
My doctor has prescribed codeine. Reading about it, it sounds a bit scary but nsaid and paracetamol aren’t really dealing with my pain which occurs when I put weight on my leg(osteoarthritis in knee and pain in shin)

What experiences have others had?


  • MrDJ
    MrDJ Member Posts: 321

    I have replied @Vinnymon but its been sent for moderation.

  • MrDJ
    MrDJ Member Posts: 321

    @Vinnymon Worst thing to do is googling any drug.

    Like you the majority of nsaid didnt help except for Froben 100mg which ive been on since 1985 as well as sulfasalazine, codein. then in 2000 started on 20mg methotrexate and anti tnf infusion every 6 weeks.

    It took around 4-5 years to work out what best worked for me as everyone is different.

    Ive been on dehydrocodein (DF118) for over 30 years. I only take one 30mg at tea time. they can/do cause drousiness. 1-2 tabs 4 times a day but i only take 1.

    Ive stopped a few times and switched to Morphine but sooner than later that bungs me up as well. great to help me sleep though and thats only taking 1.5ml when ive been prescribed 5ml at a time.

    Only problem ive ever had (like any other strong pain killer) is getting bunged up with constipation. sadly it happens with all of them.

    To counter act this i have been prescribed Laxido powder and Docusate 100mg

    Pain in the ****$ (literally) :D having to take 2 more meds with the various 8 -15 tabs i also take.

    If the pain is that bad then give them a go but at the beginning dont drive or use machinery after taking them and always take after food.

    hope they help.

  • Vinnymon
    Vinnymon Member Posts: 18

    Thank you Mr DJ. You’re right about googling drugs! I’m not good with any tablets and get nervous about stuff I don’t know about. You’ve obviously had a lot of experience .

    But I need to get my life back. I think I’ll just have to be brave and give them a go.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 781

    Hi @Vinnymon

    The best way to ease constipation is to keep a bag of ready to eat prunes and eat 4/5 first thing in the morning. Increase if you need to. Works well and better than more pills and potions


  • Vinnymon
    Vinnymon Member Posts: 18

    Thanks Trish. I really appreciate your input.

  • MrDJ
    MrDJ Member Posts: 321

    you sound like my mum :D

    shes been pestering me for years to try prune juice and i only gave in a couple of weeks ago.

    but youve got more chance of trump becoming our next prime minister before i ate a prune.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 781



    I couldn't drink pune juice...disgusting stuff but the soft ready to eat ones can be eaten quickly followed by something you like if you really can't stand them.

    They're much better than the ones served up in our semolina at school dinners in the 60s lol

    Think of your mum bribing you with a sweet after having yucky medicine as a child.

    Your mum sounds very sensible!


  • Vinnymon
    Vinnymon Member Posts: 18

    Codeine is making me sleepy and constipated but not doing a great deal for the pain. I’m trying to keep moving. and have been referred to physio but it’s hard to stay positive. It’s only a few weeks since I was able to live a normal life. Now I can hardly get from lounge to bedroom.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 781

    Hi @Vinnymon

    What dose of codeine are you on and how long have you been on it? Took me about 3 weeks to get used to it and for the tiredness to ease. Depending on what you're on your GP may increase it to find the level that suits you. Don't increase it without speaking to him first.


  • Vinnymon
    Vinnymon Member Posts: 18

    I’m on 15mg up to 4 a day. I’ve only been on it a couple of days. I take 3 a day because I don’t really need one to go to bed.(pain is when I put weight on leg) and he’s only given me 28 with strong warnings about addiction. I got some relief on day 1 but yesterday it was negligible. I don’t mind the sleepiness and will attack the constipation today with chia seeds, prunes, gallons of water etc but I just want to be able to walk more than bed to lounge. Thanks for getting back to me Trish. I’ll keep going and then take your advice and get back to the docs.

    Mind you, getting an appointment is like winning the lottery just now!

  • Vinnymon
    Vinnymon Member Posts: 18

    Just a quick update to say I can now walk round the house with mild to moderate pain and do some rehab exercises so feeling much better.

    Thanks with all my heart to anyone who responded. You kept me going! X

  • MrDJ
    MrDJ Member Posts: 321

    Glad to hear they are helping a bit.

    Getting drugs now you have to jump through hoops especially when it comes to codein and morphine.

    i used to get 84 at a time a few years ago when i had to pay for them and 4 bottles of morhine at a time. now the max is 28 tabs and 1 bottle. at least im saving a fortune now im past 60 and get them free.

  • Vinnymon
    Vinnymon Member Posts: 18

    I am full of respect and admiration for everyone on this hard road, particularly when needing to battle to get treatment.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 781

    Hi @Vinnymon

    I'm glad you're getting on bettter with the codeine. One of my better GP's once said to me that it's no good just taking them when you need them with something like Arthritis as you can feel fine one minute then in horrendous pain the next (not quite minutes but you get the gist) and said I had to take them regularly, even if I wasn't in pain, to keep your levels at such a point that it reduces the effect of any pain. She actually told me off for only taking them when I thought I needed them. She referred to it as pain management which makes sense.


  • Vinnymon
    Vinnymon Member Posts: 18

    Thanks for that Trish. I really did not know that. This has been a very steep learning curve!