My hip is done



  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @alwayssewing - Oh, I'm so sorry to hear, I hope you are feeling better soon and that the 16th May comes around quickly for you. Good idea to wear a mask for a couple of weeks before then, I agree with @Zimmer I really enjoyed being well during the pandemic and happily wear a mask now if I feel the need.

    Welcome @Christinemum12345 hoping we can help.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Keep the germy people away too. If they have a cold or any infection guests should have the sense to avoid visiting in the week or so before your op.

    No harm at all wearing a mask after all it's your surgery and you need it @alwayssewing

    take care

    Toni x

  • I am just about out the other side of this virus now. I got horrible cold sores too and I haven't had that for a long while. I had three days where I felt like my head would explode and ended up taking codeine which helped a bit.

    I am a bit worried that my legs feel weaker and am getting more pain in my right (unoperated) leg both knee and hip and am back to two crutches for now. I am slowly building back up with exercises as I didn't do much while ill. We have spent time at the allotment the last few days tidying and getting rid of rubbish as its too cold to put plants out yet.

    My pre op is on Monday so hopefully all will be good for the 16th.

  • JPT
    JPT Member Posts: 185

    @alwayssewing glad to hear you are feeling better. Working on the allotment will make up for missing some of the exercises I'm sure. Keeping fingers crossed for you for the 16th. x

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @alwayssewing Good to hear you're out the other side of the virus and completely understandable that your legs feel weaker but good to hear you are slowly building back up with exercises and on the allotment. I'm sure it all helps. Good luck with your pre-op - not long now 😊

  • Zimmer
    Zimmer Member Posts: 61

    Hope you're feeling better hon, cos I know how you feel being as my partner brought home a wonderful present from the hospital a couple of weeks ago and promptly shared it with me, so much for masks eh lols.

    It completely floors you, especially if you’re not 100% but my trainer, from my good boost classes, sent me exercises to do at home to stop me losing muscle tone again. It doesn't take long to lose strength does it, annoying, frustrating and upsetting all rolled into one.

    Yeah I was knackered after doing some, but can't go backwards again you know. Hope some fresh air and doing something you enjoy will make you feel like yourself again xx

  • @Zimmer Yes it does floor you. I wasn't that bad even when I got Covid a few days after they said everyone could stop wearing masks..

    I am feeling somewhat better now and am exercising and walking again although I still use one crutch due to the unoperated leg being painful in the knee and hip.

    I had my pre - op today and all seemed well so everything is set to go ahead in 18 days from today.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630
  • alwayssewing
    alwayssewing Member Posts: 99

    I spent the morning prepping food for after the next op. I bagged up home made burgers for the freezer in the shed and I have a Greek style beef stew and chilli con carne in the slow cooker (I use roasting bags to cook two meals at a time). My husband can cook but these days its stuff that can be shoved in the oven like roasties or chips with breaded chicken fillets, fish or sausages. I plan on making other meals till there are enough for a couple of weeks or more so I can concentrate on healing.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Great forward think there @alwayssewing you will be eating healthy stuff not the things your husband can heat up for you. Much better when you need good food for recovery.

    I hope you are enjoying the better weather too?

    Toni x

  • alwayssewing
    alwayssewing Member Posts: 99

    @frogmorton I did similar last time but only a weeks worth due to the amount of pain I was in. We have mostly had from scratch meals all our lives so I check anything ready made to see that it is as healthy as it can be and people would be amazed if they read ingredients lists. I checked a pack of frozen raw chicken fillets the other day in farmfoods, I wanted to know the water content. Right at the end it said "contains citrus fibre ", why and what is it? Some people are allergic to citrus fruits and they might not check the back of a pack of raw chicken !

  • JPT
    JPT Member Posts: 185

    @alwayssewing you are really organised! My hubby does the cooking now and it's not always the healthiest but he did really well ensuring I had enough fruit and veg variety. The novelty has definitely worn off now though... chips are back on the menu regularly!

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @alwayssewing well done - it's so much better to have home-made/good quality food for recovery. I found I got cravings for oranges and orange juice, just couldn't stop for quite a few days!

  • Bevdav123
    Bevdav123 Member Posts: 60

    You are well organised, not that good here, but the husband is a good cook and I’m getting used to being waited on hand and foot, he goes back to work tomorrow so I’ll be fending for myself , how long have you had to wait for your second op? I also need the other hip replaced but I was told 7 year waiting list!

  • alwayssewing
    alwayssewing Member Posts: 99

    @Bevdav123 If you read page 2 it has the whole saga on it. I am very fortunate as I was able to choose a private hospital via the nhs and their lists are not long. They were able to do my first operation very quickly once the ex-rays were sent to the surgeon. I had to reschedule the second replacement because I caught a nasty virus. I am over it now and being very cautious around others.

  • JPT
    JPT Member Posts: 185

    @Bevdav123 I was also very fortunate to be referred to a private hospital under the NHS and only waited 3 months. It is worth looking into.

  • Zimmer
    Zimmer Member Posts: 61

    I have just the posts about being referred to a private hospital under the NHS and would be grateful to know how you found out about that, was it through your own surgeons or did you find out about it yourselves?

  • I've had both my hips replaced (1st 21/2/13 & 2nd 3/12/14),the pain was horrendous,made me feel really down as I couldn't do the things I used to do;I was pulling myself up the stairs. I was off work from May 2012 until Jun/Jul 2013. But once I'd had the OP,it was instant relief. I was in hospital 5 days,only because I had low potassium & I passed out when the physio's got me out of bed the same day.

    My partner (John) of 40yrs was very good,he did the cooking,just ordinary things like sausage & mash,bacon chops with chips,fish & chips,my daughter cooked us Sunday lunches. I'd made & frozen Bolognese & Chilli so we were ok. He even used to wash my feet (we have a shower over bath) & cut my toe nails because you can't bend down for 6wks, but I left everything for 10wks like driving etc.

    I was just 60yrs old when I had my 1st hip replaced.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    My GP surgery regularly use the local private hospital for NHS patients and they are very much quicker but I'm not sure how many other practices do - maybe you could ask?

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Janicemary I found washing my feet the hardest - I live alone so had to get a bowl onto the floor then pour water from a height and sit with my feet in the bowl. I had to wait until I had a visitor to get the bowl cleared away! And I had to get my daughter in law to cut my toe nails, fortunately they grow slowly so it was only once!

  • I think in Wales we don't have the NHS choice or at least, I haven't heard about it but it's good to have that to accelerate the waiting list. I don't understand well why the same surgeons that work in NHS can reduce the waiting time if they do the surgery in a private hospital. Is it because they don't have enough theatres in NHS hospitals?

  • @Nurina it could be a lot of reasons. Lack of other staff that would be needed is just one reason.

    I had my hip done as planned on the 16th May and all went well. I came home before lunch yesterday (17th). I was much more sore than last time because the muscles were worse in this leg. I will be fine in a few days and am keeping up with regular pain relief which is essential to managing it.

    I've been out with my husband this morning but stayed in the car while he did a little shopping in Sainsbury's.

    I will write an account of my experience this time when I get a few minutes.

  • In a different room this time, very close to the theatre . I was first on the list again but things weren't quite the same as the other one. The Anesthetist was different but still very nice. There was a delay after the freeze spray was used so I did feel the site numbing injection go in but not bad and was over quick. I did not feel the epidural at all. I felt sick at one point and he said he had just given me morphine which caused my blood pressure to drop and hence made me feel sick so he gave me some anti sickness stuff.

    Theatre wasn't ready for us so a lot of the equipment was put in place on the bed/table before we went in and I saw a bit more than I did last time like gel pads put in place before my leg was clamped still and my hand on the other side put in a stand then then warming blanket went over me. I don't remember anything else after that till I woke to the sound of hammering!

    I was a bit scared at first because I thought I had woken up mid operation and tried to make them see I was awake. I realised quite quickly that they were trying to get some equipment apart and the operation had finished up. It had taken about 90 minutes altogether.

    I was taken to the recovery room for a short while and I think they gave me some more anti sickness stuff but not sure. I wasn't sick at any time but felt it. I don't remember feeling like it with the first hip.

    Not long after I was taken back to my room and obs. etc were done regularly till my blood pressure was ok. The surgeon came in to see me not long after to check on me and the bed was wet. He was lovely just said he would get the nurses to come and change the bed which they did. I had no feeling at all and they had put padding under me but not enough. I also had a commode brought next to the bed but had to let the nurse know when I needed it as they were worried about me falling.

    Bit different from the first time as once they got me standing the first time then, I was able to get myself to the bathroom.

    After all that things were pretty much the same as before just a constant round of pain relief, observations, meals, cups of tea/coffee. I was helped to get out of the surgical gown and into my night clothes .The staff nurse looked after me at night and was so helpful. I didn't sleep all that well but knew I would once I got home.

    Next day I was helped to dress after all the medical stuff was done then waited till discharge time. Unlike last time when I was taken in a wheelchair, I walked from the room, through the hospital and out to the car. Even a cleaner was concerned and asked if I wanted a wheelchair at the exit and did I want so just sit down and rest for a minute but I said I was fine and thanked her.

    Just before that we met an elderly gent , probably in his eighties walking with the physios and he said "Just look at her walking so good". My husband piped up that I only had my op yesterday (Thursday) and he said he'd had his Tuesday but wasn't walking that good. I just smiled at him and said "you'll get there"

    I had a reasonable night last night and just woke for painkillers and do a little exercise to ease the muscles a bit. Also had a sleep this afternoon then after dinner remembered to use the the ice packs for the swelling. I was given pressure socks this time too.

    I hope all this helps someone feel less nervous about having their hip done. There really isn't anything to be afraid of.

  • Thanks for sharing your experience. I suppose that it was easier than the first hip because you know what to expect. I'm glad you are having a positive experience and that helps me to wait for mine done soon. Please keep updating us. Take care x

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @alwayssewing Thank you, I'm sure your report will be very helpful, especially as we have quite a few people here waiting for their second hip. It must help to know what to expect but at the same time it really isn't long since your first replacement, so really well done.

    I hope now you are home you will find it gets a little easier.