Val's Cafe
Didn’t even make it to midnight tonight. So kettle is on. New kettle too!
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Yes please 😊 is it a whistler?
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yes it is a whistler. Purple!
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Morning Joan I hope you're coping ok. I do think about you a lot and the dogs too. Sleek has had meloxicam in the past which is like our ibuprofen. This stuff is new and is a bit like our biologics so why don't we have it for people with OA I wonder🤔 Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi low pollen count - yippee!!!!
Oh that's great news you know what is causing the itching. Must be some chemical they use in mattresses. A good thick mattress protector should sort it I agree. Glad you can avoid antihistamines.
How are you otherwise? Not too bad I hope your poetry really helps you doesn't it? I wish i had a talent like you and my sister with her art.
Hope your Mum is ok today. I bet she doesn't need moisturiser for her heels😂 That sweet sweet little monkey sitting there so quietly I love her❤️
Sounds as though al fresco do decent food. I have seen the sign for vegan breakfast on their board so maybe one day I will try it.
Group for you today I think. Take care hope RR entertains you and nasty M is a no show.
Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny Keef
Hope you are doing ok today soon have the family back home with you.
Thank you I just had to get a photo outside my friend's house. Did l tell you there's another Fig in the garage near me waiting to have a new back box fitted? It's in lovely nick😊
A new kettle and purple! Yes please a cuppa for me😊
Morning Toady I hope you are doing ok.
Sleek is on her way war wounds and all. I think two days recovering was enough for her. Don't mention the solensia injections will you, but I plan to try two months supply to see how she gets on with them. It's like our biologics I think but for OA. Two paws because the first didn't work🤔 My poor baby girl. I absolutely hate taking her at all she cries all the way there. Not at all on the way home. She'd tell you she was singing of course!
No rain today so I will be going to the foodbank in the Fig😊 walking with my sister first.
Lucy and l did indeed do some batch cooking. Elbow and shoulder are protesting today hopefully the foodbank won't be too busy. She came with me to test the pool water too at Tia's work and to fetch more food for Sleek and to see the foster babies.
Must watch GW as a matter of urgency😧 It's Friday tomorrow.
Oh dear those books….I would have trouble letting them go too bless you but some stuff sorted is better than none.
Let's hope we can get outside today. Have a good 'un!
Were you very quiet yesterday, Charlestown or did I miss a post from you? Either way I hope all is well with you ((()))
Hmmmmm breakfast today🤔
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good morning everyone wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) I don’t the weather men one says we are going to have a heatwave another says we will have heavy rain. Have a good day what ever you do.
Toni (()) thank you for thinking about me. I’m alright just don’t feel very hungry. My friend got Sue’s ashes yesterday we are going to take them to the field where she liked going. Pepper misses her but he’s happy. I hope you have a good day. Sorry about your pain (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day that’s good you found out what was causing your itch I have a mattress protector. Love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) I’m sorry they did not ring you back people seem like that these days you leave your number. That’s it they don’t need the money. You will find another just has good. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) have a good day the sun is out here.
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning all 😊
Fear not frog tis only Wednesday as you probably know by now 👍️ I only got so far with GW too as the weather brightened up & I went to see the coos. Definitely no petting these, it says, as I thought it probably would. Apparently there are ground-nesting birds around at the mo, not a very noticeable sign telling you to keep to the paths - it didn't catch my eye til on my way back, it looked the same as the 'please close the gates' ones & I didn't take it in, I doubt everyone else has either 😔 should close it off for a bit ideally, dogwalkers would have to manage. Might clear up enough to get outdoors & a bit of sun later they say. A couple of the marigolds are coming out I will pot a few on and get a pic maybe. Like Charlestown I have run out of compost so I'm a bit hamstrung til then 😬 just looking at some terracotta pots in i-🗝️-ya which is definitely cart before horse 😳 Sleek is helping me browse storage boxes. Delighted to see her, brave girl 😽 singing all the way to the vet is a very sensible idea wonder if it helps on way to Drs. 🤔 Oh I see about her paws, if only they had called cat-tails instead of heads, I told you 50/50s are cursed 😕. Hope she gets on ok with the meds which I most certainly will not mention. Nice to have help checking the pool etc and you can come off duty there in a couple of days iirc. Has your Fig 'met' the one in the garage? Hope foodbank not too busy for you and you had a nice walk 👍️ :) xx
Morning Joan the forecast is a bit all over the place 🙄, it annoys me too that in the summary they call the day's overall forecast 'rain' and worry you it's all day, then in the details it's only one hour, it makes it look a worse outlook than it is. Sun later supposedly🤞. Sorry about your appetite I hope it picks up. Have you seen the portrait of the King what do you think 😬. Sorry I didn't finish off my post to you yesterday I was going to add a bit I think then wandered off without wishing you a good day etc, love to the dogs and you xx
Hi to bosh see you later on hope you are having a good morning with/without early starts 👋 :) xx
Ta for the tea SK 😊 hope all's well xx
Garden news etc Charlestown once I've been out & checked stuff, that won't be until my neighbour has finished having someone up a ladder overlooking me, and trimming her trees during nesting season 🙄 say no more. Have a good day 👋 :) xx
Too early for elevenses? 🤔 xx
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hi Toni
How are you?
Live update from group
RR said doctors told him to eat family sized chocolate bars lol
Mums bs is ok
I’m tired but ok
Bye for now tc xx
Ps painting is called A Cup of Tea by W Granville -Smith xx
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got start of migraine 😢
Just in time for Sucré coming home. Doc said migraines were from inflammation from polychondritis not neck. Fed up.
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i bought Loanda a plant from the egg man stall when I went to get stuff for dinner. She loves a dark plant. I even watered it 😁
Still fighting the bad head. Keep going hot and cold. I had plans this afternoon too. So annoying.
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Lovely whatever-is-it SK, I can't remember 😂 should know. Sorry about the migraine, if it was the neck not the -itis isn't that slightly worse in theory? if they're aiming to help the inflammation side? or is that a stupid question. Petunia! not nasturtium, that's the one 👍️ hope can get the best out of your time with Sucré xx
Family-sized choc bars eh bosh, whose family, that is the question 😂. Hope rest of group ok and the walk home, assuming no grumpy dad lifts involved. See you anon 👋 :) xx
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yes if they can get the inflammation under control then it should help the headaches. I managed to sleep for about 45 minutes before my two came home and when I woke up it had eased a lot thanks. 😁
i bought Sucré a working model of a mobile missile launcher as he has one at NiffNans and he was saying he ‘needed’ one here too so he currently upstairs firing missiles everywhere. We’ve already had one go under the American sized fridge and tears so I had to get the endoscope i bought for looking inside engines to retrieve it and I then banished him to the upstairs’ war zone.2 -
I did home made double cooked chips tonight as part of our dinner. Cheeky little Sucré held one up and said look at this xxxxxxx chip it’s burnt!
I told him he could cook tomorrow’s dinner.
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hi again Toni
How are you this evening?
Yes good pollen level 👍
Group was ok thanks
I think everyone is good at different things and relaxes in different ways
Mum was in a bad mood and didn’t let me sleep much - I don’t know why 🤷♀️
Might be the builders’ situation
They were absent today and are supposedly coming tomorrow
The cafe girl said my card was declined but she didn’t know how to work the card payment machine- so I very patiently explained I needed to input my PIN - give me strength.
Rashes are improving thanks
The only slightly weird problem is that there’s a big lump of rash / pimple or whatever on my ear, it’s feeling hot and itchy all the time, I put more S*docrem on, hopefully that will be help, yes it’s bright pink and itchy, scaly even, I feel like putting an ice cube on it, but obviously that’s not really a solution, anyway I guess it’ll decrease in time, otherwise I may even resort to calamine lotion - don’t tell BR he’s very possessive about that stuff lol, but basically I’ll see how it feels in the morning and of course if necessary I’ll phone the dreaded receptionist.
Got to get up early again
So I’ll go for now Toni
Have a nice evening and take care xx
Ps a garlic bread cat apparently lol xx
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hi toady
How are you today?
Mum and I are ok thanks
I think we’re both very tired though
Mum didn’t let me rest much today not sure why exactly
I read a quotation somewhere online that some classical author said something like ‘a pretty woman surely looks even prettier when making tea’ haha, sounds like something my dad would say, apart from the fact that he’s never complimented anyone in his life.
LA has got poor little BR fetching and carrying a load of his toys from downstairs! 😱
Even though if he even smells any type of ice cream, he expresses his joy in contemporary dance - or something like that lol.
ok toady I’d better go before I turn into a marrot / carrot / fifth hat 🎩Or something like that
Have a good night toady tc xx
👋good night also to SK and C tc xx
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Hi @bosh , I don’t usually post but do enjoy reading other posts and I just read about the rash/pimple on your ear. It’s just that I’ve recently been diagnosed with chondrodermatitis nodularis on my ear ( a long name for a relatively harmless condition! ) and the symptoms sound similar to yours. Here’s the info I was given by the hospital if you want to take a look:
Hope it’s useful, and sorry to interrupt your conversation. Rina
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'night all 👋 new packet of biscuits opened for anyone in for early hours tea 👍️
Glad the head eased SK 😊 Sucré has a new missile launcher in fact one in every port, there's a novel boys' toy, the neighbours' lads were playing at bottom of garden the other day and you could hear them making up endless new game rules something something ammo, something something bullets, something something shooting. Boys 🙄😉. Have a good night :) xx
Lovely taters they look just like mine Charlestown 😀 (silly thing to say 😂 😂, they would, wouldn't they). Yes some of mine in same pot were taller, but not by too much, so I just made little heaps up around them. Now you've got me thinking about other ways I didn't think of for myself haha, how about make a divider across the pot with something, and fill up the section 🤔 . Or maybe a bottomless plant pot or similar right around a plant? I'm not sure it would actually matter though if you cover the new ones again, they'll just grow through again I guess (frogmorton will know!) better to keep the tall ones covered. They look like good-sized clematis from what I can see, a bargain 😀 . Great names as well. I hope Mrs N Thompson does indeed come back EVERY year 😄. Have a good night :) xx
I like the quote about the tea bosh, well the quote maybe not the dubious sentiment behind it, as you say 😬 If only making tea were enough to transform one, but the catch there is I see you have to a beautiful woman to start with, aw shucks 🙄. Sorry your mum is possibly a bit stressed about the builders, if it's that I definitely hope they don't let you down 🤞the best of them are a bit airy-fairy seems to go with the job, I understand builders get messed around my customers and suppliers as well but I don't think they really know/care how stressful it is for people. Hope you get a good night and more rest tomorrow :) xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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Morning Joan of course I am thinking of you very much I can so imagine how you must feel how much I'd miss my sister and Paul combined it must be like that ((())) Glad Pepper is happy enough I suppose in time he will get even better. Peanut update everything is really good there he is doing so well. I might give in and see the Dr about the arm/ shoulder/elbow issue. Take care Joan ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny Keef. Hope you are doing better today no migraines.
Have you stroked the petals on the 'black velvet' petunia? They really are soft. A lady in the village has some I couldn't resist 😊
I bet Sucré loves his gun thingy! Nifnan has some great ideas I think😉 I remember when nerf guns were (are they still?) a thing but those stupid little tiny plastic balls get lost and must be so bad for wildlife.
I hope you two don't get shot when you go upstairs😁
Take care ((())) xxx
Morning Charlestown well done you back on your bike🚲
Erm I do hope you have enough wall space for all those beautiful clematis? Or is it clemetii?🤭
Your puss is as bad then for yowling in the carrier/car? (I know what you mean he is just scared of the vets) Their poor little paws glad it wasn't your legs looking like Sleek's!!!. I will make an appt soon to start the OA injections but not yet as I am worried she has had enough of the vets for a bit. Her blood results were very good for an old girl just her kidneys a bit elevated, but no worse than last year.
Take care and the spuds look fabulous. BTW should we call Aldi Imraldi this being an arthritis forum?!! ((()))
Morning Reshmi
I expect your Mum has well and truly had enough of the builders so she will be a bit ratty. Two weeks to do the job? Hmmmmph😠
Ah but can you visit EF this weekend for a break from it all? You must have really missed them. Surely the Poxe á la Poulet must have gone by now? They really ought to share their calamine lotion too it's only fair. You could trade with some ice cream?
Very interesting that Rina has something similar with her ear I hope that helped maybe.
I am booking into RR's Drs for a prescription of the loveliest dark chocolate😋 Honestly that man he really is a 'one-off'!
Cheeky LA getting BR fetching and carrying for him🤭
Not sure what my skills are I am quite helpful I suppose, but not artistic in any way like you and Kari are. I can do a lot of things 'well enough' though l suppose. So should be grateful for that.
Hope you have a good day take care maybe you do need the Dr for your ear - try RR's?!
The garlic bread cat looks YUM!
((())) xxx
Morning Toady
Oh no anyone could be treading (or chasing in the case of dogs) nesting birds😣 I doubt you did though. You aren't allowed to stroke the coos? Oh l do ours, but l think the farmer would happily let me.
I managed some of GW not much but some yesterday will manage a bit more today I think. Will have caught up by Friday yes i thought yesterday was a Thursday😳 A good day at the foodbank not too strenuous at least. We had two volunteers from a funeral directors. They were lovely women and great workers.
Penelope has indeed been to chat to the one in the garage I spoke to the mechanic that's how I know she (the other Fig) needs a new back box.☺️
Poor little Sleek eh? I will give her another week maybe before we return to the vets to try her new OA meds. Honestly it sounds like a biologic to me. Did you google it? solensia it's called. It will be important that l can get back a month later for the 2nd jab then l am to decide whether to continue it depending on how she is on it. She said she had ice cream at yours? That was kind - all recovering peeple need ice cream ask LA and BR!
She is a great helper when it comes to spending money that's for sure!
I love marigolds how good yours are up ready for potting on. Where can you get some compost from?
Take care and have a good day.
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migraine city ☹️☹️
Fed up!
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) have a good day. The man is coming today to check if we have asbestos here. Don’t worry I don’t mind if you forget me you are busier than I am. No I don’t like the photo of the king.
Toni (()) that’s good peanut is getting on alright. Yes go to the Doctor and get them checked (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())Reshmi (()) sorry your about your card. Have a good day love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) sorry about your pain’s. That plant look’s like a pansy. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) the Clematis are lovely. Have a good day
Hello Rina (()) welcome to the cafe
take care
joan xx0 -
I am happy with whatever it’s called. Just happy to be in a cafe.
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