Val's Cafe
Good morning everyone
Thank you for thinking about me. I’m not sure what time I will be in tomorrow we are taking the death certificate in. We are being picked up at twelve and I have to take the dogs for a walk first.
Toady (()) the weather man said some places are having snow today. Have a good day I hope you can sell things.
Toni (()) That’s good you got fitted in I hope the tablets help. I said to Toady some places are having snow today. Lovely seeing little bunny’s. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Zia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) it’s nice you can get to see Sucr’e (() and Loanda (()) I hope you soon get an appointment
Charlestown (()) I have not cried yet I think because she was in a lot of pain. It was strange when I was told she’d died I thought I would have screamed but it was as if I was expecting it. Sorry about all your pain.
take care
joan xx0 -
Thanks Joan for warning us that you might not get in first thing. You have a lot to do just now so we won't worry if you are very late in.
The weather is lovely here sunny and dry it wasn't windy but it is now. Glad we don't have that snow!!!
take care ((())) xxx
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Afternoon all ☕️
Hope you had a nice walk and saw the lambs frog 🐏 it was very mixed again here, can certainly believe it's going to drop cold, out of the sun it was very parky. I got as far as painting 3 slats of my blue shed (thinking of Barbara & her sentry shed 😊) and it chucked large wet hailstones on me out of nowhere 🙄 had about 10 things to bundle back indoors with. Nice again now 🤷♀️. I'm glad you duly shrivelled up under Sleek's withering look by proxy, I should think so too (bet she does a very good 'eyes narrowed', who better, after all 😾). In hindsight I think she might have got in less of a tizz with the sticky plastic than I did 😄 but I couldn't send your beautiful kitty home re-worked in grey oak effect head to toe, can't improve on nature. Glad there are some buns about 👍️ but no mice at all here, I did think some generation might return, we'll see. I did laugh about the snails talking with their mouths full 🐌🌱. Adam was fairly soft pedal on the slug problem, wasn't he, I must say GW in general is a great consolation to me; seeing someone go over their gravel a bit at a time with a little fork and leave some weeds rather than blitz everything. Glad Kari's wrist is coming along nicely, hopefully if she can resist some sort of lino-cutting marathon, and the running is going well too 👍️. Take care all of you 😘 xx
Hello Joan, we will be here tomorrow afternoon with the kettle on. I don't really cry at big things I cry at little things 🤷♀️. Sunny today but you can feel the cold about it was a colder night. If we could have a couple of dry days in a row that would be nice. Take care xx
Hi to bosh, hope you had a good group day and maybe a cup of tea after or some shopping 🤔. That bus trip, yikes, I wouldn't have liked that at all! I have managed to escape the cafe nap corner and get a couple of things done so far but afternoon rests seem to be the way to go for me at the moment. Oh 'eck no not the periodic table, that's no better is it, poor BB 😱. I quite liked the halogens in chemistry class for some reason they stuck in my mind, not much else has 😄. Definitely the chocolate cake option for me please (I have small chocolate brownies again at the moment if no kiddies size choc is available - I did try to buy some people sized bars from catazon - but just couldn't pay the prices! The moths will have to stay in my wallet 😄. Have a good evening and good luck for mxt day 👋 xx
Hey SK glad to hear you have not been walled into the bunker playing too many super morose blues numbers. Did you get on any better with the new bass? And no migraine I hope in any case. Sorry about the frustration with the docs, what wouldn't you give for a little sign that comes up saying yes your doc is genuinely doing all they can or hell no, they are fobbing you off or just incompetent 🙄. Glad you had a good ride and hope it stays fine for a while. Yay to new bike clothing 😊 xx
Thanks for the frost warning @Charlestown I will hang back too on anything delicate. Few not bad days coming up even if it isn't getting above 13 much. Hope your day is going ok, don't pull anything or do yourself a mischief putting the bike together, that would defeat the object of the exercise 😬 take care :) xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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hi Toni
How are you today?
Mum and I are ok 👍
Group didn’t occur as cafe was closed for staff training but no one knew in advance- I guess it was a sort of “Baking Day” I know terrible pun lol - I couldn’t smell any baking, just as well really lol
I went to cost a packet in the town centre which was almost fully packed but I just about managed to find a seat
Stomach was a bit dodgy yesterday
But it’s recovered now I believe unless tonight’s oracles tell me otherwise of course
It was freezing in the morning so I wore my heavy winter coat which was appropriate but I need a coat wizard for when the temperature changes drastically in a few hours, I nominate bill he has a baguette 🥖 in lieu of a wand lol
To be honest I’m fully cream crackered Toni
It was very warm in the house when I came back couldn’t rest properly
So have a good night and take care xx
Ps healthy sandwich - making lol xx
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hi Joan
How are you today?
Mum and I are ok 👍
Have a good night tc xx
Hi toady
How are you?
no group as cafe was shutBut tea at another establishment yes 👍
Mum and I are ok 👍
No bus - related “adventures” thankfully
Catazon let you down?
Not surprising lol
I went to super - bug and asked an assistant if they had a particular hypoallergenic lip balm, she said, “ wait a sec, I just need to finish applying hand cream to my upper arms” and after maybe 5 mins she condescended to answer -in the negative- but how strange! Maybe I should say, “ sorry I can’t reply right now, I’m re - taking my maths GCSE because I’m afraid of the littleys - should only take a decade or so - haha
sorry toady I’m very tired- hot house and not enough rest but
Have a good night and tc xx
👋good night also to SK and C tc xx
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morning all. Friday eve today.
one of my best ever friends came over yesterday morning with his lovely still just about a puppy Labrador called Shelby (Toni will definitely get where that name comes from being a petrol head). Anyway he first of all gave me a hand to put the new alternator belt on the Beemer, a two person job as it’s one of those stretch on belts with no adjuster for tension, and then sat and listened to my medical woes. A true friend. I might get to look after Shelby if he wants an afternoon playing golf, which I will relish, I think dog sitting once in a while could be perfect for me as I really miss having a dog but don’t want the full commitment of late night walks in the winter and being tied to being out for no more than 4 hours at a time etc.bit of a bad head this morning, hopefully it will ease.
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hey Toady, you say about the days dragging on my own but I find the opposite to be true. With the few bits I still do about the house, mainly getting any and all clothes washing done whilst Loanda away, and the odd trip down the High Street for supplies, and trying to maximise my time in the bunker, time absolutely flies. Before I know it, 3pm is here which means if it’s nice weather it’s time to get the trusty steed out of the bike side of the bunker and go see Sucré. Being a musician with the constant need to learn new stuff and practice old means there is never enough time, especially now migraines take up so much of my time.
I hope you are okay.0 -
new bike jeans turned up. OMG I had forgotten how HEAVY leathers are and why everyone was going over to kevlar lined denim for road riding.
However for track days you are required to have CE approved zip together leathers, and I want to do a few track days whilst I still can, and a lot of other things too. It’s amazing all the stuff you want to do when there is a dead line put on your time. I guess that’s why it’s called a dead line, never thought about that before. Lol.
anyway the leathers fit quite well, not as good as my made to measure police leathers, but I am Skinny Keef not Normal Proportions Keef ha ha.
And they take SO looonnngg to wear in. I will be wearing them all day everyday for. the next month to try and soften them up. I accidentally got brake fluid on my police leathers when I was doing a post accident vehicle examination and by some miracle it absolutely water proofed them. Never had to wear over trousers even in the worst weather. I think brake fluid has changed these days, and is fully synthetic stuff so will probably melt the leather if I try it with these. I didn’t actually intend on 100% buying them yet and was just browsing when the little chat box lit up and asked if I wanted a discount. Never had that happen before. It definitely made them a good buy 😁Right back to the house for more TEA !!!!
Cold out this morning. Love you guys. wppl
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I am such a rebel, I actually have coffee in this mug 😂
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Skinny Keef Oooooh!!! Lucky you new gear😊 I am now picturing you living and sleeping in your new leathers. Sounds as though you got a bargain there. Interesting about the brake fluid. Shame it wouldn't work today.
Shelby! Great name I do hope you will get to 'dog sit' for you friend's 'pup' it will good for you as you said just fun without all of the hard work which you aren't physically up to now. Sucré would really gain a lot from having an animal around as well.
The Fig came home yesterday all ready for the rally next week. I will start cleaning on the inside today and tomorrow if you can give me a hand on the outside at the weekend. I need to fit the magazine shelf too should be fairly easy. Glad your mate helped with the alternator belt it sounded definitely to be a two person job. I must remember to pack my spare alternator for the trip. Might sound mad but last year someone's went when we were all in Luxembourg and it was a nightmare.
Have a good day!
Morning Reshmi how are you today (and your Mum of course)? Hope you had a good restorative sleep.
It was colder yesterday and now we have woken up to a frost. The decking which caused me to slip a bit back is lethal again and even Sleek only nipped out quickly and is now by the radiator.
Did I tell you I've lost my best hat? I am quite upset it was a nice one with two layers and tight enough to keep my ears warm😒 So I am back to the pink one which isn't very tight, but looks nice🙄
Shame no-one told you they were having a 'baking day'🤣 and there was no group yesterday I bet a few people were disappointed by that. Well done getting a seat at costa packet to make up for it.
When you are out in cold weather walking it really can feel hot inside the house🏡 can't it? and they rather like it too warm anyway your parents.
So BIL has a magic wand does he? a 🥖 bless him. I would like someone to carry any layers I take off as l warm up on my walks. Who/what could do that? Any idea? an elephant maybe? no perhaps it's too cold for 🐘s here really.
Morning Toady
Hope all is well with you.
Not a single mousie? Oh no that is sad. Maybe it's too cold yet? Very icy here even Sleek is sat on her blankie by the radiator. The sky was a funny colour last night red but there was hail/rain clouding over it? If you can picture that?
Well done 3 slats painted is a good start. Of course you will think of Barbara with her sentry shed🙂 Not good you had armfuls of stuff to take in when the hail came down. If we are outside and it starts raining Sleek shrieks so loud bless her😃. She can carry small things in though.
The buns will definitely be out later on because it will be sunny the sky has not got a cloud in it. The baby buns though they are adorable.🤗
You are quite right Sleek agrees you can't improve on nature! She is rather beautiful bless her. I suppose if she got grey oak stuck to her she might lose some fur😮 She'd hate that. Oh Toady yesterday she was rolling in the cat mint it was the sweetest sight😍
GW these days is very very considerate of wildlife. Slugs and snails are annoying but we must be the ones to find ways around it. I have a gravel path and one of my favourite jobs is sitting there gently teasing weeds up. I was chuffed to see Adam doing the same.
Well we'd better get on hadn't we?
Take care and hopefully when this thaws we'll be outside😊
Sending 👋to Charlestown who predicted this weather 😊hope all is well.
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Good morning everyone
Sue’s funeral is the 9 of May 1-30
I read all the posts I hope everyone has a good day
take care
joan xx3 -
Hello all 👋 having a well-earned sitdown, or what passes for well-earned, ie having done a slapdash jack of all trades to a few jobs and none finished.
Made it into the garden for a bit frog, the shed slats were an interesting distressed streaky effect after the rain/hail, not quite what I was after 🤔 never mind I've run over them again and a few more besides. I use a little daisy grubber for weeds, it is an oddly enjoyable job isn't it 😊. Still quite chilly out though so I think it will be radiator by blankie for me this afternoon 😸. I thought there was a tiny little hint of catmint to Sleek's fur yesterday 😍 lovely. I'm afraid we have been online shopping today, I better confess, otherwise Sleek will tell on me anyway 😄 useful stuff though, well mostly, not much 'frivolous'. Wish I had had a little cat watching me while I slept, might have had a better night. Hope it has thawed round your way and isn't treacherous 👎️ and sorry about your nice hat 😔. Take care 👋☕️ xx
Hello joan you are doing so well 😘 hope everything is as well as possible and you are having a good afternon with the dogs. Did you see about the chap who was sacked from Sainsbury's after 20 years for not ringing up the bags for life on the shopping he was doing for himself at the self serve till. I suppose they have to take a firm line on honesty but still, a bit harsh 🤨.
See you later bosh 👋 sorry about the group. That was a v odd experience in super-bug 😮 the worst I get in my branch is an overenthusiastic junior young man who greets you and asks if he can help, totally the reverse of yours, maybe his upper arms are fine as they are so he has time on his hands! Hope you are having a good afternoon 🤞xx
Glad you are keeping busy SK lots to do as you say and time just goes ⏰. Hope it stays nice for you to get across to family today. I was the tea at 2am slot last night, having one of those where you're shouting in your dreams and are pretty sure you would be making a sound out loud 😱 hate those 😣. Got up and painted half the utility ceiling, like you do 😄🙄 well not at 2am, that'll be the day I'm functional at that hour. Dogsitting would be brilliant I would love that 😍 hope you can. xx
Have a good afternoon @Charlestown :) xx
Kettle on, to whom it may concern 👍️ ☕️ xx
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hi Toni toady SK C and Joan
How are you all?
Sorry i didn’t post earlier
I embraced a different strategy today of getting things done as fast as reasonably possible so I could do the mxt injection and so on before the family rows started - it worked fairly well, only i couldn’t rest much after injection due to the hot house but that’s understandable
I also ate a cheese toastie in my walk - related hunger - but it could’ve been worse only healthy reduced sugar dark chocolate from health food shop today Toni - you would’ve been proud lol
Mums bs is ok thanks
I forgot to mention I saw a pic of the very young scientists huddling together on the grass in the nursery’s garden look at the ant in wonder- sorry I mean “snail” lol, it was so cute Toni, all those little baby heads clustered together with their silky hair, three lady babies and two gentlemen babies including BR of course, my sis said they would stand up and scream in excitement from time to time and then reconvene as it were haha, to finish observing the creature and no one screamed “ I want to watch nasty malformed Lego snakes on NF!” - I think big bro could learn from that.
Toni I’m getting tired I just accidentally deleted a whole paragraph sorry about that
I was just going to say bill can carry our layers, GI Joe said it’ll build up his biceps lol
Sorry about the frost, it was freezing cold in the morning but luckily no frost here
Have a good afternoon Toni tc xx
Ps LA has transformed himself and worked out all the passcodes 😱xx
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hi Joan
How are you?
Thanks for telling us about Sue’s funeral
Mum and I are ok 👍
Have a good afternoon tc xx
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hi toady
How are you today?
Glad you did some weeding and had a well earned rest
Mum and I are ok thanks
One fb friend is acting quite oddly, nothing inappropriate or anything like that, but he texted a pic of a whole load of beer bottles and asked if he should drink all that, so I replied “moderation is the key” and I’ve switched the phone off for now, but it’s just quite funny, when did i become an expert in everything? Haha, also he’s quite an intelligent person, but in order to be “cool” he sometimes pretends otherwise and sends silly photos of bottles of beer and all that rubbish, so I just texted him saying I’m tired due to strong meds etc, which is true of course and I know he’ll respect that, so I’m taking the rest of the day from g*ddess - duties or whatever on earth is happening there lol.
Ok I’ll leave it there toady
Have a nice afternoon tc xx
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hi SK and C
How are you both doing today?
👋 C is it still minus temperatures where you are?
👋 SK coffee in a tea mug - very rebellious lol
Hope you both have a good night tc xx
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hi Toni, I have to report that I did actually sleep on the bed in my leathers just before cooking dinner as I had a bad head suddenly begin. A quick nap sorted it. First day of breaking in is complete and there is a noticeable improvement already. They are going to be a comfy pair I think. 😁
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Hey Reshmi, not too bad thanks for asking. Just about to make the early morning cuppa and head out to bunker. Although I am tired just can’t sleep.
How are you and mum??1 -
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Morning Joan thanks for letting us know the date 9th May. Ok I've got it saved. Hope that yesterday wasn't too tough on you. Dentist today for Lucy. Just had to stop a cat fight - a cat in our garden Sleek was not at all happy. Still no blood shed you'll be glad to know. Take care Joan ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny K Well done seeing a headache off that quickly! Maybe the leathers kept you so still you rested properly. A new headache cure. Patent it before anyone else does.😉 Glad the leathers are improving so quickly. They'll soon be like your own skin just what you need.
Where are you thinking of doing your track days? Paul is thinking of doing a hill climb again this year.
It's Friday - will the family be home today? Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi
I am glad to hear your Mum's bs is ok. How are you though - a bit MTX-y today? Take it steady.
No ice here this morning but it has rained overnight so is quite wet out there.
Well done eating your dark chocolate was it lovely? I bet it was. A cheese toastie😋 I used to love them when I was vegetarian not vegan.
Yes please can your organise BIL to carry our layers it's getting a bit much for me. He clearly needs to build up his muscle strength as per GI Joe's instructions.
I can totally imagine the adorable sight of small children watching an ant (snail) together. Definitely some budding scientists there. And no desire at all to watch scary lego programmes on TV. Just fascinated by nature. I rescued a tired bumble bee yesterday. He was exhausted I was on my walk when I spotted him so I picked a dabdelion and took it back to him. He (or she) was straight in there so should get enough strength to fly home.
So LA can transform into a cat now can he? If it gets him more cheese I expect it's worth it!
Have a good day dentist for Lucy today I am going with her. ((())) xxx
Morning Charlestown
You ok? That was an early start hope you'll get a nap later. How many days have you got left on your ABs? Hopefully not too long and they are working?
The rally is in Devon I live in Staffordshire I should think at least 4 hours in the Fig and we'll have a break too en route. We are staying in a lovely hotel down there. It's all organised by the club I don't have to think at all just pay! Paul will probably do a lot of the driving I will be filming and taking pics to post here and for me. He is terrible with photos they are all out of focus or heads missing you know🙄
As Skinny K will attest there is nothing like being in a convoy of vehicles.
I'll keep in touch.
Morning Toady
I haven't got a daisy grabber! I will ask for one for my birthday That will do perfectly. You are right it's lovely just siting there at one with nature weeding☺️ I am at my happiest out there.
I just told Reshmi I had to rescue a bee yesterday who was exhausted😕he had his proboscis straight in there as soon as I brought a dandelion over. I was on my walk so couldn't make sugar water.
Wouldn't you love a little sleepy kitten too like the ginger one? Mind I'd be worried I'd squash him in my sleep. Sigh….Sleek jumped up on my back this morning to wake me up! She said you had been shopping but it was 'Eee- sen-shawls' so fair enough.
Well done covering up the hail streaked paintwork and doing some more besides.
Today I am catching a BUS! I am so looking forward to it! To fetch Lucy then we are going also by bus to the dentist. Check up for Lu should have been filling for me. New blood thinners means a no for now. Knickers🙄 It will be good practise for Lucy she needs to catch more buses having epilepsy.
It was definitely a radiator by blankie day yesterday wasn't it? Milder today. Let's hope we both get outside.
Take care and have a good day😊
fried egg anyone?
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good morning everyone wppl xx
Ps view of Istanbul Turkey xx
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Good morning everyone
Yesterday went well thank you. Thank you for thinking about me and sue.
Toady (()) No I had not seen that about the man that’s terrible why sack him. I hope you have a good day. It looks nice outside until you go out there then it’s cold. Have a good weekend
Toni (()) people have asked me about donations I said to my friend Brighter Future’s Cancer foundation. When next week do you go on the rally. I will think of you and Lucy at the dentist. Have a good day. And weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (()) dark chocolate is lovely. Have a good weekend
Skinny Keef (()) I hope you have a good day and weekend
Charlestown (()) good luck with getting all your jobs done I’m not sure about the weather. Have a good weekend
take care
joan xx0 -
hi Toni
How are you?
Mums bs is ok 👍
I’m more or less ok now thanks
But yesterday I had nasty stomach issues in the night, nothing serious but it felt terrible at the time
I maybe ate too much rubbish but it’s a bit unpredictable isn’t it really - the stomach issues?
Tired but ok now thanks
Cleaners are coming soon so bye for now tc xx
Ps funny translation / wise words lol xx
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