Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    Hi C

    How are you today?

    That snow looks horrendous, be careful, don’t go out unless you have to

    That’s interesting about the samosas and the people who sold the Indian food 👍

    I’m not too bad, thanks well considering that im post methotrexate haha

    my elder nephew likes cheese in all its forms

    so I’ve just attached a cheese pic lol

    Have a good afternoon and take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi Toni

    How are you?
    I’m post - mxt but otherwise I’m not that bad thanks👍
    Yes it’s not very nice of Bill to leave my dad in the lurch, oh well what can you expect from the eater of the year? haha

    BR said something very clever my sister reported. He said “ my friend Luke is a pescatarian, so he only eats fish” - what a very clever word indeed for such a littley.

    However Big Bro unfortunately didn’t like this, he said to my sis, “ it’s almost like BR is an adulk. What if he becomes an adulk before me?” so my sister of course explained that LA so older so will naturally be the first adulk, so to speak, but LA wasn’t satisfied, he said, “No mummy that’s not what I mean, I meant that BR will be the first brother to have the mind of an adulk”, in response to that my sister, ever the Fountain of diplomacy said “don’t worry you’ll learn things from each other as you already do you’ll both have adulk minds at the same time” this seemed to satisfy LA at last haha because my goodness you don’t need the limelight shining on your brother when you are an important aristocrat / mafia mosquito lol.What would the chicken or vegan nugget producers say?

    Thanks about the café eyebrow plucks moment of weakness that’s true no one’s perfect 👍 👍

    I was writing some notes for myself on my tablet in an effort to be more organised and realise that yesterday I’d written a very funny note, just saying my cousin in India texted me back when it was Holi he sent me a catsnap, and then, for some reason I had I did added many thousands of cats, something like this 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛

    looks like you’re influencing me in on a subliminal level, oh dear Toni are you drinking the fully caffeinated espressos whilst SK is on the decaf?? only joking of course haha

    I’ll go for now and try and send a “proper” post later, have you got snow? Sorry did try to read back but still have post - mxt brain

    Bye for now Toni tc xx

    Ps bills light lunch lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi Joan

    How are you both today?

    Did you get a lot of rain?

    Mum and I are ok thanks

    I hope you both have a nice Easter too

    Bye and tc xx


    How are you?

    I’m not too bad thanks

    I also got soaked on my walk, I wanted to leave the house earlier but the usual family drama was unfolding

    I haven’t been soaked like that for a very long time the rain penetrated almost all my layers of clothing

    I bought The last flapjack in the bakery , but shared it with BB , knowing that too much flapjack is seldom a good thing for my stomach, it was especially fresh though, as it was still warm when I bought it tasted great so that was one good thing.

    Yes horrible walk really wet and also cold, wasn’t good in any way, apart from that it did stop me going to the supermarket and buying a little bit of cheese but not the full fat version since I don’t want to turn into semi-“ adulk“ LA, not quite yet haha

    BR asked his mother recently “who is Reshmi?”, I think the poor littley is getting very confused. There’s a person who is simultaneously mims, auntie, Reshmi and mummy’s sister, lol, it’s much too much for a young man to deal with, I understand that 😂
    LA said something like Mima is 90 years older than mummy. My goodness I’m aging by the rain drop it seems oh dear, not only am I older than BB, I seem to be one of the oldest people in the south-east. My goodness, what are they putting in the methotrexate these days? vampire nurses’ / witches’ aging potion? I will have to report this to the correct authorities

    Palm trees at night, now that’s an interesting idea, I can Totally see a toady / Spock writing collaboration there 🪐
    No cabbage forcefield situation thankfully, bill and my sister escaped from Slough unscathed by vegetation.

    once I suggested to my sister that they should move to Slough because I know how much bill like eating the kind of Indian restaurant food thats available there, but she took it wrong the wrong way and said it’s not like he’s thinking about eating all the time. Oh dear faux pas on my part I should’ve commented no sorry just 99% of the time or 99.9 recurring %, but if I go on in this manner i will have to consult the mathematician or scientist or both it’s hard work having such a clever littleys in the family that’s for sure 😂

    Hope you have a good night toady or at least an okay night doesn’t sound very promising at the moment Does it? at least from inside my window , in fact it sounds like the four mafia members of the apocalypse may be gathering outside to be honest, at least keep warm and perhaps have an early night, okay bye for now take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi SK

    How are you feeling this evening?

    How are Sucre and Loanda?

    Have a good night tc x

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    hey Reshmi, i feel absolutely shattered but pain is under control thanks for asking. Sucré is being a little difficult but he always is on the first day back here. He must find the transition difficult from nifnans to my house. We all made gingerbread err ‘shapes’ this afternoon. They were pumpkin and ghost shape but they expanded so much baking that they all joined up in the oven. Still taste okay though. Loanda is busy doing the last bit of her degree for this assignment.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    How are things with you Reshmi?

    Help yourself to a slab of gingerbread, although they won’t be decorated until tomorrow.
    Anyone else too. They are very gingery though coz there was the last of the ground ginger so I chucked it all in 🤪

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    no night owls tonight?

    Is it too early for a Good Morning??

    Just made a fresh brew and braved the very fresh dash to bunker as I want the radio on and don’t want to disturb my two.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning Joan - gosh poor Sue I am so glad she is going to have the camera. Has she got a date yet for it? The sooner the better I think. Yes Paul will get better at coping he does indeed have me to reassure him that he'll be ok. It's good Friday today are you having hot cross buns? I hope you are still eating Joan and Sue not being able to isn't putting you off? ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny Keef never to early to say good morning and thanks for the brew and the gingerbread.

    thank you so much for that very detailed description of your neck stretch. I will certainly tell Paul he can try it. Definitely don't attempt any dangerous ones I agree wholeheartedly with your osteopath there that would be scary.

    Sometimes we do just set our necks off don't we and have no idea what we did it is frustrating I agree. Shame Sucré chose the very moment Loanda was pegging out the washing to play up though. Typical kids. When my back finally went prior to surgery all I did was turn over in bed. What can you say?

    Take care and thanks again ((())) xxx

    Wow Charlestown I love the snow! It looks fabulous I hope the horses are ok on Dartmoor I'm sure the people are.

    Morning Toady well oddly enough my weather was not too bad yesterday admittedly it rained overnight and my walk was early on, but after that it wasn't too bad util it 'went off' again early afternoon. Unfortunately i was a bit silly and did the indoor stuff first while it was dry.

    I know what even is a heat pump🙄I think to be fair we can't keep on using gas though how do we produce enough electricity? We are using just simply too much energy aren't we?

    Glad you enjoyed the wraps Sleek certainly did she loves a pack up. She especially likes a flask of tea even if it's not necessary it's the ceremony she enjoys.

    I am sure you are coping ok with your hotties and blankies? Sleek is back waring her onesie and is bringing Mabel today as Kari is on a course. She thinks cutting out paper kittens might be fun actually as you knwo she reads over my shoulder while I am posting.

    Easter Church service I think that's about it oh the children at the primary school had an Easter Egg hunt too.

    Hope the day turns out better than we fear eh? paws crossed.

    Reshmi I am not going to try BIL's doughnut nope no way🤢 his cooking! But I see the cheese I ordered with the go fund me arrived ready for Monday! His 'light lunch' would last me a fortnight too!

    Sorry how rude of me! I was just so shocked at BIL's latest culinary feat. How are you? and your Mum is her bs ok?

    Isn't BR impressive? Imagine him knowing and being able to say pescetarian that at his age. Perhaps the adulks present showed too much admiration for the feat and it made poor LA fear for his future adulk-hood! Bless him a little green eyed monster there, but quite understandable. I think your sister handled it very well.

    Oh dear I am affecting you subliminally causing you to post multiple cat pics🐈️🐈️🐈️!! Still it is at least harmless small cats. Of course you can have yourself an eyebrow plucks once in a while I do. I love them, but they are expensive so tend to let Paul pay 🤫🤭 (don't worry still on the decaf)

    Are you getting ready for the arrival of the tiny tyrant? Stock up on sleep and enjoy being able to use the stairs obstacle free. You must walk on carpets barefoot without the risk of lego bruises and find cheese in the fridge if you want to etc!

    No snow here just more rain with occasional patches of sunlight. I think it's all on Dartmoor down south.

    Take care Reshmi Mima Mummy's sister well whoever you are!!!!🤣whatever you do don't add 'Bosh' will you?!!!! Bless him it is a lot to understand.

    Have a good day ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    good morning everyone wppl

    Happy good Friday


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  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) we had thunder and lightning yesterday and storms. I hope your parcel is collected today. Have a good Easter

    Toni (()) I’m sorry you hurt your back so easily. That must have been difficult to cope with. Thank you I’m eating alright. Sue has been in bed since yesterday dinner time when the carers came. I like the look of snow. It will be nice when it stops raining. Have a good Easter don’t forget the clocks. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good Easter love to your mum(())

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good Easter love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) Have a good Easter and your son (()) thank you for thinking about us.

    Love to Barbara and Kitty

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200


    No answer


    No answer

    Sucré (full name)……….

    Still no answer.
    Sucré are you ignoring me.


    Because I’m a cheeky MONKEY!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi C

    How are you?

    That looks like a nice chai tea latte mix 👍

    Mum and I are ok at the moment thanks

    Well as far as I’m aware Babu means sir or esquire in Hindi

    But in Bengali which I speak at home, it has a range of meanings from old man to an affectionate term which I guess is an equivalent to darling or sweetheart but in the context of a mother addressing her son etc, the funny thing is that I call my dad “Baba” which just means father but LA has made his own version- “ Big Babu”

    Hope you’re having a nice day

    Bye for now tc xx

    Hi SK

    How are your pains today?
    mum and I aren’t too bad at the moment, thanks

    Oh dear Sucre is a fellow cheese - monster!

    bags of mozzarella my goodness. The ginger biscuits look great to me. Hope you’re having a nice bank holiday.

    Bye for now Take care x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi Toni

    how are you today? What a lovely Good Friday breakfast do you posted today👍

    Mum is okay now thanks but she had a hypo in the night

    she’s recovered now but of course it’s very scary when that happens bless her

    anyway you’re right though it hasn’t happened for a long time which is at least something I suppose

    on a lighter note, yes the cheese has arrived early, Thank you for that, also thanks to K of course lol

    There was a bit of rain on my morning walk, but it wasn’t too bad very much manageable with my new umbrella. It’s very strong umbrella not sure where it came from. I think the umbrella must’ve had a diet of solid spinach and chickpeas, what a sensible brolly

    Yes I have many titles now don’t I?
    yes adding bosh would definitely further confuse poor little BR
    yes it is pricey isn’t it Cafe Eyebrow Plucks?

    That’s also another reason I don’t go there too often

    The house is rather warm with the cooking going on but my mum is happy that’s the main thing.

    Hope you’re having a nice day yourself Toni?

    I think I’ll just leave it there for now. Otherwise ablutions will never be performed oh yes tiny tyrant preparations, I may need a chocolate mountain at short notice? Or I will raid toady’s cupboards quietly 🤐

    You’ve got a good point going around barefoot to avoid any Lego accidents. Always a worry really

    I’m just posting this picture of another traditional Bengali dessert called lobongo lotika.It’s one of those high sat fat things so definitely not good to indulge in other than once a century as there is a pastry element but it’s more than pastry, Also has cloves hard to describe but tasty, ok just realised that’s not vegan, so added a substitute type recipe below
    okay bye for now Toni tc xx

    👋 greetings to toady

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 29. Mar 2024, 18:14
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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    charlestown you sound like Grinch at Christmas with the not going out lol

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    yes the rain, thats what i meant.
    I definitely won’t go out on the bike if it’s clean and it’s raining. I have put off cleaning it last week or so because I needed to go see mum. Nothing worse than rolling out to a wet road on a spotlessly clean bike to have it filthy after 10 seconds. Having said that i do actually enjoy riding in the rain, bit of a black art.
    i don’t blame you staying in.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    hi everyone

    Where is toady?

    Have I somehow managed to miss her post in my tiredness?

    Well hope you had a nice Good Friday anyway toady

    And that the nosegay customers didn’t throw too many rotten cabbages in the way of organisation - or something like that lol

    Hope you didn’t get any new leaks in your house with the heavy rain?

    One male fb friend has got excited about a new game that tells him he’ll be pregnant in April, he’s going on laughing about it, people really can be very strange indeed

    I got a bit greedy today and had baked beans on toast today

    My stomach is ok right now so maybe I got away with it

    Do you like baked beans? I can’t remember now

    Have a good night toady and take care xx

    Ps Ellie the biter made you this tea, featuring the decapitated doll’s head -some of her best work 😱xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi all 👋 just a quick goodnight, all fine (thanks for asking bosh 😊) no leaks etc, just the internet doing its 2 mins on / 2 mins off thing all day with the weather, dunno why today as it hasn't been that bad out there - maybe one of the four mafia littleys of the apocalypse is assigned to telecoms 😱.

    Anyway I scraped in earlier to do a couple of necessary things and then gave it up as a bad job, hopefully will settle tomorrow - proper hello's then with a bit of luck 👍

    Love to everyone 😘 sleep well xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Oh dear Joan you must be very worried about Sue I expect you didn't manage to go out either😕 Please send her my love I'm sure you are looking after her well and the dogs are making her smile. That camera can't come soon enough can it? ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny Keef love it just love it!

    Sucré is definitely a cheeky monkey bless his heart😄 He hasn't been speaking to LA I hope?

    Definitely don't go out on the bike in the rain except in emergencies. Today whatever happens I am taking Penelope Fig out. She is dirty anyway with the mucky village and I want to go up and see Lucy this morning an ideal little trip.

    How's the neck and headache? Still under control I hope🤞

    Have a good day Keef ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown can I @ you? @Charlestown yup can I @Skinny Keef yes just had to start off slowly with the @ and first letter till the thingy started working.

    Thank you so much for the tip about vegan chai latte and it's as Smash-da! I might be nipping in there today to😊

    So your boy is a cheese monster too well it's understandable if this is true: research argues that cheese is addictive in a way similar to drugs because of a chemical called casein, which is found in dairy products and can trigger the brain's opioid receptors. I was definitely addicted when I was still only vegetarian. Loved the stuff!

    Vegan cheese is not the same at all, but I've found one or two bearable kinds.

    I'm so glad you are almost all better. The moon face will soon go once you stop the steroids as should the starvation feeling. It's certainly been worth it.😊

    Take care.

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you? Your Mum though very worrying but she's ok now that's the main thing. Bloomin diabetes. Oh i have a friend who is in the 70's she just had a sensor popped on her arm which tells an app on her phone what her BS is! Isn't that clever?

    I bet she is happy cooking bless her.

    Yes please do keep slippers or indoor shoes on with Lego around🙄 it hurts!

    The cheese supplies should be just about enough for the arrival of the Tiny Tyrant I think. Maybe put these eyes on the fridge so he thinks he's being watched!!

    Beans on toast - I like them myself. Not too often and I don't add butter vegan or otherwise. Usually get away with one slice ok stomach-wise.

    Thank you so much for the vegan trifles, but gosh those lobongo lotika look soooooo lovely I want them. Not vegan ok I'll behave probably better for my health anyway.

    You have a good umbrella? That's lovely and it sounds robust enough to cope with these winds we've been having along with the rain.

    Take care and have a good day remember take extra naps pretty soon that will be very difficult!

    ((())) xxx

    Poor Toady that darn internet!

    Mind you our TV was playing up yesterday too so maybe there is something going on with the atmospherics? Or has Sleek had her screwdrivers out again

    That really is her I'm sure…..

    As long as you're ok and got the essentials done

    Take care.

    BIL's breakfast tray. He was supposed to share with Paul but…..

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,314

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    morning all.
    Hey Toni, exactly why I sometimes put up with the bike being dirty, then I can go out in the horrible weather with out it bothering me. I saw a classic old KTM 990 going up the High Street a few weeks ago. It looked like it had just done a day on the Dakar Rallye, (for some reason moto rally has an e on the end. Think it’s the Euro version) and the rider was dressed in a similar way to myself, all enduro motorcycle gear, none of this wimpy road riding stuff lol. Both he and his bike looked hardcore. Enjoy your drive of Pen today, I am guilty of enjoying the ride out to certain places, more than actually being where I am going when I get there, and sometimes when I am there I can’t wait to get back on the bike and get going again lol.
    mmmm, the neck, well I have spent the last half hour stretching, but I have to admit that my head is bad, no doubt as a result of yesterday’s bike ride. Still hoping it will go.

    Definitely looks a little dated now, but I wouldn’t turn one down if it was going cheap.

    i think a ride out is needed today actually. Might have to be MacD’s in Sudbury and meet my 2 there. Hoping the head will clear enough for me to ride 🤞

    Happy Easter (doesn’t sound right saying that) everyone. I have been so wrapped up in my own little world of bass guitar and music it seems to have almost passed me by, although I did have a tiny easter egg yesterday from mum’s care home and 2 of her Hotel Chocolate chocs courtesy of my posh sister.
    right going back to sleep. Hopefully head will clear.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 30. Mar 2024, 08:13
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