Val's Cafe
'night bosh 😴 hope you have a better less painty chemical-y weekend, unless kitchen persons work 7 days a week hope not 😬 would give you a chance for bad heads & stomachs to behave. Talking of behaving, 'best day ever', oh dear the mind boggles, good turn of phrase there though 😄. Bit of an ookey day myself and ended it by getting wet enough to sprout mushrooms, or possibly turn into one of those mushroom people, there were also damp cows involved but that's a story for tomorrow 😬🐄. xx
Poor Sucré hope he feels better tomorrow and it's nothing much, have a better night yourself I hope. Lovely pics! I spy iris & allium and that's a beautiful dark tulip 😍 xx
'night all 😘 xx
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Morning Joan I am so sorry about the appt being cancelled I hope it was before you left the house? Sue is up there organising things that's why you've got your new kitchens coming. I hope they will be at the right height for you of course. Won't it be lovely? You'll be going through the same as Bosh soon not much fun but worth it. Peanut is doing ok fingers and paws crossed ((())) xxx
Morning Charlestown
Here's Bessie Bot named after the original Bessie Bott who was a maid at the 'Hall' opposite and lived next door were the trampoline is now.
She just cuts such a tiny bit off as she goes that it drops back on the ground instead of like when we mow it so it mulches i suppose. She is very tidy bless her. I can get eyelashes for her apparently.🤭 She only does the field. When we first moved in we cut it ourselves and our normal mower (battery powered) took us 6 days to mow so I love her. The birds sometimes follow her picking up insects I think which she must disturb.
Oreo and little boy eh? Sounds sweeter than perhaps he is does little boy! Bless him he'll get softer as he gets older if you're lucky, he had a tough start. I am feeding Tia's cats next week and one of them is an Oreo.
Hope you're doing ok today.
Morning Skinny Keef
Hope you are feeling a bit better and the pain has eased. Poor little Sucré too ((()))
Loanda's garden looks lovely you must tell her from me I love all her ornaments. I had two new ones from Tia for my birthday a frog bird bath and another sleeping cat to match the water feature Charley got me a few years ago. Cats and Frogs is about all I've got. Her allium will be gorgeous when it's in full flower.
You are being very very sensible not buying the bike I am very impressed. Paul would have done it and I would have regretted it! If you are meant to have one another will come along at a better time.
Morning Reshmi
How are you today? I hope your stomach is a bit easier - mine was good yesterday I mean it good!!!!! A miracle happened. Hope your Mum is well too.
Will you get a break from the kitchening now for the weekend I expect and hope so. I batch cooked too but 10 weeks with 3 girls meant takeaways proved unavoidable in the end😒
Love the two signs Norwich and the underground - so brilliant they probably really cheer people up when they are out and about. To be fair ghost fare dodgers should be made to pay don't you think?
I am very glad to hear LA is being helpful he certainly can be bless him, but what on earth? How could any day surpass the day he was recognised and rewarded for his Scientific achievements at school?🧐
I do hope it wasn't further mischief with his 'bromantic' friend Lorenzo😯 By the way i am singing that song now and expect to have it in my head all day! 'That's amore'🎵
A supernanny for your Dad that's a good idea she could reward any good behaviour and give him time out for any naughtiness/temper tantrums…. I like it!
Take care Reshmi and have a good day ((())) xxx
Morning Toady
Sleek was so happy when she got home a doughnut (not donut as Bosh spotted on pintrest) in each paw.
She was not overly impressed that your yoghurts were low fat no good at all for skellies. Skellies need extra lard in everything. Well the veggie equivalent anyway.
I really need to crack on too this afternoon in the garden, but it is wet here.
Yesterday l went into the next town on the bus and back on the bus. Went with a lady from the village who has had a trapeziectomy and isn't allowed to drive. She is a great gardener too, but is incapacitated atm and thoroughly sick of being reliant on lifts so off we went. This morning i am helping her slice some limes to make lime marmalade for the village cart.
Grampy (yes honestly it's what they call Grandads in Warwickshire apparently. Try not to laugh) was on site so not here to help with my 8-legged friends. Now they are hidden because he is back. Typical.
We never used to have this trouble with pictures did we? Annoying especially if they are 'growing' behind our backs too after we've already dealt with them😠
Well you had a 50-50 chance of getting it right……and spot on a Granddaughter is what we should be having🤗 I bought a little vest which says hatched by 2 chicks and is pink for them from Etsy.
Did you watch GW? I am saving it for this afternoon.
Have a good day!
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good morning everyone wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) that’s fiddly doing the labels and sticky do you have a lot atone time or does it last a couple of days. Have a good weekend.
Toni (()) I have to book transport I had a text on the morning to say it was cancelled so I just had to phone and cancel the transport. Bessie bot is good and all she needs is a bit of electric. I had a Grampy and a grandma in wales. Have a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I hope your tummy feels better today love to your mum (()) have a good weekend all of you
Skinny Keef (()) I hope you feel better today and Sucr’e (()) love to Loanda (()) lovely garden
Charlestown (()) have a good day and weekend
take care
joan xx1 -
hi Toni
How are you this afternoon?
Mums bs is ok thanks
I’m ok - ish too thanks
No headache right now but it’s a Mum Vesuvius situation maybe because of kitchen situation I don’t know really
Ablutions etc time
Bye for now tc xx
Ps not a completely relevant pic - but look a marrot! Xx
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hi Joan
How are you today?
Mum was in a bad mood but I think she was just tired
Her bs is ok 🙏
My stomach seems to be not too bad at the moment
Have a nice afternoon tc xx
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Hi all 😊 this is a bit more like it 🌞
Have been in garden a fair amount frog, except when sun was too hot, can't have everything. Coos for you 😀 bit blurry the light was going, but coos nonetheless. Coming & going back you have to go in with them - normally not a problem & they weren't near the gate when I went through first & took this from the other side, but they were much nearer on my way back and a lad with a rather jumpy dog had just been through, I was a bit worried it would have got them tensed up especially as they had calves with them 😬. So I had to give it a while & hang about in the rain til they dispersed a bit more. I wanted a pic of the calves but it was just too dark, will have another go. Have put borders round pics, then they can only get so big 🤷♀️. Hope you're having a good Sat yourselves and it dried up so you could get outdoors. I didn't know Bessie worked in that way, that's very nifty 👍️. Hope the marmalade prep went well, yes I expect trapeziectomy lady is sick of lifts, aren't all us non-drivers 😉 I don't say every driver takes it for granted but I have occasionally put the idea in someone's mind what they'd do without a car & you can see it giving them a nasty oh-I've-never-thought what-a-dreadful-idea moment. Will it be long for her? I knew I would guess wrong for baby, you can't really have a 2nd go with heads or tails can you 😄 how lovely 😊 congrats all. I've never heard of Grampy in that part of the country, quite nice actually 🤭. Have a good Sunday 👋 I will watch some GW now, maybe half and save a bit :) xx
Hello Joan, glad you did not set off for the appt, like Toni says. I don't usually have more than one parcel or two to do, and sometimes can go weeks without one you can't tell what people will buy & when. Printing the labels off at home is quite handy really and you get a better price doing it that way and getting the postman to collect from you, than going to the Post Office which always seems odd 🤷♀️. Have a good Sunday it is nice here today a bit more like this would be nice :) xx
Hi bosh, hope things are ok with you today 👋. All quiet here, I have not been hanging about in wet fields (with wet feet because of my leaky boots), waiting for a good moment to tiptoe home past the cows and hoping not to end up as one of 'those' stories on the news 😱😄. Typical toad, such a better day today I just hoped it was only going to drizzle on me so took a chance but no 🙄. Hope the pollen is not too bad for you 🤞. Have a good Sunday too :) xx
Sorry about the first post on page infringement SK, I didn't realize I would be, but I know ignorance is no defence 😬😄. Hope things ok with you all today, is that your final final decision about the bike? Love to all 👋 :) xx
Wave to Charlestown hope you day is going ok 👋 not much doing in the garden today but a few more seeds germinating indoors, couple of dwarf sunflowers, &c. Have just bought a new watering can rose if anyone's interested 😄 then must get my seaweed fertiliser and that should be it for garden shopping. Probably 😉. Have a good Sunday :) xx
Teatime 😊☕️ xx
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feel ☹️☹️☹️
Think it’s a flare up. Feel terrible and ears are all red and swollen again. ☹️
I didn’t feel too bad early on and got out on bike to meet up with my two out and about. Started feeling bad on the ride home. Now just feel terrible.
Unfortunately Sucré started a while back with a fake cough whenever myself and Loanda were talking and he wasn’t centre of attention for 5 minutes. It has obviously irritated his throat because he now has a real cough which bothers him at night.
He also has an aversion to taking off any jumper or hoody he happens to be wearing which is how he ended up with heatstroke even though we were in the shade.I cleaned the bike thoroughly this morning. Took the shock covers off and cleaned behind them. The front suspension is a weird setup with a swingarm and ball joint similar to a car. I was really annoyed to find the rubber boot over the ball joint was split. Major job to replace as well. Something I would have done myself a few years ago but not now and the shop can’t do it until July 🙄. Still it’s booked in and I’ve packed it well with grease so should be okay till then. There is zero play in it. Very annoying though. Hate it when anything is wrong with the bike. I am definitely going to get a second one. Can’t be off the road when it’s my only transport and way of getting to see Sucré and my mum.
I also finally put new strings on my best bass and very pleased to say after an hour of careful listening and tweaking I think i have finally got it set up properly. So I did all that before starting to feel bad. Just taken some pills and nothing to it but chill out in bed. Hoping I don’t wake up to a migraine. Supposed to be cooking for the outlaws tomorrow.
no worries Toady, the main culprit knows who she is 😉More garden pics to follow, I think the hanging baskets are soon to be done. Not that I know anything when it comes to the garden. Apart from the cola plant which is my fav and Sucré too now he knows the scratch and sniff thing. Lol
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hi toady SK and C
Sorry got a headache
Stressful day
Bye for now tc xx
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Cows pt2, not much better but at least there are calves 👍️
Sorry the cafe is not having the best of evenings one way & another, & hope Charlestown ok hasn't popped in, wish you better days tomorrow 😘 xx
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hi toady
I did have a brief restorative lie down and am feeling a bit better now thanks
I like you am cursed / blessed with thick hair and I did wonder if the wrong strength of hairband was causing the headache for a while
But I think it was just fatigue as well as kitchen and parent - related stress of course but never mind
Nice pics but how scary, being chased by wet cows!
I must admit I gave in to temptation and ordered that vegan choc cake online but promise to only eat it if my stomach is fully ok 😇
And to share it with others, but not the builders or QJL
This sounds like a kind of religious pledge or something now lol
Glad you enjoyed the garden
I’ll save up anything story - related for now so I can do such little tales justice as it were
Ok good night toady and everyone tc xx
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Morning Joan thanks for telling me that. so you had a Grampy too 😊 Of course Paul wants to be Grampy with him having had two himself. Glad you had enough time to cancel the transport I hope you didn't mind waiting too much for another appt. Once my Mum was very poorly at clinic and we held up loads of people. So I tend to be tolerant if the Dr is late. Emergencies happen for them their job is so important isn't it? Bank holiday tomorrow and the weather is good. ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi
I do hope you are feeling much better today? and that your Mum is ok. I am sure that the lack of kitchen will be getting to her a bit after all it is hard work managing in the utility even though you are as prepared as you could have been. If the littleys weren't poorly you'd have gone over there for a meal probably this weekend. So not even any respite from the sight of it.
Maybe you will go out just the three of you if there are any restaurants where your Dad hasn't upset the staff left?🤭
Nope that's not a religious pledge I'm afraid you'd have to share the cake with the builders too🤣 (Love they neighbour as thyself including thine QJL) I do not, at all blame you for ordering it. I have some vegan chocolate from my birthday and just have a tiny bit every now and then. It's enough for me but not too much to set of stomach issues.
I think the marrot pic was of Toady as a little girl running of with one!
Hope you feel way better today and get get out for a good walk away from hassle. ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny K
I hope you are feeling way better too. That wasn't a great day for you was it?
Not the bike noooooo😕😖 But it's still driveable and you can check on it regularly before July. Sounds safe enough to me at least. If you have a spare half hour I am cleaning the Fig today? a spare pair of hands always goes down well.
Maybe Sucré has the same problem as Charley had (similar age I think) where she used to panic if things needed pulling over her head? If so I suggest hoodies with zips for a bit or t shirts with a button or two near the top so the hole is wide. Lots of giggly chat before you whip it off in one super fast move! She did grow out of it. I hope he's not geting a cold.
You did so much yesterday getting the guitar restrung and pitch perfect too. Well done for that I bet it sounds lovely.
Have a good day and take care. ((())) xxx
I think (hope) that Charlestown is ok just having a family weekend. Sending ((())) anyway.
Toady wasn't there heat in that sun! Fabulous😊 Must check Bessie's blades she's not cutting low enough…….she is adorable isn't she?
I also had to come in from time to time. Charley and Annie and little girl (you guessed right i thought?) bump came over with the dogs too which was fun. Sleek shot over to yours for a 2nd visit that's why. She probably told you anyway.
De-pithing and de-juicing of limes for marmalade earlier less fun although we did have a good laugh while we were doing it. Apparently it won't be green. Shop bought lime marmalade has dye added.
I love your coos! They are adorable the babies too. Mine do not seem to have any calves here. but I will check. I don't like it when they take them away from their mamma coos😕
Due to visitors I failed to watch any GW, but it's a bank holiday weekend so plenty of time ahead. It's there for when we need it/get time.
It is a shock not being able to drive, but Kari went without for 8 years you know and only started again recently. Oh BTW she did a park-run yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!! How amazing is she?! The lady in the village has at least 2 more weeks to go before she can drive and has a 'new' car sat on her drive waiting patiently. To be fair she is overdoing it so it might end up being more. She was planting her spuds yesterday afternoon when I left🙄
Hope you have a great day!
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) you are kept busy with all that. Good photo’s. Yes the weather is nice I don’t expect we will have it for long. Have a good day. My delivery came yesterday.
Toni (()) so Annie is expecting a little girl Annie and Charley must be so excited. It’s nice having some sun people always seem happier. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I hope you are feeling better today (()) is your mum worried about something (()) have a good day
Skinny Keef (()) sorry you have a problem with your bike I hope you don’t have to wait too long for it to be fixed. Have a good day. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) I hope all is well there. Have a good day
take care
joan xx0 -
good morning everyone wppl xx
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Afternoon all 👋
Nice day today bit more overcast, all the better for it really. By the time I went to bed I felt even I'd had a bit much sun just from a few small spells outside and my walk, which was well gone half 7pm. Didn't sleep too well & the birds were squawking blue murder at 5am so got up and had a scout round the garden & made tea. One man went to mow of course today & so did all the rest 🙄 currently next door's turn for the strimmer, say no more. Hope your Sunday has been good frog, I got through abut 18mins of GW yesterday and the internet went off, bit iffy today too so I'm not going to try again til it settles otherwise it defeats the object of trying to relax. I loved Catriona you probably will too 😊. Amazing how green everything is at Longmeadow over just these few weeks. Btw I have to hand back my eggcup & declare Charlestown the potato winner, now that things are sprouting proper in the pot in question I can see that my first sighting was a false alarm 😳. Some sweet peas are definitely still 'with us' but we'll see how well they do. No I was wrong about your little grand-frog/tadpole, I called blue for a boy but said that with my usual luck that meant it would definitely be a girl, that doesn't count really does it 😄. Can't do 50/50s for toffee, ever. Sleek did tell me about the 'visitors', not impressed 😾 but I was glad to see her. Hope all family well, yes Kari has done brilliantly with the running 😀👍️. I might try another walk later; as you can imagine not much about farming sits very well with me, so it's all v difficult 🤔 but it's a matter of walking there while there is any greenbelt left, & see something that isn't a van or a Land Rover, or go without 🤷♀️. No green marmalade then, oh well, it will be fine by me on toast, I'm sure Sleek will bring me a mini jar 😉. Have a good Bank Hol :) xx
Love to Joan, glad you got your shopping. When I have 'al fresco' I unpack my shopping because they don't being it in bags, but Ice- do so they just drop it it takes 2 mins. I'd prefer that but I can't shop just with them they don't have enough things. Hope you had everything you wanted. The selling doesn't really take up too much time and anyway I should try to have more time not doing anything but then you find something to fill the space 😬. Have a good Bank Hol hope it isn't inconvenient for you in any way if things are shut etc. Love to the dogs :) xx
Hi bosh 👋 my hair isn't as thick as it was these days I used to have lots, I tend to lose it now with meds or the arthritis or whatever reason 😣, but it's still annoying to deal with, never behaves. Was going to wash it today but bit too tired, will put it off til tomorrow. Hope you are less tired today too; look forward to any little tales 👍️. Luckily it didn't actually come to being chased by the cows they are very good and don't seem to mind people but you never know, and they were just a bit close to me to feel comfortable 😬 to be honest I wouldn't want random people & dogs etc in with them if they were mine, anything could happen. Is there anything written into the choc cake pledge about small slices for toads, mostly just to help you out with it of course, all selflessness on my part 😊. Hope your mum is ok at the moment does she worry about the workmen or does she not mind it all too much. Hope everyone ok have a good Bank Hol :) xx
How's SK and family today, not so many ups & downs and spanners in the works I hope 🤞fingers crossed you feel less flarey & things settle. The heat is a bit much all at once now, goes from one extreme doesn't it. Ask Loanda for me is that a Queen of the Night tulip, I have had those before and they were featured on Gardener's World yesterday. Have a good Monday I hope :) xx
Hope you are ok @Charlestown, I was just telling frogmorton, you beat me to the taters after all; what was sprouting in my first tub was obviously something else don't know what, now they are up properly I can see 🤭 they are all showing now though bar the last pot. Not much else happening just working round to tomatoes going out. One of the gardening companies keeps sending me such cheap offers on garden ready plants I do begin to wonder why I grow from seed except I quite like it but it makes sense really to buy. Might do half & half next year. Have a good Monday I hope :) xx
Love to anyone not in 😘 xx
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hi Toni
Mums bs is ok 👍
I am generally ok thanks
But Got another headache
Sorry about this
Bye for now tc xx
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hi Toni
My headache is a bit better now thanks but not completely gone
I think what doesn’t help is the kitchen area and it’s surroundings are very cold and I’m still getting used to that
It’s especially bad in the morning
I just wanted to say I saw the video of LA’s latest birthday soirée and it was quite hilarious
His friend named Kish - or something similar- a little Middle Eastern origin boy - had a birthday and all the guests were boys! How very outrageous lol, the only girl there was his sister
All the guests sang “Happy Birthday” in a very loud and rowdy manner, they shouted it basically, headed by LA and Marco pushed a lot of people so he could look at the cake but he didn’t lick it - phew
I won’t go into any more detail as I’m trying to keep on the right side of the headache as it were
I think you’re right mums worried about the kitchen situation which is understandable
Oh yes BR told my mum that he ate an air fryer for lunch haha how funny
Ok sorry this wasn’t a proper reply Toni
Have a good night tc xx
Ps saw this online looked tasty xx
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hi Joan
How are you today?
Im not feeling too bad thanks - just a bit of a headache
Mum is ok today
I think she’s just a bit worried about the kitchen
Have a goodnight tc xx
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hi toady
Glad you enjoyed the weather
I understand about the hair loss
My mum has also unfortunately lost a lot of hair with medication
You are of course welcome to as much choc cake as you like
I know that you exercise moderation, I’m not sure the same can be said for the builders haha
Yes proximity to cows, I can see that that might be undesirable and ookey 😱
Yes I respect the dogs and their owners of course but I do live in “Dog Central” as some call it lol
Bank holiday weekends of course means the dogs are multiplying or something like that haha
Distinctly ookey for me
And the lovely aroma when the windows are open “ eau de…” well I’m not sure what call it, I feel I can only insult Slough so many times before their legal sisterhood summons me to the courtroom and my days as a free mima will be very much over
I mentioned to Toni that BR said he ate an air fryer for lunch bless him 😂
Well if he eats a conventional oven next time no iron tablets or spinach smoothies for him - which can’t be bad at all
ok as I said to Toni I’m trying to keep on the right side of the headache but not beeswax- ing too lyrical, as the floor polishers may say, terrible pun, I freely admit, so have a good night and hopefully don’t enter into any postman - related romances, otherwise I’ll have to buy a new hat to wear to your “hitching hour” yes i know an arguably even worse pun lol, take care xx
👋goodnight and tc to SK and C too xx
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Morning Joan how are you doing? Yes the girls are expecting a girl! How exciting this is getting. I have no idea what Sleekipaws will make of it though. Not very much I should think! Peanut was sick again yesterday, but no blood in it. Hoping it was a one-off. How are Lexi and Pepper doing? Have they adjusted to Sue being missing yet? Thinking about you very much ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny Keef
I had to clean Penelope on my own yesterday! Blimey i was in pain afterwards. It was areal mistake should ahve waited for Paul to do it i think. Still some painkillers and a wheatbag and I got by.
Hope Sucré is ok and didn't get another cold? and that you are doing ok today ((()))
Morning Reshmi How are you today? Is your headache completely gone? No need to apologise if you are having a rough day you know that. We of all people understand completely. Hope your Mum is well and her BS stable.
This kitchen business is going to be hard work for you although I am sure you'll get there and it will be so lovely once it's done. What colour/style are you going for?
The party sounded very entertaining. Kish - I love that name I really do. No cake liking Marco? Really? I am impressed someone is maybe growing up a little! When my girls had parties sisters were allowed one friend so they didn't feel left out. I feel sorry for Kish's sister.
I have the windows open here (and the patio door) and the framers have been muck spreading. Delightful🤢
The mooncakes look fabulous😋 Oh and could you please take me a 'no thanks' from the recorder lessons tree😃 I am still snickering about that!
have a good day ((())) xxx
A quick hello to Charlestown who I am sure (hope) is having some family time. A quiet weekend. They weather is good here so maybe you are outside. Take care ((()))
Morning Toady
Hope all is well with you? I am so excited another good day is ahead of us all. Even if i did overdo it a bit yesterday it's just lovely. A bit smelly though the farmers have been muck spreading I was telling Bosh🤢
I was talking to next generation farmer's wife yesterday on my walk and she said that the baby cows only get a week with their Mums before we are back getting their milk. (beef cows can keep their babies - oh dear me why did I ask?). They are supplemented with 9L of cows milk a day after that. It seems 'we' have caused their teats to become week so calves tear them. Gosh we have mucked up nature haven't we? They have one milker who can produce 75L a day!
Anyway i still love them with those beautiful brown eyes.
I managed to watch all of GW in two goes it was really good. there were some fabulous gardens to see two 'normal people' doing so well with coping with changing weather and protecting insects etc. Was one of them Catriona? Sleek watched it with me and reckoned she'd 'seen it before' wonder why🤭
Awww you guessed a boy sorry I misread and have read back. A boy woudl have been different. My bro had 3 girls me too his daughter had a girl and now mine is too! I will still buy jeans and trainers for her and some gardening dungarees. And must get some sort of fencing for my wildlife pond🤔
Ok I'll put the egg cup back on the shelf for now and see which of you does best. I suspect it will be Monty anyway!
Today is the village clear-up so hard work ahead again here.
I'll see you outside with a cuppa and a cat in an hour or so.
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hi Toni and everyone
How are you all?
Mums bs is ok 👍
My headache has gone 🙏
wppl xx
Ps when cheese - eating goes wrong xx
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) I expect you are quick doing your packing it’s good the postman comes to you. Have a good day no sun today. Thank you for thinking about me and the dogs.
Toni (()) sorry about Peanut I hope the sickness was a one off. It is so maddening the housing association are giving everyone a new kitchen first we will have an Asbestos check. It was what sue wanted she couldn’t reach any of the cupboards they were to high.
I hope it’s fine for your clear up. Thank you for thinking about me and the dogs. I think they are getting use to it. They are happy Lexi gets excited running around when our neighbour comes with treats for them. Sorry you were in pain yesterday. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I hope your headache has calmed down. Love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) how are you and Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) I hope everything is alright there
take care
joan xx0 -
The user and all related content has been deleted.0
hi again Toni
How are you this afternoon?
We are going out to eat for supper / dinner todayIt’s a fairly local place, I guess it’s like pub food, but the nice kind of pub food, so that will be nice 👍
Especially for poor mum, she doesn’t go out much
I’ve a written a little bank holiday poetic offering on the subject of the LA’s shouting party lol and yes it’s true
He held on to the table edge as he thought it would facilitate his shouting as loud as possible haha
This is called “A Birthday Party so very dramatic, with a chocolate cake to make you ecstatic”
Oh my goodness, what an outing!
Young LA was leading the shouting
Riley was noticeable by his absence
Instead there was mafia member Marco’s sinister presence
A chocolate cake almost as good as the one made by mummy
Managed to fill LA’s oh so demanding tummy
LA grabbed the table edge to facilitate his shout
But poor Kish’s sister was lonely, there was no doubtThat’s an instalment I think Toni more to follow
Bye for now take care xx
Ps “random” pic of a little boy face - caking, or whatever it’s called lol, but I’m sure no one will mind if we call him Riley xx
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