Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311
    edited 23. Apr 2024, 21:13

    hi SK

    Glad your appointment went well 👍

    Have a good night tc x


    How are you doing today?

    Mum and I are ok thanks 🙏

    Have a nice night Joan and take care xx

    👋 C

    How are your feet and legs now?

    Thanks yes I try and walk a bit most days if possible

    Glad you got your calls done

    Good night tc xx

    👋 greetings to the toady

    glad you had a passable day

    That nosegay feedback was funny

    Conference pears🍐 - That’s what I was trying to remember thanks

    Yes indeed nice that mums better and had a nice change, nice and kind about the cream too of course toady, otherwise this would definitely be the itching hour and the blotchy faced hour and so on lol

    I remember someone writing on FB once, “ the GP referred me to the dermatologist- it took over 20 years” - I thought “you’re not alone unfortunately”

    I would say milk last, but I know it’s an issue fraught with controversy 😂

    I had a boss once who used an optimum - tea - temperature- timer or whatever the technical term is haha, well he was the boss’ boss really, the finance director and when his timer went off he would drink his tea regardless of what was happening around him! Urgent cheque signatures required etc, not as important as the teddy bears’ caffeine fix / financial picnic - well you get the idea lol

    Have a good night toady and take care xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Morning Everyone

    We Had great weather rooves down only two miniscule showers!

    You found me Joan spot on. We are having a great time. Hooe you are OK ((())) xxx

    Keef that's a great start glad the Dr was good kind and open minded as well as reassuring 👍😊 of course there's not much faster than a Fig🤣 70 on mway with a good breeze behind!

    Reshmi great poem loved it!

    Glad you and your Mum are OK.

    She does have some willpower 😲

    No Seances i agree. Not in subway🤔

    All is well here bed a little earlier last night.

    Charlestown what a cutie thst cat bat was adorable!!

    All good here off for my walk now.

    Toady wasn't it lovely yesterday? Kari was with Sleek when she wasn't there sge was with you!

    I let her have a taste of vegan marge she likes it!

    We were on 6 o'clock news bbc if I can ill post the link when I get home

    Take care all xxx

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) my neighbour has a Yorkie cross Maltese. we found her on the internet for him is wife had just died. He’s had her 6 years now. Yes I can guess the problem it would be sending things back (()) have a good day.

    Toni (()) i hope the weather’s not too bad for you there. I hope you can get some food there you like or do you take it from home. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good your mum (()) could get the cream for you. Have a good day love to your mum.

    Skinny Keef (()) that’s good the appointment you had was helpful. Thank you for explaining about the motor. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) I hope you wasn’t sat in the chair when it collapsed. Have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598
    edited 24. Apr 2024, 17:15

    'Lo people 😊

    Sunny again more or less frog, hope it kept up for you too, not sure how you've managed it after all the wet and more to come this week, very glad it's worked out that way 😀. Not much doing with me today, out in the sun a bit, painted shed door, the usuals just odd jobs. Hope all other figs well no-one requiring your alternator etc 👍️. Look forward to the BBC link 😀 hope everything else fine & at home, safe trips etc :) xx

    Hello joan, that's nice the neighbour has a dog you helped find 😀 I expect she gets on ok with Lexi & Pepper or does he leave her at home. Did you see the 9-year old Derbyshire boy who won a seagull-cry imitating competition in Belgium, he was great, pity more people don't concentrate on doing things like that instead of starting wars. Sunny here today it helped it not feel too cold in the garden :) xx

    Hi bosh, hope your day is going ok 👋 interesting about the tea lover finance director, I just had a boss who on day one said my coffee was too weak 😂 it was my first job we drank it that way at home what did I know 🤷‍♀️. Milk first for me but I have to say that's for no good reason and after makes more sense. Tea drinking has never made me a finance wiz though so it couldn't have been the secret of his success 😔 something else trivial like brains I suppose. Is group still closed or did you just not feel like going out anyway like you said 🤔. Have a good rest of day hope your mum is ok :) xx

    Hope your day is ok SK, how soon do you see GP again the info will be sent on to him I guess, unless it comes to you and you take it in yourself I think you might have said 🤔 good luck for the bloods tomorrow, hope everyone well :) xx

    Hi Charlestown yes that chair is me today, no energy, although I think its troubles might be spiritual and emotional as much as physical, so sad, poor thing 😄. Sorry to hear you still have a touch of the rash, hoped we had seen the back of that 😣. Sunny here really quite nice, hope it was the same for you going shopping and you got all you went for 👍️ . Feedback on nosegay is one of the many things they keep messing about with, they now show you 'most relevant' first and you have to click for date order, just really stupid what is the most relevant 🤷‍♀️ what comes up top is neither the best or worst, it's not helpful and makes no sense. As for the AI item descriptions.. 😫 xx

    Love to all 😘☕️ xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Glad you had good weather

    Mums bs was a bit low unfortunately but not quite a hypo thankfully

    My parents both had the covid jab today

    Mums arm is hurting quite a bit so I’m helping her

    Dads arm is not hurting much at all

    I’m ok thanks but I’ve hurt one shoulder a little bit - a mild sprain I guess

    It’s not too bad now, it hurts in certain moments I’m hoping with painkillers and staying warm it might hurt less tomorrow

    Let’s this call this an instalment Toni

    I need to relocate to the warm room

    Group was ok thanks

    Bye for now tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    hi again Toni

    I’m in brain - forest temperature - room now but that shoulder pain is setting in now, its feeling a bit heavy and I’m getting tired so I’ll be brief

    Group was good actually spoke to nice M’s dad

    We had a bit of rant about dermo - referral times in the past etc

    To be honest had more than a bit of text harassment today but I’ve blocked the person’s number - still never good when that happens

    ok bye for now Toni have a good night tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    Hi toady

    Sorry meant to send a message earlier but shoulder’s getting a bit nasty now - stiff and tired

    Group was good thanks saw nice M’s dad

    The finance director was no saint, let’s just say the female workers weren’t that keen on him, not exactly a gent

    mums arm is aching after covid jab

    Ok my eyelids are primer - less and almost closed lol 💤

    Good night toady tc xx

    Hi Joan

    Yes it was nice of mum

    Nice to “see” you on Facebook 👍

    Good night Joan SK and C take care xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200
    edited 25. Apr 2024, 01:15

    hello anyone that's awake.
    I just woke up in a right panic. Not a nice feeling. I blame the naproxen.

    Hot milk and brown sugar for me, then hopefully back to sleep. Can I get anyone else a midnight beverage whilst I’m up??

    Talking of brown sugar, one of the questons the doc asked me Tuesday was did I use cocaine? I said well I really like playing the song by Clapton* on my guitar does that count? And he knew I was an ex copper too, oh well I guess he has to have the fullest info lol

    * - Clapton didn’t write cocaine it was written hy JJ Cale.

    Actually if I can’t get back to sleep I am off to bunker, although I feel v tired.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226

    Sunrise on the beach here in Dawlish Warren.

    Joan don't worry there is a vegan option every night for us and I've brought my own vegan margarine for toast. There is another vegan on the trip too. ((())) xxx


    Glad you've blocked text harassment you don't need that.

    Hope your Mum's bs is a bit better today and her arm less sore. Your arm too though you have my sympathy my elbow(s) still recovering((()))

    Glad you had a chat with nice M's Dad I bet he appreciated that.

    Skinny Keef!

    You are probably very stressed atm having started the process towards getting some answers.

    If cocaine could be relevant he had to ask....

    Hooe your hot milk helped and you are OK now ((()))

    Hi Charlestown

    Stuck in your chair lately but hopefully you hot to the shops with your boy? Does he drive?

    We are waving and beeping our horns like idiots yes!!!

    Take care

    Toady That's the door painted is the shed finished?

    We Have had great weather! Especially the mornings - rooves down.

    Kari sent me a Sleek video with her DIL😊

    Home for is later today instead of tomorrow we need to be back for Paul's aunt's funeral tomorrow.

    One car won't get into 2nd gear (automatic) one needed an oil top up other than that we're all ok. Alternator coming home with us.

    Take care all

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200
    edited 25. Apr 2024, 07:08

    what is happening with the fotos? They all coming up in the wrong aspect ratio on my phone ☹️

    I need need need another motorcycle as they say on Paw Patrol. I always used to have 2 coz of my OCD, can’t relax if I don’t have a spare, I guess you right about me being very stressed atm Toni, it’s always a fight between music and bikes for my time as to which one gets the most, now the nice weather is just around the bend bikes are winning.

    Have you seen another Fig as good as yours Toni on your rally? Must be a lovely feeling turning up to an event like that with such a concours example.

    My friend did a bike show locally 2 weeks ago with his 1967 Triumph TR6C motorcycle and won best in show. He was well pleased.

    Bit of a bad head today but I have BT later this afternoon so hopefully it will go.

    Hope all goes well tomorrow with the funeral.

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  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) my neighbour is one of those people that doesn’t take her for a walk she just runs back and fore after him. He said she doesn’t like the lead. I hope you have a good day. Yes I saw the boy one the news.

    Toni (()) I hope tomorrow is not too upsetting for Paul (()) have a good drive back home. Thank you for the photos. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) yes it was nice seeing you on Facebook I have not been on there for a long time. Love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) sorry you had a bad night (()) things go around in your head. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) good luck putting the exercise bike together (())

    take care
    joan xx
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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    yes I knew it wasn’t my mind ! Lol

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598

    Hi all 👋

    Surprisingly chilly 😮 but glad the weather's held for you all frog 👍️ and things have gone well. Have a good trip back and all the best for the funeral tomorrow. Sleek will be pleased to have you glad you have had some 'catsapp' time, well one way, anyway. Nothing doing with me much, quiet day and a bit cold in the garden so no real work done, the shed needs one side done that's all. Sowed some chard yesterday and a few more indoor seeds, may have a new seedling on the block unless it's a weed 🤔 will see. Other than that I have been mostly like Charlestown's pic, sitting with the coal shovel listlessly in my hand 😄 oh so true to life. Lovely sky, I could try messing with everyone and say it's a normal pic for me but same here, never mind, we get the idea 😍⛅️. Love to all take care 😘 xx

    Hello joan, your neighbour's dog must be very good at not running away or anything off the lead, that's good. It's quite cold today I'm finding 🤔 but dry anyway. I have lovely doves in the garden at the moment they have got quite brave at coming near 😊. Nearly the weekend already and I suppose it will be bank hol again the week after that 🙄. Hope it's fine with you today xx

    Hi bosh hope your day is ok, I thought it was Thursday yesterday so I was asking about group as if it had been the day before but oh well, I've got myself straightened out now 😄 glad it was good. Sorry about the shoulder hope it is easing off today with rest & warmth etc, and your mum is feeling her arm less sore too. I'm not too surprised about the ungentlemanly finance director, not to tar all finance directors with the same brush of course but power & position & all that don't go hand in hand with humble and unassuming, necessarily. V quiet here I will have to go for a walk soon or I won't be able to show my face in polite society with more well-disciplined persons 😳. Have a good afternoon :) xx

    Hope your day is ok keef after the panicky spell in night, horrid 😔 just a random naproxen blip as you say probably. Hope the head eased off for the bloods if you have already been good luck with them 👍️. definitely coming round to biking weather, long may it last. Have a good evening & better night :) xx

    That is me today Charlestown 😂 mopped the kitchen floor in a half-hearted manner, sitting down now with tea and the internet 😳. Did you get rain in the end? Thought we were due some here but no sign 🤷‍♀️ not complaining. Hope the bike is going together well try not to end up with any bits left over 😄 xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Nice picture 👍

    I actually reported the harassment on WhatsApp too 👍

    You’re right no one needs that

    Mums bs is ok thanks

    But she’s feeling a bit unwell generally due to the vaccine but her arm is less sore

    Dad seems not to be that affected

    Sorry mxt day so was feeling a bit groggy etc

    Thanks about the shoulder pain, I’ve had paracetamol last night and only went on a small walk today with a very light bag, it hasn’t got worse, it’s slightly better thanks, I think it’ll decrease slowly

    I’m sorry your elbows still hurt

    Yes nice M’s dad is a great person to talk to, I was also seated close to nasty M unfortunately, I was civil as always, but not much more than that - I think she noticed! How good is that? Maybe she’s realised that constant seat - changing demands etc are getting a bit much, or maybe she’s wondering if she has the funds to buy the entire stock of “Text” in Staffordshire as she seems to have bought everything in Reading, who knows? Haha

    Ok bye for now Toni tc xx

    Good afternoon Joan

    How are you doing today?

    Mum is a bit unwell after covid jab but otherwise ok thanks

    Thanks yes it was nice to have that facebook interaction 👍

    I hope you have a good day, bye and tc xx

    Ps Louisa the bully’s tea party maybe 😱 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598
    edited 25. Apr 2024, 20:36

    Editor's footnote to bosh, have actually been for a quite nice walk yes me, and saw the cows grazing in the field not too far away 😀 (the route I don't go that often because I've never understood the various signs about what bit is & isn't a public footpath, you'd think I'd just ask wouldn't you apparently that's too simple 😂). Anyway the air out at that hour was just nice so thank you letting me use you as an involuntary incentive, I mean I wasn't suggesting before that you would look upon me disapprovingly for not going, this is all in my own mind you understand 👍️ :) xx

    😮 posting at the exact same minute! that's a new record. more chat tomorrow thanks for yours :)

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    hi toady

    How are you today?

    So you sowed some chard and recited the works of the Bard, that’s great, sorry only joking, that was good though

    My day was ok considering its mxt day thanks, but my gastric oracles have just voiced their displeasure with me, but that of course can’t last forever thanks 👍

    Mum and I are aren’t too bad thanks

    Mums arm is less sore but she’s feeling generally a bit unwell after the jab thought slightly better than this afternoon 🙏

    Yes finance directors aren’t always gods I agree

    That particular workplace wasn’t great for females one male director was very much a gentleman but the others - well I will keep quiet for legal reasons 🤐

    let’s just say, to use LA’s terminology, the sandwich was made with a block of cheese, not a slice, and the cheese tasted neither dairy or vegan, more like a dusty cardboard folder foraged from the depths of a prehistoric filing cabinet lol

    Now I dare any lawyer to prosecuting me for that rather eccentric extended cheese metaphor - apart from my sis of course, she can prosecute for eating a rich tea biccie - such is my life toady I’m afraid haha

    You’re going to show your face in polite society? My goodness that’s a turn up for the books lol

    I’m getting slowly as tired as a cheese analogy

    So I’ll say good night

    Ps I almost forgot dr who is coming soon

    A nice gothic staircase for you

    Good night toady SK Joan and C tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 26. Apr 2024, 05:53

    Morning Joan thank you i am sure Paul will cope and be strong for his cousin whose Mum's funeral it is. Hopefully there will be some funny stories to tell and have a laugh about. Hope you are coping ok and the dogs are? the little Yorkie is back in the vets not at all well I think he's only 3Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef yes I can definitely pick up on your stress. Funny how we can all understand each other so well now just from the written word.

    Hopefully the consultant will be able to get to the bottom of your symptoms and put together a treatment plan for your GP to follow afterwards. Best to enjoy your bikes/guitars and distract yourself with them for now if you can.

    Two bikes? Wo! Why not? If you can afford them why not? Well done to your mate winning!

    Oh just thought the family will be home today I bet you can't wait😊

    Funnily enough Paul and I were looking at the cars and noticed what good condition they were in. People in the club really care for their cars. Every morning we were all out there polishing them. Oh yes and yesterday while we were in a hotel having a cuppa it rained and oh you would have been so proud of our polishing skills honestly. The tiniest tiniest droplets in a perfectly uniform pattern on Penelope. The best waxed car that's for sure.🤗

    Morning Charlestown how are you this rather chilly and frosty morning?

    I'm glad your Charlie is learning to drive it will be a real help for you once he's passed. Don't tell me how much lessons cost now my girls all passed a bit back Lucy of course having epilepsy can't learn.

    To be absolutely honest we have had small quantities of vegan chocolate in the car whilst waving to teh adoring fans😳 not too much mess though. Yesterdays pic Dartmouth:

    It did rain later on but luckily when we were inside on our coffee/loo break.

    Morning Reshmi

    Hope you are doing ok and your shoulder is on the mend? Shorter walks are fine while you are recovering and gosh yes a light bag is very sensible.

    I also hope that your poor mum is recovering well from the Covid jab. Typical that your dad has had no ill effects at all from his.🙄 Some people are just lucky that way.

    Loved this rhyming couplet you wrote to Toad: "…. you sowed some chard and recited the works of the Bard…."

    I think being polite but cool with nasty M is the right way to go you might find she realises that she needs to change - or not with someone like that it's always possible. Seeing you enjoying a lovely conversation with Nice M's Dad might make her a little covetous too and think twice.

    Cute pic of the girl's tea party. We used to have those myself and Kari no doubt you and your sister did and Joan and Sue. Charley and Lucy did as well as did the fairies in our garden…..yes they are there! It's true! Well they believed it anyway😊

    Take care Reshmi ((()))

    Morning Toady hope you are doing ok today. Typical it's sunny here and icy will be a lovely day and I'll be at a sad occasion🙄 Missing my Figgy friends left behind in Devon partying last night bless them.

    I do that too just like Reshmi's pic achieving nothing in a whole day! How embarrassing😁 Some days are like that. Hope you feel inspired and up to doing the last side of the shed. Hope it's the easiest side though?

    Sleek was so pleased even more so today to wake up and find me (us) here really here! Bless her.

    I want to post the loveliest pic from yesterday but have to do it via my phone. Will do it 'dreckly' as Mike1 used to say.

    GW tonight doubt I'll have time but maybe on Saturday I will. Take care Toad.

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200
    edited 26. Apr 2024, 07:49

    lovely pic of the fig Toni on the bridge, one like click doesn’t seem enough lol

    I love it when that happens with the rain/wax reaction, only works with the really best polish/wax though, although Mr Pledge works for a while on the bike plastic bits lol i will be out there later washing off yesterday’s grime as it rained on my way home from seeing mum, those tyres amazed me with their wet weather grip again, I was almost scraping my footrests on the ground.

    Likewise with the like click for the flowers Charlestown.

    Hey Toady, the report from the specialist goes to me and the surgery but he said he was waiting for the BT report.


  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) that’s nice seeing the Doves how long did they stay. Did you say it’s a bank holiday this coming Monday I have a lady coming to ask things about the funeral. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) Sorry about peanut I hope she’s alright. Did you have a good drive back home. How is Charley and Annie little one getting on (()) thank you for the photos. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) sorry your mum has a sore arm (()) I’m sure they are giving the injection earlier than last year. I have it the end of May. Have a good day

    Skinny Keef how are you I hope you pain has calmed down (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) after you have put the bike together you won’t have the energy to have a ride on it (()) have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx

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