Val's Cafe



  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200
    edited 26. Apr 2024, 08:36

    Hi Dachshund, I am not too bad today thanks. Just having a long coffee and assessing how much cleaning the bike requires and the answer is not a lot thanks to the prep spray I use. Most of the dirt comes off with a simple hose rinse which I did yesterday when bike was filthy and still wet.
    How are you?

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    good morning everyone

    Had early morning blood test- no vampire nurse 👍

    wppl xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    spoke too soon, crippling pain now and fell over walking to high st in alley. Sucré asked me what I was doing so i said i was just looking at the ground to make sure it was ok.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    maybe it was because i did the first post on a new page dance earlier 😳💃

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598

    Hi all 👋

    Early for me didn't sleep well, or rather took ages to get off, very annoying. At least I was up for bin-bringing-in for neighbour which meant I could leave my door unlatched for post and go back to bed without thinking about it again.

    Oh lovely pics frog didn't you have good luck, and what scenery 😊 vaguely remember Dartmoor from living nearby but vaguely is all. Looks like a nice day if we're lucky but so sorry about the timing of your return trip (not to mean it's inconvenient of Paul's aunt, you know what I do mean), these things happen. Have as good a day as poss. Glad all well at home but so sorry to hear your friend's dog is really not well, poor littley, most unfair 😕. Not much to report I will try to get outdoors, rain tomorrow heavy rain Sun they say 🙄 yes the shed side is get-atable, only a little one anyway not much work. Will try and get round to the same place the cows were yesterday and see if a photo will come out or they are too distant. GW on repeat for me too I imagine, look forward to Carol and her exciting cuttings lessons 😄, reminds me must try cuttings in just perlite like last week's that was interesting (logical really but haven't tried it). Take care all :) xx

    Hello Joan, it's bank Hol on the 6th not this coming Monday sorry, didn't phrase it very well. Good luck seeing the lday. The doves come near where you are for food I think they would stay if you were still until they'd got all they wanted, other years they have been more skittish and take off if you came too near, different birds I suppose. The magpies try hanging on to the suet ball bird feeder, they are far too large for it they look very ungainly and precarious. Hope you have some sun rain for the weekend it says, at least it will keep the lawnmowers indoors 😉 xx

    Hope your day is going ok after the bloods bosh (nice nurse, oh good 👍️) and your mum is feeling less unwell, side effects passing. Thanks for the Doctor Who tipoff I hadn't kept track of when it will be 👍️. The sort of prehistoric directors you mention remind me of a character in an old radio comedy called The Men from the Ministry, Sir Gregory, cicil service based same sort of thing chasing the secretaries etc. Very creaky kind of comedy of its time but funny in places. Wish I had been reciting the Bard, that would have been impressive, I remember shamefully little from what I've read so my recitation would have been filled with ums and something somethings. There are lines that stick in your head though, one is tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door, but tis enough, twill serve' from R&J, good line that. I leave it to you to suggest what I might be doing whilst sowing my rocket later 😄 (well there are more rhyming options than spinach, anyway!).

    Just waiting on the bloods then SK, ok got it 👍️. Sorry your day has been ups and downs so far 😬 yes that first post dance is obviously a bit too complicated, maybe stick to a bit of a shimmy. Hope the rest of your day goes smoothly. xx

    Charlestown wouldn't mind your digestion 😮 couple of cream crackers or something by the evening and lucky if I digest anything after 8pm. Glad you felt like doing it. Your sleep patterns are definitely a bit off though aren't they 🤪 mind you I can talk. My night was not good at all so much for relaxing epsom salts baths and walks and all that sort of thing I may as well have been up eating crisps and playing video games 🤷‍♀️😄. Have a good afternoon maybe you'll get some sun, don't like the look of Sunday that's for sure 😒. xx

    Nearly twelveses, kettle on ☕️😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    I’d like a coffee please Toady, no sugar😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    hi Toni Joan SK C and toady

    How are you all today?

    Bloods went well 🙏

    Mums bs is ok and she’s feeling a bit better too thanks she’s just mainly tired

    Dad has a cold he caught from wearing a very light coat on purpose 🤷‍♀️

    👋SK v sorry to hear about your fall etc, hope you feel better soon

    👋Joan thanks about mum

    In a bit of a rush right now

    Will write proper posts later

    Bye for now all tc xx

    Ps pic of bill? Only joking lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311
    edited 26. Apr 2024, 19:38

    hi Toni

    How are you this evening?

    Shoulder is in the mend thanks

    Slowly but surely

    Had a very nice blood test nurse, she knows me and mum so she asked about LA and BR and implied a diet of chicken nuggets and choc cake can be good for Mimas in the short term if consultant LA enforces it lol

    Mums bs is ok thanks

    She’s not feeling too bad today 👍

    Had a nice walk after the blood test

    Fairies in the garden, I see, have they befriended the snails? Lol

    Today was a good day Toni - I think the increased mxt dose is working👍

    Yes possibly nasty M is changing her ways

    Getting a bit tired now though

    Bye for now Toni good night tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    hi Joan

    How was your day?

    Mums arm is getting better now thanks

    Yes the vaccines are getting earlier that’s true

    It was nice weather here in the south cold but not extra cold

    I had a nice walk

    How are your dogs?

    Bye for now Joan tc

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    hi toady

    How are you?

    Well done on the walk

    Mum and I are more or less ok thanks

    You’re welcome about dr who

    Small Poetry attempt “toady was a financially prudent type of lady

    Whose business dealings were never shady

    She would never shell out for a WR salad

    Instead she became the subject of this ballad

    She planted her own rocket

    So she would never be out of pocket

    And when bosh wanted tuna with the nice green veg

    She’s borrow some from SK and C who lived just across the hedge”

    Ok I’m half asleep now really and that’s without the VAT, sorry I’m in finance director mode lol

    Good night toady SK C and everyone else tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,226
    edited 27. Apr 2024, 05:53

    Well Joan the good news is that Peanut should be allowed home today his bloods have improved and he is stable again. Bless him I wonder if it will be a special diet for him from now on? I'm so glad because those dogs have been keeping her going since she lost her wife. Hope you are doing ok? I think about you a lot such a tough time ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny Keef Gosh I hope you're ok after faceplanting the floor. Good idea to play it down for Sucré.

    Yes we give Meguiars the seal of approval for the wax then? Pledge on plastic bits? Well why not if it works! I need to clean Penelope again now with all the salty sea air she was exposed to. Hopefully I'll get enough of a dry day and enough time/energy soon. That photo is just perfect isn't it? Deserves a double-like!

    Great to hear your new tyres are so good they need to be this year with all the rain we've had.🙄

    How are you doing? Are you feeling ok atm? When will you see that consultant again for bloods results or do you have to wait for another flare?

    Take care Keef ((()))

    Morning Charlestown

    Well those are rather fabulous hyacinths there! Beautiful 😊

    I'm not surprised you didn't put the bike together I wouldn't fancy trying myself and yes we do live in England so you'll definitely get plenty of use out of it🙄

    Average is £2000 now for lessons till you pass your tset😮 wow! They say one for each year of your life plus one don't they? Mine also did their pass plus afterwards just another lesson or two teaching weather conditions motorway driving etc. I'm so glad your boy is having lessons you need him to be able to help sometimes.

    Have a good day.

    Morning Reshmi

    I'm so glad you saw a nice blood-letter oh sorry nurse! Even better that she remembers you and your Mum and about LA and BR. That's so good a real personal touch. I agree with her Mimas can eat chicken nuggets when in the company of said small boys.

    Really good news your shoulder is recovering well steadily no lasting damage I think. How is your Mum today? BS ok?

    Brilliant ditty for Toady! You are so good at them😊

    Might take Nasty M some time to become a proper civilised human being, but she's on the way! Small steps eh?!

    Well done having your walk yesterday I am off in a bit just waiting for Paul to get up he is taking the motorhome in to have 'something' done. Something to do with the boot - they call them 'garages' not sure why there;;s no car in there🤨

    Have a good day and take care keep up the funny pics you've made me smile this morning😁

    Morning Toady

    What a grotty night you had I hope last night you slept much better.😴

    The little Yorkie is coming home today all being well bless him. My friend needs those dogs I was saying to Joan they have kept her going since her wife died. His bloods are much improved the poor little chap. His sister has really missed him.

    Ok today we spend outside all of it with short breaks inside to recover. That sounds like an excellent plan to me I am doing some bits in the village I think today and mowing the front lawn here so we look tidy (er).

    We didn't come last in the village quiz! A miracle occurred😂 Whatever happened we enjoyed ourselves although i am shattered today.

    I have done cuttings in just a glass of water so I guess perlite should work really although like you I have never tried it. GW will be one of my indoor breaks. Looking forward to it. Love Carol she is just so (excuse the pun) down to earth.

    Glad the shed is easy to get at. and yes please to cow pics I must post some lamb pics for you in return.

    Have a good day see you tomorrow☺️

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 27. Apr 2024, 06:17
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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    morning everyone.
    bad head this morning.
    Toni, yes best to wash Pen after being by the sea. I would be the same with the Beemer.
    The consultant does want to see me again but said in four months or when I flare which ever is first. Swollen ear again this morning so I guess that is now then??
    Very interested to read his report and the BT results. I had neck x-ray Tuesday too and i heard the two radiographers saying oh we better do another side on to show that better so I know they saw something of interest.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,240

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I have a lavender spray you can spray it around the room. I spray it on my nightgown it help’s to relax you. It’s raining here. Have a good weekend

    Toni (()) thank you for thinking about me. I had a letter from the hospital yesterday saying they are looking into the circumstances of Sue’s death. I suppose it will help them with other patients. That’s good peanut is getting better. Have a good weekend love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) sorry your mum has a cold (()) she has enough to put up with. Have a good weekend

    Skinny Keef (()) sorry you fell over its easy to fall it’s the getting up that’s difficult (()) have a good weekend Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) have a good weekend how’s the bike.

    take care
    joan xx
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  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598
    edited 27. Apr 2024, 12:28

    Hi all 👋 tea and a burnt cake anyone? 😂 it was all going well there for a moment, up fairly early baked banana muffins, promptly started grilling instead of baking 🙄 I never do that. Still I caught them early they are fine, just trim the tops off 😂.

    It won't be mostly garden and 5 mins inside for me frog I'm afraid it will be the other way round, fairly constant rain 😔 worse to follow. I was out too late for the cows last night the light was not enough for photography, will go again when it's not wet, which will be June by the looks 🙄. So GW for me today and cheer myself up with Carol &c, yes such fun such enthusiasm (would like her energy needless to say). Hope you get some things done yourself. All well in your shed is it, all organized into its tins & boxes & jamjars of string? 😀 any advance on the greenhouse glass? Signs of life with my potatoes, see below 😄 having trouble with one variety of my hollyhocks, they come up then keel over, but if they're damping off I don't know why no others are, being treated the same 🤔. Well done on being 'placed' in the quiz, I'm sure we can find you a small runners-up cup in the cupboard or eggcup that will do 😄. So glad to hear Peanut is coming home I feared things were worse with him, hope he goes on ok🤞. Love to all :) xx

    Hello Joan, thank you for the suggestion 😊 I should try a few things like that I do listen to relaxation type tapes too but sometimes you are just a bit overwound, my fault mainly I expect for the sort of day I've had, so need to address that too. It is too easy to stay online now with laptop and phone, when I just had a PC downstairs I had to turn off at night and that was that. Very wet overnight it says, and a bit of a gloomy week 😕. Love to you & the dogs 😘 xx

    Hi bosh, I love tiredness plus VAT, that's totally brilliant 👍️ I'm being charged more than 20% somewhere along the line and some tricksy business persons somewhere are evading theirs, say no more 😒. The poem is perfect too, spot on, yes never knowingly overpay here 😂. I did once upon a time buy the occasional not such good value things like ready chopped fruit and so on, save time and sometimes that saves waste, but prices have gone past what even I'll pay, for 2 cubes of melon & a bit of pineapple 🙄. Hope things ok with you today and all family/EF 👋 :) xx

    Ooh SK that radiographers conversation 😬 never know if it's good or bad when people say things like that, bit of both I suppose, you don't want them to find things but you do if it helps back up a theory 🤷‍♀️. Hope the bad head goes off, kettle on, go on Skinny have a couple of sugars 😄 love to all :) xx

    I think this is the first sign of life in my spud bucket Charlestown, so it's all to play for 😂😂. Like you say, what chance are we all getting to put our seeds in sunny windowsills, what sun 🙄 no sign of any here for days. Love the sign that's my idea of inspirational 😄👍️. As for those snail boots 😱 whoever dreamt those up! Gosh I'll pass I think 😂 though actually I haven't got any proper shoes for gardening either, no idea why, how hard is it to pick up some clogs or something, I'm always out in my non waterproof and falling apart boots 🤨. You've got lots done, brilliant 😀. Have a good afternoon :) xx

    (pic was coming up huge regardless of orig pic size, just worked out the new? picture settings, now just small med large to choose from 🤔)

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    hi Toni

    How are you today?

    mums BS is okay thank you.

    I’m ok too - just running a little behind on some tasks

    will check in properly later.

    Remind me to tell you about the carrot story.
    Bye for now take care xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,311

    hi C

    How are you?

    Nice boots lol

    No café attendance today

    It’s a bit stuffy here but I am in the relatively cold room

    Bye for now tc xx

    👋 SK sorry about your ear

    Bye for now tc x

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,598

    Hi @Charlestown 👋 yes I was ahead with tater planting, this tub actually wasn't the first, in the larger bag, but was still before you got a chance to do yours I think. Maybe I covered this one less that's the reason it's up first, or the position (more sun more water, something or other). I never replaced my oven when it came to needing a new one because I'd already got a tabletop oven grill and used that so much more, bit pointless me having a big cooker really 🤷‍♀️ so yes I just have to watch the settings switch! Glad I saved the buns no-one wants to waste 2 black bananas 😂 definitely not the other ingredients. Not sure if I love the snail boots or hate them 😄 wouldn't wear them though, if they existed, too much trouble getting into them for one thing! Maybe if you did wear them in the garden the snails would think you were some kind of snail god and you could command them to do your bidding & go next door 👍️ 🐌🐌🐌. Just going to watch Gardener's World online now (yes it's the phone that's my undoing, even more than the laptop, browsing too late.. 😬); hope your early night works out 👍️ xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    loanda wants a pair of the snail boots!!

    did Chinese chicken and veg tonight. Back is killing me today. I have taken to sitting on stairs lately looking out of window. Comfiest seat in the house.

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,200

    got a bit of eye pain going on this evening. Wondering if I should go off to A&E, so I am paranoid about this polywhatsit or would a visit be prudent?

    I would ring 111 but they weren’t a lot of help last time apart from waking me up every hour with a phone call to say they were busy and hadn’t forgotten me.