TKR 7th December v scared



  • swimmer60
    swimmer60 Member Posts: 202


    Hi! Ibuprofen can cause stomach ulcers so it's usually prescribed with a stomach liner, a gastric something or other, another pill, which you take before the ibuprofen. I have bought it over the counter but always take a glass of milk or some yoghurt first.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @swimmer60 thank you for the extra information. I may check out with my GP as I do remember her mulling over ibuprofen and then checking my medical records and telling me to stick with the paracetamol and codeine. To be fair the pain isn't as bad as I'd anticipated so if it doesn't get any worse I may well cope anyway, but I appreciate your thoughts.

  • Chris1
    Chris1 Member Posts: 41

    Morning everyone

    A couple of days of feeling tired. Perhaps overdone it a bit. Day 15 managing pain with paracetamol no side effects. Still getting the chills and sleeping in the day. Moving around better using one crutch. Exercises getting easier. My scar looking good not sure when I can use bio oil on it.

    How's everyone getting on . It lovely to hear your progress and tips.

    Take care everyone xx

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    I imagine making progress does lead to overdoing it and tiredness. Not surprising at Day 15 though and I would imagine you will need to give in to the sleep and let your body recover properly.

    I'm so happy to hear exercises are getting easier which I'm sure will make a difference. I'm only Day 7 but today I have found my exercises slightly easier and my leg a little less stiff, still finding the hip abductions almost impossible though. Fortunately I haven't had the chills which I would really hate. I am sleeping on and off during the day - it feels like quality sleep but night-time is a different matter. Extremely uncomfortable and I only really doze and wake up wanting to move onto my side and can't. The only relief I can get is to raise or lower my knees a little. But shouldn't complain as the pain isn't as bad as I imagined. I definitely know when my next paracetamol are due though. I have decided to avoid the codeine if at all possible to try to avoid constipation as I'm on iron tablets too. Nausea, I think from the laxative, has gone too so all feeling good and positive.

    Take care all, xx

  • Chris1
    Chris1 Member Posts: 41

    Its getting easier. Sleep at night is still uncomfortable mainly because I can't sleep on my side. Usually get up and make a drink. Yesterday had my first shower it was bliss. Strip washing took me ages felt like I had a good workout afterwards. Using one crutch round the house. Short walks in the garden with two crutches. Still having naps in the afternoon . Muscles do ache more l think its doing more walking and exercises. All swelling has gone right down now there is some numb places round my knee. Using paracetamol for pain relief.

    Thankyou for all your lovely comments .

    Take care xxx

  • Chris1
    Chris1 Member Posts: 41

    Morning everyone

    How's everyone doing. I hope it's a good day for you all.

    Day 19

    Uncomfortable sleep is still a problem. Usually get up and have a drink. Did a small walk up lane yesterday so lovely to be out so tired later.

    Still doing exercises they are getting easier. Hopefully I'm doing them ok. Don't see a physio until January because of christmas hols.

    Have a good day and take care xx

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Chris1 It's good to hear your exercises are getting easier. I still struggle with a couple but mostly I feel the same and am wondering too if I'm doing them well enough. It's good to hear you got out for a walk yesterday - hopefully walks will help with both exercising and sleep eventually. Sorry to hear you've to wait for your physio.

    Take care, x

  • Mollbhan
    Mollbhan Member Posts: 23

    Hello Janlyn, hope you are continuing to improve, I used to feel pretty rotten because of constipation when I was taking higher doses of drugs, I cured it pretty well completely by eating large quantities of plain yogurt, about a pint a day. I made my own and found it far better than any laxative. May not work for everybody but cannot do you any harm and worth a try.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Mollbhan yes, I'm definitely improving, thank you. I'm like you, I prefer the more natural remedies. I did go down the high fibre/fruit route and also I'm now finding I can cope with just paracetamol, so I'm feeling much better. Well done on finding your own solution. I think yogurt, particularly home made, is an excellent food and can well imagine it working well. Thank you.

  • Chris1
    Chris1 Member Posts: 41

    Hi everyone

    I'm just managing with paracetamol as well. Its makes such a difference. I have side effects with stronger pain killers. Thankyou for the natural tips I always prefer that too. I walked today again a little bit further. It felt good to be out in the fresh air.

    Thankyou for sharing your journeys. It helps so much. Xx

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Chris1 and thank you for sharing your story too, you being only a few days ahead of me is so reassuring.

    Well done on walking a little further today, Iโ€™ve decided Iโ€™ll aim for just a little further each day. My Fitbit seems to be recording my steps properly now. Hobbling on sticks was not only painful but it gave me no credit for effort.

    Take care, x

  • swimmer60
    swimmer60 Member Posts: 202


    You do get used to sleeping on your back in the end, to the extent that now, even though I'm "allowed" to sleep on my side, i sometimes revert to sleeping on my back!

  • Chris1
    Chris1 Member Posts: 41

    Just got back from my walk bit wet today. Still nice to get some fresh air. I'm doing my exercises ok. What I have noticed is I get a feeling of a tight band round my knee. I wonder if its something anyone has experienced. Still waking up in the night and getting up very early. Usually have nap in the afternoon. I hope everyone is having a good day xxx

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    Hi @Chris1 I know you had your knee operated on and me my hip but I find I have a tight band around the level of my hip when I possibly overdo exercise/movement. It's not there all of the time. Like you I'm still waking up regularly in the night and find myself getting up after around four hours as I'm too uncomfortable to stay in bed. I have a drink then another hour or so of sleep in the chair. I also find myself needing another couple of naps through the day, which are actually very deep, satisfying sleep. I realise now I haven't slept properly for years so must be on catch-up!

    It's good to hear you're getting out for walks and enjoying the fresh air. Take care, xx

  • Chris1
    Chris1 Member Posts: 41

    Hi Janlyn

    Just got up to make a drink just can't get comfortable. Watching really awful telly lol. Will go back to bed in a couple of hours and try again.

    Take care xx

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Chris1 I think we're definitely going through similar. I tend to go to bed between midnight and 1.00am thinking I might be tired enough to get a few hours but it doesn't happen. An hour at a time is about as good as it gets. Last night I got up and did my exercises at 3.00am. I have the radio on all night so that at least I've something to listen to whilst trying to get comfortable. By 5.00am I get up, have a coffee and early breakfast then another sleep in the chair.

    Let's hope we manage a bit better before too long, take care, xx

  • Chris1
    Chris1 Member Posts: 41

    Hi everyone

    Tiredness is still a problem getting up in the night having a drink. Catch up naps seem the norm at the moment. Still early days. Scar is sensitive using gentle massage and bio oil. Numbness down the side of my knee and leg is less. Seeing the physio today hoping I am on track with exercises and bending knee. Having had to wait longer for my appointment because of the holidays it has been a worry if I'm doing the exercises properly.

    Take care xxx

  • swimmer60
    swimmer60 Member Posts: 202


    10 weeks in , I still get tired in the afternoons, not every day, but still quite regularily. By 9.30 pm I'm done for the day!๐Ÿ™„

  • Chris1
    Chris1 Member Posts: 41

    Had my first physio yesterday went really well. 110 % bend on knee was so pleased I'm on track. Went through my exercises had a few tweaks on how I was doing them. A couple of new ones added..

    Saw my consultant today. He was pleased with my progress. He said I can walk more and use my static bike now.. Also put on the list for my other knee. As both my knees were bone to bone. I feel after all the work I've done so far. I've got to have the other one done. My aim is to walk my dog with no pain .

    The one thing that did make my journey so scary was the stories people told me about pain and what could go wrong. If anyone has experience this. Firstly its a horrible thing to do to someone . All the fears I had didn't happen. I am so grateful for the care and kindness I was given in hospital. Everyone was lovely. Thankyou NHS xxx

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Chris1 Well done with your physio and consultant visit. Good to hear you're on the list for your other knee, I hope you don't have to wait too long.

    So sorry to hear you had people telling you scary stories about pain and what could go wrong before your op and causing you unnecessary worry. I think it is hard enough reading the hospital literature detailing what can go wrong, although usually the figures state how low the risk is.

    And lovely you had such a good experience in hospital. I really enjoyed being there with such helpful, supportive people.

    Take care, x

  • Chris1
    Chris1 Member Posts: 41

    3.30 usual wake up time. Just made a drink. It seems this is when to top up on paracetamol . I did walk a bit further yesterday knees are a bit sore lovely to walk in the sunshine. My consultant said I had to wait 6 week's before I could drive. Miss the independence. We are all at different stages of our journey. Its good hearing everyone's progress.

    Take care everyone xx

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Chris1 So sorry you're still walking up through the night, it's so difficult isn't it? I'm finding I'm managing to get back to sleep a little better but find my sleep in a chair during the day much more refreshing and comfortable.

    Well done for walking a bit further albeit leaving you with sore knees. I'm finding sometimes I need to go a bit too far to realise it is too far. But walking in the sun and realising it will soon be Spring is so nice.

    So sorry you have to wait six weeks to drive. I, fortunately, drive an automatic and have been given the all clear to start again and it really does make a difference to that feeling of independence - I feel very lucky.

    Take care, x

  • Denis68
    Denis68 Member Posts: 60

    @Chris1 I share your frustration over the driving, we have a manual so my wife is doing all the driving. I am thankful she is able to drive so I'm not totally stuck at home.

    I have managed to get as far as a couple of the closer bus stops on my walks and will try taking a bus journey soon.

    Wishing you good progress and diminishing pain

  • Chris1
    Chris1 Member Posts: 41

    Thankyou Janlyn and Denise68

    Looking forward to driving again. How many times I say to myself I just go and get oops. No I can't. Walked a bit further today and using my static bike. Exercises are going well. My scar is still a bit sore and feels tight. Massage helps.

    Everyone is doing so well. Take care x

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Chris1 - oh, I do sympathise. Hopefully you'll be able to drive again soon - isn't six weeks the 18th January for you? It'll soon be here. I've found It makes such a difference to be independent and even to be able to offer to help neighbours out again.

    Well done for walking further and using your static bike and also exercising - they all make a difference don't they? I've noticed my scar getting a bit tight but I don't feel it's healed enough to massage, and it's definitely sore at night stopping me sleeping still. But everything else is so good.

    Take care, xx