Val's Cafe
Hi Joan
how are you and Sue doing today?
My mum is okay thank you and so is her blood sugar🙏
no she doesn’t have a shoulder ache anymore.
im also ok thanks
Hope you both have a good night.
Take care Reshmi xx
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hi toady
how are you tonight?
I’m glad that you had a much better night and that you’ve got some things done early in the day👍
it is indeed worrying about Louisa I agree, it looks like LA has started married life already doesn’t it really? haha
Very nice of you to volunteer to do some sweeping 🧹
those gastric oracles are very temperamental creatures aren’t they?
yes gastric diary keeping may be the last thing we need lol
i wonder if they’d sell on nosegay though?
maybe the vampire nurse would be a potential buyer lol
I’ll stain the cover of mine with beetroot juice and hand you the ketchup - we might just be able to get away with it - don’t tell anyone 🤐
Hope you have a good night and that the workmen on your street remain cordial- free and don’t become a nuisance
bye for now toady tc xx
hi SK
sorry it’s been a D & G day, hope you have a better nights sleep tonight
bye and tc x
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☹️ too much pain to sleep.
tea anyone?
yes I know you want coffee Toni, kettle’s on.
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Moring Joan how are you? All well with you and Sue too I hope. Well that's great news about Wilko. I hope it includes ours or one near enough to travel to at least. Foodbank for me today that should be a good morning. Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny Keef
Thanks for the coffee I left you one below.
I do hope today is less Dolce and Gabbana for you. Of course you must be missing your family I would be too. ((())) They will be home today.
Sounds as though it was a positive day with the guitar though😊
The Village 'Friends of' organisation have given them out to those of us on the main lane. That was so funny your story about the reporters being some of those caught when you did something about speeding😁 So funny that they were all righteous and indignant about it too🤣
Those cars which do that cracking sound. What is that about? Is it even legal? Seems it's something they do to their exhausts Paul tried to explain.
The gentle battery powered jet wash for Penelope (and Paul's cars too) arrived yesterday I have charged up the battery so might give it a go later if I have time and it's dry and warm enough.
Take care ((()))
Morning Emma welcome back we did certainly notice your absence and hope you feel a bit better now. A chat and some distraction can help?
Morning Reshmi Hope you are well today and it's not too icy for your walk to the group. I love love love the cat book shelves and peeeple cat house too I want to go there!
Glad your Mum's bs was ok and especially that she got 2 hours to watch the telly in peace while your Dad was at his community group. That is good I bet she enjoyed that😊
Your sister is worrying about nothing she will be just as beautiful as ever once all is done. Beauty runs in your family. At least it does on the female side.
Poor little LA and naughty BIL letting him think a bit of local anaesthetic would make his Mummy forget him! Bless his little heart. I bet he was so happy when she knew exactly who he was and reassured him.
I can only go out in very sheltered areas when it's this cold too, like the forest where the trees offer some shelter. Can't go there if it snows though. I agree it is possible but the opportunity gets shrunken down😕 Still I believe even a shorter walk is far better than none at all. Just hoping for no snow please weather oracle!
20 -25 degrees max dry with a light wind light rain overnight if you can organise it. Light a little earlier and later too please. Yes Louisa can return the plates Toady will sell the job lot for enough cash so we can all get a lovely nurse to do our bloods😁 Wouldn't that be lovely? She will also be able to tame mad hair and supply gastric gentle foods which we all love!
Take care and have a good day Reshmi ((()))
Morning Toady
Gosh that was odd seeing you there that early!
Of course Sleek had you up and dressed ready for HAH and then postie came. Your postie has made friends with Sleek did you know? She is getting extra treats from him as well!
Kari's Mabel is going to the vets to start her vaccinations this morning bless her😕
I kept a 6 week food diary twice during covid and found no pattern sadly possibly garlic and onions and mushrooms. Unfortunately the starting point of all vegan cooking....
No bikes or pedestrians in our tip either although it is full of lots of scary large vehicles being huuuuge! Our recycling is slightly annoying, but I am grateful for any opportunities to recycle. This year i am planning to use my own compost for my tomatoes😊 Fingers crossed for me.
Pink Dandelion? Surely not a 'real' name? Love it though I wouldn't have as a child neither would you surely?
Sleek must have already left for yours...can't see her anywhere....
Must get me dressed and out for my walk asap if it's not too slippery.
Have a good day.
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
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Construction and Use regs state that it is illegal to modify an exhaust system so that it makes more noise than standard. There are some exceptions in that a system maybe changed so long as the replacement has the EU markings stating it has been homologated or homogenised as my work partner would always say (that’s milk) like mild performance exhaust for rally cars that still need to be road legal. I’m not sure what if any provisions were made after Brexit for the markings but the law is still in force as the con & use regs cover absolutely every aspect of vehicle design and manufacturers need to submit any new vehicles for testing. It would be a similar process if you have a kitcar MOT’d for registration.
It use to be just motorcycles that were a problem with loud exhaust systems but now I think the cars out number the noisy bikes.
there are noise cameras in other countries. Smart sensors that identify and photo the offending vehicles and send the fine to the RK like a speed camera.
well i did have a bad head before I started typing that but it seems to have gone.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope you are well. Love to everyone.
Toady (()) i hope the workmen don’t take too long. We had a food delivery yesterday he brought everything sometimes they have run out of milk. Strange. Have a good day and night.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) Have a good day.Is Lucy getting on alright now (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) How are you today love to your mum (())
Keef have a good day. Years ago we had to cross a busy road that had three ways. We asked the council if there could be a crossing he said nobody’s been killed there yet. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Emma (()) It’s nice to see you sorry about your pain.
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Dachshund, yep they do get it wrong sometimes with road planning. There was one junction on the A120 that was a frequent site for accidents and it was a 60 limit and still is. Rather than extending the 50mph speed limit a few metres to include the accident site they changed the entire limit to 40 and left the site as 60mph. Then wondered why it didn’t impact on the accident stats.
and somehow it always seemed that if there was a scumbag with a tatty car and no insurance and no mot they always came out of an accident without a scratch where as the other party that looked after their vehicle and kept it legal always had injuries. There were exceptions but my old partner used to really get annoyed about it, quite rightly so. We normally ended up prosecuting someone at an accident. Last few years I don’t think we lost a case between us.
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Hi Reshmi, oh that’s terrible telling LA that about his mum. I hope he knew it was a joke, if not I would have got really really cross and upset if someone had said something like that to Sucré. I know you have to toughen kids up a bit but I always try to keep him worry free. I know he worries about me, he’s seen me fall over often enough so I really try and keep his mind at ease about everything else so hence the reason I would lose it if someone said that to him.
Hope you all good there and mum too.
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Home made mac cheese anyone??
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Ahh forgot to say it’s got bacon bits in it.
sorry. 🤪
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Hi Skinny Keef
how are you today?
I think Bill was trying to explain anaesthesia or something like that, but I absolutely agree not a thing to talk to a child about at all.
I think LA was fine as soon as his mum replied to him.
That looks like a nice meal you’re making there.
I eat too much cheese one of my many shortcomings lol
mum and I are ok thanks
i hope you and your family have a nice evening
bye take care x
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👋 Emma welcome back 👍
Hi Joan
how are you and Sue doing this evening?
Mum and I are ok today thanks 🙏
I hope you’re both coping ok in the cold?
have a nice evening take care Xx
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Hi all 👋
Nothing doing with me today apart from having to post a parcel in person because some fool wanted it sent quickly 🙄 tracking only standing at 'dropped off at PO' tonight so it jolly well better update to collected, which is what it should say. So Sleek has befriended my postie, has she frog 🤔🤨 this is a mildly alarming state of affairs, and no, I didn't know. He is a nice postie though, at the moment, to give her credit for judge of character 👍️. Yes she did set off early for mine today, appropriated my nice soft sofa blankie and settled down with the tv 😸 what else can you do this weather, strictly no chores, I said. Will be dropping to minus 6 tonight apparently 😬 oh what fun. Hope food bank went well and not too chilly or icy for driving etc. Birdbath duly defrosted etc today and have had a look at my seed notes, a mere glance you understand. Don't think there is much point browsing the things requiring nice warm windowsills but can make notes, at any rate. I hope your compost comes good for you this year 😊. Have got a long way through sorting my recycling which is just as well as it was really getting out of hand, now I have order & method 😇. Hope you have a good night; yes onions & garlic etc often have the finger pointed at them don't they and are indeed in everything or most things vegetarian even, they could not worry as far as I'm concerned but they are fixated on compensating for no meat - and I'm in the minority probably for not caring if things are bland I realize. Anyway I don't cook with those so not where my issues lie really 🤔. Love to all :) xx
Hello joan, no sign of any workmen after that brief visit, it must have been a small job whatever it was. Yes it is odd they sometimed don't bring you milk because surely it's the one thing they must be able to substitute.. 2 single pints instead of a 2-pinter, or vice versa etc, they can't have none, surely. Try to keep having the actual doorstep milkman to a minimum but sometimes it helps just so you can put off a delivery from the supermarket for longer, I don't like them though because of what they did to the service so would rather not give them my custom. Nice sympathetic councillor you had there 🙄 too many of them are unfortunately, we have a right twit here. Have a good night keep warm :) xx
Hi bosh, hope you're warm enough, or cool enough, depending if the thermostat is behaving itself. Had a quick walk to the post office - 2 layers, and 1 hoody, top jacket, fingerless mittens, no hat. Not bad for me 😉. No workmen at all today thankfully so no-one clamouring for cordial 😂 just as well have not had such a thing in the house for I don't know how long, and I would not be sending out for any, hard lines 🤨. Glad order is restored at EF and LA was swiftly reassured that he was not in the middle of some sort of disney plot about the forgotten little prince 😱 poor littley. Ooh, vampire diaries to sell on nosegay, saves me from writing one myself and profitable too, win/win 😊. No other news, everything tres boring at the moment really not even any shopping; have a good night :) xx
Nice macaroni keef 👍️ perfect cold weather food. Hope everyone ok and you are feeling better for having them back. Excellent traffic speeding arrests story, it really is, just fantastic on every level 😄 but sadly can all too easily believe the good drivers come off worst against the other sort, this is my argument with the everything happens for a reason people, and the you make your own luck people, I mean yeah not really 🙄. Have a good night temps dropping pretty radically here 😬 I will definitely take your hand off for tea if I'm up in the night 👍️ xx
Hi @Emmasknackeredjoints sorry things haven't been brilliant, is the situation still the same with the biologics not being as good as mtx or is there a smidge of improvement? Can't remember sorry if you ever tried the injectable mtx I'm sure I will have asked. All the best and hope you are coping with the cold 🤞xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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There was a young dude called Skinny Keef
who had exceptionally shiny white teeth
he didn’t use them too much
for breakfast or lunch
which is why he was skinny underneath
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That reminds me, I had the (quite probably crackpot) idea today, should I get a scooter..? 🤔 as in 2 wheels stand on platform, not moped.. turns out I'm light enough for pretty much all of the kids' ones 🤨☠️ the world would be my oyster for choice, disney princesses, spiderman, you name it 😂
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Hi Toni
how are you doing tonight?
mums bs was ok thanks 👍
the group is not quite local so usually I get the bus there but it was too cold and slippery early morning so I decided to leave it today thanks
I went for a walk about 11 am but I only realised how cold it was when I got home and took my jumper off for one minute, I was shivering
but luckily the shivering didn’t last long
how was your walk?
im glad you like the cat house etc👍
It made me remember when my sister’s friend said her cat was lactose intolerant lol
Yes it was nice that mum and I could relax together away from dad for a change that’s true
Thanks about my sister 🙏
yes bill is naughty indeed
he got a bit jealous of LA’s mima - obsession and asked my mum in a childish jealous voice, “why is LA so obsessed with mima? He’s always going on saying mima - this, mima - that?? I’m his parent, what’s this mima - magic all about?”, so my mum said in a very polite diplomatic tone, “ it’s because she’s patient with him and tells him stories”, lol, how silly to get jealous like that, a silly billy indeed.
I understand about the forest.
the weather oracle, what will we bribe her with? Green gender neutral paper plates perhaps? Stevia chocolate? Oh no we can scoff that ourselves Toni (providing its vegan friendly of course lol)
a hair - taming nurse, now that’s a great idea, however if she isn’t a natural born hair - tamer, we may need to pray to the goddess of hair follicles herself, not just the oracles, I really dont have a good offering for her though, an old nosegay paddle brush and a promise to hide the fact that I haven’t used conditioner since the great conditioner famine of 1646 - when all our hair and scalps had to drink was the cheapest nastiest nosegay shampoo left in toady’s storage cupboard and yesterday’s leftover tepid tea from the cafe - oh dear.
gastric gentle foods another good idea 👍
have a nice night Toni tc xx
ps turtle rolls xx
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Hi toady
glad you wore some extra layers 👍
You’ve taken a strong stance against cordial - supplying, I don’t blame you, what will they demand next? Banana bread? Lol
they also thought that the lime cordial was lemonade, very odd
yes thermostat is behaving thanks 🙏
I had a nap in the cold room wearing 4 jumpers
mum is good too thanks for asking
someone on fb wrote it was - 4 degrees there today “positively tropical” and she was looking forward to some more fresh snow!
my goodness you can keep the fresh snow and feed it to the hairdressers lol
add some ketchup and beetroot juice we’ll call it a “ a hair follicle- related pick me up winter snack” haha
or perhaps not
have a good / good - ish night toady tc xx
ps hairdressers’ soap - oh no sorry, Evil Dictators’ Soap lol xx
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Any tea going? Can't sleep for the life of me.. currently doing my next online al fresco grocery shop 🤪.
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There was on old girlie called Toni
who used to adore mac-a-roni
But now eats no cheese
No bacon bits please
and dodges the use of the phone(y)!
There you go Skinny!
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Morning Joan how are you and Sue? I hope you're ok today and the heating is working ok. Thank you so much for asking. Lucy is doing really well. Her friend is about to move in and share the flat with her which suits me very well i will feel much happier and it will help her with the bills. She copes well with work too enjoying life😊 ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny Keef I Love love love macaroni cheese! I was given a recipe for vegan mac and cheese not good enough. It was like a lovely pasta bake but not mac n cheese sadly😒
Minus 6 here and feels like it too!
The info about exhausts and noise was so interesting, but sadly means we have to put up with the pillocks making that crackly backfiring noise? Ah well I can cope. Good to know there actually is technology which could catch people out though. I mean the most we did was stick some go faster stripes on our cars🤣
Motor bikes causing trouble? No never heard one of them being so stupid as the car drivers are now.
They certainly do make a lot of mistakes road planners sometimes I am convinced just to say money rather than genuinely look at road safety. Sometimes traffic lights or roundabouts would be the right thing to do (thinking of a particular cross rod accident spot near here), but no they put some chevrons in and some of those yellow bollards to slow the traffic down makes them go one at a time.....? They have been knocked off already.
Enough moaning Toni!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a good day.
Morning Reshmi how are you and your Mum? Your sister too is she back to normal?
It was lethal yesterday wasn't it? Today is even worse here, but at least it's a clear sky so less chance of snow which is also lethal for us lot🙄 I'm sorry you didn't get to group, but think you were very wise.
Going for a walk at all is something we should be proud of ourselves for in this weather. I was warm enough actually think I overdid it a bit! I had long johns and long sleeved thermals under my normal clothes. I am glad you didn't shover for long, but well done you for venturing out.
Hah! Your Mum's reply to BIL's jealousy was spot on. You are patient with LA and he adores his Mima he always has hasn't he even as a very littley. Yours sister now, she has sense and can see that good adult role models can only be a bonus in the lives of small boys.
Those turtle rolls look fabulous and just adorable the boys would love them wouldn't they?
So many oracles and follicles we need to pray to. We would be on our arthritic knees all day😕 what shall we do? Woe is us😔
Loved the reference to the great conditioner famine of 1646 of course I remember that well. Washing up liquid was all we had in this house and that was often recycled washing up water.
Where did you find the evil dictator soap🤣 that did make me laugh!
Be careful if you go out today add another layer getting too cold hurts my bones especially my back ((()))
Morning Toady
Here's a cuppa you'll need it you must be shattered today
Still the shopping got done didn't it? I hope the parcel is showing en route now?
I was in the store cupboard on my own at the foodbank in the cold. Hat and clothes on labelling stock. I actually really enjoyed it. Got loads done which was great. These supplies will be desperately needed soon because a lot of people donate at Christmas and not so many now in the new year. This was from one single donator £2000 worth of food! Incredible person.
Yes Sleek loves your postie for some reason. Well apart from the treats she gets given of course! She also loves your sofa blankie all blankies belong to Sleek you know that? She'll be with you in a bit
She's after getting her own snow plough now to make travel easier.....
So it's not onions mushrooms or garlic for you then🤔 I don't really know either for sure, but love tasty food. Mind I am also equally happy with a plain bakes spud with vegan marge so yes I get that too.
Bird bath duly defrosted here yesterday too but will need a repeat performance today no doubt. What shall we grow (when things are warmer?) tomatoes cucumbers lettuce and spring onions. Cabbage and maybe garlic i think. Then some flowers AH!!! Maybe P's honesty will grow this year! My compost smelled lovely at the end of last year. The bokashi does a great job of starting it off nicely you know. I'll post some pics of is but not just yet. Tooooo brrr!
Did you like my take on Skinny's poem? Could equally have been for 'Toady' but the old girlie seemed a bit rude so left it as myself🤣
Take care and keep warm
A quick wave of the 🖐 for Emma.
Gotta be porridge it's tooooo cold!
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) love to you and your carers.
Toady (()) The sun is nice but you cannot see where you are going very well. We have rain coming. Keep warm. I hope you have a good day.
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) That’s lovely Lucy has a friend moving in company for her as well has keeping an eye on her when she has a shower and she could have a bath safely. The council are closing the way we order are tablets I don’t know if it’s the same for you. Have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) love to you and your mum (()) I hope she’s not in pain anymore
Skinny Keef (()) we have a tin of chopped tomatoes in our macaroni not bacon. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Good morning everyone wppl xx
ps bill’s breakfast lol xx
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Hi folks 👋
Ooh that cold really is brutal today 😬 kudos to anyone going about their normal business going for walks etc. Sleek arrived bright & early frog, no snow here (yet) no plough required 😄, we have repaired to bed with assorted blankies and are browsing the internet, & don't intend to budge far. Not that I can spend hours on here today after last night 😬 that really was silly I'm not usually that bad but I had stuff going round my head like keef's boy racers 🙄. I suppose I'll be ahead of myself for shopping if nothing else because I forget that now I'm not on the delivery plan I can't just get any old slot. Glad you had a productive & enjoyable time in the food bank cupboard labelling etc, not that fun is the purpose but you know what I mean, organizing and labelling is satisfying. Hope donations pick up again. Al fresco are doing their online donating scheme again too 👍️. Oh my parcel actually got delivered! would you believe! 😮 and they are happy, phew. Should have nothing to attend to now wouldn't fancy the P.O. today. I have done the bird bath run quite solid, but didn't hang about, there were a few brave sparrows and plenty of magpies - glad it's bright for them at least. Definitely toms this year and by hook or crook will get them started early so they aren't running to catch up & ripen like usual. Yes to spring onions & lettuce, runner beans I hope. Sweet peas too I will succeed. The key thing for me is going to be do less & do it better really, much too much diversifying last year not helpful. Thank you for the cuppa, and porridge, breakfast would probably have been very sketchy without that, as to lunch, heaven knows 🤔. Thank you kindly for not casting me in the role of old girlie 😂 . Have a good day :) xx
Hello joan, yes the light is very glaring if it's straight in your eyes, I keep moving the curtains across as it moves round today. Don't know if rain is due here I have been avoiding the forecast, if so only bits & pieces I hope not bucketsful🤞. Everything quiet here nothing to do today, do you suppose the royals would like me to take over any of their engagements 😂 seriously I do not think we should be told what any of them are having done medically certainly nothing specific, it's not our business, and as for the news stories about the Queen recently, very poor I think 😕. Have a good afternoon love to both, take care if you go out tomorrow :) xx
Hi to bosh, hope your day is ok, sorry you couldn't get to group in the end 😔. Really is just that bit too much out isn't it. Interested to know how you manage 4 jumpers I'm picturing a very scientific arrangement of sleeve widths so you can go up in stages. but maybe not 😄. Glad to hear your mum is ok any chance of some more group meetings for your dad to go to 🤔. Oh dear jealousy in the ranks from bill, well I can only echo what your mum and Toni said, your popularity stands to reason, all well deserved no bribery or vote-fixing involved 👍️👍️. Nothing interesting going on here - in tin-opener news, as you yourself might say, I wasn't specifically browsing nosegay because there will be too much that's cheap & nasty to wade through but I did just idly put in the search term 'tin opener chunky' meaning chunky/comfortable handles and all they suggested was "Squirrel feeder Chunky wood tin roof flip open top easy hang squirrel lover gift" 🐿️😂. (I deliberately didn't put arthritic friendly or they will suggest a million arthritic aids to me for weeks 🙄). Banana bread for workmen, I should say not 😱 I don't get my mixing bowl out for less than £10,000 a day, oh that's supermodels isn't it, ah well realms of fantasy & all that. Hope you have a good afternoon :) xx
Hope your day is going ok too keef 👋
and a wave to emma, Julie, & anyone not in at the moment 😘 xx
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Hi Toni toady SK Joan and Emma
how are you all today?
toady I don’t feel stuffy that easily but I’ve kept some jumpers from before I lost weight so they range from baggy to normal I guess, sleeve size is fine with me, although metallic fibres next to my sensitive skin is something I still avoid
Toni mum and I are well thanks 🙏
her bs is ok too
Emma nice to have you back
Skinny Keef did you get much sleep in the end?
Joan how are you both?
mums shoulder pain has gone thanks
sorry for this micro - post lol
But the G*ds of methotrexate are a - calling
they’re saying, “ Reshmi, I know you hate the side effects, but no more stalling” 😂
ok bye all see you on the other side of mxt tc xx
ps Elephant Trunk Lady Baby has bought her work home again lol xx
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