Val's Cafe
Hi all 👋
Just having a teabreak from the letters & cards & whatnot, didn't get quite as far as I hoped, won't be at the 📮for the 5pm collection obviously but tonight for tomorrow morning will have to do. Knocked off my last bits of charity postal stuff and managed to turn out one more small letter, everyone else will just get 'letter to follow' now. Hope you get a chance to get on with some of yours frog, shame it's one job absolutely no-one can really help you with. Oh no I don't want to keep a year planner ahead either, I was just fantasising that if I went back & filled one in with the things I should have done that year, it would come true and magically have a knock on effect now, and I would find everything transformed like the McFly family at the end of Back to the Future.. better shinier lives.. yes, dream on 😄. Sleek turned up bright & early and has been helping; I thought I'd better write letters before the catnip rather than after, I might find I'd written 'hey man, what's up' rather than 'Dear Uncle Alan, how are you?' 😄. Anyway between us we got a few things done and had spare time to try on a few sparkly hairslides and festive nail(claw) polishes. Any sign of the disappearing lippy and/or have you found a suitable sub? Glad Lucy has free time in hand, and good luck in advance for your various festive meals. And Paul's. Are you at the Food bank again before xmas? Talking of meals 😬 yes I'm sure we can save Reshmi from the pider.. in some way.. 🤔 I will check my 'contacts', I'm sure I know some toads who know some toads etc 😉👍️. V Funny that you said you had confirmed there is no law against it 😄. Hope things not too flooded round about you, it was heavy overnight, nothing much today thankfully. Have a good evening :) xx p.s.
Hello joan yes the shortest day on Thurs, hurrah, can't come soon enough for me 👍️ uphill all the way now, or downhill depending how you look at it. Absolutely no post in today so there are not many days to go. Hope they are not so swamped that the occasional bad apple postman is just taking it all home & not delivering it, it has been known 😱. Have a good afternoon/evening :) xx
Hi bosh, hope things are going as well as poss today🤞exhausted already by 12 does not sound good though hope you've fitted in some rest or have imbibed Gluco-zade or R Brek or whatever in scientific proportions calculated to get you through this. Glad we got the full accurate reportage on the peril of the auntie-eating spider 😱 bit of a theme this week, as I was just listening to a Doctor Who with a sp*der-like race where the young were eyeing up their parent's leg as a snack (why am I listening to such things, you may well ask 😂), do not let BB repeat that plot to BR 🙄. Nothing happening with me today, hope to post more when I have finished faffing about with xmas post and can sit down properly with a rich tea bic or two and gather my brains rather than trying to remember where the stamps are and did cousin someone have the same card last year (no it doesn't matter but I'm a bit of a list-writer and cross-referencer 🙄). See you anon :) xx
Hi keef, sorry you were torn between peace & quiet & family yesterday, difficult to be pulled both ways, glad you were ok going to see them on the bike but disappointing then not to sleep 🤔 hope you've made up for it with some rest. I would not necessarily have expected that, about the bike and that people always gave you less hassle. Have you ever heard the police turned comedian radio show It's A Fair Cop? interesting to outsiders but I wouldn't necessarily know what people on the inside would make of it. Thanks for the info about the vinyl (no answer too long as far as I'm concerned haha), for some reason I had never thought about modern vinyl having a digital source, no idea why, it stands to reason. So that was all v interesting thanks. I do like the whole turntable thing, not that I have a 'good' one, as I'm not an aficianado whatever, but don't have a lot of vinyl mostly cds (that I don't play because yes streaming has slowly sucked me in me even though I swore it wouldn't..). Vinyl is a ton weight too of course, and as for 78s 😬. Have a better night I hope xx (btw I can't get Toni's almost-typo either and I've had all day 🤔).
Love to all 😘 xx
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Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef
how are you all this afternoon/ evening?
sorry I got so tired that I fell asleep after my last post without even saying
that mums bs was actually low, almost a hypo, but she’s ok now thank goodness
so I was so tired that I slept even in the sauna ( though I know of course that the sauna isn’t the worst problem in the winter)
on the BR front, I don’t think he realises at his age that mima - eating can’t be reversed, unlike a tattoo for example
neither can a mima be eaten in instalments unlike a debt - repayment plan
You can’t eat one of mima’s joints in December, another in January etc, even though it would mean less nausea- inducing methotrexate haha
my stomach rebelled yesterday, in style, as I was expecting it to, but today I’m eating like an ascetic monk, well not quite, lol, but I’m hoping to go to the group tomorrow, even if it’s just to partake of some squash
Don’t worry toady, I like lists and cross - referencing too
The Doctor Who story would be very ookey for a five-year-old lol
Hi Toni sorry to hear about the furring of the arteries
Okay, bye for now everyone, take care xx
ps toady’s brushing her hair, bit of a posh hairbrush though really, I doubt she got it at super - bug lol xx
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Hi Reshmi. 😁
Toady don’t get me started on streaming music. Unless you are prepared to subscribe the bitrate these companies stream music at is so low, for me, the quality or rather lack of it detracts from listening to the music, some are so bad it reminds me of AM radio in the 70’s, when R1 and R2 had to share the FM frequencies before they each had their own. I can’t even search through my own music on my iPhone without waiting for an Apple Music add to disappear. So frustrating. Also Apple make you sign the agreement which if anyone ever takes time to read it says even though you pay say £9.99 to download an album you don’t own it you only rent it for your lifetime then it returns to Apple. Or at least that is what I am told because I’ve never read it. I think there was a lawsuit in USA. There are a few decent sellers in eBay doing Cds. I would rather buy the CD and put it on my MacBook myself, but sometimes I am impatient.
tried to have a sleep at lunchtime but couldn’t sleep again. Don’t know whats going on. I’m in the bedroom now listening to radio waiting for drugs to kick in before going back to bunker.
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Good night everyone tc keep warm xx
ps toady going to the postbox lol xx
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It's not raining!!!
I heard from @barbara12 yesterday she is doing ok and will pop in to see us before Christmas.
Morning Joan Thanks for asking Mabel is really happy with Kari she's lively though! Kari is enjoying watching her play and feeling much less lonely. Wow Malta at Christmas i hope Jacky's daughter is getting overtime. My hands aren't too bad I am only doing two more wreaths for my Ex MIL. Take care of yourselves ((()))
Morning Keef 30 minutes is a perfect ride out isn't it just the length for a bike or a Fig😊How right you are about patrol bikes/cars the way people suddenly slow down is actually almost funny! So you'd know teh spots to behave yourself then?!
Hope you slept a bit better last night?
I agree about streaming 100% buy CDs or listen on my alexa if it's just for background noise like I will on Christmas day have Christmas songs on.
Morning coffee for you
Machine is on...
Morning Reshmi
Oh dear me kids are getting eaten now are they? Hehehe! Better not tell LA or BR. Of course BR won't realise you being eaten would be permanent and nope no chance of being consumed in instalments😮 tahnks goodness bad debt or no bad debt🤣
How are you and your Mum today especially that her bs is not too low! are you both recovered from the Tiny Tyrant's visit? Well done for the sauna rest I'm sure it helped a bit. Of course it must be actually bearable in winter, unlike the 'cold room'.
Oh dear poor stomach. That's not good but of course you will want to go to the group today it's the last one before Christmas. You have eaten very frugally? I get that. I have done the same too this week not sure quite why, but still I did have to. It worked for me though so fingers 🤞 for you ((()))
Have a good time at teh group good news it's not raining but it is mild so watch which coat you are wearing.
Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Toady it's not ☔
If filling in a planner in retrospect had that affect I would absolutely do that. Problem with me is I might fill one in, but look at it? Nah wouldn't happen😳
No more cards written had to to an emergency cross wreath for this morning so got home very late just in time to eat shower and hug Sleek then off to my bed. You ahve done very well I think. They will just all arrive late and that's that.
So next year maybe we write some as we go and put them ready? Remind each other like we will for our seeds?
Oh yes I found the lippy and am contemplating ordering two spares? What do you think? Seek looked lovely when she got home especially her claws. Wow very christmassy indeed yours look rather good too she showed me a photo on her phone
Foodbank this morning but have to leave early due to my food delivery arriving between 12 and 1 how did I make that mistake? Oh well.
We will save Reshmi from the sp*ders call in Toad favours etc...
Paul will have to be sensible with his food. I will obviously be extra sensible anyway with my not-high cholesterol low BP etc....🙄
Hair is cut look....10 years younger? Aidan used to say that😊
Take care and have a good day.
Love to any missing friends who have time to pop in and wish us all a Merry Christmas.😍
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Thinking of you love to your carers.
Toady (()) the weather man says we won’t have any snow. Only rain. Have a good day.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) that’s good Kari has Mable for company they are good for one another. Have a good day. Are you doing more now than you did in your other house. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) what does your name mean. Love to your mum (()) that’s good she’s alright. Have a good day.
Keef (()) have a good day with not too many. Problems. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
take care
joan xx2 -
Slept from midnight to 6:30 woohoo!!
then from 6:45 to 8 after some pills. Amazing!
feel okay atm just doing some guitar
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Morning all, just about 👋
Yes, dry here today frog, dull as pitch though 😕 once I'd got through my last odd jobs today was hoping for either a good walk or get in the garden tomorrow, the forecast being sunny intervals - on closer inspection that turns out to mean 1 hour of sunshine and 13 hours of winds averaging 48, what again? so soon? good grief 😫 trial by weather at the moment, what a winter 🙄. Hope it won't be too bad for you. Sorry you've cross-booked yourself with your shopping, this would never happen with the magic year planner (yes it would). Sorry you had a busy evening too hope things will be a bit better once you've done today's jobs/food bank. Haircut done with anyway, the worst is over 😄👍️ very nice, Sleek says. Yes didn't we do a lovely job with that polish, no wonder you were impressed, very neat you'd never know someone with arthritic hands had done them 😄. Yes I buy spares of makeup, probably won't surprise you to hear, in case of discontinuation &c, hate starting again finding a nice shade - but things don't keep well do they so you can't stock up indefinitely 😔 shame. Right well a couple of cards and iou's to go and that's really the best I can do, doesn't cover emails and possible phone calls but will probably plead a postponement on some of them too. Yes I'd love to start my xmas post ahead of time I'm always going to, of course.. 😳 Unfortunately there's a limit, as people send you updated news and you can't factor that in til the last min., but we could give it a go 👍️. My incoming post so far hasn't been a barrel of laughs, either slightly depressing news or people talking about their grandchildren buying houses, grandchildren, I mean don't be silly, these are people I'd be mildly surprised to hear their children were old enough to own property 😱🙄😂. Have a good day as poss, thank you for news of Barbara :) xx
Hello joan, sorry, you asked yesterday about my leak, last I checked it was the same no worse so will put it to the back of my mind til New Year nothing more I can do about it at the moment. Rain the weatherman says not snow, so a Grey Christmas not white 🙄 awful if you're somewhere that's always flooding etc and the last thing you want is more. Did you see the poor lady living with all that mould that people had rallied round and helped. Damp seems to be an increasing problem for people not surprising really. Hope you have a good day :) xx
Hi to bosh, will see you later on a part 2 visit probably, will be going to the post in a minute glad there aren't all those steps 😬🐰. Hope you made it to group :) and no more low bs for your mum today xx
Keef, 7+ hours sleep in a couple of instalments, ooh well done 😀. Hope the guitar playing is going well and everything is toasty in the bunker amps included. I suppose I used streaming as lazy shorthand for any digital really, come to think of it I hardly use it at all since they ruined spotify in one way after the other 🙄, I used to use another free 'radio' type site much the same happened to that, and I've never had any doings with itunes since maybe an audiobook or something a looong time ago. Don't have anything apple at all I dislike things where it's all link-y and sync-y I sideload all apps &c. So it's cd or rip to mp3, or youtube if I want to watch the video and can stomach the ads for bit, I don't subscribe to anything. That bit about not owning your purchases rings a bell now you mention it. Have a good day as poss :) xx
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Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef
how are you all doing?
hi again Joan
my name means “silky” as in silky hair etc
i just wanted to mention that LA saw a film with his dad called “Chicken Run - dawn of the nuggets” lol
more nugget - related humour later hopefully
Keef that’s a good sleep 👍
bye for now all tc xx
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Hi Toni
mum had a hypo unfortunately in the night
dad didn’t help her, she managed by herself
she was too unwell to call me
maybe dealing with LA was too stressful but she’s ok now
Im very angry with dad
lot of traffic and school- going littleys around
got home late
made a song about nuggets for the Lord A
bye for now tc xx
Ps toady’s back garden lol xx
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Just a quick goodnight to bosh (& everyone), so sorry about your mum's hypo & that it was as bad a night as it was for her 😔 fingers crossed as she was feeling better in the day she will have a more settled sleep and with EF gone etc have less to do🤞.
See you all tomorrow hope nobody has too bad a night & day of it with any windy weather, not looking forward to it here particularly, hours of it til 4pm tomorrow supposedly 😕
Love to all 😘 xx
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Hi again Toni and toady
I was eating frugally yesterday till about 6.45 pm yesterday then hunger and being fed up made me lose self control and I ate some rubbish
today my food - related halo wasn’t fully shining lol,
but no cheese and only healthy dark choc from health food shop “Amsterdam and carrot” 😂
loads of school kids everywhere which prevented me from having my customary half a hot choc good job really
basically my stomach was a bit ookey this morning but at the moment is relatively stable and ok 🙏
though of course the oracles only communicate their intentions etc in the night 🤷♀️
Now I’m trying to develop my own code language and remember it, wish me luck with this one lol,
the group lady with the crutches and sons who used to be in an out of hospital has a very distinctive name that’s hard to disguise, but for various reasons has some associations with Catholicism and saints so I’ve decided to respectfully refer them to BDT (as in Bernadette, though of course that’s not her actual name), she was there in the group today with her son, she asked me to tell her son that he should see the GP as seemingly minor stomach issues can turn serious, so I tried to tactfully do that, but although the son - who’s probably in his twenties at the most - was of course very polite, he had a a bit of a LA look in his eyes lol, as if he were thinking, “ do I have to listen to these auntie - types all day long? - it’s not like I can put them in the web, they’re already millions of people there and toady’s has taken 75% of the web storage space with her tresses and I don’t want to pay to put people in the mince pie cloud and a fungus is rotting my pear phone” well you get the general idea anyway lol.
Toni good coat advice - spot on thanks 👍
I made a song for LA with the lyrics
“ Chicken nuggets are hanging from the hanging from the Christmas tree
BB has fallen asleep in front of the tv”
he loved and sang it almost as many times as he sang “mamma Mia” - oh dear
I’ll send him to toady’s next time he wants to give a concert lol
ill ask him to be extra loud so expect your neighbours to complain to the council sorry about that haha
ok I’ll stop there even though I know I haven’t covered everything
have a good night Toni toady Joan and Keef tc xx
ps a pride - coloured moon lol xx
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Hi Toady, I like the MacBook mainly for Garage Band and the music software, but the iPhone is very synci like you say, but if I want to plug Anda’s fone into my MacBook to put tunes on it it has a meltdown it’s like - “How dare you plug a different iPhone in here, are you going to SHARE your music with someone else??? We don’t approve of that!” I think there is a facility on Apple Music for doing that, probably an extra payment knowing Apple. I think they are the best of a bad bunch. Get it ha ha.
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Or is that bananas?
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Morning Joan it's windy out there be careful if you take the dogs out. I am definitely doing much more in this village than in the old one so yes too much really. Are you and Sue ok? All is well here just took an order for two more wreaths luckily only small ones for cremation plots. Take care both ((())) xxx
Morning Keef
How much sleep? how much? Wow! You should be full of Beans now not just coffee ones too!
How long is Loanda off over the festive season?
Naughty MacBook well naughty money grabbing apple actually to be fair.
Hope you can enjoy some guitar today
Take care ((()))
Morning Reshmi
I love LA's song! He would too. Now what tune shall we sing it to?🤔 Something Christmassy maybe? Absolutely send him to Toady's whenever prospective buyers come next door!
Your poor Mum having a hypo with no support from your Dad. Not a lot you can do with your Mum not able to call you. Has she got a mobile? I know it sounds mad but could she ring you from that it she needs you in the night?
Oh dear you slipped up late in the day. Evenings are my worst time too for having something naughty or sometimes other people? When you are obliged to eat something you can't really manage/don't want. Like last night I had to go to my friends with Paul while they watched football we brought a balti from our favourite place. Fair enough but it was late to eat for me and more than I'd normally eat. My stomach like yours is not 100% happy.
Young men in their 20's are absolutely not interested in what Aunties have to say at all. I quite agree with you. Not sure you can help that lady with him he needs to realise on his own that he should get checked.
Glad you go to the group and the coat advice was sound. Today it will be 'hold onto your hats' weather it's so windy out there already.
I love what your name means you must have had soft silky hair as a baby💖
Beautiful inclusive moon☺️
Toady's garden is lovely🤣
Have a good day and take care ((())) xxx
Morning Toad
I wrote the sum total of two more cards that's it! compared to me you have done so well! Next year we will start in September. All cards will be sorted addresses on envelopes and signed and stamped just the message to pop in what do you think?
I am sure you're right about an old planner not preventing the double booking. It wouldn't have worked nope nothing helps😕
It's so windy out there ludicrous it is. I am not enjoying it at all it's altogether tooooo much. Yesterday I had finished my wreaths last night I got two more orders and I must do one for P of course. I was only delivering 3 today that was going to be all I did🙄a quiet day. Oh well, sleeves up, back and hands ready for another tough day.
I will order just two more lippies then - it's the shade I want but only two if they can 'go off'.
Oh Sleek was preening yesterday with her pretty claws she showed them off to Mabel and told her, (LA style), that when she grows up she too can have claws like these. She is looking at me from her spot by the radiator on her blankie. She has booked a 'catsi' for later reckons it's too windy to come under her own steam so look out for her.
People you know have Grandchildren buying houses😮 People I know have some of them just started having Grandchildren. Gosh. Shocking.
Well hope your day is restful keep out of the wind if you can.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to anyone who pops by Barbara, Carol, Emma, Crinkly and maybe Kitty.🎄
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Hi everyone wppl xx
welcome to mxt Thursday for those who celebrate/ partake
ps pic of breakfast in the style of BR, avant garde maybe lol xx
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) have a good day love to everyone
Toady (()) It’s windy here. Have a good day. The man who cuts our grass always says I can give you a short back and sides.
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I would think living in a village you would feel closer to people. Have a good day. Thank you for speaking to Barbara it’s nice to know they are alright. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) that’s a lovely namej. Sorry your mum(()) had a hypo love to her. Have a good day.
Keef (()) that was a good sleep have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
thanks about my mum 🙏
she’s feeling ok at the moment
I’m not too bad thanks
have a nice afternoon tc xx
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Hi Toni
how are you this afternoon?
I saw the BDT lady yesterday
she’s still on crutches and suffering from bad arthritis pains unfortunately
she said her sister in law is bullying her and making her cook Christmas dinner for the whole clan and her sons are lifting all the pans for her while she cooks and she also told her what sort of clothes to wear in her own house and BDT had to buy clothes especially for the visit, I think that’s very cruel.
festive music is good, but maybe Keef can supply the music lol 👍
ok I’ll stop for now, methotrexate day for me
bye for now Toni tc xx
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Hi all 👋
Nothing much in the tank today so good job I didn't have high hopes as nothing is pretty much all I've done 🙄 was rather hoping to be at that calm in eye of storm bit where having done your xmas stuff you can actually sit quietly and let it wash over you. Only have one card to write and that happens to be in reply to the only death announcement I've had this xmas (just when I thought there were none this year 😔). Glad I had not done theirs already, the bereavement was a while ago but at least it saved me addressing it to mr & mrs, and I can write a few lines. Hope you've got on ok with your wreaths frog, oh dear, someone else that was going to knock off today but not to be, hope you can soon. Certainly a nasty windy day and dark with it mostly 😣 have kept out of it and it should be tailing off soon, then I'll go to the post later. Sleek had a very nice 'catsi' driver they made sure she got here & up the path safely 😺 and booked the return journey in too. We just got ourselves settled with a surrogate blankie for Sleek and one for me and had a good old catch-up 👍️ only thing really on a day like this. Yes I'm sure there are quite a few things she will be telling Mabel aren't for a little kitty yet 😄 cats can be just as proprietorial as us I daresay about their grown-up perks. But I'm sure she'll kindly include her in plenty of things. Have a good evening love to all :) xx
Hello joan, it was very windy here, I learnt my lesson and secured my wheelie bin because it did fall over in the last bit I later found (no-one picked it up for me 🤨). But the worst of it has passed over now. Your gardening man says that every time does he 😬 some people do have their favourite old chestnuts don't they, it's like when people go by when you're mowing and say 'you can do mine next'. Hope you have a good evening, Friday already tomorrow, don't know how much more post will get through now but they start again on the 27th. Apparently Royal Mail are offering bonuses of up to £500 to staff to try and meet targets. I found 4 old 2nd class nonbarcoded stamps in a drawer yesterday I should have handed in 😱 🙄. Love to Sue :) xx
Hi bosh, glad things are not too bad at yours today. Good luck with the mxt it seems most people here have been lucky they can 'celebrate' early and not have to inject on the main holiday days which is good 👍️. I see that there has been a clerical error casting me with my my bird's nest hair in the role of the lady with the posh hairbrush, by your name, that should be you 😄. Oh dear poor BDT I couldn't quite believe what I was reading, all the things she is having to put up with 😣 gosh, some people. I hope she does get to do some things that she wants. How long has she had the crutches? Hope her son's problem does not turn out to be anything much🤞(you know yourself how hard it is to get people to see dr 🤨). Have a good evening :) I love the mince pie cloud btw 😄 xx
Keef ugh yes that's just what I hate, all the cans and can'ts of tech and service providers etc. Bad enough now having everywhere ask you if you're sure you are who you say you are, and the language drives me mad 'let's get you started, nearly there, all done' all that nonsense 🙄. I'm sure I'm probably no more secure and private for not having one id linked to everything but you can only do so much 🤷♀️. Hope your day is ok :) xx
Love to everyone ☕️ xx.
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Hi toady
sorry to hear that someone you knew passed away
mum is ok at the moment thanks- with no help from dad of course
I always tend to hear some bad news around Christmas unfortunately, someone passing away, or falling seriously ill.
Not much left in the tank? Oh dear me, me neither toady to be honest.
I see bosh and posh lol, I’m not really a hairbrush connoisseur to be frank, I’ve got a plastic one from eBay haha
it is quite good though,
i recently learned that for women with thick hair a paddle brush is the best, it should be wide as possible, it really makes a difference when I blow dry my hair and I feel less panicky when my tresses are on the verge of getting a bit Rapunzel - like as it were.
Glad you enjoyed the virtual edible cloud, calorie - free as Toni says
I wish I were calorie free, I are more post mxt - rubbish than planned due to BB bringing all manner of evil foodstuffs onto the premises 🤷♀️
yes it’s sad about the BDT situation, though it’s possible she was unintentionally exaggerating a little bit, as her bipolar often isn’t too stable, but I think that her sis in law’s bullying her is very much factual, but you’re absolutely right, she’s on crutches, she’s in pain, the SIL should be looking after her really, she’s always had knee issues but as for the arthritis and the crutches, I’m not sure how long things have been this bad for her as we lost touch for years once when she went to hospital, I’ve a feeling it’s a fair amount of years that’s she’s been suffering with these physical problems but I don’t know the details right now unfortunately.
I think I’ll stop for now toady before the tanks is fully vacant and I’m “running on empty” lol
bye for now toady
have a good evening tc xx
Ps pic is witches’ coffee according to the internet lol xx
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Evening everybody. Windy day or what??
I haven’t ventured out. Oh actually I did, got into high street and came a cropper so limped the 50 metres back home. Then sent Anda to post my sister’s Christmas card.
Sucré has yet another cold.
After I had recovered this morning I kept him busy with me converting a speaker cab we had made from closed back to open back. Lots of drilling, cutting and screwing with the cordless drill, which he loves, and the hoover, he loves hoovering up the sawdust as we were in the kitchen as it was too windy outside.
I sometimes comb out Loanda’s hair after I wash it for her. It will be no surprise to anyone that her detangler brush is in the shape of a skull, a diamond skull 🙄
hopefully a better night tonight as Sucré was really rough last night due to his cold despite Vapour Rub and Calpol.
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Thanks bosh, it wasn't a personal friend as such but still sad, the husband of a lady whose mother used to be our neighbour in the past - she & my mother were friends and kept in touch when we moved, then the daughter sort of did on her mum's behalf and we still send xmas cards write occasionally etc, I spoke to him on the phone too now & then; nice lady, it's a shame 😔. Yes there is always some news of illness etc at this time of year it seems especially, last year was particularly bad 😕. That's the trouble with getting older, poorly people/old people used to be your mum & dad's business not yours 😔. Hope your stomach behaves after some of the uninvited evil foodstuffs🤞perhaps we will manage to refuel ourselves a bit tomorrow, hope so ⛽️. Sorry to hear BDT's physical issues are ongoing to some degree or other that's a pity. Oh hair, I never even thought of bosh posh! I should have haha, I meant your 'silky hair' meaning. I wouldn't dare go near mine with a brush it would probably get tangled in and be there for evermore, a comb is bad enough 😱. Bye for now :) x
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hey Toady, sorry about that, I totally missed that someone had passed away. Sorry.
always seems a little more sad at this time of year. As if it isn’t sad enough already.
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- 405 Young people's community
- 12 Parents of Child with Arthritis
- 39 My Triumphs
- 130 Let's Move
- 34 Sports and Hobbies
- 245 Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- 21 How to use your online community
- 39 Community Feedback and ideas