Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601
    edited 7. Feb 2024, 17:53

    Move over keef, this is going to be 100% moan I'm afraid 😒 feel free to skip altogether and I will post normal stuff when I've next taken a hold of myself.

    So, I planned to go into town, as it was the only bright & still day for a week. Had to wait in for a possible sig for postie, not a problem, he was here by half 1 yesterday and I didn't want to go til after then anyway. When did he get here? 3pm (and where was I at that very minute? in the WC. Did he want a sig anyway? No of course not, and just as well! 🤦‍♀️🤪).

    Anyway, mustered myself for a late walk (was only really going to 'run myself in' for when I have to walk to GPs). Got to the approach to town, averting my gaze from something they were knocking down, or building, as per usual 🙄), and there was my nearest handy little supermarket/convenience store, shut. For good. Finis. There had been rumours but it seemed never to be coming to anything. What did I buy a scooter for? To be helpful for that specific trip, to that specific shop. I think there was probably 48 hours between it shutting and the scooter turning up 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️not so much as a maiden voyage 😕. So that's pretty much it for me in terms of anywhere in walking distance where I can buy the occasional bit of freshly baked bread or choose my own fruit & veg. I couldn't be more dispirited if I'd come home to find the Grim Reaper on the doorstep with a box of third rate microwave meals, saying asparagus? artisan cheeses? fresh doughnuts? joking aren't you, sorry, that's your lot. 🙄 I hate it here now and I wasn't wild about it before, what with one blow after another, I would move tomorrow 😔.

    Back later when I've found where I put my gratitude and perspective, totally mislaid them for now.

    Love to all, hope your days have been better than mine 😘 xx

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Hi Toni and toady and Joan SK, C and any other newcomers

    how are you all today?

    it’s nastily cold isn’t it?

    I went to group

    sorry Toni it was a busy day and I’m so tired even though I started this message long ago

    I bought LA’s Dino stickers despite the massive queue

    group was ok thanks

    Mum is ok 👍

    nhs queue jumper lady came to tea 😱

    so I hid upstairs

    bus was full of satsuma peel and smelled very odd

    LA is getting good at reading now, someone please hide the salted ibuprofen

    Maybe nice physio has moved 👍

    Ate some poha / flaked rice savoury dish today my mum made it in honour of the QJL - that was one of the late highlights of the day lol

    hope your taking it easy Toni or I may come and punish you myself with the “(probably fake) gold in the park song” or a scent bottle full of “eau de rotten citrus peel in the bus” fragrance, whichever takes your fancy lol

    also yes the heating is indeed blaring

    hope you have good night Toni toady and everyone tc xx

  • Jewels1973
    Jewels1973 Member Posts: 58

    @frogmorton Thanks everso much for explaining things to me especially how they can still treat you even if it’s not Rheumatoid Arthritis I thought I was going to be on my concoction of tablets that my dr gave me forever that’s really put my mind at rest so thank you xx

    @dachshund Thank you for thinking of me.

    Hope all of you down at Val’s cafe aren’t in too much pain today I know that’s a silly thing to say because you all are probably in pain but I really wish all of you weren’t ❤️❤️

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601

    Night all, tiredness came to get me in the end so not a proper post - back tomorrow 👋. Sat this evening and watched a programme about M&S, because after all, seeing people browse 4 floors of a flagship store inc food hall is just what you fancy when it's as near as you're going to get 🙃.

    Love to all, take care frog 👋 well done Joan and sue 👍see you soon bosh 😊 thanks for the kind good wishes Julie 😘 and hope you have a better night Charlestown🤞, will chat tomorrow.

    Wave to SK and love to anyone not in, have to get up for the milk in probably a couple of hours so kettle will indubitably be going on then ☕ xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228

    Morning Joan that is fabulous news about Sue's X-ray she's all healed up wonderful. Did your own bloods go ok? Nice and easy I hope for you. Yes Paul has some empathy now bless him I'd say his problem is a lot like our Keef dizziness and headaches. I am back at the Drs to get my blood results today and probably get prescribed statins myself. Take care love to you both ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you and your Mum today?

    some poha for all of us. I love it! So quick to make what a lovely end to the day for you. Don't blame you for dodging QJL she is annoying and nosey. She annoys me from her and I haven't even met her. I think getting her COVID jab early when she wasn't entitled was plain naughty.

    Glad you got to group today is rainy here possibly with you too but better than the snow we could have had. I will brave a walk in a bit. Carefully of course.

    I bet LA's reading is good now he is a bright boy BR will be too. Well done getting the 🦕 stickers and braving the queue for him. I am sure he'll appreciate your efforts for him. Well until he gets distracted by all his valentine poor postie I saw him in his van yesterday here there and everywhere I presume covering for all the other posties on temporary relocation.

    A smelly bus! Still better maybe than when they used to stink of cigarettes? I will behave I promise on pain of a satsuma peel wrapped around salted ibuprofen. Not the (surely real?) gold in the park song 🎼I mean it could happen!!!I'm not doing much today I promise.

    I hope you have a good day and don't get soaked. ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K

    We missed you yesterday (it seems Toady had to do the moaning for you)I do hope things are steadily getting easier for you we miss our friend ((()))

    Flash is going to the garage to meet our mechanic today for a check up to see what, if anything needs doing.

    Have you heard from Anda and Sucré?

    Take it easy I've left you a coffee

    ((())) xxx

    Morning Julie @Jewels1973 there is always hope you know you just need a nice person who will take the time to try to help you. If you need to cry when you are at the consultation don't hold back. They can see then just how desperate you are feeling. Sending you some of my ((())) and some 💐 too.

    Morning Charlestown how are you this delightfully wet day? I hold onto the hop that it means if it snows at least it won't settle (or 'stick' as they say here).

    Ooooh not a sneezy cold when your sciatica is playing up😣 about the worst thing just what you do NOT want 🙄 i hope that it eases off today.

    I am going to decorate our bedroom myself. It should be quite easy i hope just a case of painting the walls and ceiling because the woodwork is just that - actual wood. Take your time you don't want to make your health worse.


    Morning Toady

    What a day it's teaming down out there. Finally I have a day (apart from the GP later) when i could have got in the garden and look at it🙄 Still at least it's not snow.

    Your postie has no yet been relocated to MH? that's odd mine seems to be covering teh whole of Stafford atm. Typical really typical that he comes when you are in the 🚽 lav.

    Oh no I am gutted for you absolutely gutted😕 our shop has gone too there is not one withing walking, scootering or biking (even electric) distance from here. I totally get how you must be feeling now. What can i say? If your spirits haven't lifted is moving actually an option? I mean your garden is so much 'you' and your birds too...🤔

    Having said that you might just get somewhere where it already has an established garden which only needs a light 'Toady-touch'?

    When are you at the GP? I am there lunchtime today to officially get my results. I am probably coming away with a prescription for statins in spite of my cholesterol being ok. If there's extra risk I will go with it. Feels like a failure though doesn't it? and probbaly more bloods to see if the iron has lifted yet. I will be telling her about the outcome of the ferrous fumigate for sure.

    take care and hug Sleek she's on her way in her mackintosh sou'wester and galoshes

    and she's bringing Mabel to cheer you up!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

    ps sweet potato towers xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I’m sorry all the problems you had yesterday. I have been in the little room when someone has knocked on the door. When nature calls you have to go. I hope you have a better day today.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) yes thank you sue is pleased the Doctor said she had new bone growing around where she broke it. Yes my blood test went well. At least Paul knows what’s wrong now all the best to him. Good luck i hope it’s not too bad at the Doctors for you (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) you were good to wait in a long queue when you didn’t feel well (()) love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) I hope you feel better today love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) I’m sorry about your problems they all came at once. I hope today will be better (())

    Julies (()) have a good day (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Morning all. Head still bad, was okay for a bit but after helping Loanda and Sucré baking the below pictured cake I started feeling bad again.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601

    Lovely cake just right for twelveses 😊👍️

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601

    ..Afternoon all.. Moan part 2, the Sequel (then I'll stop honest!)

    Following on from yesterday's postal hoohah, half 8 this morning, knock at door phone went off - couldn't get there in time - but assumed to be order from 'wilco roger & out' that is still marked as In Progress and 'Will arrive Friday 9th'. Well no it won't, as it transpires it was taken next door by the driver, no note, and as I say no update to tracking. Original email expressly told me to watch out for another email re dispatch - no such thing received and I even checked at 4 in the morning 🙄 so, so cross. Don't like to complain as I worry it's the driver who will somehow get in trouble. But this should not be possible in a world where you can mostly track stuff to within yards of your house. I usually take delivery estimates with a pinch of salt but what is the earthly point of telling people to await an email and lulling them into a total false sense of security 😠. Anyway these are all small irritations but there are so many of them, mostly other peoples' fault, all unnecessary. Ugh.

    Right, onward & upward. Yes I am so so sad about the shop and it is the thin end of the wedge frog 😔 thank you. I would certainly move, as far as willingness goes, and it's an option on paper, but few of the practicalities are within my capabilities 😕. Yes I would happily have a new garden as you describe, there are a lot of things that I would change about this one, all would have had to be done already, trees established etc. Hopefully it would be as suitable for wildlife probably more so and there is only so long any generation of current birdies will be here. Sorry you couldn't get into yours yesterday, all timing seems to be weighted against us at the moment. Rain for me on & off this week but it wasn't as heavy so far today as I expected - no ice for frogs, that's the main thing. Do hope you got on ok at the Drs in all ways👍️ (my gp appt, well bloods, isn't booked yet). Will be interested to hear about the algae. Thank you for borrowing Mabel so that Sleek could bring her along, if there's anything better than a beautiful slightly damp cat it's two 😍 and she is such a dear. They have been helping me unpack today's dreadful delivery, not much of interest for cats unfortunately, clothes pegs, bird food, paint etc, but a lovely big box to play with 😀. Ooh we're all painting then, well 3 of us, that's good, I'll be finishing the room I posted about before, last wall to go & then no more lilac 👍️. We can have decorator's tea. Have a good afternoon love to all 😘 xx

    Hello joan, yes it's a mystery to me how callers time it so perfectly to 'catch you out' 😳🙄 not to mention what are postmen even doing coming in the middle of the afternoon, to think in living memory there were 2 deliveries a day, people now wouldn't believe there was a 'second post'! And old tv shows where you see people reading their letters over their breakfast boiled egg, I mean it's like another world 🤷‍♀️. If we do have to pick our own post up from offices maybe we can catch them at inconvenient times for a change! That sounds very good about Sue's ankle 😀 glad they are all pleased. have a good afternoon :) love to the dear dogs xx

    Hi bosh, oh no not the QJL 😱 well done taking evasionary (not a word I don't think 🤔) measures. It's the only logical thing to do. Where were you queueing up for the Dino stickers? I missed that I think. Glad group was ok did you do anything else shopping or tea? As per yesterday I didn't go in any shops on my walk mainly because they were shutting down shops in my very face 🤪 we are getting a new supermarket somewhere I think, one of the four letter beginning with A ones, not sure which, not in a useful place for me though 😔. Hope you are having an ok day today is it back to mxt Thurs or is it Fri again these days, I know you moved it to Sat last time. Hope everyone else ok at the mo :) xx

    Hello @Charlestown I did laugh about the gateau falling into your trolley 😄. Yes shops are in a bad way these days 😔 I know it's partly the internet's fault, but in a lot of cases I only started shopping online when you couldn't get the things any other way 🤷‍♀️ I like shopping in person. Round here it's bad planning in my opinion too not enough effort put into High St, what annoys me is it always seems to be the things I like that close, other places go on for years. There are enough supermarkets, just inconvenient or out of the way. I am at the washing down & prep stage on the last wall in the main bedroom, then should do the ceiling (ugh), it is a long-running saga on here that I am waiting to see what new neighbours I get 😱 so my plan at the moment is to use the smaller room as bedroom, to be away from the joint wall, so everything had to be juggled around, not ideal but better to be prepared 😬. So that little room got painted first. Good luck with yours. Right I will do some reading up on taters, frogmorton grows hers the proper way, in the garden with earthing up & all that so can advise as well, mine would have to be in pots I think. Have a good afternoon hope your sneezing is getting better :) xx

    'Lo keef, super baking, hope you're feeling less bad again since🤞love to everyone 👋 xx

    @MilkyTea hope your day is going ok 👋😊 x

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    thanks about the waiting in the queue

    mums ok at the moment thanks

    have a nice afternoon tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Hi Toni

    how are you doing today?

    how is your eye? Remember to be careful 🤗

    I am not too bad thanks

    mums bs was a bit low this morning unfortunately, not quite a hypo but not good

    I helped her and so did dad and now luckily she is fine👍

    but she said she didn’t call me to help her earlier because she was managing things on her own or something like that 🤷‍♀️

    well at least she’s ok now thankfully

    that poha looks great, breakfast poha - brilliant idea 👍

    Yes QJL is all kinds of evil, that’s true 🧙‍♀️

    Group wasn’t too bad thanks I mostly talked to nice M’s nice dad lol.

    I’m glad you walked carefully, but maybe just keep the walks short

    Ok it’s instalment day

    so more later Toni bye for now tc xx

    👋 Charlestown, I’m not too bad thanks- how are you?

    bye for now tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    We didn’t get chance to drizzle it, the lad wanted to sample it, but yes it will drizzled with an orange err, drizzle.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Hi Toni

    sorry I’m so tired I’ll have to leave it there

    👋toady and S Keef - sorry about the postie problem and nice cake

    I really need to rest otherwise it may be unwise to let me loose with the cake knife when QJL decides to grace us with her evil presence again

    good night everyone tc xx

    ps batty hummus or something like that lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601
    edited 8. Feb 2024, 21:40

    'night all 😴

    Have a good night bosh 👋 & everyone xx

    @Charlestown I meant to say, no, no idea about the neighbours, it's empty now & has been on the market a while I wouldn't necessarily know if many people had viewed, because people come in & out occasionally but might be to do with the owners (previous neighbour's family, I don't know them all that well could be any of them popping in to check stuff). Not the best time to be selling but they can probably afford to take offers unfortunately as they aren't relying on the funds in the same way as someone selling up & moving. Time will tell 😬. Have a good night I am glued to my hot water bottle too, roll on Summer! x

    Hi to Julie @Jewels1973 😊

    Tipping it down with rain, set in for the night I think 😕 so may well be tea if it keeps me awake.

  • Jewels1973
    Jewels1973 Member Posts: 58

    @frogmorton Aw you are kind thank you ❤️

    @dachshund Hope you’ve had a good day ❤️

    Can I ask you all a question *everyone sighs here she goes again* and don’t feel like you have to answer.

    Do any of you that have been diagnosed with RA or any of the other arthritis’ get ill quite a lot I know that’s a bit of a personal question I seem to get ill quite a lot like today I’ve been going hot and cold and have had to sleep virtually all today. I know I have ME but it’s really in the last couple of years I get everything going I’ve had my flu jab. I was just wondering if it was a side effect of RA or any of the other arthritis?

    Also you really don’t have to answer this one feel free to inbox me I’ve gone through the menopause well I think I have 7 years without my monthlies would the Rheumatologist ask me about that and does it have a bearing on RA and any other arthritis’s I just thought I would ask. You really don’t have to answer on here about that if you feel like you might have an answer send me a message because I know a lot of people don’t like to talk about it openly I don’t mind.

    Sending you all a lot of love you’ve all been so good to me answering questions it’s just I don’t know anyone else that has had RA or any of the arthritis’s.

    We completely missed the snow today where I live in Sutton Coldfield I was expecting loads all we’ve had is rain.

    Sending you all a nice cup of tea for the morning that’s another question sorry I’ve heard tea is good for arthritis is that a myth? I don’t drink tea a lot I’m more of a no sugar squash gal but if a cup of tea helps I’m willing to drink it every day.

    Love Julie (sorry you might have to share the mugs) 🤗

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Hi Toady, I am sure this world is influenced far too much by algorithms run by companies that do not take into account the needs of certain minorities such as those with mobility issues, as doing so would impact too much on their projected profits.

    Delivery companies are a prime example. I have said in the past that if the driver drops off my package at a collection point then I will be unable to collect it as I live alone and I am disabled and I do not own a car. All of which are true. I have had a few battles with couriers over this. DPD though are fantastic. I know the 3 drivers on my route by name and they even know to knock on the bunker door.

    See, you’ve got me back on here moaning again lol.

    it’s all a conspiracy i tell you……..

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,319

    Good morning everyone wppl xx

    ps Akbar’s palace xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228
    edited 9. Feb 2024, 07:09

    Morning Joan Wow Sue is doing well new bone growing already! She is quite amazing. I am doing fine thanks with my eye the headache has eased off. All went well at the Drs low risk for cardiovascular incident in the next 5 years at 4.3! So no need at all for statins yet. Referral to ENT and new dry eye drops and finally saw physio straight away about my knee! Hope your day is as good no snow and you can go out ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K lovely to see you again.

    I am very glad your head pain is easing off a bit and the family are home again.

    The cake looks incredible! I love it orange drizzle eh? Mmmmm😋

    How lovely to be on first name terms with the DPD drivers and that they know to knock on the bunker door! I am lucky because we have a porch which we leave unlocked so usually deliveries get left in there.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    Phew a close shave with your Mum's bs yesterday. Sounds as though she managed it quite well though.

    I hope you are less tired now ? You sounded absolutely wiped out yesterday.

    How lovely is it to be able to talk to nice M's Dad like that. He really is a lovely man supporting her so well. Shame not all Dads are as easy to get on with.

    I loved the little pusskin peeping round the corner❤️

    I'll have poha any time at all😋

    You won't believe it, but I actually made some hummus yesterday

    some for us some for Kari and Lucy's Paul took over already. No blue colour or bats in mine though😁

    Morning Julie

    I do get very tired and fluey when my arthritis is playing up yes, but hot flushes for me have been mostly menopausal. Just out of interest maybe worth just checking you thyroid levels it can give you flushes.

    You aren't so far from me I am in Stafford we only saw sleet really (and rain lots and lots of rain🙄) although my friend who is in Stoke had some. I feel like Toady might be Midlands too.

    Do not worry about answering questions we are all happy to help when we can. Hopefully you'' get a really good Rheumatologist on the 6th and know where you are after that ((()))

    Morning Charlestown

    Hope you are well today? I am fine thank you for asking. Going for a gentle walk with my sister in a bit.

    I'm glad you are not snowed in! I have my wheatie (microwavable wheatbag) for my bones like the hot water bottle but better! It moulds around whichever joint to are putting in on....bliss. Yes ludicrous it might be but it helps it really does.

    Take care and have a good day.

    I have also grown spuds in spud sacks it was great I got loads I grew new ones first earlies.

    Morning Toady

    I do hope and believe that today will be good for you. Sleek is en route with a jar of my hummus I hope you like it. I dunk carrot sticks and cucumber in mine.

    How infuriating! The parcel going next door and no email. The systems just do not work they do not know where our stuff is at all in my opinion. No i never drop the driver in it either. Soft aren't we?

    I was trying to book 2025's figaro rally last night what a palaver 🙄Everyone else has been given their ferry travel times not me😕 I'm scared. In fact very as I get travel sick anyway on ferries. It had better be worth it that's all I can say.

    Awww the cats loved the box! Mabel was full of her visit and told her Mummy (Kari) all about it when she got home. I gather you wrapped her up in a towel when she got there? Sleek doesn't mind what is in a parcel not at all she just loves 'new stuff'.

    Look what I did yesterday apart from making hummus

    Impressive eh?! But the flower fell off before Paul got home and anyway i needed to use the facilities😂

    I will be painting soon after the plasterer repairs the wall where some plaster has come off on Saturday. Yes a 'man' in the house on no😕 Farewell to the unpleasant lilac for you! I have yet to think about colours..🤔

    Take care and at this moment it is NOT raining.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I’m sorry you are having so much trouble with your post. How long did you have to wait to get it from your neighbour. How is the internet. I hope you have a good day and weekend

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) that’s good no statins. Good you saw the physio I hope she can help. Have a good day and weekend love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I hope your mum is alright (()) have a good day and weekend

    Skinny Keef (()) the cake is lovely how long will it last. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (()) have a good day and weekend

    Charlestown (()) I hope everything is alright there have a good day and weekend

    Julie (()) Arthritis wears you out. Sorry you have it. Have a good day and weekend.

    take care
    joan xx