Rheumatoid arthritis

Hi, I've just joined I have had rheumatoid arthritis for a few years now never really talked about it and how it effects me but the last couple of years has got worse for me I live in my bed as my knees are effected the worst right now I can walk without a frame or any help when I do even with the frame the pain is excruciating and so hard to take a step even to get up of my bed is a big struggle, I don't feel like myself anymore and my life has gone I haven't been outside for the last year I've not been able to shower due to the step being so high I live in my PJ's I'm getting to the point where I just don't eant to live anymore.


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,879

    Hi @Tracey46 A very warm welcome from me to the online community. You do sound as though you are having a really tough time - without any help maybe?

    Would it help at all to talk to a voice by that I mean someone from the helpline team?

    I am so glad you have found us. Everyone understands pain and the isolation having Arthritis can cause. I hope you'll decide to keep posting.

    My best wishes


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,136
    edited 27. Feb 2024, 11:01

    Hi @Tracey46

    I can't believe you are suffering like this without any help to get some stuff done which would make such a difference have you ever seen an occupational therapist?

    Everyone is entitled to basics like being able to have a shower!

    Sending you some ((())) I hope you will contact your GP today and get the ball rolling. Life can be so much better.

    You are no longer alone you have us lot.

    Take care

    Toni x

  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 360

    Hi Tracey.

    I am so sorry you are struggling. Have you been in touch with anyone about getting some help?

    what about family, is there anyone that you can talk to.

    I have RA , and he pain has been hellish this past two weeks, I have my follow up hospital appointment in two weeks, so I’m muddling through until then. I try really hard not to have negative thoughts, but it isn’t easy when all you have to look forward to is pain.

    I really hope you can reach out, and get some help. Keep posting.

  • Tracey46
    Tracey46 Member Posts: 12

    I had an op come see me, lovely lady she couldn't do no adaptations in my home because I only live in a caravan she has done a report to the housing people to help me get to move. So I'm hoping to get a move.

  • Tracey46
    Tracey46 Member Posts: 12

    I have a partner he tries to understand the best he can but I think it can get annoying for him I don't like to put it all on him either my home is a caravan and it gets so cold I wake up in so much pain everyday is the same, when I wake up I take my painkillers anf then wait until they at least take thr edge of the pain so i can go to the toilet then I get back on the bed cos the trip yo the toilet was hell it always is the first time getting up in the mornings I do have my appointment on Thursday with the ra nurse i haven't haf an appointment with the rheumatology sijce the beginning of last year and that's when she put me on a new injection which hasn't helped alot which I thought but they stopped delivering it because ive not seen the rheumatologists for a while and they beed scores so I have to wait to get that back amd i noticed the arthritis gett worse within the last few weeks so there are these days I just get where I just want to give up I feel like everything is so long thus morning my hands are really hurting along with my knees killing me this morning.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,136


    Sounds like your injections were doing 'something' if you noticed things are worse recently.

    I hope the appt with the Rheumatology nurse today goes well and you get at least your meds sorted today.

    If you are still in touch with the OT maybe you can ask her to chase housing up for you? It's unfair you are struggling this much when life could be a lot easier with decent housing and some adaptations.

    Take care

    Toni x