Hospital Appointment

Just thought l would share my good news today. I have recived my admission date to have my first hip replaced. Appointment with my consultant 5th March 24, bloods and MRSA test 9th April and admission 11th April. We can start preparing now. 👍


  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    It's good to have these dates in the diary, John, and you're right you can start preparing. Please ask away if there's anything I might be able to help with - I'm Day 7 post my hip replacement now. Thank you for letting us know and good luck with your planning, I'm sure it'll be here before you know it and some nice Spring weather then to get back out and about!

  • john62
    john62 Member Posts: 96


    Thank you. How is hip and the pain 7 days post op? I would like to think l will notice a difference in the type of pain, ie less groin and leg. I'm sure the surgery site would be painful for some time. Any advice would be most welcome re preparation.

  • Denis68
    Denis68 Member Posts: 60

    @john62 good you have the dates for your op.

    I'm on day 5 and walking is definitely less painful than pre Op - although I must caveat by saying I am on paracetamol and codeine today and wasn't taking anything pre Op. There is some soreness around the sight but it's better pain, if that makes sense

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @john62 The pain is less than I'd dared to hope and the site of surgery less painful than I could have believed although I do know when my paracetamols are due again. Definitely that awful creaking and cracking and constant pain in my groin and leg has gone. My leg (muscles?) are stiff and reluctant to move but getting easier with daily exercise. I can stand up straight(ish) for the first time in a while, to wash up, and even walk around with one stick rather than two in the house, so if I make a drink in the kitchen I can carry it into the lounge. I am uncomfortable at night though. And balancing the pain relief to give enough but not cause constipation/nausea is a fine balancing act, but each day gets a little easier. Tiredness is real and at least a couple of naps in a chair during the day necessary and more comfortable than sleeping on my back in bed. Not being allowed a shower for two weeks hasn't been as awful as I thought. So all in all I am happy with my progress so far. I probably should have gone outside to walk but as it is so windy, wet and wild it doesn't seem sensible.

    As for preparation if you are able to exercise it does make a difference. Even to the point that I am so grateful for my arm muscles and stomach muscles which remained strong and are now enabling me to stand up from sitting and move myself around easier. One big regret I had is that I didn't get my bloods checked earlier as at my pre-assessment I was found to be borderline anaemic and so my surgery was put back by seven weeks and I was put on iron which just about got me to the right level. Surgery is unsafe and recovery takes longer with lower haemoglobin levels so maybe worth just getting your GP to run a check if you're unsure?

    I bought a sock-helper - really easy to put socks on with. Hospital gave me a grabber and long-handled shoe-horn which are really useful for all sorts of dressing. I put easy to put on clothes on one side at a level where I didn't have to bend. I just analysed all I did/used and made sure they were stored at levels I could reach. I bought lots of easy to prepare food for the freezer and got a big internet shop in the day before surgery. I read all the literature they gave me and there was a lot but it's worth the read. The anaesthetist is so important. Mine was lovely and completely explained his role and the options. These days very few people have a general anaesthetic and they usually go for a spinal with sedation to the level you require to the level of sleeping completely through it and it can be adjusted as you go. I had wanted to know absolutely nothing but actually I was okay, felt no pain at all but actually stayed awake most of the time. This meant within an hour of surgery I was sat up in bed with my lunch and cappuccino and quickly ready for dinner! I was walking around by evening and physio the following morning. I was discharged then but opted to stay another day to build my confidence/strength as I live alone.

    I kept telling myself it's major surgery but extremely routine and common so to take my time to recover but to expect it would go well. I did have a little nagging voice worrying about what I was doing right up until the last minute though, which I think is common.

    I was also worried about catching covid/flu so almost isolated for the week or so before. The advantage of having a date in advance is that you can start to work your appointments around it, getting any other necessary appointments sorted as you know that it will be some time afterwards before you can be sure of doing anything. It's much easier to have a clear diary when you come home and concentrate on recovery.

    Sorry for that long read but hope some of it helps!

  • swimmer60
    swimmer60 Member Posts: 202


    That's really good news! It will transform your life. Only advice I'd give would be, depending on how much pain you are in, try and keep as active as possible. I was swimming and doing some very basic yoga/pilates up until the day before the op., and its really paid dividends. There's some excellent stuff on youtube. I recommend "Bob and Brad." They're American physios but their advice is sound and they demonstrate everything. Other good people on there too.

    Take care.

  • john62
    john62 Member Posts: 96


    Thank you for all of that, very interested to hear your experience with the anaesthetic and spinal with sedation, it's something I want to discuss in detail with the anaesthetist. Could you hear anything whilst they they were cutting and banging about? I've watched a video and I imagine it can get noisy. I have recently had a blood test done, I've heard nothing back so I assume all is OK. I'm still walking my dog as far as I can each day so getting exercises there, I will start to do some of the indoor exercises detailed in the videos. I still do the weekly shop but finding it increasingly difficult so ordering on line is on the cards. I've got a sock puller and a long shoe horn but no slip on shoes as yet, it's on my list. I've started reading your Diary, good info on there thank you.


    Thank you. I've seen a little bit of Bob and Brad, they are good.


    Your description of a different type of pain does make sense although I guess the old pains will take some time to ease up. I will still have a second hip waiting so that pain will continue no doubt so pain killers will feature in my daily routine for some time. It would be interesting to know from those requiring both hip to done how long they have had to wait before the second is done.

    Thank you all for your comments.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @john62 I did hear and it did get noisy - the anaesthetist had said that was all I would hear but I did catch some of their talking too. I really hadn't thought I could cope with the noise but somehow it was as though it wasn't happening to me and I didn't feel anything at all. I actually told the nurse in recovery that I had enjoyed it and that the surgeon could get himself a job as a kitchen fitter from what I'd heard - she told me it was time I recovered and got out more which is probably true!

    I would take the opportunity if you can to check on your haemoglobin level in your recent blood test. I had mine taken over two weeks before my original surgery date and it seemed everyone was happy. Then the anaesthetist looked a few days before and refused to go ahead. They are apparently always the ones who make that decision and are very careful. Apparently normal operating levels are 115-155 but mine was 114. My anaethetist said he wanted it increasing and wanted it to be 130, but I only managed to get it to 117 with 7 weeks of iron. Oxygen saturation levels seem to be important - the clip they put on your finger - and mine was really good. He asked me to get checks to make sure there wasn't blood being lost elsewhere, indicating a problem, so I had bowel and urine tests which were okay. I think that my level was steady, albeit low, and nothing obviously causing it made him happier to go ahead. My heart and all other checks were okay and another reason to keep up the exercise if possible to keep in as good a shape to cope. Apparently haemoglobin reduces quickly from surgery and mine went to 94. My blood pressure was low and has only returned to normal today although my heart rate has been higher than normal. I feel I've learned so much recently!

  • john62
    john62 Member Posts: 96

    Hello all, l went for pre-assesment yesterday, it all went well, MRSA test bloods etc and loads of information and stuff to take and do pre op. Looking forward to my pre op 9th April where l understand they will do more tests and take blood again then op 11th April, I'm having the spinal and sedation. I'm not sure when my second hip will be done but l am so looking forward to the day when l can walk freely with no pain.

  • That's great news. We always think it will not happen but it's just a month. How long have you've been waiting? If you are having your worst hip first, you will be amazed, even you need the other one. I'm waiting for my second hip which is bad but not as bad as the first and I'm having a much better quality of life. Keep us updated, please. Take care

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    That’s all good news @john62 11th April will be here before you know it! Hope you don’t have to wait too long for your second hip then, but hoping you’ll feel much less pain once the worst hip is done.

  • john62
    john62 Member Posts: 96

    @Nurina it will be 10 months since being referred which l guess is not too bad in the grand scheme of things, l know someone who waited two years, l'm sure there are many more. How long have been waiting for your second hip? It's good to hear your quality of life has much improved after your first hip, hope you don't have to wait to long for the second.

    @Janlyn both hips are as bad as each other but l tend to have the worst pain in my left hip which also causes pain in my knees, shins and ankles, l'm hoping that eases off over time. I am experiencing a different sensation today for the first time in my right hip, it's asensation of heat, it's not uncomfortable just odd. How are you getting along?

  • swimmer60
    swimmer60 Member Posts: 202


    Way to go!

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @john62 I do hope your pain does ease off over time. The heat sensation sounds strange - I've not experienced that.

    I'm doing well, I think, although progress does slow down once past the first month or so, but I can now do most things and my afternoon naps have stopped. I don't walk as fast as previously and have to have several ten minute walks rather than one long one, but walking and exercise are helping me progress. Once allowed side sleeping and my sleep improved thankfully!

    Take care 😊

  • @john62

    10 months only is a record!. I had my visit to the consultant in December and he says he was adding me to his waiting list in priority so it could be a year. I have a friend who waited 18 months for the referral and now he has to wait another year (Wales). Actually, I prefer my operated leg fully functional before they call me to do the other. Meanwhile, I'm taking care of both legs using two crutches. Sometimes I don't know which leg is limping 😂 but I'm very happy to have an "almost" normal life. Take care