Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Toni

    How are you this evening?

    The reality is if I give the builders the cake they will eat the whole thing after all that manual labour so I’ll refrain lol

    Group was good thanks

    Nice M had got divorced now

    RR said she needs to attract a rich man now, he does make some silly insensitive comments

    J is ok too 👍

    BR’s favourite dance is The Dinosaur Stomp

    Sounds like fun 😂

    The kitchen wasn’t my idea could’ve done without it but never mind

    Also the cake isn’t that big Toni lol

    So unless you plan on baking for the builders I’ll keep to my origin cake sharing policy

    Need to get up pretty early tomorrow so have a good night tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi SK

    How are you?

    How is Sucre feeling now?

    Sorry I haven’t read back properly

    Have a good night tc x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi toady

    Sorry the walk wasn’t good

    That’s quite the “reve” there featuring PM and Reading’s byproducts 🤢

    DA’s birthday that’s interesting 👍

    I’m ok thanks so is mum

    But have to get up very early tomorrow to host the builders’ tea party or whatever haha

    Minus choc cake of course

    BR said sometimes he’s a good boy and sometimes he’s a bad boy, no faulting his honesty haha, more than can be said of our hallowed political leader perhaps, even though he does take out the bins in the morning according to LA as we know, not seen him on active duty recently- maybe he’s eating Toni’s homemade chocolate cake? That Toni, generous to a fault

    Ok toady have a good night tc xx

    ps bill’s favourite sign 😂 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 9. May 2024, 05:52

    Morning Joan I hope you are ok today. No-one could be ready to face such a desperately sad day. I(we I'm sure) will be thinking of you very much and don't expect to hear from you unless you want our company. Some flowers for you:

    Lots of love and (((()))) xxx Ps Peanut are siblings yes😊 Though Pippa has always been bigger and stronger.

    Morning Reshmi

    Nope I do not want an apple a day thank you very much 😮 Not that kind anyway😂

    How are you feeling today? your Mum to I hope her BS is ok?

    Well done getting to the group I hope nasty M was far the other end of the room if she was even there. What on earth was RR thinking?! Poor nice M she has to get over her divorce yet it's like a bereavement even if you don't want to be married🙄

    The dinosaur stomp sounds a very good dance and one I suspect little boys like very much. A lot pf stamping about and roaring involved I should think?

    If the builders naff off to other people's houses when they are paid to be at yours I will not be baking for them so there! I hope they are behaving and getting on with the work now.

    Maybe you can see EF this weekend if the pox of the chickens has gone?

    Have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown I hope you are well when is Aqua-swim? There isn't one near me except in the private gym they do it. Sending some ((()))

    Morning Toady

    You will just love Sarah Raven's garden you will! I sometimes get her seeds they are good quality.

    Walking to your own coos is fine. Best to build up slowly I think and they are so worth a visit. They might in time come up and let you stroke them. That would really make you happy well it does me😊 Just looking in those beautiful brown eyes.

    I did have a coo invasion once you know there are photos somewhere…..?

    The 'new' outside without a lot of our old familiar shops I know what you mean. I started back out just at one shop just one and once you've been a few times it becomes a new normal.

    Luckily Jessie (Tia's cat) was able to catsapp Sleek and I rescued her. Today I have to test the pool's levels. What a responsibility eh?😯 I was hoping Paul would come too but he is busy, busy late back😕

    I cleared out the greenhouse ready for the toms🍅 it's time I think to get them in there glass or no glass. The missing pane is still not replaced. Oh but O have an ant invasion have you got any ideas?

    Sleek is still muttering about dogs as yesterday one of the farm dogs decided to come in the garden! She was livid. She is coming to yours to help outside with Mabel who has been very lively so get ready. We do indeed need some rain don't we? Weeding has become highly challenging.😕

    Take care and go and look at your beans and salvia - I bet they look fabulous?

    I hope Skinny Keef is ok and that Sucré is too and most of all that none of them have caught his sickness bug.🤞

    Take care Keef. ((())) xxx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone Thank you everyone for thinking about me today.

    Toady I read yesterday you can drop parcels of at shops to be collected from there. Have a good day

    Toni I had a text from Barbara her husband has his opp on the 28 May. Have a good day

    Love to Reshmi Skinny Keef and Charlestown

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Thinking of Joan (()) xx

    See you all later 😘

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  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hello all, hope everyone as well as possible today.

    Having a cup of tea & taking a moment for Sue, & hope Joan is alright ☕️ xx

    Too hot to be out much even though our jobs are calling us frog. Later in the day will have to do though you may get in your greenhouse ok, I might put one tomato plant in its outdoor place later on. Yes dry for weeding but with less rain they won't grow so much maybe & crisp up of their own accord (clutching at literal straws). Potatoes are now growing like there's no tomorrow! Pic at some point. Salvia looks fine and beans will be up soon I hope, how is little or not so little hyacinth bean? Rain is coming no doubt I haven't looked. I will see the cows later if poss & hope the countryside air makes me less whiny & dissatisfied 😉. Change is difficult in one's environment no doubt, passage of time &c, it's just a shame that in so many places it's no shops rather than new shops 😔 it's not just nostalgia when the good old days were better. A few nice new stores would probably offset that feeling quite a lot. (I'm sure using bright shiny shops as a prop is not the best therapy out there btw! but it always has been for me. Sort of a calming refuge thing, for good or ill). Of course a nice garden centre would help most of all 🌼 but nothing nearby, bah. Yes the coo invasion I remember I think - btw I see I wrote yesterday that I hoped 'the animals would overthrow u', that should have read us, not you personally! 😂 We used to have sheep come into the garden quite often where we lived long ago as a child, wish I could remember better I was only 3 or 4 I think. Hope you have not acquired too many more jobs as well as checking the pool, and that it was ok🤞. All I could remember about ants is that you are could ask them nicely to leave 😬 . Online tips are the usual scents, lemon, mint, cinnamon, coffee grounds; or baby powder puts them off their scent trail, & they don't like walking over chalk (it says 🤔). I am making sure Sleek & Mabel stay in the shade and there are icecream cones if needs be 😊 love to all xx

    Hope the early morning was not too bad and dawn had at least broken bosh 🌥️. Hope the tea party was not too complicated either, not too many permutations of milk & sugar & whatnot, if the builders' mummies & daddies take them home at 6 o'clock you will have had a good day's work out of them 🕕️. Oh that's picnics not tea parties, well in that case I certainly hope no-one went to sleep in the teapot. Too hot to do much til later. Yes you do have to admire BRs honesty, was it he who also said he liked the birthday cake better than the birthday boy or was that LA 😄 I can't really fault his logic there. Sorry to read back & see nice M's divorce has come through, and RR wasn't the most sympathetic, unfortunately a lot of people are a bit too fascinated with others' marital arrangements rich husbands or whatever, if they aren't commenting out loud they are probably thinking it which is not ideal either but saves people's feelings. Yes no sign of MPs on my bin round either, typical local council, I checked the cost of garden waste bins here and they seem to be the priciest for miles around 🙄 maybe if you do happen to see 'his nibs' you could have a word? 🤭 Have a good afternoon 👋 :) xx

    SK and Charlestown will see you later after I have unenthusiastically gone & chucked some lunch together, needs must, hope all's well with you 👋 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    thinking of Joan xx

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201


    Migraine city day ☹️☹️🙄

    Got my bloods and report from my consultant earlier.

    Basically says bloods indicate that it is polychondritis. He also recommends the mxt, can’t remember the full name but I know it is referred to as mxt on here.
    i have a telephone appointment booked to discuss my neck x-ray so will tag this on as well.

    Ploychondritis would explain why sometimes when I sing I can’t get my normal full range and also why like today when I have a migraine my ears and right side of my throat are swollen.

    I decided against buying that expensive classic bike. Oh yeah almost forgot to say my lovely Beemer is now mine. I payed the last loan payment this month 😁😁

    I have however seen another more realistically priced one at my local dealer. I feel much happier with 2 so I should never be off the road with a faulty bike which has happened before. My OCD drives me nutts sometimes. I can’t afford it but then I haven’t really been able to afford any bike i have ever had lol. The diagnosis makes me more determined to have some fun whilst I still can.

    I haven’t read back on here for a while as like you all know I stay away from posting when i am all D&G, but thought the potential of a new bike out weighed me moaning about having polywhatsit.

    Loanda’s flowers in the raised flower bed are looking amazing. Will post some more blooms later if I feel better.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 9. May 2024, 16:35

    Hi again 👋

    Charlestown those taters look grand 😊 the article I've been going by says 'wait for plant to appear about 4in above soil level then cover again with compost so only the top tips of the highest leaves are showing, repeat til you reach near the top of the container'. Assuming they are ok after that 🤔 might have to read up again, I think I covered mine a bit hastily 😬 but they are growing quickly they will be back up again in no time! Sounds like a nice day you had yesterday 😊 if it's going to be that warm now there will be even less daytime gardening, will have to work around it. Take care mind those ankles :) xx

    Hi SK 👋 sorry about the pesky migraine. If they are going to point you at mxt/methotrexate I will put my usual oar straight in and say bear in mind that (in theory) you can have it in injectable form like some on here - you might not want to & they might not offer (more expensive than tablets 🤨), but when I was offered it early on I didn't know it was an option so I wish I had. In the end they probably thought it was the only way they were going to get me to take it at all. On paper it has less GI side effects not everyone gets them in tablet form anyway but it's just something to have up your sleeve. Good luck with the telephone appt. Hope everyone else ok look forward to pics 🌸👍️ xx

    More tea ☕️😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Toady I thought it was injection or nothing, thanks for the info.

    I doubt my docs will agree to giving me anything apart from Naproxen. I will wait and see.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Sucré is fine now thanks for asking.

    He refused a cheese sandwich for lunch today. I put 2+2 together and asked him if the cheese sandwich he had out for lunch the day his illness struck tasted funny and he said yes. Why no one else in my family can make the same connection is absolutely beyond me. I have told him in future to tell someone if food or drink tastes funny when he is out. I personally always taste test his food when we eat out. I wasn’t with him on that occasion.

    I did chicken ready meal from the just cook range tonight as I had bad head. 45 minutes in oven. Did some sweetcorn from my emergency frozen supply too and some ready spuds with bacon bits. All for days when I can’t be bothered or am too grumpy to cook.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Toni toady SK and C

    How are you all?

    Sorry for the late post

    I’m sitting here in the dark with my tablet and a lamp on but still feeling much too warm

    And I don’t want to strain my eyes too much so I’ll try and be brief

    👋SK sorry about Sucre and the migraine

    Hope you feel better tomorrow

    👋 toady more of a metaphorical tea party lol, but we did have to rise early though thankfully not at dawn - yes handbags / pistols / cement mixers at dawn may have been a tad too much haha

    👋 C glad you had a nice day, I’m glad you can exercise a bit now👍

    I think the builders are meant to be here for just over two weeks now

    I understand I get very tired some days too

    👋 Toni

    Unfortunately LA has got the pox of the nuggets / chickens!

    Mum and I thought he’d had it but apparently not - oh dear, but at least he should be over it soon, being a littley

    Unfortunately mum had a hypo in the night but she’s ok now bless her, but I guess at least she’s not had one for a while, worrying though

    RR came up with all sorts of insensitive comments about nice M yesterday, I actually retorted to one subtly but he was in full on narcissist - mode and missed it, says it all doesn’t it really? 🤷‍♀️

    Nasty M was absent - yay!

    Builders were here but turned up late - very frustrating

    I’ve got a mxt routine blood test tomorrow morning

    So hopefully no dehydrated vampire nurse 😱

    Now that would be a plot for Digital Pick ‘ N’ Mix as they call it in Staffordshire rhyming slang apparently 😂

    I didn’t do the mxt injection properly by the way, I was stressed and being rushed, anyway one day can’t make too much difference

    ok I should go for now

    Good night Toni and everyone tc xx

    ps that’s Riley eating the whole family’s chocolate allowance again lol xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    sorry Reshmi i missed your post asking how Sucré was and my migraine. Thanks for asking. As you can see he is fine now but suspect a rouge cheese sandwich was to blame.

    How is mum now? Has the BS stabilised? I hope so.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    kitchen is open if anyone wants a brew. Sucré woke me up laughing in his sleep about 2am and I have been up watching MotoGP and then playing bass in da bunker since. Just made a fresh cuppa and I spoilt myself with TWO sugars. Probably regret it later when it kicks off more inflammation. 🤪

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    i think it was Keef Richards who said he had lived the equivalent of two lifetimes because he hardly sleeps. Feel the same lately.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    I do hope Joan is ok today and things turned out as well as they can. Lots of lovely 'Sue' stories shared and much laughing as well as tears. Take care Joan thanks for the news about Barbara's husband that is really good ((()))

    Well Skinny Keef that is finally it the meds you are talking about are shortened to MTX and is methotrexate most of us take tablets. Injection if it causes and stomach issues.

    It was worth the money then the Dr? Does it explain any of your other issues? the diagnosis? Life shouldn't be such a battle should it with our own Drs 😠

    Love the garden pic thank you so much I hope you are telling Anda ☺️ How is little Sucré doing? I hope better to be laughing in his sleep😴

    You own your bike now!!! Yippee. Now knowing you you will be thinking of something else…..😉

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi Oh gosh i hope your Mum is ok today after that hypo. Very scary indeed.

    How are you though?

    I was hoping LA's pox of the chickens (nuggets - loved that!!!!) might have gone by now but no😕 so no chance of a visit yet. I bet they are feeling stir crazy they must be by now.

    RR is a full on narcissist and would not notice anything subtle if it poked him in his eye. Hopefully nice M knew she had supportive people around her like you though. Hoorah no nasty M happy days!

    Riley eating all the chocolate again🙄 kids eh?

    Hope the builders are on time and the kitchen is getting there though?

    Bloods for me I think next week too. Not sure if it's vampire nurse or now could be…. Good luck with yours.

    Take care and I hope today is a good one for you.

    Morning Charlestown

    There they are!!!! Sweet little spud leaves! Banking up will be in a week or so time☺️

    I'm glad the centre is really close and you can get there in the day now. 8pm would be too late for me too I'd be too alert when I got home.

    get you shopping like a normal person😁 and the pub! You went to the pub?! I never go in the day but that drink sounded lovely. I know those 'Never-prunes' pubs do rather good food including vegan. Was it one of those?

    Morning toady

    Gosh it was hot yes.

    I had to work a bit in the morning as I had to clean the cart ready for the village. That will be out in a mo.

    Charley visited so that was nice and she helped me finished the bedroom so that is back how it should be apart from the new floor which the builders will do when they do the bathroom.

    Also got the bus to Tia's work (fed her pusskins) and tested the pool….a bit low so topped it up with some chlorine powder smelly stuff.

    Of course most of the weeds might just disappear to reappear when it rains…next week?

    Little hyacinth bean and a half (small one) are doing ok slowly hardening off atm will be planted out this week for definite. Thank you for aksing. You won the potato war then in teh end? The well known VC war of the spuds of 2024!

    I hope you saw your coos☺️ Why are my smileys tiny and black and white???? Sheeps in the garden! I'd love that although all of them do leave rather deep erm paw prints - and 4 per person is a lot!

    Sleek came home all rested reckoned she and Mabel had been shade-bathing.

    I am happy to try talcum powder nothing nasty though for my ants.

    Have a good day.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Thank you for thinking about me yesterday

    Toady (()) the service was lovely quite a few of the carers came.and friends and neighbours. The sun is only staying till the weekend. Have a good day.

    Toni(()) How is peanut. I looked at Sue’s coffin all the time. The lady read all about our live and how we met different friends it was lovely. I still haven’t cried I just think she was in pain. That’s lovely Barbara’s husband having his op not long. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I hope all your tests go well. Love to your mum (())

    Skinny Keef (()) that’s good you realised what caused Sucr’e sickness. How do you feel now. Lovely flowers.

    Charlestown (()) have a good day

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Mums bs is ok 👍

    I walked after blood test so tired but ok 🙏

    Nurse was normal as it were

    But bloods next time is with vampire nurse 😱

    More later

    Bye for now tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    well i left off the Naproxen last night. Didn’t sleep much. Had an hour or so between 5:30 and 7 ish and when I woke up my ears were swollen again so will be able to tell doc that it isn’t a one off and as soon as I lay off the meds it flares up. I now have other symptoms too. I wish I was more relaxed about stuff in general as stress is supposed to be a big influence on this condition but I have always been a perfectionist especially when I was working and took on a lot of jobs as I didn’t trust others to do them properly. I will let you know what my own GP says on Tuesday. I rang the surgery this morning to make sure they had the report from the specialist and that i would be wanting to discuss his recommendations so please get the GP to read it before they phone me.

    Sucré is fully recovered now Toni and everyone who asked thank you. He and Anda met me for breakfast after I test rode that bike. £2500 charge for insurance excess if you cause any damage whilst the bike is in your care 😳Last time I tested a bike it was £500. I was almost too scared to ride it. Didn’t like it anyhow. Not as nice as mine. Going to try the new 1300 on Tuesday if it dry. 😉

    my two have just gone up for a siesta after playing in the garden with all sorts of outside toys this morning. Bubble rockets, water pistols and water table. Even daddad got wet at one point 😡😡😡

    Wppl x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    👋 toady

    How are you?

    What kind of weather is this??🤢

    I saw you making potions in the garden

    Outrageous haha

    Mum and I are ok 👍

    I was almost burnt to a crisp walking back from the docs’ though

    also the receptionist was a cousin of nasty M, well a close friend at least

    Bye for now toady tc xx

    Ps Greek spanakopita with spinach and feta etc just thought it looked nice xx