Val's Cafe
Morning Joan hope you are doing ok today? ok I've got it in my head now 5th June I knew it was looming. D the dogs behave themselves while you are out? My friend has a camera to keep an eye on her two. They settle down nicely in a basket together when she has to be out. Take care Joan ((())) xxx
Morning Charlestown
You do love the garden l can tell which is great you fit in here very well😊 Nice you can see it from your living room. I can see the Church also very pretty.
The cat insurance won't pay for a dental treatment no, but will pay for ongoing treatment ongoing up to £7500 so that's great should see her out for the jabs. She does have a tooth that may need attention that we will happily pay for. It's worth having with my old cat he had cancer they paid out thousands. Well worth it.
The fence panels sort of turn back in to the garden at the top so they can't get over.
Take care 😊
Morning Skinny Keef
What a fabulous pic of your boy he looks so so cheeky! Yes there is an element of Mick Jagger there I can see it😊 He loves his cuddlies I can see he is surrounded by them. So he'll be affectionate too and loving even if he can be a bit wild as most children are.
I hope you are keeping that headache under control. Shame there isn't another method to help. I do love my anti-inflams which didn't suit you unfortunately. Things is they actually help don't they?🙄 Not good if they affect your mood though.
Glad you enjoyed some fun family time out that is lovely happy memories for you all but especially Sucré😍
Take care today ((()))
Morning Reshmi
Hope you're doing ok and your Mum's bs is not too low again today. Glad a hypo was averted. She knows what to do your Mum.
Those kitchen fitters🤬 now I am even more cross. We will be going into week 4 next week!!! Problem is you are trapped using them now aren't you?
I rather like that phrase of LA's and BIL… worst day was when we 'grew' 30 molehills in the grass at the back overnight!!!! What was yours?
How is LA ding are his spots scabbing over nicely now? I bet your sister is (dare I say it!) itching for him to be back at school before the bank holiday weekend.
Yes something loose and cool works well in this weather. I am still putting E45 on my arms before I do any gardening for some reason it really helps.
Like your new laptop! I bet BIL has one of those too.
Take care and keep cool.
((())) xxx
Morning Toad
It's looking good out there.
Well foodbank collection was very productive we got loads of food although TL and me with our sore arms and hands were rather pained after we finished our shift.
Saw a few people I know so made them get me an extra tin for the FB! Hah! Met some lovely lovely people notably a lady whose husband had died suddenly 12 months ago and is really struggling hope I helped her a bit by listening and validating her pain. She had bought two lovely trees for her garden in memory of him😊
Malvern is reasonably close to me too as you know. In fact there is a fabulous vegan eatery there which Paul takes me to sometimes. It's such a pretty place. Once when I was there as a young 'un (19 maybe) I went in the ladies loo (at the base of the hills) and saw an eye looking at me while I was on the loo! It was a man!!! I've never forgotten it. He ran out because shouted my friends.
Next week Kari and me and my DIL (maybe Lucy) are going to make our own sauerkraut for our gut microbiomes. We really are. Hope it helps I'll let you and Reshmi know if it helps.
We will catch up with GW this week I'm sure. Well I hope🤭 a bean seedling yes woe woe…. no idea what happened at all. have surrounded it with stakes now and the other one too.
Take care and have a lovely day 😊
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) have a good day. would you like your bins to be round. Some places are having new ones. It’s fine here at the moment.
Toni (()) pepper and Lexi are good they stay behind me if someone comes to the door I only have to say in and they go in a room and I close the door. Next week are you making sausage’s. Have a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good weekend love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) Sucr’e (()) looks so mischievous. Would you like him to be another Mick Jagger. Love to Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) have a good weekend
take care
joan xx0 -
head is finally clear. Woohoo!!!
monkey wrench lol
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hi Toni, yes the anti inflams do help with the pain but the side effects are terrible with me.
Hey Dachshund yes very much like him to do anything musical. I will try to encourage it but I am not gonna be one of those awful parents that won’t allow him to do anything else.
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hi Toni
How are you this afternoon?
Sorry for late entry
Was catching up on some much needed sleep after Mum Vesuvius etc
Her bs is ok 👍
I’m ok thanks
Very stuffy outside for most of the walk though
Ongoing problem with builders
Will expand later
Bye for now Toni tc xx
Ps flashback to when I worked in an office lol xx
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Afternoon all 😊
Yes rather nice day indeed frog 🤞 have been out for a couple of spells, a few things coming up today and my blue mouse ears hosta is coming into flower 😊. No beans yet. Hope yours will be safe now. Sounds like a good food bank day, strong-arming people into donating, a very good ploy 🤭 good on you (and them). I'm sure it was very nice for that lady to have you to talk to & listen. 12 months ago is nothing really is it 😔. Hope you are having a quieter restful day not overdoing it I'm sure 😉. That experience in the Malverns 😮 ugh how horrid!! enough to put you off public loos for good & all (not that most people need putting off, avoid if at all possible I do), glad you were with people! I do look forward with interest to hearing about the sauerkraut. I know it's meant to be fabulous, but my head still tells me it's the last sort of thing my stomach would like, so it's a mental bias. So yes please do tell me how it goes. I suppose you already know how you get on with it in general? 🤔 Have a good day love to dear Sleek 😽 xx
Morning Joan, bins used to be round didn't they, the good old galvanised ones! Still had an old one here for years after, not sure what happened to it yes I wish I did still have it now; people use them for planters etc. but that would have been thought eccentric once using a tatty old bin. Better for them to be made of metal but you can't imagine now that the men had to hoist them up physically, such a hard job led to so many bad backs, bound to 😣. We make too much rubbish now 🙄. They did say once we were having new sorts to recycle different things, haven't heard any more about it. I've just read that Charles isn't in the top 100 boys' names any more funny how things go round. Have a good weekend yes it's fine here 😊. Love to the dogs I 'met' a little dog yesterday it was called Coco (or maybe Cocoa I suppose!), it wanted to come and see me when I was out walking. xx
Hi bosh, good bin story 😂 there was more to my saga, I remembered I also dreamt that I said if I'd known they were coming for my old bin I would have refused to let them take it & risk being arrested 😂😂. Never knew I was so attached to my wheelie bin that I would go to prison for it 😂 not as attached in real life as your neighbour chap, mine has nothing on it not even the number, but I know it's mine it's the only little one in the street. I find it a bit odd when people cover theirs with those garden camouflage sticker things to blend in even though there isn't a single blade of grass in their garden 🤷♀️. I love the inspirational chicken pox quote, ok might not have it framed 😄 but it's as true as anything else you see in that line tbh - also sounds like a James Bond film they never made doesn't it, that would have the baddies on the run 😱, evil villains and calamine lotion, just doesn't go 😂 only small dictators can pull that one off. Nice 'laptop' might get more use out of it than mine some days, at least it would make you a sandwich 😊. Talking of which I had a better night thanks :) Hope things ok with you today and fingers crossed for the resumption of builders soon 🤞 xx
Someone looks cheerful SK 😀 if that's what a couple of hours in a massive play area and some Winnie & Wilbur does for you I might have to give them a go 😂. That's v interesting about the naproxen, what a nuisance you can't have a longer spell off without problems as it would very handy for when you want a better day mood-wise in particular. I suppose knowing any kind of cause & effect with meds is better than never knowing what thing is doing what 🤷♀️. Have a good Sunday all :) xx
Hope having a good day Charlestown, not much happening in the garden today it rained for 5 mins and stopped again, nice now but every time I go out I hear my neighbour scuffling about on their side, very unnerving when it's just on the other side of the fence it puts me off my train of thought somehow. Bet you are probably putting washing on the line and I should be but am not, oh dear. Have a good Sunday 👍️ :)xx
Love to all & anyone not around at the moment, mig, Carol &c 👋 xx
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👋 toady Joan SK and C
In the middle of kitchen Vesuvius or the kitchen wars deluxe edition or whatever
Will post after ablutions
Bye for now tc xx
Ps dark chocolate lebkuchen - evil I know - I’m blaming toady lol 😇 xx
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hi Reshmi, yes please I’ll have a plate of those, actually make it two! 🤪
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hi Joan
How are you this evening?
Mum and I are ok thanks 🙏
I hope you have a nice evening tc xx
Ps this painting is called “Tea” by GD Leslie xx
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hi Toni
How are you this evening?
I think LA has just started school again or is about to
His headmistress got angry with my sis because he is or was off sick with the pox of the chickens!
As my sis quite rightly said, was he meant to go to school and infect the multitudes?
Very odd indeed
The main builder has an injury so he’s trying to find other builders to complete the job apparently, they’ll be in on Monday - or so he says
BR has started going to the swimming class with his daddy - his first lesson was today!
My sis said he loved it and was very brave
He looked so cute in the Spider-Man shorts and shoes he wore when he went out
This is of course a good thing for bill too as he really needs to do a bit of exercise and he used be a good swimmer a long time ago
Dad is picking on mum about the kitchen Toni and the atmosphere is horrendous
I really didn’t feel well on the walk, not until it rained a bit at the end
Felt very stuffy and exhausted
Anyway I’m feeling better now 👍
My worst day, now that’s a difficult one to pinpoint lol,
Well worst season is definitely summer for me and the build up to it, I swear that the dermatological and allergy- related lotion and potions and so on I have to apply before I leave the house are most definitely multiplying 😂
E45, that’s interesting.
Hope you have a nice restful evening Toni tc xx
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hi toady
Very interesting bin saga lol
I know that the quote wasn’t picture frame - material 😂
I also like the James Pond reference 👍
I don’t know calamine lotion is quite scary to me
Throw in a few alligators - I know not native to Slug and it’s surroundings - but that’s the perfect movie
Builders are back on Monday apparently
This dusty environment isn’t good even mum is sneezing and she usually doesn’t have allergies
BR is learning to swim so he can rescue you from any rogue alligators that you may encounter on your nocturnal swim to the post box
Where do you stand on swimming? Is it something you enjoy? Or did you say you didn’t learn because of the stiffness? I can’t quite remember sorry.
I didn’t learn because of chlorine allergy, I suppose i could’ve learned later in life but I didn’t bother to be honest
And I know of course swimming demands minimum clothing by necessity but it’s never been something I’ve felt very comfortable with to be frank.
have a good night toady take care xxPs this is “Afternoon Tea” by GG Kilburne xx
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hi C
How are you?
Yes builders are coming and going, mostly going they’ll be back on Monday
Have a nice evening tc xx
👋 SK
How are you feeling now?
Feel free to eat as many plates as you want as I didn’t really bake them or even purchase them from Baldi lol
Have a good evening tc x
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Morning Joan how are you today? Your dogs dogs sound so vey well behaved😊. My friend's two got so naughty when her wife was dying at home one actually nearly went for the funeral director😖 They have taken a lot of settling back down. All good now much less anxious. We are making sauerkraut it's fermented cabbage (sounds gross doesn't it?) meant to be good for your stomach. Have a good day ((())) xxx
Then you put it in jars eat a little every day. Wish us luck!
Morning Skinny Keef
No headache that's great news long may it last😊 such a shame you can't take NSAIDs really have you tried taking it in gel form. Works (ish) for me if it's a joint close to the skin's surface like a hand/wrist rather than hip.
I love Loanda's garden (well yours too) her forget me nots are so pretty. All the little ornaments hidden between plants too it's like a secret garden for fairies! As for that blue iris it's phenominal thanks for that and please tell her I love it.
A monkey wrench
Take care today ((()))
Morning Charlestown
How are you doing? Having a good weekend I hope.
All well here although I may have overdone it outside yesterday might have to be lazier today unfortunately.
Yup a peeping Tom. Gross. I went back about 20 years later and the loos had no holes in the partition sides. I never did get my wee though and me being me even then I was desperate!
It's lovely when there's a wedding or christening I have to watch for it. Don't you just love it? I know the bells can be a bit loud. Our clock bell isn't chiming and they are having trouble (can i say the devil's own job????) getting it repaired. So few people do it these days.
I will do anything for my cat you are quite right - except get up at 3am because she thinks it's morning!
Have a good day 😊
Morning Reshmi
Hope you are ok glad to hear your Mum was well yesterday if a bit versuviousy.
Understandable with those builders. What can you do? As you know ours took 10 weeks (with a wall coming down) instead of the 6 they promised. They are a nightmare I hope the main contractor is able to get a reliable person in now fingers crosse🤞
Schools are like that. They want children to have attendence rates of 98% because it affects their overall rating by offsted if the figures are low. I mean to me I expect LA is usually always in? A good pupil? a genuine and reliable family? Then your sister is doing exactly the right thing. I am sorry she's had that response though.
Well done BR taking to swimming like a duck to water😊 Bless him. Let's hope swimming helps BIL with his BELLY especially if he used to be a good swimmer. I can so picture him (BR not BIL) in his outfit ready to go.
Naughty Dad having a go at your poor Mum the man has utterly no empathy! She is the one most missing her kitchen!
I agree with you yesterday l forgot the E45 went in the garden and both of my forearms were red and inflamed. I am using it like a barrier cream I suppose maybe? It seems to help. The pollen count isn't supposed to feel so bad but I am very stuffy too. According to fibit Oxygen sats are low at 93% so I think a hot summer coming. You absolutely have my sympathy ((()))
Thanks for the tea it's so pretty in those cups in the garden😊
Take care and I hope your day is good. ((())) xxx
Morning Toady
Hope you are ok today.
Wasn't it hot yesterday?! Wow and still - no breeze I think. Phew!
Was Sleek at yours? She didn't come outside with me at all just briefly to use the facilities - my freshly weeded bed😁 She's got her coolbox ready with some vegan little moons inside to bring over later.
I agree that poor lady at the foodbank was so sad and understandably so. She'd only left the house 10 mins before her husband must have had a heart attack. He rang an ambulance then her but the ambulance couldn't save him😓
Ah yes public loos and this is why they ought to be single gender I suppose. Also well maintained of course. Or single use then any gender can use them.
Well I have no idea whether sauerkraut will be any good for me but I hope so. I know that that expensive vinegar stuff wasn't ouch ouch ouch! Apple cider it was that's it. Tim Spector recommends it so I have to try. Watch this space weds PM….after bloods in the morning…
Oooh your mouse ear Hosta is flowering! Lovely😊 so are my stinging nettles😂 hah!
Take care Toady
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) I remember those bins how would you put plants in them you would have to cut them in half. Or you drop the plant in and wait for it to grow. It’s not very bright here. Have a good day.
Toni (()) how is peanut. Will you have a chance to try the sauerkraut to see if you will like it. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) it must be very difficult not being able to use the kitchen. I hope it doesn’t take too much longer to do (()) have a good day love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) a monkey wrench good thing like other tools hard to find when needed even if you know where you put it. Have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) I do my order about every fortnight it’s good because I can use my nectar card. Have a good day (())
take care
joan xx1 -
hi Toni
How are you?
Mums bs is ok 👍
I’m ok too thanks more or less lol
I’m putting a mortgage payment on a poem for later or whatever the expression is lol
Bye for now Toni tc xx
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hi again Toni
This is my poetic offering for the day
I am in instalment mode again lol
Bye for now tc xx
Poem for VC
This one is called “Pollen and bins, Summer is more or less here for our sins” thanks
Bottles and sprays
for those high pollen count days
My eyes and nose
Dread, the fragrance of a single rose
I wish that a rose by any other name did not smell as sweet
But at least my bin is without doubt mine and mine alone
And I am wise enough not to bother toady with a two hour conversation on the rotary telephone2 -
Afternoon 👋 nice day, and relatively quiet. I read a piece by Alan Titchmarsh this morning urging people not to mow or use power tools on a Sunday so people can have one quiet day to appreciate their gardens & wildlife etc - hear hear Alan (I think he's voiced the same opinion before I hadn't come across this article in particular).
Have been pottering frog and yes I have had Sleek thank you and the little moons 👍️ ideal. Some fool didn't put so much as a bottle of cold drink or squash in their last order, so must nip out this week and pick something up if we are having more warm weather. Might check 'piddle' online to see if they have anything good in this time in the 'midl', it was household last time I think, yawn. I put some sweet peas out for better or worse, hopefully they will do something they're too tall to not go out. Sleek was very wise to head for your weeded bed; after all, nettles.. 🙀 I hope that wasn't your fate after the loo incident 😬 worse still that you hadn't even spent your penny, never thought of that poor you 😣. I have done a bit more ceiling today there is now more covered than not 😀👍️ and have started some clothes sorting heaven help me. Actually am getting quite into it which is most unlike me, must be the heat 🤨. Hope you have been able to get out in the sun but not get too much, irritating your skin etc. That poor lady, how awful 😟 life is very cruel, your friend's dog had the right idea imo, making a bit of a dash for the funeral director 😔. Have a good week, take care & love to all :) xx
Hello joan, yes a dustbin would take some filling up 😂 not quite as tall as a bin but you can also buy things like these can't you the old dolly tub style (£90 for the larger one 😬), funny old world that people buy them now for show. Maybe they stand something in them in a smaller pot just use the outer as a container 🤔. Warm today very pleasant, not for people who don't like it, but nice if you're lucky enough that it doesn't bother you. Have a good week :) xx
Hi bosh, why am I getting the blame for all the chocolate round here, it's lies all lies I tell you 😂 I'm very restrained, me 😉. Where do I stand on swimming, well as far from the water as possible 😱 hate everything about it. It is therefore by definition the ideal arthritis exercise, that's life's little joke 🙄. No never liked it and basically not if you paid me. And if I was going to I'd want a nice costume 👍️. Little BR will take to it like a 🦆 to water I expect 😊 and yes v good idea for bill too. Do hope the substitute builders turn up, you do tend to suspect people claiming injury but it's happened to me and it was true so 🤷♀️ have wished injuries on a few builders but that's another matter. Btw I have now watched ep 1 of Dr Chew and it wasn't for me sadly 😔 absolutely hate what they've done with the Tardis set design for one thing. I will have to give it a fair go maybe it will grow on me but I was quite surprised it got good reviews (tbh it did have babies in it and that was never going to help sell it to me 😱😉). Have a good evening :) xx
Hi SK, managed to miss most of your posts yesterday, lovely flowers 😊 and lovely things among them like Toni said. Love the monkey wrench, do I take it that was what you used to clear your headache 😂😂. Hope all having a good day 👍️ :) xx
I knew it was Saturday honest @Charlestown 😉😂 well it was two thirds over I thought I'd get in ahead with Sunday wishes considering I wasn't likely to be in early today either. Hope yours is going well 😊 must go and water a few things in a minute and maybe get some more sweet peas out. I left some squishy tomatoes out for slugs they weren't the least interested 😄. Have a good evening :) xx
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hi Joan
How are you doing today?
Mum and I are ok thanks
But yes it’s difficult without a kitchen
Have a lovely evening tc xx
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hi toady
If I can blame you for something in a friendly manner - then I will do so lol
Dr Chew - first episode wasn’t great I agree
But I’ve just seen the third one and that was great
There’s a medical monster who kills off unnecessary earthlings giving only a deceptive but very familiar warning, “ Just a sharp scratch” - triple ooks 😱
Don’t tell Toni, she might find it scary - bless her.
But the vampire nurse - related theme - I do deserve partial royalties at least haha
I could use them to buy some stevia - chocolate for VC, my goodness that stuff is expensive isn’t it?
I do buy it occasionally though
It’s getting very hot in here
So bye for now toady take care xx
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