Val's Cafe
Hi toady
yes I think I’d have mixed feelings too if RS condescended to put our bins lol
maybe he could put my dad out for the night like in The “Mint - stones”, he could roam around the streets conversing with Sleek, actually I wouldn’t put Sleek through that lol
Tin opener replaced - good news indeed - I have well and truly lost the thermostat wars today - but never mind such is life.
mums not too bad thanks but she’s finding it depressing not being able to go outside at all right now and dad is of course like a coating of black ice on any situation
have a good night toady take care xx
ps ginger tea xx
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Hi again Toni
how are you tonight?
sorry I’m half awake, mums won the thermostat wars but never mind
did Lucy have another seizure recently?
sorry haven’t managed to read back properly - is she ok now?
mums bs is ok thanks but she’s getting a bit upset at being confined to the house
and of course dad makes any difficult situation worse
I can’t quite remember if I’ve mentioned this before to you, but when LA went to the school dance, when his mummy came to pick him up he said that she should’ve dressed smartly in a long ball dress - so maybe he’s become a 5 year old male reincarnation of Jane A herself!
What a terrifying thought! Dino storybooks will be replaced with little delicate miniature Edwardian self - help books on whether Stilton - scented smelling salts or a C***ol - scented eau de cologne should be the most important items in a young gentleman about town’s handbag or clutch purse and I will receive written instructions from LA saying I need to wear long ball dresses in his presence and use conditioner again and not just to put on my porridge when I misplace the cinnamon, oh dear I may have to run away and stay with you for a few days lol.
I hope you have a good night Toni take care xx
ps sweet potato gnocchi xx
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@toady Well I keep everything on my phone and I’ve saved loads of stuff so my brother is going to help me finalise the bullet points and I’m taking a copy for me and for her. I think maybe when she sees my hobbling in she will get the idea hopefully.
Thank you everso much for the good wishes that means such a lot I’m trying to calm myself with any TV programmes I like even re-runs because I know it calms me. I know I couldn’t believe it either that other people were trying to avoid her but makes me feel like it’s not only me that thought she wasn’t doing the right thing. Temperature is sort of behaving itself but I did have to go to bed for the afternoon (probably a mixture of my leg/my ME and anything else I have)! My brother, Stew is amazing we all live together me dad and Stew & he’s got Long Covid but he’s so brilliant with me and dads amazing it’s his 77th birthday the day we go to the hospital he’s like a 50 year old!! I’m so grateful I have them and I know mum is looking over me from heaven. I’ve just bought him a cake can’t make a homemade one because of my hands but we’ve bought him lots of pressies tip if anyone finds it hard with their hands get bags that are drawstring one from the place that sells everything it’s so much easier than wrapping but I’m sure you all know that.
@Skinny Keef Your fruit scones sound amazing and I’m glad I’ve found a fellow Welshy I’m from Birmingham well I was born in Swindon. I know we’ve always gave our cats weird and ace names Mr Thomas was abandoned at New Street Station we got him from the RSPCA and he was left in a cage on the station hence the name Thomas like Thomas the Tank Engine they’d named him so we thought we should definitely keep that. Those are excellent names I love them!!
@dachshund Oh that makes me feel less on my own I hope they are ok at the moment and you too.
Thank you honestly to EVERYONE that’s given me any advice or just looked at my posts you really are a great bunch of people so kind and funny and knowledgeable and I’m sending you all a wave 👋 and a gentle hug 🤗.
Ive rambled on again!!
so from me and Mr Thomas sending everyone my love ♥️
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Kettles on if anyone about.
I’m in the bunker, absolutely no point trying to sleep so thought I’d make use of a few hours before my lot are awake.
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Miss Mabel (she does have the Miss added Keef!) Helping my sis do her jigsaw.
Morning Joan how are you? I'm so glad Sue is home I bet you are too? It must have been so quiet without her and the carers. Thanks Lucy got away with this seizure uninjured. Take care both of you xxx((()))
Morning Skinny K well done easing that headache off. Horrible isn't it being in constant pain.😕
Good job you have your tricks to make life more comfortable. Paul seems to think being in bed too long makes his neck worse. What do you think?
Good lad Sucre behaving yourself. He will grow out of it I'm sure in time, but the quiet times like reading together are so lovely aren't they?
Oh well done making soag bol even of it did necessitate a dash to the shop! I can really tell you are feeling more Skinny K again👍
Hope you are OK today take care. ((()))
Morning Reshmi Hooe you're well today and your Mum too.
Oh I can really see that BIL has lost a lot of weight there's nothing to him now🤭🤭🤭 He might need to watch he doesn't waste away...
Hope you got your shower while your Dad was cooking.
Rishi empties our bins? Wow I never knew that 😳 he does more than just spend our money then?
Big Babu puts them all back in our gardens thanks BB abs BR (definitely not LA himself) eats all the jelly babies! Well except one packet which Paul ate the other day. I saw him.
Morning Charlestown Hooe you're OK today?
My tomato seeds will go in a propagator indoors in march. Not to early its says so on the packet. I love watching the shoots appearing.
You are techie too I see. That's very useful. I can do a bit not much.
Lucy is my youngest daughter she had the seizure. She has them a few times a year.
Sleek is my pusskin. I'll try to find you a pic.
Take care
Morning Toad have a nap if you need one. Sleek and Mabel will always be up for that.
It was such noisy rain! On and on snow shower too before then sleet ot never ends so I stayed inside. Well apart from a ride out with Paul.
Getting ready for spring in the garden makes you feel so much better doesn't it? 😊
I can't wait and ooooh! New secateurs! No plastic is great. If you just dry them off that's all you can do.
Mabel is so much happier now. If I could send videos I'd send the clip Kari sent me of her trying to Bury the reviled cone!
You cleaned out the cupboard under the sink?! Wow😲 maybe you need an extra lie down🤭🤭🤭
Take care
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Now that is the sort of breakfast we used to eat on Saturday early shift once a month at a little cafe just on the edge of our patrol area.
I don’t know about making my neck worser laying in bed, I don't think so. Although it is the referred pain in my head that necessitates laying down.
one thing i have noticed is that playing bass actually reduces my back pain. Something to do with the low frequency vibrations going into my body direct from the guitar i think. Noticed it again this morning.
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Good morning everyone wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) we have sun here. I hope you have has well. Have a good day do you have anything to wrap today.
Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) That was good Lucy didn’t hurt here self (()) How is your eye now and your knee (()) Sue is pleased to be home. We have sun here. Have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) that’s nice you could spend time with Sucr’e he was happy love to Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) have a good day your leg must be painful.
Julie (()) Mr Thomas has a good home now (())
take care
joan xx1 -
Hi Toni
how are you this afternoon?
mums bs is ok thanks but she’s feeling a bit down bless her
dad is being just about as nasty as he can be
mum’s cough still isn’t sounding that good to me, it was better for a while but now it’s pretty bad, mum said the antibiotics aren’t helping, although she’s taking them of course, the cold temperatures are also obviously not helping, but I hate seeing her this down, she says she’s feeling much worse than when she had covid, although of course her virus is much less serious than covid.
However I said to mum that when she gets better we’ll do some relatively risk free things that are enjoyable like going out to lunch locally to a nice place or something like that and that seemed to have helped a little bit.
So Paul took part in Excess Jelly baby Consumption - EJC - how very uncivilised of him - lol I must inform LA the Master of Jelly Baby Law and Enforcement- oh dear he’s busy punishing himself, oh well lol.
I’ve still got a little bit of the virus left but I’m generally not feeling too bad thanks Toni 👍
Every time I go out in the fresh air I feel better though, I find I cough more inside the house in the relatively early morning, but if I win the coat wars and I’m outside I feel significantly better and my nose doesn’t feel congested either.
Yes RS is a bin collector apparently as well as possibly spending our hard - earned chocolate buttons- giant or otherwise- I wonder how much income tax he charges himself…I’ll ask Peppa Pig next time she breaks bread / a McPlant with us at MDs 😂
Big Babu has started eating everything he can find, I’ve told him that if he keeps feasting on pastries to this extent he’ll end up back in hospital, but of course he never listens, so yes I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s indulging in some EJC too - oh dear 🍬
I did manage to shower when dad was cooking thanks.
Have a nice evening Toni tc xx
ps RS has altered my finances again 😱 xx
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👋 SK C Joan and toady
how are you all this evening?
👋Joan mum and I aren’t too bad thanks how are you both?
have a nice evening everyone I’ll try and write again a bit later
bye for now everyone tc xx
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Well thats me on my own now till Wednesday evening. Just settling down to my guilty pleasure of listening to Tony Blackburn on R2. He plays some good music on a Sunday evening. Already got a swift 20 minutes bass practice in and hopefully get out there again after 8.
I have ordered Loanda a nice gothic Mothering Sunday card from Sucré. Hope in arrives in time.
Hope everyone okay this evening. Laters
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Hi all 👋 cold start but bright, thought I'd better get my hair washed (not the best use of the sunshine but hey ho), then continued with my kitchen/utility cleaning so moved on from the cupboards to the washing machine area and found a drip 🙄. Not from the machine thankfully but somewhere round the hose connection. Impossible to get at without moving machine and equally impossible to cope with a plumber in at the moment 😱. Not ideal re boiler/water pressure etc but no doubt it's been doing it for a while so it'll have to do it a while longer 🤷♀️. Like the gent sitting on the park bench in the rain in bosh's pic, I am pretty resigned that this house wants me up to my neck in water one way or another. Not a happy toad. Moral of the story, never do any housework, ignorance would definitely have been bliss in this instance 🤪. Sorry for short post, back soon! someone pour some tea down a funnel for me if the tide has risen that far by breakfast.
Love to everyone proper replies in due course 😘 xx
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Hi toady
oh dear what a worrying situation, tea in a funnel, do they sell that on nosegay I wonder?
your cheese - business fiancée idea did get me thinking though
as we all know it’s unlikely that LA will limit himself to just one fiancée lol
so I was thinking maybe he could get engaged to several lady babies, one who owns a confectionery shop,another who has a chicken nuggets - business and of course there has to be a young lady whom I shall name The Queen Of The French fries. Oh dear this is not a healthy diet LA and this also seems a kind of exploitative relationship to have with your various wives - to - be, my goodness, also, what will young BR as when he’s a few years older, I wonder?
Don’t do any housework- that’s a rule I can live with 👍
hope the problem gets resolved soon
bye toady have as good a night as possible tc xx
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Morning Joan I bet Sue is so happy to be home😊 you too and the dogs. Thanks for asking the knee is the same pretty well. I'm just avoiding doing things which set it off. I am getting used to the eye it's much better thanks ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny K
Get you getting so much bass practice in! Enjoy it if it helps.
Paul says he gets headaches too but always blames it on lying in. When my neck is bad I have to lie down I can't lift my head. Maybe it affects us all differently do you think?
Your card will definitely arrive in good time for Sunday it sounds very 'Loanda' indeed.
You like Tony Blackburn's show? It sounds spot on for you😊
Have a good day
Morning Reshmi
I am sorry your Mum doesn't sound any better. You must be so worried. I hope it will ease off soon for her. Probably doesn't help when your Dad is so mean to her. I liked your ideas to cheer her up 👍
You are doing so well walking and agree fresh air really helps with coughs as does the actual act of walking. Today its icy so a warm coat required.
I'm afraid Paul definitely did indulge in EJB consumption. I was quite ashamed I thought he had his issues with JBs under control. I know you must report the incident to LA it's the right thing to do.
Are there any more Bin collecting jobs going? I could do with earning some dxtra cash...could I apply? I am not colour blind so can tell which bin and count quite well to put the correct bin where it should be?
Half a dog? Cutbacks I get it....🤣🤣
Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Toady
Oh no! Not a leak😡 I had this at pur last house and thought it was Sleek's predecessor weeing till investigated. Well Paul investigated to be fair.
I think it's best you know water is nasty stuff and can do real damage. 🙄Hopefully you'll be able to brave a plumber soon ((()))
Well done at least washing your hair. I and doing mine later before the sun comes out after my walk.
Oh dear me Sleek kas her overalls on and her adjustable wrench ready to come and help. Be careful you think things are bad now🙄😖
Take care Toad wish I could help.
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The user and all related content has been deleted.2
Good morning everyone wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) I’m sorry you have another leak.I hope it’s not too bad behind the washing machine. Have a good day with out anymore problems (()) I heard birds singing this morning.
Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) will your eye stay as it is (()) how is your brother after his injury (()) have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) sorry your mum still feels bad does she need stronger antibiotics (()) have a good day (()) you are doing well.
Skinny Keef (()) I liked Edd Stewart from R2. have a good day (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) we go for a walk with our dogs. Have a good day (())
Julie (()) have a good day
take care
joan xx2 -
I got another shout out on R2 last nite from Tony. That makes it so far;
Simon Mayo - when me and Anda were driving home with my new piano in 2018
Liza T - Loanda about her mum not being able to leave teddy bears in a store if they fall off the shelf, she has to buy them or they be lonely.
Liza again for me - can’t remember what for.
Owain Evans - twice for me just saying Morning at stupid o’clock when pain has woken me up and
Tony Blackburn - complementing him on his track intros. He always does a funny intro with spot on timing to the lyrics starting, must take a lot of practice.
unfortunately today seems to he a bad pain day. I’ve tried 3 times to get out in bunker but every time my stupid neck is just too bad to let me get on with anything so given up. Might go see mum after her lunchtime finishes. See if a bike ride helps, which I know it probably wont be oh well …….
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Hi Toni
how are you this afternoon?
mums bs is ok and she said she’s feeling a bit better 👍
im ok thanks 🙏
maybe Paul needs to join Jelly Babies Anonymous?
Phoned elderly gent with bipolar, very nice person but he went on and on…
he’s phoning toady next lol
BR has got high temperature off and on unfortunately
BB has polluted the bathroom 😱
so I’m about to shower but have definitely lost the shower wars lol
i must get some Edwardian air freshener from nosegay- preferably not Brie - flavoured 🧀
👋Joan toady SK and C
bye for now all tc xx
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Hi everyone 👋
Just a quick line to say I'm still here, thanks for the good wishes all 👍️
If Sleek wants to go to town with her toolkit then she's more than welcome frog 😂 what's the worst than can happen. I have attempted one of my doomed to fail bodge jobs, don't suppose it will do the slightest good; apart from that, it will have to wait its turn 🤷♀️. Have a couple of parcels to finish so this is also why a quick post, apart from the small matter of being sunk in gloom, oh well I will rise above it one day I suppose I usually do; if I'm patchily in & out for the next few days just assume I'm stewing in my own juice but otherwise ok 👍️. Oh a piddly tomcat would have been better by far, if only 😹 if only. I love dear ginger housewife kitty, mustn't get washday paws that would be dreadful 🙀. Well done Mabel for the collar burying attempt, I wasn't sure if that was metaphorical when you said it first (lines of reality being blurred at the best of times), very heartfelt I bet it was! Have only just looked more properly at her photo, is that the jigsaw pic, that seed packet montage? Ooh lovely! 😍. Btw my secateurs are not 'right' for me grip-wise, shame 😕 couldn't really have judged that to look at them. Have a good night, love to all :) xx
Quick hello to Joan and thanks for the kind words, yes a day or two without some sort of Frank Spencer style 'harassment' would be nice but life seems to have other ideas 😂. It's to the side of the washer, no big puddles underneath or anything. Hope Sue is going on ok has her appetite back etc. Have a good day tomorrow :) xx
Hi bosh, sorry about the shower wars 😬 you win some you lose some. Sorry I'm behind with news but I did laugh at the time at putting BB out like the 'Mint-stones' and at the comparison with a coating of black ice although that's one of those 'laugh but shouldn't really' laughs (but we all use humour that way at times). Well it looks like LA is shaping up for the full set of Henry VIII style wives doesn't it 😬 let's hope the modern day equivalent of the lady babies' fates is no worse than being divorced or swapped for lego or exiled to Slough 😂. Have a good night and hope your mum keeps on improving, things sound better, and nice to make plans with her for some things to do soon :) xx
Great mentions SK, or should I say smashietastic 👍️. Fruit scones will do very nicely but I am probably a bit late now 😕. Loved the story of the Saturday fried breakfasts 😊. Have a good night I hope 👋 xx
Thinking of @Jewels1973 👋 :) xx
Hope you have a better night @Charlestown, hate bad dreams 😫. Good luck with the painting 👍️ :) xx
See you all soon 😘 xx
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hi again Toni
how are you this evening / night?
mum said she’s feeling significantly better than yesterday and this morning thanks
so maybe the antibiotics just took a while to work properly but I’m of course very pleased though she’s of course not quite back to normal yet but she’s well on the way 🙏
im not too bad thanks a significant chunk of the day seemed to go on talking to the elderly bipolar guy which was nice but he does tend to go on and on bless him, he said the neurologist said that some of his mental health meds might be causing his balance issues so now he has to report back, as it were, to the psychiatrist, with that information, I don’t know why the doctors do that sometimes, surely it would be easier if they just talked to each other? Never mind, he’s doing a bit better now thankfully, he is falling less often and so on.
Well I have no problem with you applying for the bin - related profession, but LA turned up his nose at me when I said “bin - person” he said, “ no mima, it’s bin - man” you should know that 😱
oh dear I really hope he doesn’t grow up to be a misogynist as well as a polygamist - only joking 😂
I think a better way of earning extra cash would be delivering Bills takeaways lol, I’ll steal the bin - men’s/ people’s transportation and you can drive that, he’s constantly eating rubbish so I’m sure he won’t mind refuse - flavoured hot sauce and cardboard creations - imagine the earnings from that 💷
it was cold here but not icy luckily
the walk was nice I wore a lot of layers under my warm coat but it felt comfortable
how was your walk?
if it’s too icy please don’t go out unless you have to in case you fall
BR is feeling a bit better now thanks 👍
have a nice night Toni tc xx
ps Teapot - shaped museum in Meitan, China, it’s a museum about tea culture apparently xx
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Hi Joan
how are you both today?
my mum is feeling a lot better now thanks- I think the antibiotics she took just took a long time to work
have a good night tc xx
hi toady
Being exiled to Slough, what a thought, still better than heads rolling like cabbages lol.
I am extra lactose - free crackered tonight due to a nice phone call but one that went on for far too long, never mind. I hope you got all your parcels done and that you have a good night, tc xx
Good night also to SK and C take care xx
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Hello 👋 everyone well I’m all set and prepared for my first NHS Rheumatologist Appt on Wednesday.
My brother and dad have been a godsend I do get anxiety about medical appointments so Stew my brother looked through all the paperwork wrote down bullet points I’ve got one set for me so I don’t look like a fool not knowing my own brain and one set for her so she knows afterwards everything I’ve said. I’ve even put them in a bag I seem to be organised when I get things done I feel less nervous. So I’m going to think to myself she’s there to help me she can see me and she’s got my notes. I’m so lucky to have my dad and brother & once I get this sorted I can hopefully go back to helping them more. Dad said something lovely tonight he said how much I had looked after my mum for 10 years before she passed and he said you were brilliant doing that. I got a bit nervous before that thinking I hope I can get back to some kind of helping my family and obviously work but I’m on the highest level of DWP so I really am going to try my best to not let whatever I have take over my life because with that and my leg it seems to have done.
YOU ARE ALL BRILLIANT for looking after your families even though you are all in pain so a huge hug 🤗 from me & you are wonderful people.
Right I shan’t ramble on as much and am going to watch VERA on that catch up ITV thing lol oh my words are brilliant today!!
Its dads birthday on Wednesday as well so all his presents are wrapped and I hope I’m allowed to do this I just wanted to share a photo of him he’s 78 more like my age in the way he talks and is just brilliant. So is Stew he’s 47 my little brother that’s a foot taller than me!
Thanks everyone for listening and I do read through all your messages you all gave great senses of humour and I think Val’s Cafe is ace!
So the first photo is dad I know I hope I look as good as him when I’m 78!
Second photo is dad and my lovely mum who is an Angel now.
Third one is my brother Stew we booked a holiday in 2019 as a present for my dad to go with my brother to Tromso in Norway in March erm yes March 2020 before lockdown they were only there 2 days and had to come home again didn’t see it coming but the holiday firm were really good and gave us back our money so that’s Stew looking cold in Tromso, Norway
I’ve still rambled on lol love to you all ♥️
Lots of Love Julie xxx
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Lovely post Jewels. Hope it all goes well Wednesday
morning everyone. Kettle is on if anyone passing. I think the naproxen is giving me weird dreams when i can actually sleep.
Just having a cuppa then off to bunker. I have learnt so many funk and dare i say disco songs on bass lately. Having the radio on when i am not playing seems to be giving me lots of decent song ideas. Greatest Hits rather than R2. They play a lot of, well great hits, but then with a name like that ha ha.
my friend that runs the fast food shop in the high street has just had twin girls, or rather his wife has. His lights are always on now when I can’t sleep. I hope they are coping okay. i guess its okay if they are synchronised and want feeding together.
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Morning Everyone
Hi Joan how is Sue doing? Is she fully recovered? I think this may well be it for my eye, but it's OK as long as the retina didn't detach I'm happy. Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny K
Blimey you are a real radio super-fan! They must love you especially those on at unusual times when people like us are awake in pain.
Loved to hear there is a pre Hooli one for you and Loanda in there.
Sorry yesterday wasn't great you tried and at least can be selfish (I hope you know I don't mean selfish in a negative way) and put yourself first atm.
A ride on the bike might not help the pain but will certainly lift up your spirits.
Aww your friend has twins. They will be exhausted 😩 still I always feel better myself of I'm not the only one who is awake at ungodly hours!
Hope playing some music is possible for you today🤞((()))
Morning Charlestown
How are you today?
I hope doing OK.
Totally dreadful seeing your own child have a seizure initially l used to call an ambulance and was quite panicky.
Nowadays I am quite calm about it though and reassured that she'll get through. The worst were in hospital when she was on chemo. They used to all come running with oxygen and alarms and kick me out of the ward. I'd be outside crying saying what have I done letting them do this to her (the chemo).
BTW my paint is blue but looks grey!!! Bet its the same colour.
Morning Reshmi thanks I am doing OK. What about yourself and your Mum? Sounds as though she's turned the corner now it took long enough didn't it?
That was kind of you to ring the elderly gentleman you will have made his day. You didn't give him Toadys number🤣🤣🤣 l hope gets sorted balance issues are scary and I agree neuro and psych should talk!
Yes maybe I could get Paul to join jelly babies anonymous, but doesn't he have to admit he has a problem first?🤭
Oh dear BB certainly won the war of the bathroom yesterday. 🤢
I do hope BR is much better today bless him.
Layers is definitely yhe answer for walks atm they do keep us warmer. I promise to walk later when the ground has thawed I don't want to fall over again! You too be safe
Take care Reshmi ((())) xxx
Morning Julie
You sound very organised for tomorrow's appt. Good. Great help from you brother and Dad. Will either of them be able to come with you?
I loved to see the photos of them too. They do look like lovely people. Now I bet you look a lot like your Mum so I can picture you too.
Glad your Stew came home of it was March 2020! Crikey.
Take care and happy birthday to your Dad for tomorrow. ((()))
Morning Toady
Hope you're OK today.
Wasn't it icy yesterday? Then please tell me how the day ended with rain? All in all a without for me sadly.
You have D&G as Skinny would say. Hope it eases off today.
Yes the jigsaw is indeed a seed packet one!
The burial (hiding) of the collar was very heartfelt she doesn't know it is hopefully never going on again😊
Sleek reckons the washing machine leak is a 'Woch and see' your bitch might be enough fir now. Luckily Eric (Catona) was a bettered Tom so his wee didn't smell! Even though it wasn't his fault.
Hope the parcels are done.
Oh knickers about the secateurs 😒 put em on nosegay 🙄
Take care
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