Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    👋 Rina
    thanks for the info

    It could well be that condition 👋

    I’m going to try and phone doctor tomorrow

    Nice to meet u tc xx

    👋 Toni

    How are you?

    Mxt day today

    Wppl xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Afternoon all 👋 supposed to be raining heavily this very minute but isn't, I think the bbc is just messing with me at this stage 🤨

    Have been outdoors poking about frog, see marigolds as below 😍 (will protect from snails, can't remember if that ridged pot alone is enough). Forgotten how nice they smell, sort of sharp and herby. The milkman kindly brings me compost, my best option really; left on doorstep, not too expensive, next best thing when you can't pick your own up from Baldi etc (has to be Baldi for me I'm afraid I can accept no other name now 😄 I didn't know Imraldi and having googled, glad I didn't need to know 😣 yes I'd googled solensia too, along the lines of 'our' mAbs, what's the difference I wonder can't be far removed in nature & action surely 🤔. Not easy choosing the optimum time for the injections I do sympathize 😟). Runner beans are in too with their new collars, also as per pic, I am braced to go out and see snails relaxing in the centres like a hot tub, but you have to try 😂😂. Waiting for my broad beans to come up, they've had a week 😣. Hope weather suitable for anything you are doing today, shoulder etc permitting, sorry if it's being a nuisance. Ice cream is recommended for cat's mothers as well as small brave cats. How is trapeziectomy lady? and your neighbours? Love to all :) xx

    Hello Joan, I wouldn't forget you, just what I was going to say 😬😂. Everything quiet here I have a few parcels in but none out, obviously should be selling a bit more and shopping a bit less. I hope the asbestos man turns up in good time did they think there is any or is it just a check 🤔 hope it goes ok. The King is not a bad likeness not as unflattering as the coins but the background is a bit much for me 😱. Have a good day 😘 xx

    Wave to bosh catch you in the evening 😊👋 hope things going ok so far xx

    Sorry about the headaches SK 😕 it's time you had an even break. Love to all take care xx

    Hello @Rina sorry I didn't see you there yesterday, I am always doing that (posting without refreshing for recent posts), hope you're as well as possible, kettle is on 😊☕️ xx

    Hello too @junks welcome to the cafe, can't remember when I was last in a real one, not since covid anyway 🤔 I have probably forgotten how you behave and would stir my tea with a fork or something 😂. Hope you are as well as possible. Milk & sugar? or coffee maybe xx

    Hi Charlestown hope your day is going ok 😊👋 milkman brought my compost bright & early as you see 👍️ is the weather going to hold though 🤔 xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Marigolds 🌱 and snail deterrents 🤞

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    migraine is going thankfully.
    Sucré and I were just discussing the marbles from his marble run. I asked him why the marble bounces on my woodern floor but not when I drop it into my hand.
    his answer - “Because the marble is silly!”

    Love it.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Toni

    My mums bs is ok 👍

    I’m just going to have a shower

    Feeling 🤢 as I’ve done the mxt injection

    Bye for now tc xx

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    hey Reshmi, I like that tea proverb. My Kung-fu instructor used to make Chinese tea for the whole class at the end. First time I ever had tea without milk. I ended up with a lovely Chinese style tea pot and Chinese tea cups at home.

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    @Charlestown the snail things work (supposedly) because the snails can't negotiate the overhanging lip; can't see it very well in the pic, but the outer angle is steep like this, there's nothing else to them just a physical barrier.

    Yes just push into the soil (making sure nothing can drop onto them from something overhanging). Not keen on the look of them and it does stop you fitting more plants in because they can't be too close, but better than seeing my runner beans chewed to pieces - if they work. Could put in a pot as well, again wouldn't look all that good but I suppose at least handy for a young plant while it gets bigger & stronger maybe.

    Sorry about your propagator and your unlabelled plant.. we all do it.. 😬

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Joan

    How are you today?

    Don’t worry about my card, there was no problem with the card, just the machine, but it was sorted out thank you 🙏

    Mum is ok thanks but she’s a bit stressed, probably about the kitchen

    Have a good evening tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Toni

    How are you this evening?

    Mums bs is ok thanks

    but she is stressed out, probably because the builders haven’t turned up again, they’re coming here tomorrow- well so they say - it’s a bit like the boy who cried, “ I’m an invalid who needs his three year old brother to carry his toys for him” - or something along those lines lol.

    Luckily the ear - issue that couldn’t be solved by lotion and tissue - sorry I won’t go into one of my silly poems again lol - what I mean was that the ear problem is thankfully getting a lot better, so I’m inclined to think it’s some kind of insect bite perhaps - so I’m not going to see the doctor unless it gets worse- but thanks for asking about it Toni and greetings

    and thanks again to 👋Rina - and of course @Rina no need ever to think you’re interrupting- feel free to post whenever you want to

    Good point we could’ve evacuated to MH but there’s some stress going on there too, from the sounds of things, it might that bill is only doing the bare minimum with helping out with LA and so on, I’ve heard bits of the phone calls between mum and sis and there’s tension in the air for whatever reason - so not a good time.

    You do have talents though like cooking sewing knitting gardening for example

    LA is living completely upstairs because he realises this is pampering time for him, so he’s spending all day in bed even though he’s almost better now he’s only occasionally surfacing from his Lord - Cave for ice cream

    Glad you enjoyed the feline garlic bread haha

    Have a good evening Toni and take care xx

    Ps “The Tea Set” Monet

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi toady

    How are you?
    I also like Baldi lol

    Mums bs is ok thanks

    But she’s stressed about the builders

    Nice marigolds

    Be grateful you can smell them without being armed with several thousand impalers and so on lol

    I was telling Toni that LA is commanding the whole household from the refuge of his bedroom aka the Lord Cave - which is of course a variation on the Man Cave and the Bat Cave - he only emerges from it to eat ice cream, so I was thinking about bat ice cream, but since I couldn’t find any great visuals for that idea instead I found ghastly mirror cookies instead, perhaps you could bake them if you’re trying to summon the milkman’s ancestors on a boring Thursday evening, only joking of course haha

    hope you have a good night toady and take care xx

    👋 SK how are you this evening? Thanks about the proverb. That’s interesting about the kung fu instructor and the Chinese tea etc. Have a good night take care x

    👋good night also to C and anyone else around tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    kitchen is open for a brew, any takers?

    I really hate snails Charlestown and I’m not even a gardener. Did u know they carry salmonella? I stood on one outside the bunker the other night and I have a no outside shoes rule in my bunker so I had to go back indoors and clean my crocs. Great fun at 3am when I’m trying to be quiet.

    Migraine went earlier but it’s threatening to return. Hopefully a cuppa will help bannish it for the next few hours. No point in trying to sleep anymore tonight but my ears are ringing so can’t do any music either. ☹️

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    hi Reshmi, I’m not too bad thanks for asking. Just trying to fully get rid of the bad head. Now I know it’s down to the inflammation makes them a bit more worrying and both the gp and the specialist said I am not to get stressed out lol. Bit like telling the sun not to rise.

    On another note for everyone, Slash has a new blues album out. If anyone interested. I had two tracks on prerelease and they are awesome and the rest of it just landed in my library. It’s all blues so not too heavy even though it’s Slash. Lots of guests too.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 17. May 2024, 05:31

    Morning Joan I have made a physio appt for my arm thanks you are right. It's for a week yesterday. When is your new appt? Are you going into town today and if you are do you take the dogs with you? ((())) xxx

    Hi @junks welcome to our little café. We are a nice bunch of people here just having a cuppa (eating cake) and talking rubbish while supporting each other. If you are interested in that then you'll fit in nicely.

    Some of what we talk about is probably a bit confusing at first - things like our café rhyming slang for various shops al fresco for example. My cat, Sleek, who 'visits' people (not really of course) and lots of other silly things. Feel free to ask and don't feel obliged to spend hours reading back. Join in and tell us how your day has been if that's all you have time for.😊

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you today? Your Mum too of course. Hope you aren't to MTX hungover.

    Nice of Rina to suggest that wasn't it? as long as you are getting better that's all that matters.

    Gosh imagine if you fell in love and the tea looked like that🤢 you'd get the ick straight away wouldn't you😒 Unless you could gently retrain them🤔

    You are so kind yes I do like crochet and knitting and the garden that's true just always wanted to be artistic like you and Kari are.

    Oh dear me no - do dodge EF this weekend! If BIL isn't pulling his weight😖. With both boys having Chicken pox one after the other it's been ages for your poor sister.

    Cheeky chappie isn't he LA ruling the roost from his bedroom to weak to carry his lego and needing his little brother to do it for him😁

    Those kitchen men had better turn up or I will let Toady and Sleek loose on them. In real life and via the internet FB for instance. 2 weeks hmmmph! No wonder your Mum has had enough. You too and even your Dad I shouldn't wonder, but for your Mum it's her place and it's not available to her ATM.

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Hi Skinny K how are you today? I'll have a coffee please with the new kettle.

    I do hope that head has gone for now you've had it for days!😠

    Oh dear nothing much grosser than treading on a snail that sickening crunch. I don't mind them except when they eat my cucumber plants.

    A new album for you to enjoy that it fabulous and it's mostly blues too hmmmm…. I might just have a listen myself.

    Me and Penelope got soaked yesterday as it decided to rai when we were already out feeding the middle daughter's cats🙄 Today looks better at least.

    Hope Sucré and Loanda are ok take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Charlestown

    I often knock my labels out so have no idea what I might get I think I might have one (only one yes) cosmos appeared must take a pic and confirm with Toad.

    I like teh idea of Toady's sulg protectors. You can get fence panels like that to keep your cat in the garden too only on a bigger scale and obviously wooden!

    I think we shall call multiple clematis clematii just because we can!😊

    You take care fill those 5 panels and have a good day!

    Morning Toady

    how are you this delightful (dry) day?

    I like the slug thingies I would rather do that that any other deterrent which actually works. It seems cruel to me to zap them with copper for instance. As long as we keep reusing them the plastic won't matter. My (one of two hyacinth bean snapped off😓 not sure if it will survive we shall see…

    The marigolds look fabulous and so pretty in the little (hopefully snail proof) pots. I must go and sniff some dreckly as Mike1 would have said.

    Still haven't finished GW - oops! Must try harder.

    My neighbours are as lovely as ever and doing very well. Trapeziectomy lady is happy😊 she is allowed to drive again☺️ in fact she and I are at Asda today doing a collection for the foodbank and she is driving us there.

    You'd think if Sleeks mab is like our Mabs then they might work for OA too. Have any trials been done I wonder. Would be good if more people can be helped. Still I imagine it's costly. Sleek's solensia isn't cheap I think £128 per jab, but she has insurance. Timing is crucial to test it's efficacy properly and we are away in June.

    Oh I have a physio appt for the arm for next Thursday morning. I suspect a tendon or something I really doesn't feel like my bones and it can't be a muscle as it started in March….

    Take care Toad enjoy the garden if you can get out.

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  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady yes it was a lady that came and did the asbestos Check every bungalow is being checked there are 11. We had rain and thunder yesterday evening. Now we have the sun.

    Have a good day your pots look good. I wonder if the weather men can tell one minute it will be sunny and then they say rain.

    Toni (()) that’s good you made an appointment to have your arm checked. My appointment is the 5 June. No I can’t take the dogs into town because I would have to tie them up if I went in a shop. Sorry you and Penelope got wet yesterday. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day. Sorry your mum(()) is worried. Take care

    Skinny Keef (()) how is your head now. Not nice stepping on snail. Have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Tina (()) have a good day where do you live we are all around the country. I’m in Wiltshire.

    Junks (()) nice to meet you

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 17. May 2024, 09:57

    Morning all 👋 saved a draft on my phone this morning now not here 🙄 excuse if I only reconstruct the 'highlights' 😄

    Was up early with tea waiting for the bins which still haven't been 🤷‍♀️. I was dreaming of bins in fact, they had taken all ours away in the night and swapped them for new round ones made of something odd, I was saying I wished I had the chance to say goodbye to my old one 😂 the workings of the human mind 🙄.

    Morning frog yes fine & dry 👍️ no sun though. I haven't finished GW either 😂 even more envy-inducing than usual, looking at the Malvern Hills which are up the road comparatively speaking but may as well be Mars 😔. Will be going outdoors shortly to see what's going on, I nearly left the marigolds out as a do-or-die snail collar test but bottled in the end 😂 will try something else first, at least I will soon see if there are trails up but not over them, will be interesting 👍️. Oh no not a bean seedling, what happened 😟 fingers crossed for it and definitely for the other. Nothing new coming up for me yet, the purple salvia is out though; just wondering if its worth putting a sweet pea or two out as they are feeble anyway and haven't got much to lose 😬 maybe even put some seeds in directly. Have a good day with the Asda run etc (glad 'TL' can drive you 😊) and mind the arm - good luck for the appt. Will you most likely have to defer starting Sleek's treatment if the timing is tricky 🤔 hope you can sort it one way or another. Love to all xx

    Hello Joan, thunder yesterday, ooer 😬 no nothing like that here although there is some in the offing one of the days. Hope you get a good report back on the bungalow 🤞and have a good weekend. Yes if they could forecast the weather reasonably accurately after all this time it would be more useful than sending people into space 🙄. xx

    Hi bosh, fabulous cookies, aren't they amazing 🤩👻 I resisted the temptation to do any summoning last night (had enough trouble courtesy og the gastric oracle tbh 🙄), maybe some other time 😂. Glad to hear young LA is sufficiently well to be commanding ice-cream and deliveries to his HQ, not so good for everyone else including little BR who is organizing the toy supply logistics it seems, well may as well get some small upside out of the poulet pox while he can I guess. They are worried about the whooping cough now apparently, hope the littleys keep well away from that 🤞. Have a good afternoon hope the mxt effects are declining and that your mum has a better day too xx

    Snails are our distant cousins SK apparently, the same gene (give or take) that dictates if they have left or right handed shells is what dictates whether you're a left or right handed guitarist 😉 ok I'm not selling them to you am I. Ta for the music info will take a listen 👍️. Have a better day :) xx

    I brought the marigolds in overnight Charlestown I couldn't get the nerve to leave them out their first night 😂 I'll road-test the collars on a few things and see what happens. Yes don't keep Madame Julia Correvon and Ernest Markham waiting for their pots 😉 hope everything else going ok, how is the blueberry plant? Interesting about the pineapples! Have a good afternoon 👋 :) xx

    Kettle on, hi to anyone not in today 👋 xx

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Toni

    How are you this afternoon?

    Mums bs was a bit low but not a hypo she said

    At least she’s ok now 👍

    I’m ok thanks other than roasting slowly like a chicken, well more like burning up quickly like an over - fried chicken nugget - but don’t tell LA lol

    Actually this room isn’t too bad

    But outside was terrible even though I wore summer tights and all the rest of it,

    Even wore an extremely light jumper- type garment- as I was so afraid of exposing skin to heat rash, nasty creepy crawlies etc

    Ear is definitely improving 🙏

    Bill said the worst day of his life was when he got caught in a traffic jam and missed takeaway- ordering time so he had to eat his wife’s cooking - how charming 😱

    LA has learned this phrase and said his worst day was when his mummy applied calamine potion or lotion or whatever 😂

    Oh these littleys lol

    Builders gone awol again 😱

    Ok ablutions time

    Bye for now Toni tc xx

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  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    My two went off to the zoo this morning. I joined them after a trip to the bike shop. We had a nice lunch and then Sucré spent a couple of hours in one of the massive play areas.

    Headache is still bubbling away in the back ground. Hasn’t fully gone but at least as it is i can cope with it. I felt very unmiserable at lunch time and realised I had left out my naproxen this morning. It is definitely those pills that are making me miserable and grumpy and short tempered as i was like a different person today. Unfortunately I had to take one after dinner as I couldn’t risk the head getting worser due to inflammation creeping up on me. It does that you know, waits till you’re distracted and then it pounces and bam! before you know it it’s got ya! At least that what my consultant told me and who am I to argue, he has letters after his name, well actually so do I but mine are OCD and IBS lol

    Bedtime stories are currently Winnie and Wilbur which Sucré absolutely loves. He got my mini light probe and keeps waving it and saying abracadabra every five minutes.

    Here’s a pic of him first thing this morning before breakfast.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    i think he looks like a young Mick Jagger in that photo lol

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316
    edited 17. May 2024, 20:24

    Hi toady

    How are you?

    The bins - conundrum and bin - related sleepy visions as it were - oh dear 😱

    I don’t know if I told you this but one of my neighbours once so fixated on his bins that he wrote the whole postal address on each bin and all sorts of strange details which I can’t fully remember now, I mean how many people does he think have evil intentions regarding his bins? Also of course a bin by any name would smell as sweet, wait, hold on a minute, well you get the general idea haha

    Mum is ok at the moment 👍

    I’m ok - ish thanks toady still got some heat rash

    But the ear problem is improving 🙏

    LA is milking it no doubt but I agree you only get chicken pox once, my goodness that does sound like a strange motivational quote of the evening lol

    Energy levels are definitely flagging to be honest

    Sorry your stomach wasn’t so good

    Hope you have night free of bin - related trauma anyway

    Goodnight toady tc xx

    Ps here’s a laptop- substitute for you, don’t put it on nosegay though xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi SK

    Lovely pic of Sucre there

    Have a good night tc x

    Hi C

    I think the dust of the kitchen area isn’t helping and possibly heat too you’re right

    Have a nice night tc xx

    👋 Joan

    How are you?

    Thanks about mum

    We’re both ok at the moment

    Have a good night tc xx