Val's Cafe



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 30. Mar 2024, 08:02
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  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) sorry you have a problem with your internet I hope you don’t have to wait too long for it to sort its self out. Have a good day. Sue is in hospital

    Toni (()) have a good day. Sue phoned 111 at eleven o clock yesterday morning they said they would send an Ambulance 2 o clock the Dr phoned and said it’s been passed to me a Dr will come and see you but it will be in the night ( sue has a pain in her side) the Dr came at 12 30 and said it could be her gall bladder after waiting till 2 30 I opened the door and sue said go to bed because of getting up at 6 00. She went at 3 00. I phoned her this morning she said she’s having an ultrasound and then the camera. Sorry to take so long telling you. Happy Easter everyone. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Skinny Keef (()) that bike looks good. Have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) Sue is in hospital I’m taking the dogs out in a minute. Have a good day.

    Love to Barbara and Kitty

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    hi Toni

    I’m not too bad thanks

    went on a longer walk than usual so pretty tired

    Mums bs is normal today thanks 👍

    LA and BR are seeing Kung Fu Panda in the cinema today -not those scary monster snake things luckily

    I’m going to sneakily perform ablutions

    Bills not sharing!! Outrageous I’ll have to transform into a cobra - python monster or whatever it’s called and give him a fatal hug - or just hide the hot sauce

    Bye for now Toni tc xx


    How are you? V sorry to hear about Sue, hope she recovers soon

    Bye for now take care xx

    Ps bills cooking again lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598

    Hi all 👋 so far so good, internet has settled more or less touch wood. I wouldn't mind if it would go off for a chunk and back on, at least you could do something, it's the looking down and seeing that annoying yellow triangle every other minute that's so annoying 😣. Sorry if I've missed much yesterday.

    Hope you are dans le jardin frog, or have been 😊 very nice out actually. Have taken my sweet peas out for a breath of air 😄 their roots are showing at the bottom of the root trainers so hopefully will be making more nice sturdy roots now. Nothing new I don't think, maybe a hollyhock seedling? 3 allium bulbs are now up outside so I'm happy even some have survived. Sleek has been helping today by checking things going on at ground level that I haven't spotted 🌱. We three had a lovely time yesterday with our dressing-up kitties 😀 loved them, thank you 😍. If only dressing yourself in real life was as easy & fun 😄. Hope Kari's course went well 👍️ was it just the one day or a weekend. Hope it's a good Easter Service too 🐣. Not sure what the bank hol weather is like for Sun/Mon, haven't checked - I'm afraid I rather meanly begrudge 'normal' people having a fine weekend, present VC company excepted, if I can't get the benefit myself - sorry St Peter. Not much else happening today, nosegay is quiet - I notice that 'Bebop' are following 'Minted's' example now, and having a no seller fee structure and a small fee for buyers. Interesting 🤔 and annoying if you've been handing them 10% for years, I've never used them much. Have a good evening & weekend, love to all :) xx

    Hello joan, so sorry that Sue is having a horrid time of it 😟 and you too, with middle of the night doctors, is always horrible. I hope they get quickly to the bottom of the trouble 🤞 love to you both 😘 xx thank you the internet has calmed down today.

    Hi bosh, thank you for the nice posts & chat the last day or two, the weather has calmed down a lot thankfully, and I imagined myself in the lovely room you posted for me, in the chair by the fire not caring about the rain. My dream home thati😍 well when my dream home isn't being one of those large industrial apartments in an old factory, they have to take turns 😄. Hope things are ok with you today and your mum has had no more low bs nights🤞. Poor littley BR having a tangled web of identities to sort out for you, it reminded me of those puzzle books, bit like a maze but which string leads to the right item, in this case with mima on the page in the middle. I bet this is an issue LA has straight, so his adulk brain is not under too much threat as yet. Pescatarian is very good I didn't know that word for years & years. Oh dear suggesting that Bill might want to move round the corner from his fave restaurants 😬 well it was a fair observation as you say 😉. I think I'd move just for a decent couple of bakeries and greengrocers, and I'm not even that much of a foodie. The bakery flapjack sounds nice btw 😀. Oh yes baked beans you asked, yes ok in moderation for me, I do like them and now I have a tin opener again they are actually possible 😂 they were my inaugural tin actually. Have a good evening, and thank Ellie for my lovely tray of tea & bics 😂😂. xx

    Hot gingerbread is fine by me SK 😀 love ginger, I have ginger preserve from al fresco, it has overtaken most jams & marmalades as my favourite. Hope your day is going ok, and a good ride if you made it to MacDs, actually very nice weather here 😀. Love to family xx

    👋 @Charlestown you will be ahead of me with your taters, I was all set to order my compost and saw a better offer but that only starts next week. Made sense to hang on; I will do some other stuff. The seedlings are all over the place haha, I go round moving them in & out & to the best windowsill etc 😄 they are mostly in little cells in little propagators. Not all will come up so I doubt I'll be overrun. You've got lots of nice things sprouting 😍. If the cowslips grow I'll put some in the bit of lawn that doesn't get mown among other places. I meant to say, yes they were my beetroot, Pablo I think, amazing they were fine over winter etc. My internet is ok today it's the weather that does it - I was all set to move provider for other reasons but they've just sent me a good offer on a 1yr contract so will probably stay put. Have to ring up to accept it though, I hate that, should just let you click a button 🙄. I had TalkTalk the ISP before this one, they were ok. Happy Easter to you too 😊 🐣 have a good weekend. Can't get on with Chai myself, don't really like the flavour, not sure why, cloves maybe? 🤔 xx

    Love at Easter to Kitty, Barbara and anyone not around at the mo 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Hi Dachshund hope Sue is okay. Loanda has woken me up in the middle of the night for various reasons. gall bladder, appendix, ulcer and not forgetting Sucré coming two months early with prewhatsit called. All of which required surgery. It’s a bit of a worry for you I am sure but sending you love and hugs.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 30. Mar 2024, 20:07
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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    hi toady

    Glad you’re ok and liked the decapitated doll’s head tea - I’m hoping it’s vegetarian- can’t guarantee it though lol

    Yes nice garden weather indeed

    Mum is ok today thank you 👍

    Glad your internet is ok now too of course

    Dad replaced the batteries- possibly posh lithium batteries- not sure yet - in the electric tin opener! There’s a first time for everything I guess haha, so I actually managed to open can with Spock - like mind control today - well almost

    I know, not too good to be chastised by my sis when I was saying a true and even practical comment, it was around the time that they were trying to move out of London and yes everyone likes food to some extent and I didn’t realise that was a time for me to adopt JA - like “modesty” on the subject of bills food mountain- obsession, but oh well, little sisters are as unpredictable as the weather, well mine is at least haha

    Have a nice night toady tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    good night SK C and Toni

    Sorry very tired now

    Have a good night all tc xx

    Ps more of bill’s cooking lol xx

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  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 31. Mar 2024, 06:32

    Easter Sunday.

    Morning Joan Happy Easter. How is Sue? I do hope she's not too bad it must be worrying you and the carers (did you remember to cancel them?) so much please do let us know how she is as soon as you know. All my love and fingers crossed this time they sort her out((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K I hope you aren't too bad today with that neck?

    I am exactly the same I do just (naughtily) go out for a dive for a drive's sake. It's just such fun!

    I hope you got to Maccies? Sucré will have loved it anyway won't he? and no-ne has to cook or wash up either sounds like a win-win-win to me😊

    Glad you do go out in sensible gear these young-uns eh?!😉

    Have you ever heard of the Stephen Sutton ride out? Google it if you have time.. Lucy was in hospital with him the end of his cancer journey sadly and the start of hers. I drove to my sister's and the bikes go past her house so coincidentally we were talking about it only yesterday. Had a great drive the weather was spot on.

    Morning Charlestown I am so glad the steroids helped you so much and you won't be on them for long now. Your face will soon return to normal. Your appetite too should go back down and hopefully your sleep will be easier. It also made Lucy quite 'down' when she was on it when she had cancer. Anyway it did the job for which we must be grateful.

    I would also have eaten cheese like that straight out of the packet like crisps I loved it so much😕

    I was veggie since I was 18 anyway, but actually going was definitely a moral decision yes. I also always knew (did environmental science at A level centuries ago now) that we could feed the world if we stopped eating so many animals and instead more veg and of course it's got to be better health-wise. I don't miss chocolate as there are one or two good vegan chocs out there but vegan cheese still needs an awful lot of work on it.

    I bought the chai tea and it was lovely! Smashed-a had it and it wasn't a bad price at all😋

    Loved the monkey orchids I actually thought they were snap dragons with faces drawn on them!

    Are your spuds chitted nicely?

    The garden is looking quite good after I went to my sister's (in Penelope who is a bit dirty but ok from a distance) I got outside everything is coming up flowers all over the place i will take some pics while we have 3 dry days! Thank you!

    Have a good day.

    Morning Reshmi how are you this delightful Easter Sunday? It is going to be nice again😊 How is your Mum? No more hypos I hope?

    Oh no a cheese car now!

    BIL was not sharing with Paul, no most naughty, l think his Mummy did not teach him to share she did rather indulge her precious boy if I remember rightly.🙄 Some Mothers do that your sister not being one I am sure.

    The boys will love their trip to the cinema. Sounds a very appropriate film. Will you also go with LA when he comes is there another film to see? Usually there are quite a few for children in school holidays aren't there?

    Well done going on a long walk I did too yesterday but my fitbit did not register it at all. Most annoying I think I can add it manually though so I'll give it a go.

    BTW thanks for teh chai latte tip I got some from smashed-a yesterday it's lovely!! Vegan and lovely. Not decaf so only max one cup a day and must look at calories and glycaemic index too……

    Have a good last restful day ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    I am quite worried about Joan's Sue😕 they should have sorted her out properly before sending her home last time😠

    Hope you are ok though?

    Guess what this is? Yes it's finally flowering! P's honesty!!!!!!!! How happy am I?😊 what a great day yesterday was everything is growing so must keep up. Hope to get out again today though all being well.

    Kari's course was only a morning. So pleased to hear about the sweet pea roots☺️ that is a great start they ought to be way sturdier this year all being well. My hyacinth beans have soaked overnight so they will go in today. Not sure what else I know it's not quite April yet for some of them, but I don't care I'll keep 'em warm somehow. Mabel has taken to watching Kari when she is outside so that's a good start isn't it?

    Charlestown reckons we are set fair for for this weekend. I threw 3 balls back over yesterday to next door. Sigh. Never mind eh? Not too much outdoor motorised tool sounds here yesterday but could get worse. Hope it's quiet for you fingers crossed. earphones try earphones I must dig (hah!!!! dig - get it?) mine out too.

    Will help the fostercarers with the babies at the service and be on coffee and tea making duty as the usual lady is off sick (two bob bits so she can stay at home!) and the church warden is about to be incapacitated. Trapeziectomy for her this week bless her.

    Interesting 'no seller' fees wonder if it will affect buyers buying. I suppose it depends which side you're on.

    Sleek is on her way and be warned sweet peas, she has her watering can😮

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    hi all

    No Toni I didn’t get out on bike or to macd’s Charlestown, too much pain unfortunately. I hobbled down to Greggs with Sucré and Anda.
    i am doing slow roast lamb with various baked veg and roast and mash spuds for my two and MIL & FIL this afternoon. We haven’t got any frozen yorky puds so gotta make my own 🙄

    I am in a grumpy mood today. Very grumpy.

    Given my 2 their easter chocs which made me smile. Still grumpy though. Unfortunately i am in a ‘why me’ state of mind again.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    good morning everyone wppl xx

    Happy Easter Sunday xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,239

    Good morning everyone

    Thank you everyone for caring about sue she has gall stones and a ten inch abscess on her liver they cannot do anything till Tuesday. Sue didn’t have the pain in her side when she was in the hospital with the bug.

    Toady (()) I’m sorry your internet is playing up. That’s good your leak hasn’t got worse all the rain we’ve had. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) have a good day. That’s lovely that P’s plant has flowered P will not be forgotten. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day sorry your mum (()) had a hypo the other day take care

    Skinny Keef (()) yes you have been through a lot have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) Have a good day We have sun today

    Love to Barbara and Kitty (())

    take care
    joan xx
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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    hi Joan

    How are you doing today? I’m sorry to hear about Sue’s abscess and gall stones, it must be a very difficult situation for her

    Thanks about mum, her bs was normal today 👍

    I’m ok thanks but house is hot from all the cooking going on, EF are coming tomorrow

    Happy Easter Sunday

    Take care xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    Easter bash…..

    I forgot the clock in lounge was an hour behind so I was 20 minutes late getting it all started, which caused a few choice words. Everyone loved the skull yorkshire puddings 😁

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598

    Hi all 👋 Happy Easter 🐰🐣🐰

    Quite chilly actually so have had a quick potter but mostly have not done much, and am now planning a quiet afternoon with Doctor Who and a modest amount of chocolate. Unlike Nigel Farage I will not be eating an easter egg in one go on tv, to make a point, silly twit. Hope everyone having a good day 😊.

    The honesty frog! 😀 how perfect, so pleased it has come out for you, it's lovely 😊. Glad to hear you have lots of life in the garden too. Hope the tea & coffee making went well seeing as various churchpersons are not in the pink, poor things. Do churches still have tea-urns? I love tea-urns 😄. Quiet here today, very few noises indeed amazing for a Sunday, maybe everyone is off doing Bank Hol things in which case I will excuse them as it works in my favour 😉. I'm tempted sometimes to play a cock-a-doodle sound out of the window (I have a toy with sound effect), and panic everyone I've started keeping chickens, that would serve them right. Would work well for you too 😄 oh no, not balls coming over already, that's not supposed to be one of the auguries of Spring 🙄. Best of luck with the hyacinth bean🤞nothing new for me today. Lovely to see Sleek, I currently have a catazon prime trial, so will glance at her wish list to see if there is anything a little cat might like 😄 that'll distract her from her watering can 😬. Have a good evening & Bank Hol Mon, love to all :) xx

    Hello Joan, poor Sue, was so sorry to read your post this morning, thinking of you both. It would be the bank hol.. 😔 (or maybe that isn't the reason they can't do anything til Tues), I do hope she is not too uncomfortable and will keep an eye out for news, love to you both 😘 xx

    Hi to bosh, I love all the coloured eggs, my Dad was always interested in the traditions to do with painted eggs called pace eggs or peace eggs (from the latin-based word pasche = Easter), being from the North-East. Hope your day is going ok so far and family too. Now there are batteries in the tin-opener the world is your oyster 😄 many happy tinned goods to you. Am not doing much today, no cookery, well not what you'd call cookery. Hope your mum isn't doing too much either, for EF visit. Will pop in later in case of updates 👍️ :) xx

    Fantastic yorkys SK 😀 well all that is a great table of stuff, especially on a grumpy day ('why me', is there any other state of mind? 😬), hope you feel a bit brighter as it goes on. Yes the hour change is a right pain I prefer hour back, not to be winter obvs, but 5pm seems ridiculous now, day's half over and everything is like that for days til you adjust.

    Hi @Charlestown wow you've done a lot 😀. That's a lot of washing over the last few days, lucky to have the wind, drying outdoors is so much nicer. I'm behind 😳. Seeds in propagators well I've just taken my chances & some have come up even though it hasn't been brilliant, best can do is keep them warm and at least they can start thinking about coming up 🤔. Will you be off to Baldi on Tues? Oh cardomom maybe in the chai, then; I like cinnamon though, I will have to check the ingredients of what I tried. Btw Skinny Keef seems to tag ok when I try it, wondered if it was maybe the space between the skinny and the keef, but it's on the drop down thing when you start typing, so not sure what's up. Ugh, strimmers, I would ban them all 🙄😉. Hope you have a nice Bank Hol Mon not too much rain 🤞 :) xx

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

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  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598

    By the way, my yearly reminder that post prices go up again on the 2nd if anyone wants to nip to nosegay and pick up a few stamps ahead of the 10p hike, can get some good prices on things like special issue and xmas stamps from past years (these sort are still valid don't have to have the barcodes), this is what I always do ✉️👍️.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 31. Mar 2024, 16:47
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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    hi Toni

    How are you today?

    Mum is well thank you 🙏

    House is full of EF preparations i wouldn’t say it’s hot like August

    But I’m definitely uncomfortable

    So much tidying left and I’ve only just done my ablutions!

    BR fell asleep 💤 in the cinema - bless

    I am ok thanks

    Love the Easter bunnies

    Hope your having a good day so far?

    Mum is stressing about preparations otherwise she’s ok 👍

    LA’s chocolate hunt / dig is on Tuesday- but will he share his prehistoric choccies? That is the question- to hoard or not to hoard or something like that haha

    Ok getting tired bye for now Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,310

    hi C

    How are you? I like the cheese bathroom!

    Just busy preparing the house etc, family visiting tomorrow

    Yes was nice day for walk yesterday

    Nice cottage pie pics

    Have a good night tc xx

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