a home cholesterol testing kit yesterday so we can check ourselves my recent lung CT showed that I have furring of my own arteries😕 why? I am vegan never eat dairy milk (🤣) nor any fats solid at room temperature. Woe. Have to see the GP on 3rd Jan The one I don't like too. Well I actually think she doesn't like me really. I bet her only idea is statins. Apparently though most people over 40 have some and only find out if they either have a heart attack or a CT like mine.
I love sprouts - do you? However crushed and roasted, boiled anyway at all. One birthday meal on 22nd on the same day as his work's Christmas meal out for Paul. He will have to control himself.
Is there a Christmassy Fog and Toad tableau? Oh i do hope so I adore them. I bet they eat sprouts.
Not sure where that Elf is ATM must try to find him before he gets up to any more mischief 🤨
Right must get on walk time.
Take care
2 -
Good morning everyone wppl xx
2 -
Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good day. I hope all is well there.
Toady (()) how are you. I read teenagers did what they shouldn’t on an unconscious man. Have a good day.
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) you are clever with your nimble fingers doing the wreaths. Minnie is lovely. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I hope your mum (()) had a good rest (()) have a good day.
Keef (()) you are a good handy man at work. Have a good day all of you
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni Joan toady and Keef
how are all doing today?
mums bs is ok 🙏
her stress levels are not
due to EF coming today
dad cooked some bland salt and taste free potatoes lol
BR said he eats “Bleario” singular in the morning haha
LA said only girls go to the French and Spanish classes in school, so he’s not going to go - cheeky monkey 🙈
only big macho 5 year old “guys” learn Italian then I suppose?😂
ok I’ve lost the thermostat war and need to rest
bfn tc all xx
ps cashew cheese stuffed purple potato balls xx
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Hi all 👋
Reaching peak pre-xmas frothing stage today, even with not that much to do - losing stuff, getting generally irritated and behind with everything. No I'm sure I'm not ahead in the xmas card stakes frog 😄 it's just the rounding up and note-writing I've done something to (so that some people don't get just a to/from card), but I may get something in the box tonight. The rest will do their usual roll up at last min or late I expect. Where is Sleek I trust she turned up shortly after 🧐 hope so. I won't have her for larky late night visits before xmas, promise, she needs her beauty sleep you don't want a tired grumpy kitty, that's my role 😸. Oh and there's a scratchy kitty for you to deal with already, that's plenty, overexcitement on Mabel's part I expect. Lovely pic 😍. Gosh if you've got a touch of furriness on your lung CT and that's how you know, then what are the regular gp cholesterol tests doing? Have you had one of those too? (sorry about the gp you have a hackles up situation with, it can't be you I'm sure). Woe indeed v undeserved 😔 Heaven knows what mine are like, I did have it tested some time back I think - tbh if I'm not aiming to live til 101 I can't worry about everything. Well done with the wreaths 😊 they're so nice, I love the dried orange. Oh a haircut next week, eek, enjoy 😕. If (when..) you have the time, there is indeed a frog & toad video to be had 😀 I am saving it for a quieter few mins myself. Have a good evening :) xx
Hello joan, hope you & Sue have had a good day 😊 it has been quite bright but it dropped really cold all at once. I didn't see the story you mentioned, people are awful 😕 I will be glad when we're all gone & the animals take over 🐰🐇. Have a good new week when will you do the last of any shopping before xmas, not that things close for long do they. Love to both and the dear dogs :) xx
Wave to bosh and keef &c &c, I am currently flagging for energy so must pause/get a cup of tea & finish a few odds & ends, back later 👋😘 x
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Hi Toni and toady
toady I hope you manage to rest 🤗
I just wanted to report that BR very angrily said to his granny, “ take your mima to the web!”
oh dear so have I become some kind of human decoding device?
maybe one that also warms tea and creates earthquakes, a kind of sonic tectonic hot plate?
forcefed rich dinner after rich dinner, o someone please commiserate
i think a need a lie down too toady
maybe just few centuries enough to grow my hair 😂
Bye for now Toni and toady tc xx
ps floral vinyl for no apparent reason lol xx
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Hi bosh, oh not the rich dinners 😱 may the antacid gods/spirits whatever be with you🤞. Can't say I feel twice the person since the tea and catnap maybe I should have had catnip in the tea, might have bucked me up a bit more 😄. Just looking at my xmas card list in the hope I've ticked off more than I think, but will have to knock off til tomorrow really, a toad can only write so many letters full of drivel in one day. Good luck with the rest of the visit, and have a good night, perhaps if you grow enough hair in one night you would have enough for a long rope like Rapunzel but how that helps you I'm not sure 🤔. Nice floral vinyl! I like a bit of vinyl, me, I have the odd coloured/swirly/fancy LP, must ask keef about his music collection now you mention it. See you anon :)
Hi keef 😊 hope you're having a nice quiet day, or a loud music day, according to taste - just saying to Reshmi, haven't asked you (or you've said & I forget sorry) what you have most of in the way of vinyl/cds &c or is it a fair bit of mp3 & streaming & whatnot. As Toni said, good work with the psychology and the teeth-brushing, it really is the one thing you will thank your parents for later even if nothing else haha. All good anecdotes about the gate etc for those of us reading, not so funny for you ofc 😬 glad you have a good hardware store, we had one open round here not too long ago (a branch of one that's already in the next town), only just twigged that's it's closed again 🙄 I love a 'proper' hardware shop. Hope family all fine had a good trip back etc. Have a good night :) xx
Love to all 😘 xx
1 -
Sucré announced he wanted to go to the zoo this morning as we were sitting in bed drinking tea, so we went. I rented a mobility scooter and we had the best few hours ever. Was FANTASTIC. Stayed until I couldn’t take anymore and drugs were wearing off. Had nice lunch and saw all the animals he named on the way there.
feel like the day has suddenly caught up with me now so i am off to bed as lots of pain.
catch up with you all tomorrow
2 -
Morning Joan my fingers/hands are very cross with me ah well just the specials to do today then it should all be done. How about you and Sue are you all ready for Christmas? Have you got your tree/decs up and cards written? ((())) xxx
Morning Keef
Just what you needed a lovely time out with Hooli and Loanda at the Zoo. Perfect. I am so glad you found all the animals which Sucré wanted to see,
Now he will be at Nannie's with happy memories of you and home. I hope today is ok and you didn't overdo it. Those scooters are normally pretty comfy so hopefully you'll be ok. Suggest a restful day today ((()))
My poor little Fig is filthy I need some time to clean her - and energy too🙄
Morning Reshmi how are you coping with the invasion of the Tiny Terror?? Is everything ok with you after all the food you have been force fed and the heating and the lack of rest?
Like Toady I am praying to the gastric Gods for you that you will be helped and your poor stomach will survive the onslaught.
Your Dad's cooking sounded erm....delightful! At least that wouldn't upset the stomach.
Glad to hear your Mum's bs is good I am sure she is one happy Granny now that she has LA with you. Be careful on the stairs.
I am impressed that you can decode BR speak possibly you could have a career as a decoder for MI5?
Looking forward to hearing all the school and nursery gossip I bet some entertainment to be had there. Of course 'boys' only learn Italian have you not read any of the 44 Scotland street books by Alexander Mcall Smith? French and Spanish? Pa! that's for girls!😁
If you're off to the cinema today take your own stomach friendly snack. Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Toady
Oh yes I know the feeling I am all over the place too so much to do and so little time haven't posted cards can't even find address book help! All for a few days too all this stress!
Although I did have a lovely afternoon yesterday - one of the foster babies had their first birthday so we had a little 'party' you know cake candle that sort of thing.
I found Frog and Toad's Christmas tree decoration vid awwwww so sweet life needs to be so simple It really does.🐸
Sleek is bringing some catnip to wake you up I am a) not convinced it works on peoples and b) fairly sure it sends you 'funny' not energised sorry but worth a try maybe?
Oddly enough my cholesterol is always fine low if anything with 'normal bloods'. I am just not sure how anyone finds out without a test like that one honestly such a worry. I am pleased I think (sort of) to know because my Dad died of his 3rd heart attack at 66 and mum just 70 with heart failure so I can take steps maybe.
The cholesterol kit we bought ourselves still shows mine as in the ideal range, but obviously I do have deposits so we'll see what she says. Definitely not me, rather the Dr. I have 8am appt on 3rd Jan Paul has offered to come along. Maybe he should.
Mabel is adorable but too young to put her claws away yet so she does 'catch you' when you are playing with her like I was. Bless her. Nothing malicious, but it still hurts!
Well best get on have a good day.
Love to Carol and Emma if they call by ((()))
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Hi Toni and toady
how are you both?
meal out cancelled 👍👍
mum is more or less ok 🙏
bfn from the sauna tc xx
0 -
Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good day. Thinking of you love to everyone.
Toady (()) Today is the last day for posting 2’nd class stamps they said on the radio. Have a good day.
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Sorry your hands are hurting you did a good job. We don’t put decorations up. We have a fibre optic small tree. Sue says we don’t need anything we have one another and friends. It is a lot of expense for one day. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())
Keef (()) That’s good you all had a good day yesterday. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Emma (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Toni
I got the BR mima - web comment a bit wrong
Mum told me the correct version and context
LA found BR playing with a lightbulb
LA concernedly handed me the lightbulb for safekeeping, and for the safety of his brother
BR didn’t like this at all and to add insult to injury I said “it’s not good to play with these things it’s dangerous you should listen to your brother”
So I managed to take away the lightbulb, but later on, BR took his rage out on his granny and said “you take your Mima to the web where the spider will eat her” oh dear, how distinctly ookey
So the spider had had enough of Indian desserts shop - bought crumble etc playing havoc with her stomach. I fully understand but eating a Mima there’s got to be a law against that surely? 😂
okay that’s enough for now I’m sort of rolling with the punches Tuesday is the last day of the vid, not that I don’t love Lord A of course, but this is hard work, ok that’s the report from the front line for now.
Bye for now and Take care all xx
1 -
👋 Joan and Keef
ps funny translation fail x
1 -
Hi again Toni
you’re absolutely right, literature has given us a precedent for the effeminate nature of French and Spanish learning apparently lol
i started talking to LA about Italian and then he started shouting “mamma Mia”, for what seemed like at least half an hour, he also sang the words in an operatic manner, I think he was only silenced by the bribe of being allowed to watch snake cartoons on tv, animated beings that looked distinctly ookey to me 😱
but then again I’m just an ignorant mima who may soon become spider - fodder as has been previously documented 😂
sorry if I repeat things but it’s been a disorganised day as you can imagine lol
Mum is ok at the moment thanks
my rest hasn’t been too bad because yesterday I managed 30:- 45 nap after walk and pre - EF which saved me really, today I walked for longer even though it hurt my foot a bit, because I just needed to try and burn off something lol and also just needed to make sure I slept adequately
LA is fine thanks, BB was scaring him with a frightening story, luckily I returned from my walk in time to modify it, my goodness he’s a character Toni
he also of course left the lightbulb around for BR to potentially injure himself with
i read a bit of one of your other messages, did the gp say you’ve got high cholesterol or something like that? Just curious
I’m getting sleepy with the heating / cooking
I’ll leave it there again, have a nice evening Toni
may post later not sure yet
bye tc xx
ps hopefully no one minds about this pic - just thought it was funny xx
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Hi Joan
how are both today?
im tired but ok thanks
same with mum I think
have a nice night tc xx
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Hi toady
catnip in the tea, it’s interesting idea I’ll give you that lol
Sorry you had a drivel - letter writing session haha
i know this may seem like a somewhat drastic step
but why not keep the letters and cards to a bare minimum?
I don’t think anyone would blame you for writing a “straight to the point “ type letter or card
just a suggestion
im quite lucky in way as sometimes because of my ethnicity people sometimes think the idea of me writing cards is offensive haha
which it isn’t of course but I keep strategically silent
I have one friend, she’s a vicar, so I used to try and send her a card - I didn’t write War and Peace as an accompaniment to the card, quite unlike her to be honest - but she’s one of those scatty intellectual types - so she’s forgotten to give me her current postal address, so there’s not much point in that anymore.
have a nice night toady, take care xx
good night to Keef and everyone else too xx
1 -
Hi all 👋
Well I was ahead for a moment there this morning, then 'dropped' at just the same point as yesterday, in the afternoon. As soon as the cold outweighed any bit of brightness things took a downturn, though I did get some baking done and a few odd jobs. Anyway, I have put 3 cards in the postbox, pass the halo 😇. As to the rest, well we'll see, a couple of local boxes have normal afternoon collections so I might get some more off then. Sorry you're at the lost address book stage too frog 😫 I really can't understand why I can't organize myself, especially for xmas, it's not like you don't know it's coming. I was surprised to see well-known stationery shop selling various 2021 year planners &c, I'd love another go of organizing past years, if I bought one and filled it in maybe it would work retrosepctively 🤔😄. Hope you have got some things done and have less left yourself. Yes the catnip might not do much in the energizing line but at least an hour or so spent spent rolling on the carpet slightly wild-eyed and drooling would make a change from Christmas lists 😂. I too have seen the Frog and Toad now, oh I want a matchbox of little decorations 😍 (mind you mine are fairly lowkey, will post something if I get a min). They are just lovely, thank you for the inital recommendation 😊. Hmm my cholesterol test may not be all that trustworthy either then, I do hope you get on as ok as possible on Jan 3rd, maybe 'she' will be off..? Not wishing anything nasty on her of course just unavoidably can't do her surgery that day. Yes it is worth your knowing, in that sense. Hope everyone well atm, how are your neighbours? The 'lovely' rather than the 'other' sort. What's the position with Lucy & work xmas break-wise? Have a good day good luck with all your own stuff to do🤞:) xx
Hello joan, last day for 2nd class post, well you can imagine how well I've done meeting that deadline 😂 all mine are going 1st class, and they'll get there if they get there at this stage 🤷♀️. Doesn't help that xmas eve is a Sun as they normally would deliver then (or do they, not sure actually). I don't have fancy decorations either, it's ok to have more if you like them and nice to have ones you carry on from year to year etc, it's the novelty rubbish that people buy every year that's such a waste. Have a good day it's supposed to be heavy rain overnight, that wasn't forecast when I last looked 🙄 xx
Hi bosh, excellent bulletins from the front line, don't know how you are managing to be light bulb health & safety officer and be threatened with being a spider's elevenses and still be so funny 😂 ooh, yay to meal cancellation, I presume that's the correct response rather than sorry to hear, but whatever, accept my congratulations/commiserations as applicable. Is the cinema still on? Hope that's ok and everyone else alright today, your mum not doing too much. Have a good night, I have just been to the postbox but it was so quick just there & hurry back, so hardly counts as a walk I wouldn't have noticed if there were zombies or mima-eating spiders or escaped elephants from keef's zoo requiring certain lady babies to come & round them up. Hoping to have a quieter day tomorrow although if I don't wash some dishes soon there won't be a teacup to make emergency tea in 😱. I was listening to an old Doctor Who audiobook, there was a very efficient and also funny robot polishing the silverware and cooking 3 course dinners, I want one of those. Have a good night :) xx p.s. I have some blueberries at the moment am going to look that recipe up 😀. p.p.s., have now seen your one-minute-before-me post, yes I do try & keep cards down and don't have that many people to send anyway, but it's the having to do it all at once that makes it an effort I suppose, you can't really start in Oct and stagger them can you. I do write letters in Nov or so usually for the people I know will appreciate one, so then it can just be 'card to follow', I just didn't quite get to a couple this time. I do enjoy writing letters it just annoys me not to have the energy 🙄 also stubborn me resents the idea of illness being a reason not to do them so I rebel against that 😉. Yours is the much more sensible suggestion though of course thanks. Glad you can send some if you want to, yes these things can be awkward I realize 🙄. Maybe the scatty intellectual will remember at some point and send her address out of the blue :) xx
Glad you had a good time yesterday keef 😊 what is Sucré's favourite at the zoo? Hope he & Loanda are well and getting on ok today, and you too, not paying too much for yesterday. Have a good night :) xx
Love to everyone 😘 xx
0 -
Well I was made to eat my words. Woke up yesterday and could not get on with my day, I was SO lonely and missing my little boy, especially after such a good Sunday. I had problems with one if my guitars which necessitated a complete disassembly to get to the offending bit and some soldering, after that was complete I got the bike out for the first time in ages and went to nannies for the afternoon and dinner. Sucré didn’t leave my side all the while I was there so he was obviously feeling the same way.
Got back about 8:30, I broke my rule about riding in the dark, hate it these days but just took it steady, patrol speed lol. And I have not slept all night. Not a minute. Somethings off in my brain, don’t know what, don’t think I am worried about anything, at least no more than normal. Been in bunker for a couple of hours playing guitar cane in at 3 thinking I’d go back to bed or fall asleep in front of the tv but nope.
Hey Toady, to answer your question about my music collection, I left all my vinyl behind when I got divorced 20 years ago, but had all my CDs in folders, sort of a Square A4 size which I took with me, I have since put 99% of them onto my MacBook, but Sucré enjoys going through the CD folders and choosing one to play, which he does himself, he won’t let me operate the CD player.
I did look at getting a vinyl collection together again, and I have three albums, but no turntable. However, I don’t see the point really because all recordings are now made mixed and mastered in the digital realm so by the time it is pressed onto the vinyl in an analogue format it has already been through several ADA conversations so any warmth or whatever it is the vinyl buffs go on about has been lost. Even the original analogue recordings from the pre digital recording age are more than likely stored on a massive digital storage device, and the original source tapes are not involved in any re-issue of the material on vinyl, so after a little research, I decided that I would resolve to keeping my guitar sounds analogue and any bought recordings digital. I do actually think CDs sound better in anycase. Much more detailed sound. The guitar sounds on my songs posted here were all analogue but the recording was straight to garage band, which of course is digital. I do like a long answer don’t I?
Gonna see if I can have a snooze before spending day in bunker pain permitting.
1 -
Guess what? It's raining again 🙄 Typical!
How are you Joan? I hope you and Sue are both ok. Absolutely we only need family and good friends Sue is spot on. A fibre optic tree is a really good idea😊 My hands should recover with a rest over Christmas thanks though ((())) xxx
Morning Keef well I do hope you are ok today.
Biking in the dark tut tut (nearly made a typo there can you guess what?) I hope the back and neck survived the journey. However I am very glad you went and had some bonding time with little Sucré.
Sounds like the pair of you love and miss each other very much. How long does it take to get there?
Shame you left your vinyl behind when you divorced. I wonder whether your ex-wife still has the collection or whether she sold it. I wouldn't start one again either what you have is good enough.
Morning Reshmi how are you? I hope well and that your Mum is too.
How are you doing? Dear Lord A will be away home today and peace will be restored. There will be no more obstacles on the stairs no trip hazards and the only loud noise will be Big Babu. I'm so glad you were able to intervene and prevent BB sacring LA with a frightening story.
Delightful operatic singing courtesy of LA😣 probably not! Snake cartoons are definitely preferable to such an onslaught on the ears.
I am most bothered about BR wanting your Mum to feed you to the sp*der😮 That sweet boy must have really wanted that light bulb! I have looked into it and there is actually not a law about feeding your Auntie to the sp*ders, but unfortunately for BR there are no sp*ders capable of such a feat here in the UK. Thus you are safe for now. Phew!
Gosh yes 3 blind mice on the recorder that so made me 😂
Well done managing a nap and a walk you did very well there.
No I don't have high cholesterol it's in the normal range, but a lung CT showed furring of my arteries! Scary eh? So not sure what to do about it. I have an appt with the GP January 3rd to discuss. Apparently though, most of us have some furring after the age of 40 onwards. Given that my Dad died at 66 of a heart attack (his 3rd) and my Mum of heart failure at 70 I am taking it as an early warning.
Those blueberry crumble bars look amazing😋 and the barbie doll well I have copied the pic sent it to my sister it's brilliant!
Take care today ((())) xxx
Morning Toady I hope you are ok today it's raining here - again🙄That'll top up the flood on Maccies carpark nicely.
No I still have written no more cards at all. Not one. You however did very well getting to the 📮 here is your 😇 mine is round my neck or feet maybe tripping me up?
I think having a planner would stress me out even more Toad I really do. I would still fail it's just me or is it an Amphibian thing maybe? A I've had a thought! We us can singularly save Bosh from the sp*der! Amphibians eat sp*ders don't they? Well I can't do it personally and neither can you, but we can surely summon up some anura assistance?
Lucy is off for Christmas which is lovely so she'll be here for lunch☺️
Either that Dr needs to be having a 'be nice to Toni day' I have 8am appt or yes please can she be off for the day?
Sleek has got her wet weather gear together and a small sachet of catnip for you to try. Best of 🤞
Right best get on
Love to Carol and Emma if they get time to pop in.
Actually I am expecting a visit from Crinkly too about now.....
1 -
Morning Toni, it’s about 30 minutes. Not a bad ride. All on roads I used to patrol. I go past at least 2 spots where I have stood for hours with a radar gun. Funny that when I was on my patrol bike no one ever wanted to argue or fight. If I was out in the car that was not the case.
I can’t guess the typo but I am severely sleep deprived lol.
it is extremely raining here very lots.
1 -
Thanks for the coffee, I’ll take it to the bunker.
0 -
Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (())
Toady (()) Have a good day. We have rain. It will soon be the shortest day. How are your leaks.
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) How are your hands today (()) Jacky’s daughter has to work over Christmas she goes to Malta one day. How is Mable she’s settled in now. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) i hope you have a good day and your mum (())
Keef (()) have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Toni
how are you?
im exhausted already
bye for now tc xx
ps the spider committed a “translation fail” or maybe is just hungry for toddlers lol xx
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