Val's Cafe
Of all this evenings pics mine is the least impressive 😂 still, waste not want not. Also I picked up a 5p and a 10p coin on the way home (separately) so not only have I had something for nothing, I'm in profit on the day 😂😂
Those photos are fabulous aren't they Charlestown 🤩, I'd be happy to see something even a fraction as good, I will look out - I'm a bit doubtful probably not on the right sort of high ground or something - but worth a go.
Gotta love a Triumph SK 👍️ I probably don't want to know where they're made now, do I 🤔 what's its vintage? And what's its appeal in particular come to that, go on, sell it to us 😊.
'Night to bosh and plz don't read back on my account 👍️ just have a good night. My 'freezer' is a compartment about a foot and a bit top part of fridge so good luck getting in there whilst full of choc cake, unless you wish to eat contents first which seems unlikely 😬 LA could help out with the ice cream, SK might lower himself to eat shop-bought crumble, would just leave chips for Charlestown and, Toni & I would split the few veg dishes. It could work! Oh and there's a couple of frozen crumpets, Joan maybe? 🤔 oh well sort it out amongst yourselves 😄 xx
'Night all 😘 xx
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hi toady
How are you?
I don’t think we have doilies and posh china, I’ll raid the vampire nurse’s cupboards lol
Nice early morning walk today 👍
I see LA will definitely enjoy ice cream duty lol - what a job, I might send in a sneaky CV myself, stating that my mentor toady trained me in the art of sugary snack - eating when she took me on as a biccie- cupboard tenant
Good night toady SK Joan and C take care xx
PS At least I don’t have to go to the barbers’ lol xx
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Toady, Loanda and I both had 900cc Triumphs a while back. I had the baby brother of the one in the Photo and Loanda had the Street version. They were both made in Indonesia I think, definitely not Britain. Both had wiring issues and multiple recalls. Not a great ownership experience.
However, I think things moved on somewhat since then and I think more of the line up is now made back at Hinkley UK including the 1200 in the photo. I guess I just want a bike I can hop on to potter about locally and not worry about it decreasing in value because I am putting miles on it etc. I also don’t want something that is always encouraging the rider to go faster, the Scrambler ticks both of those. It’s why I miss the Harley. 30 mph feels quick on a Harley lol.
My Beemer is a limited edition and is definitely going up in value so long as I don’t pile a load of mileage on it.Been a funny day today. Bit strange.
Wanted to play some tunes this evening but just got too much pain. Off to bed. Night everyone.
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Cool 😊 interesting thanks 👍️ have a good night. Pains in the ends of ankle bones is a new one on me btw, all of ankles yes 🤔, hopefully just a random; heat maybe.
No specific plans for the wood Charlestown it's about 2ft - very small raised bed? 😄 will come in handy anyway, always a use for wood. What I looked up some places said a bit later for the lights and I think definitely better in the North, as you'd expect, and where there's less light pollution, but you never know 🤞.
Have a good night bosh hope not too thundery where you are tomorrow, enjoy the cooler and hopefully less pollen-y bits next week. Yes who better to have good china than the vampire nurse, probably a soup tureen too, don't ask 😱. xx
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Morning Joan how are you doing? Paul is now in two minds about the hill climb….Thank you Sleek does not like doggie invaders!!! Bless her. She has the vets tomorrow for her annual check up. Hope she does ok bless her. 22d May is very soon Barbara will be busy looking after her husband soon won't she? Mind her sons and niece will help out I'm sure take care ((())) xxx
Morning Toady yes well done those marigolds look much much happier. You should take the supermarket a before and after photo even send it to their head office or put it on FB they shouldn't be allowed to treat plants like that.
Gosh yes keep them safe from slugs and snail🐌 that would be awful. I put 3 ladybirds on my lupins…..they seem strong enough but still lots of greenfly🙄
Yes a cuppa underneath the wisteria was rather lovely.😊
Yesterday the tomatoes made it to the greenhouse, the beans to the trellis and a few other jobs were successfully done.
Me having dropped a friend off outside her house with her beautiful wisteria behind.
ohh some lovely wood and 15p Sleek is ready
Sleek has the v*ts tomorrow for her check up BP etc. I will watch for any invading spaniels. Rather adorable actually quite quite elderly! The spaniel I mean!
Morning Skinny K
I do hope your ankles are ok today we can't have that we need them for the bike. Sorry you can't make it to Shelsley Walsh Paul might not either he is worried about the storms due here. 3.5 hours from you? Waaaayyy too far. We'll keep trying though.
That bike! looks fabulous you have to go see it is it near enough to you? We had aFiggy run out to the Triumph factory which unfortunately for me clashed wit something else🙄
Saw a few bikers today on my drive out as usual they were pleased to see me (reciprocated) as I always make space for them and admire their bikes.
Take care and keep taking the tablets!!😊
Morning Charlestown
Well what can I say except wow! those photos are incredible! No need to travel to far distant lands we can see the lights here! Great photos well done I bet you were screaming with excitement!
Thank YOU!
Morning Reshmi
My eyes too and Karis and her asthma. I'm sure 'they' have got the pollen count wrong.
Hope your mum is ok?
I had a tiny feeling a certain LA would still have the odd (albeit rarer these days…ahem!) tantrum😁
How lovely he has invited members of the fairer sex to his birthday soiree. Good lad! Are you all invited to Slug? I hope so, so you can witness first hand some of the goings on. Maybe just you you could offer to help🤭
Good news that BR is all better I hope LA won't be too far behind him. Extra ice cream is a very good medicine for chicken pox I am sure.
It's the nights that get to me mostly when it's this hot. If we have the threatened storm maybe it will cool things down a bit? I hope so and make it easier to weed the garden too for myself and Toad.
Coming to that shop with you.😁
take care ((())) xxx
Well I'd better get something done!
Take care all
We need Barbara's pool….
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2 birdies chomping the greenfly on the lupins Toady! Two of them sorry I can't get closer or they fly off! yse that is a mole hill in the back ground🤭
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) the marigolds look a lot more healthy than the ones you see in the shops they are never watered. I’ve bought plants from shops I say I’m rescuing them. Have a good day. Try not to get wet.
Toni (()) lovely photo of you and Penelope and the wisteria. I hope Sleeke gets the all clear. Does the spaniel live close by. Try not to get wet love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (()) try not to get wet.
Skinny Keef (()) why is the front wheel on a motorbike always bigger than the back wheel is it to do with the turning. Have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (()) try not to get wet.
Charlestown (()) lovely photos. I’m too low down here to see them. Have a good day. Try not to get wet.
take care
joan xx1 -
good morning everyone wppl xx
Ps beet houmous for a hot day xx
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hey Dachshund, it all depends on the design of the bike for the intended use.
Normally a road bike or race bike both will be 17 inch diameter. The rear will be around 5.5 inches wide. The front about 3.5. You don’t need a wide front tyre because it isn’t powered and slightly skinnier helps steering.
An off road bike will normally have a 21 inch front to help it roll over the bumps easier and grip better in loose stuff like gravel. The rear will be 18.
A dual purpose like my Beemer that is designed to do both will be 19 front and 17 or 18 rear to compromise between the different terrain.
Triumph really emphasised that the 1200 scrambler has proper off road ability by giving it off road sized wheels and to show it wasn’t just a styling exercise.Back in the 70’s and 80’s before wheel sizes were established road bikes typically had 19 front and 18 rear which is why the Triumph Bonneville made such a good desert sled in America where they sold loads to the desert racers in California. Which is what started the idea of Triumph making a purpose built desert racer, which the bike i posted on here is derived from, just with better wheels and much longer suspension. 😁
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hi Toni
How are you?
Nice pic of you 👍
Mums bs is ok thanks 🙏
I’m ok too just about, yes stuffy nights too - nasty I agree
LA is improving thanks
BR told mum on the phone “ Hello my friend drink lots of water and keep “hidated” lol - bless him
Ok most definitely ablutions time
Bye for now Toni tc xx
Ps just a “random” baby making a happy face - maybe it’s 22 degrees where he / she is too lol xx
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Hi all 👋
Just a quick visit, have done quite a lot knocking off now for tea. Anyone think this seems like good weather for painting ceilings? No me either, ah well, too late now 😄.
Not proper 'painting' really just started that horrible lemonish dingy ceiling you probably remember frog 😣 a clean and a slapdash wash over part of it with a paint pad, don't really care if it's just a light whitewash-over effect it can't look worse! Have cut some long grass as well & earthed my potatoes up as far as poss, some are over the top now (like I mentioned to Charlestown I don't really know what happens then, are they just ok after that point?) 'Don't even think of putting your toms outdoor in May' said Monty - me, puts toms outdoors 😬 oh well only one, & it can be cloched. At least one of us is doing it right 😊👍️. Lovely pictures 😀 you & Pen looking super in the sunshine, and that wisteria colour 😍. There was a purple honesty on GW wasn't there, 'Corfu Blue', would that be the same as P's? Well done birdies for helping 🐦️👍️, true, lupins are pretty tough but mine is visibly ailing under the attack 😔 have cut some back, we'll see. Yes I see Mr Mole, jus' a-lookin for a home, ok that's boll weevils but same principle 😄. Glad the spaniel is past the boisterous age he sounds a nice old boy. Good luck Sleek for tomorrow!🤞hold that thought she can help me carpenter when she's escaped, that's just the sort of enthusiasm I need, mugs of tea & jammie dodgers of course. Will I get a walk later, 3 hours poss rain forecast, then stop a bit, start a bit - definitely ominous looking 😬 hope it won't be too bad your way. xx
Hello joan, I hadn't really noticed the plants so much before because my old Co-op had them in an indoor foyer bit and '🐝&Q's are sheltered too. Silly not to look after them, the growers must only get tuppence ha'penny for them even more of a waste if they don't survive. Yes 'rescuing', that's it exactly 👍️ at least people who kow plants hopefully will also know they'll pick up like this and buy them anyway. Just as I'm typing there was a definite thunder rumble out there 😬 oh dear I think it's all go for the stormy weather now 😔. I won't go out unless it looks ok thank you. xx
Hi bosh, that baby! 😂 made me think of an old cartoonist called Giles, he drew babies that looked kind of like that, this is the best I could find but same sort of look 😂 -
Hope you are coping with the heat things are definitely on the turn 😬 thundery out there. I like 'hello my friend' 😊😄. Hope LA on the mend soon, have a good evening :) xx
Interesting bike info SK you learn something new every day 👍️ hope things as ok as poss with you all today, not too thundery 🤞xx
Yes sticky & humid Charlestown, not that pleasant, also have just brought in things from garden in case of rain you get used to not having to bring every last thing indoors when it's dry, and can leave tools & whatnot out. No ideas for the wood yet it has joined its 'friends' in the garage waiting for the right project 😄 have a nice bit of 'waney-edge' yew out there waiting for me to do something with it. Didn't go walking again after that last night and didn't see anything of the lights from here. Hoping the weather will not be too awful but heavy rain here tomorrow evening they say 😕. Hope not too bad where you are xx
Kettle it is ☕️ xx
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hi Joan
How are you today?
My mum is ok today thanks 👍
Don’t worry I walked a bit earlier than usual and didn’t get wet
I’m a bit itchy with some heat rash or something like that, but it could be worse🙏
Have a nice evening Joan bye for now take care xx
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hi C
How are you today?
I also hate humidity
It feels like around this time we’re sweating constantly for months on end 🤢
Have a good evening bye tc xx
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hi Toni
Sorry about K’s asthma
I haven’t noticed the predicted thunderstorm yet, maybe it’ll happen sometime soon, I hope so
I’ve got a little bit of heat rash
Nothing major
I never usually bare any part of my legs when I go outside as I get itchy but today was so hot I wore summer leggings that exposed just a tiny part of my legs, maybe that was an error, hard to know what to do really in this weather isn’t it?🤢
I’m invited to the slug and cabbage hunt or whatever it’s called, lol, but it of course depends on if mum is well enough
She’s ok when it comes to summer allergies thanks
She has such nice skin too, like you wouldn’t believe ❤️
have a good evening Toni tc xx
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hi SK
Sorry you had a strange type of day
I hope you have a better day tomorrow
Have a good evening tc x
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Only part of the ceiling @Charlestown couldn't have done the lot in one go (or made enough space in the room to manoeuvre around properly for that matter 😂) - for a first coat unless it's a small ceiling I use a paint pad from up the stepladder & just do it like a random wishywashy effect, it doesn't make a lot of difference if I do the undercoat in sections I find. Main thing is I cover the old paint & it looks clean, I have the horrors someone will have to come in and fix something one day and see it looking awful 😱.
I've just topped the potatoes at various times probably 3 or 4 each depending, even in the same pot some are higher than others I've just used my best judgment 😬. They have grown so quickly now there is not much topping room left. Yes I hope the rain isn't heavy that's the worst thing it can do such damage 🙄.
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hi toady
How are you?
I like the illustration of the baby 😂
That’s very funny
Glad you did some painting
Rather offputting this humidity isn’t it?
Poor sis was trying to keep both littleys entertained so she helped them make a kind of marshmallow dessert, but BR said it needed more chocolate! He knows his chocolate already! A bit of a connoisseur I think it must be landlady toady’s good influence haha
I agree with you, we just need SK to swallow his pride and the shop - bought crumble then Toni and I can move in to the freezer, is it a walk - in freezer? As then I could freeze a few more things like dad’s temper and ego, ok the temper will fit, but not the ego haha
Have you been watching Dr Chew? As the private - toffee - wielding dentists call it?
Have a good night toady tc xx
👋 C
I’ve recently started using that nasal spray yes and it’s definitely helping 👍
Good nigh C and everyone tc xx
Ps the day I ate too many marrots xx
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kitchen is open. Brew anyone?
I wish tea was more of an antidepressant, I would be very happy.
Actually i think more motorcycling is the answer, although it is slightly offset by the extra pain it causes, ahh yes, I need a hover bike like in Star Wars, that’s what I need lol no bumps.I booked a test ride on a Triumph by the magic of the www yesterday evening so I am off to do that today before going to nifnan’s to see my family. Bike stealership is in the same general direction. Both should cheer me up and take my mind off this never ending pain. Much as i would love it to the music just isn’t helping these days, sitting in one position and playing the guitar is making things worse. At least when I am riding the pain is diminished.
Right can’t sleep so brew and MotoGP from yesterday from Le Mans is the order of the day. Last time I was in Le Mans i visited the motor museum and track and actually rode part of the track used for the 24hr race. Was AMAZING and must admit to shedding a tear or two.
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Morning Joan how are you doing? The spaniel lives three doors up and I do know the owners (farmer's son his wife and baby) the back of their houses is greenbelt you see and not part of their garden like ours. The 'fences' are hedges she's a lovely dog though. I also hope Sleek gets on ok today hopefully she will, but she's 15 soon so I will have my paws crossed. Thanks Joan ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi
I am glad you are invited to the party so we can hear all the tales first hand😉
Oh dear a tiny bit of skin out in this heat was all it took I am sorry😕. I hope you are coping ok otherwise. We got out storm, but it's nice this morning.
Hope your Mum is well? How lovely for her that she has lovely skin. I bet she's proud of that.
There are pusskins under the great pyramids!!!!😁 Obvious really!
That baby in the pic looks singularly unimpressed😂 They were much happier inside mum! It was 25 degrees here daughter (in Morocco) has 28. Phew! Sleeping is not so easy even after the storm.
Thanks about the photo of me in the Fig.
Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny K We didn't go to the Hill climb! Paul had too much work to do went there instead and was also worried about the threatened storm for 11am which came about 7pm😕
Thanks for the lesson about bike wheels now can you give me one about those silly little lads driving cars which make a stupid back firing noise????? What is that about🤬
Hope you are all ok ((()))
Morning Charlestown
How are you doing today?
My plants survived the storms all seems well luckily not all of the peonies have flowered they seem to do worst with early summer downpours. I hope yours are all ok?
Lucy, being in a flat, managed to get some lovely photos of the lights too. Ya booh to be fair it was just too late for me to stay up these days anyway😕
Looks like Toady's spuds are running away and she really does deserve the egg cup.
If the leaves start to wilt die off they are ready I should think for you about mid June maybe late June?
I'm so excited to see what you both get.
Morning Toady
Hope all is well with you.
Regarding your lupins do you ever use SB plant invigorator? I do to strengthen my plants. Have we had this conversation before or was that with Kari🤔 Not 100% sure it's vegan though it is safe for all wildlife.
Your toms should be ok probably loved their drink form mother nature last night! Mine are probably toasted😖
Those birds on the lupins were such a gorgeous sight I loved them so much wished I could have got nearer for a better photo though.
Penelope loved being parked by the Wisteria she felt extra pretty.
Well done doing your ceiling I got Paul to do ours and am making good progress on the walls soon be done, but then a man has to come to do the bathroom and floors🙄
Turns out the spaniel is actually next door but two's and she is only 3 just a bit of a porker😳 She is soft though. Sleek still prefers to dodge dogs whatever their nature.
Your spuds will be fine hopefully no more banking needed now just wait for your leaves to start to look manky. Exciting times ahead.
Sleek is most excited about being able to use her hammer and also have jammie dodgers. She won't bring Mabel that day though.
Did you get a post storm walk? I managed mine early but late should have worked too…..?
Have a good day! We can weed again now!
Breakfast for when we are in our pool!
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morning all.
hi Toni, shame about the hill climb. Guess the other competitors were glad the mighty TR4 didn’t turn up to embarrass them!!
Boy racers with back firing cars is because they have altered the exhaust to a free flowing pipe which causes the engine to run slightly lean (not enough fuel for the amount of air) which will naturally cause a pop or bang on the over run. It can also be added in when programming the fuel map which some do.
Also standard exhausts are so noise efficient that even if it was to pop on a standard tune (very unlikely see below) you probably wouldn’t even hear it.
modern cars don’t actually cut all the fuel when you take your foot off the gas which is why you don’t get a lot of engine braking on a modern car. The reason is because cutting all fuel allows the combustion chamber to cool down, which then means when you put your foot back on the accelerator pedal the cool combustion chamber doesn’t burn the fuel efficiently and increases the emissions until it reaches optimum temperature again. Emissions regs are so tight that it is actually better to burn more fuel to keep the combustion chamber hot than to allow it to cool by burning less fuel, even though it wastes fuel and means more wear and tear on your brakes. It may also keep the cat in the exhaust hot too but I am not sure about that.The hotter the engine the less fuel you can get away with per same amount of air to get a perfect burn.
it’s too early for my brain to be spewing out all this technical stuff. Going for tea. 🤪2 -
Got docs today.
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