Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    goodnight SK and C and anyone else around

    Take Care xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 19. May 2024, 21:09

    'night bosh 👋 as I expect you could tell I missed your post as I didn't mention your poem etc. Fabulous as always 😀 glad I scrolled back and spotted it. Thank you for posting 😊 I was glad of something nice to read I had just been wildly outbid for something on nosegay, just when I was expecting to be doing my best evil villain laugh for my brilliant sniping. Obviously there are even evil-er, quite possibly calamine-lotion-smeared master snipers out there, what a very disconcerting thought 😕. I did give Dr Chew ep 2 a go but it really did have Disney running all the way through it like a stick of Blackpool rock, no getting away from it, this was what I was very much hoping wouldn't be the upshot of their getting involved. Sigh. Old re-runs for me I suspect. Have a good night as poss :) xx

    ..just had to pause while I caught and put a rather large moth out. The perils of open windows, always going to get a screen every year, never do.

    Why are we doing unsuitable hot weather jobs @Charlestown 😂 you watch, now I've sorted charity stuff won't get a collection for an age. Did you get yours dropped off from before? Glad you got some stuff done, hmm, mare's tail, have I got any?! Must google. Have a good night :) and a good Monday of course 😁xx

    Night all hope everyone copes with the heat 😘

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  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229
    edited 20. May 2024, 05:27

    Morning Joan how are you doing? Peanut is doing very very well indeed bless him hopefully he's recovered fully we think. The sauerkraut has to ferment you leave it in the jars for a good while. Not a nice thought eh?! We shall see we won't make much and see how it goes. Hope your day is a good one today and the dogs are happy. ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you this morning and your mum too? Hope the delightful kitchen fitters turn up and finish the job🤬

    Great poem!! I love it😊

    That is so true!

    Bins did used to be round didn't they? I think they fit better into the bin emptying lorries if they are more square now. Gosh yes never phone Toady she'd hate it🤣 I rather think she'd take a call from you though.

    I love the way you knew a poem was coming too. Putting a deposit - mortgage payment down😃 Perfect.

    I hope LA has gone into school today fully recovered from his Pox of the chickens and the head is happy once more. Stupid person her figures would be far lower if he's gone in and your sister would have hoards of rampaging parents after her too😮

    Outpatients for me today I have to wear a heart trace for 72 hours in this weather now shower!!!!!

    Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Why isn't Alan Titchmarsh the PM? Wouldn't that be great?

    Next door cut their grass yesterday straight into our afternoon outside. It was rather warm wasn't it? My arm is so sore that I decided to just use my new daisy-grubber left handed on the gravel path. That worked well. Watered baskets and the two hyacinth beans although i do not expect the main one to survive given where it's break is. low down on the stem can you see?

    Fingers crossed for your sweet peas worth a try I think🤞

    Sleek is bringing over ice cream today - Swedish glacé tis yum and vegan. Then she said she'd come down to the shops with you to fetch some cool drinks.

    You are enjoying clothes sorting??? Have you had too much sun Toad? I am a tad worried This is definitely not normal behaviour for Toads…. Well done on the ceiling though☺️

    Just a pretty pic of some of my hostas and some wisteria and that mirror you like☺️

    and the lupins which survived their early attack by greenfly

    NB Paul strimmed round the edge of the grass and broke another pane of glass in my green house with a flying stone! Honestly!

    Have a good day Toady😊

    Hope all is well with Skinny Keef and Charlestown too. Sure they were both probably enjoying the sunshine☀

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203
    edited 20. May 2024, 08:18

    morning all. Hope everyone had a nice weekend in the sunshine.

    I’m definitely on a go slow today as i am not even up and outta bed yet, just got up to make tea. Have radio on although Zoe B is playing some utter rubbish.

    Loanda and I were looking at second hand Triumph scramblers yesterday and she was encouraging me to buy a white one. I think maybe she has ideas of borrowing it 😉 I see her little pang of jealousy when ever we see a girl riding a motorcycle and I know she misses having hers.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) we have the sun today. It’s strange thinking about things I can do and not hearing sue saying do this. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) that’s good peanut is better. When I went for a walk yesterday the dogs were having a run Lexi saw a big dog turned around and ran I met a lady she said I saw her running up the main road. I phoned my next door neighbour he said I will look for her. Then I saw the lady again she said a man has picked her up and took her home. My neighbour said everyone knows us because we’ve lived around her a long time. I said to Lexi you don’t play with the traffic we do that together. Sorry another glass panel broke ( by Paul) I bet you said a few words. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) Tia (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) when will your kitchen be finished love to your mum (()) have a good day.

    Charlestown (()) I get the dog food from the online it’s cheaper. Have a good day.

    Skinny Keef (()) i hope all is well there. Love to Sucr’e and Loanda

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Morning all 😊

    Got an earlyish start on things today, we'll see how soon I run out of steam, probably somewhere between having put a wash in and pegging it out 🤭

    Can't turn down the drying weather really. Have had a quick turn round the garden, the marigolds stayed out on their own all night & are fine, whether it's the collar or the ridged pot but nothing with a collar has been nibbled yet so here's hoping, the runner beans will be the test when they're up. Sorry if you think your hyacinth bean is a goner 😔 my lupin is too as far as current growth, maybe it will recoup 🤷‍♀️. Look at yours actually flowering, any of mine that are ok don't even seem to be thinking about it 😮 I'll check how late they usually are here maybe they never get going for a bit yet but they ought to have I suspect. Ah the lovely mirror 😊 such a nice corner and your hostas look super and healthy, what keeps the slugs off yours then? 🤔. You had mowers in the afternoon too then 😕 and Paul was strimming, on a Sunday, well people who live in glass houses (with not very much glass left in them!! 😣) shouldn't throw stones, Titchers would say 😉. Oh dear 2 panes in a row, has it happened before as well or is this just very unfortunate? Lucky the next door boys are of the trampoline era or you would have catapults and cricket balls a la Just William to worry about as well! Did the wellie come down in the end (was it a wellie?). Sorry about your arm, hindering your rightful gardening 😕 I await Sleek so we can go shopping, she will tell me how you all are 😘 thank you for the pictures & take care xx

    Hello Joan, yes you will be so used to conferring with Sue on things to do. I daresay you know what she would say for some things and can 'hear' her say it. Sorry you had a fright with Lexi I'm glad everyone was on the ball helping her back safely 👍️. I don't know any local dogs not 'to speak to' only by sight. If I walk more on the fields I expect I would get to know some. Have a good day it's overcast but hopefully will brighten :) xx

    Morning SK 👋 hope the early tea set you up and you are up & doing, nice day for looking at bikes 😉 yes sounds like Loanda has designs on a Triumph, what's the market like in secondhand in general does it go up & down much or is more or less steady? Have a good day & some sunshine hopefully :) xx

    See you later on bosh, fingers crossed the builder situation is improving 🤞xx

    Washing in before 9 o'clock today, get me @Charlestown 😄 don't want to be completely upstaged do I. Looks like a nice day bit of cloud at the moment which will be better for outdoors 👍️. Sorry you can't get rid of your charity stuff I can't take my clothes bank type bags anywhere at all now locally 🙄 recycling banks seem to be getting worse not better, you wouldn't expect so. Have a good day 👋 :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    hi Toni

    Mum and I are ok

    Wppl, xx

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  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    hi Toni

    How are you this evening?

    Mums bs is ok 👍

    I’m ok thanks just rather warm of course 🥵

    Actually I sometimes write poems earlier on, like in the morning or previous day and then I save them to type up on here later so that’s what’s the down payment or mortgage payment thing means lol, but I believe “down payment” was our amphibian friend toady’s language initially

    Kitchen fitters turned up praise Mother Nature haha

    LA told his mother a bedtime story but it was rather odd -

    He said that there once was a time when daddy forgot how to use the bathroom and the potty so BR helped him out by giving him some free potty - training and that BR was such a successful trainer with great teaching skills that bill mastered the art of potty - usage in next to no time and then everyone lived happily ever after- or something along those lines haha - how strange and cheeky of LA though! Daddy needing potty - training indeed, hot sauce - avoidance training yes, without a doubt 😂

    I managed to walk a bit earlier today which was good

    Still not feeling fully rested though but that’s probably just due to the weather

    I like the lotion bottles pic 👍

    Thanks about the poem

    Yes I promise to call toady for just 15 seconds, if I exceed the call by 5 seconds she can take away my biscuit- eating privileges

    I hope you enjoy the rest of the day Toni tc xx

    Ps this is called “Tea is in the garden” by EJ Laurent xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    Hi Joan

    How are you doing today?

    The kitchen fitters were here today. I’m not sure how much longer they will take. I think it is meant to be between a few days and a week hopefully
    mum is ok today thanks

    I’m not too bad thanks but I hate the heat

    LA made up a story about his daddy needing potty - training lol

    Have a nice evening Joan tc xx

    Ps LA waiting for his chocolate birthday cake which he’ll eat next month lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    hi SK

    I am glad people exist who enjoy this weather, only joking of course lol

    Have a good night tc x

    👋 C

    Chainsaw racket hey? That’s happening at toady’s all the time- have you ever wondered why her milkmen change so frequently? All I can say is don’t look under the patio - only joking 😂

    Glad you are one of those hot weather - enjoyers lol

    Have a good night tc xx

    Hi toady

    Sorry for bringing you into disrepute but I do find it therapeutic haha

    But if I overstep by giving the general public the idea that you own the chocolate factory or something like that please let me know and i will reign in my silly comments

    I’m very much out of steam to be honest with you

    But I’m glad the marigolds are doing well

    Have a good night toady tc xx

    Ps ST Voyager humour - did you watch that old series? Anyway just don’t send this pic to the HD, he’s already prowling about with his secateurs lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    @Charlestown Ugh noisy council, and trees as well, bet they weren't checking properly for nests 😠😠. 8am is the earliest they can possibly start this sort of work, that's still early enough to disturb people if you ask me. My washing dried nicely at one point I didn't think there was going to be as much sun, like you said. Have been & done my watering this evening. I don't seem to have any mare's tail btw so that's good news 😄👍️ xx

    Bosh 😂😂 well I think we can safely say after all I've suffered with noisy power tools round here that if I am disposing of my milkmen, I've chosen a quiet method 🤫🤫🤫 very funny 😄. As to chocolate and any other matters amuse yourself by bringing me into disrepute with my absolute blessing, it amuses me no end too needless to say 😂👍️. Glad the kitchen fitters made an appearance hope all goes well and speedily now 🤞. I can't remember that much about Voyager but Captain (Commander?) Janeway springs to mind so I must have, it would all come back to me I'm sure if I saw some. Hope you can get some sleep sorry about the heat for you 😔 & hope your mum has a good night too xx

    Night all 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    after a couple of nights sleeping like a normal person, i am back to the midnight tea club.
    any takers ?

    Think this might be the one …

    Unfortunately no test rides available atm, but suspension does seem very comfy. Very good rates too on the PCP payment plan. Not too sure about the orange though? I prefer the black/grey

    tea anyone?

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,229

    Morning Joan How are you today?

    You must have been terrified! Are the roads safe by you of one of the dogs runs off? Yes Lexi needs more road safety training doesn't she🤣 Good job everyone knows you and the dogs so she was quickly apprehended! Scary though for you. Take care and tell her Aunty Toni is not impressed! ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny Keef

    Well done having a couple of really good nights you needed that.

    I love the prospective new bike. I like both colours the orange would be more visible of course, but I can see you more having the black and grey one.

    I hope you had a nice weekend too was Sucré outside in the garden with some splashy toys?

    Take care☺️((())) xxx

    Hi Charlestown how are you? Hope you are doing ok today?

    The grass is lovely for giving you the feeling of space yes and if course one day when they build on the green belt beyond it will protect the bungalow.

    I found a place online which sells greenhouse glass in the right size and Paul had jolly well better put in in for me!

    I can't shower or bath with the heart monitor so I had one just before i left and will just have to wash and stink till Thursday😔by then I expect to have my ow pet fly or two…..

    Take care ((()))

    Toady in early again!! That's good👋

    Sleek is up for helping with online shopping whenever you are ready. She's on her way.

    Glad to hear those collars seem effective. I do hope they remain so you never know the logic seems sound. The bean test is the one I am most interested in. Well done marigolds😊

    My hostas have always done ok just in pots on feet in that spot at least up to now…..potting on next year so will add the mesh as per GW. I love my wisteria corner it's so pretty but closest to the trampoline….🙄

    Paul bought himself a metal strimmer you see (did it one Saturday not Sunday we will not quite but almost let him off) instead of his old one with that plastic stuff that breaks. It seems very able to launch stones a good distance doesn't it?

    The lupins are incredible so strong probably why they survived the invasion of the greenfly. Hopefully yours will be along soon.

    The welly just came straight over the trainer on their garage roof hang on I'll have a look…'s down😁 Maybe metal strimmers are adult boys' versions of catapults and Cricket balls?

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi Hope you are well today and your Mum too. I also hope the builders turn up and finish the darn job! You have been patient enough all of you.

    Ah yes I remember💡!

    Toady says she'll put a down payment on a proper message when she's busy. I get it now where was my head to have forgotten that😳

    Your down-payment is because you have already had the inspiration for your poem earlier and just need time to fine tune it and write it down😊

    Keep the calls to Toady down to 15 seconds I think she'll cope yes. Unless you are small and feline then you can chat for hours even interrupting gardener's world.

    Well how impressive was BR in LA's story…..potty training daddy so quickly. Maybe LA knows something you don't about BIL's toilet habits😮 There's a slightly unpleasant thought. BR though is clearly an excellent teacher perhaps that could be his future career?

    Loved that pic you sent to Joan of the little boy anticipating his birthday cake!

    Well you have a good day it's much cooler today here. Sunny but cooler it rained overnight which helped.

    Take care ((())) xxx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,244

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) they say we will have rain today. Tomorrow there will be thunder and lightning. Yes now I have a one sided conversation with the dogs. How are your parcel’s doing. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) that’s good you found where you can get the glass for the greenhouse. How many bungalows are there in your village. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I hope you and your mum (()) have a good day.

    Skinny Keef (()) good luck with the motorbike I hope you can have a ride on one. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (()) have a good day

    Charlestown (()) have a good day. Is your garden a good size. This garden goes from the side right around the back of the bungalow. Nice for the dogs.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,203

    hi Toni, you know my mind is all over the place with the bike, Sucré and everything. I was up since midnight with pain. I have just dropped some washing at the laundromat and walked to boots to get my meds and hooray for the docs have finally worked out that my tram isn’t monthly in fact I shouldn’t be sarcastic because the last couple of interactions I’ve had with them they have seemed genuinely concerned and empathetic, since the ploywhatsit diagnosis really. So i am fully stocked with tram agin which actually is anothet reason I couldn’t sleep as I was worried about whether or not they’d be there for collection today.
    with the bike I am yes I’ll get it, I deserve it, i might be losing my hearing/eyesight if this polywhatsit is bad, and the next minute I’m no I’m fine with the beemer i do ‘t need it, I’ll wait and save a bit of money and get another beemer.
    yes Sucré was playing all weekend, with his water table outside in the garden and he helped me put some carbon fibre stick on covers on the bike, in fact he absolutely loved doing that with me. We all went over to Niff’s early sunday afternoon because Anda is writing her final assesment for part of her degree, (she doing two subjects at once as if one isn’t hard enough) and felt like she was behind a little so she spent the afternoon studying and typing occaisionally asking for alternative words which really scrambles my brain these days. I am sure my vocabulary has shrunked!

    Then after going to the Triumph shop yesterday I called back in there to see Sucré and we played cars which is his favourite but I had to give in to the pain after dinner and sit with a microwave heat pad on my neck as the pain was so bad. I must admit a couple of tears escaped which Sucré saw amd said “Don’t worry daddy I’ll wipe them for you and you’ll feel better soon.” Which cracked me up even more lol.

    He got a sticker at play skool for helping another younger lad who was upset. He was proud as punch and transferred it from his T shirt to his PJs. He did the whole day there yesterday as he asked to go early. First time he’s done a whole day.

    Right gotta get on i am sitting in the laundromat typing this and my tumbler has finished.


  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    good morning Toni

    Live update from cost a packet

    Where Tuesdays are as good as Fridays

    Wppl xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603
    edited 21. May 2024, 14:49

    SucréHi all 😊 SK is live posting from laundromats and bosh from Cost a Packet, I feel very boring and parochial 😕😄

    Still I did make it to 'Piddle' yesterday frog and I think I had the best day for it, picked up some cold drinks, thank you Sleek for helping (after we polished off the Swedish glace), so I'm alright now for ginger beer and pokey-pola 😄 talking of Sweden she is now helping me finalize my I🗝️A order, and I jolly well deserve it after finishing the ceiling, yes finished. I can put things back! 😀 hopefully turn out some more things too. And maybe stop humming 'Living on the Ceiling' by Blancmange too 😄. Ah it was Saturday Paul was strimming, fair enough apart from the obvious, and it's the new souped-up metal toy's fault. Yes mowers etc absolutely are grown-up 'Outlaws' toys no question, people must have once taken just as much interest in buying & comparing their lovely old push mowers though, so if we could just all go back to that thank you very much. No garden news today, I picked up some alyssum that I didn't really need, the plants weren't quite so wilted yesterday but I picked the droopiest of them. Pot feet, yes keep meaning to get some 👍️ how about some frogs, or little birds? those beaks would be a worry though!

    I will be watching GW after Sleek goes home and I'm afraid I am not answering the phone to anyone not even her 😉 (oh go on, if she wanted to of course I will, it's bound to be important 🤭). Love to all :) xx

    Hello Joan, it rained first thing for a bit, stopped now but it makes everything wet outdoors so I'd rather it did it later really. Thunder wouldn't surprise me, either. No parcels to do at the moment and I didn't have time to put up any new things for sale so someone would just have to force themselves to buy something that's already been up for a while. I got outbid on the last thing I wanted to buy, too, so there's no selling or buying going on at the moment. When will they let you know about the kitchens? What does your neighbour that calls in think about it is he keen? Love to the dear dogs, they might not answer but they understand you :) xx

    Hi to bosh hope things going to plan, will you be able to get out to group tomorrow, hope so. I couldn't have sworn that I started 'down-payment' to be honest but anyway now it's anybody's it's in the public domain 😂 :) xx

    Oh a sticker from play skool for Sucré 😊 love a sticker, and on his first whole day too, brilliant 👍️. Hope Loanda got through her work ok and good luck tossing a coin over the bike purchasing, know exactly what you mean, with the 'this but then again that' thinking. Hope you have another good night to go with the 2 you had and glad your meds are sorted :) xx

    Glad I got my washing done yesterday Charlestown, warm enough (now it's dried up again) but it's not that weather where you hang it out and can get it in again in a trice. Not much planned for today now I've finished the painting for now, unless I have a walk later, depends if it's evening garden weather or not 🤔 have a good afternoon :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    hi Toni

    How are you this afternoon?

    mums bs is okay today👍

    I am okay also thank you for asking
    The kitchen fitters came today and they will come tomorrow. I’m not sure exactly when the job will be finished though

    we had a takeaway for lunch just the local café one which was very nice but my stomach is complaining a little bit now
    Hopefully it won’t lodge such a fearsome complaint that I have to miss the group tomorrow,

    but I think realistically it should be okay even if it means being a bit sensible while I’m there and just having squash

    etc, of course I won’t tell the littleys as they are the great squash addicts of our times, otherwise they will book a flight straight to holiday and squash resort Reading.

    BR told his carer that when he’s an adulk he wants to become a horse lol

    And that his friend will feed him grass and twigs plus the odd bowl of blearios of course I didn’t dare mention that GI is also a horse trainer and maybe be confiscating any future cereal - related products- I’ll let him enjoy his childhood 😂

    Sorry I didn’t read back properly Toni still a bit tired

    Just wanted to say as for bathroom hygiene etc I don’t think bill is the problem it’s that vastly stubborn and irritating BB - I will say no more 🤐

    I’m glad I don’t need potty training though haha

    It is colder here by the way 👍

    Have a nice evening Toni and take care xx

    Ps when certain physios go rogue or feral or something like that lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    👋 toady Joan SK and C

    Will try and write proper messages after ablutions

    Bye for now tc xx

    Ps hazelnut babka not inspired by toady who only exists on cabbages and S Glace - that’s addictive isn’t it? The latter I mean of course lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    hi Joan

    How are you today?

    Mum is ok thanks

    She’s just a bit stressed about the kitchen

    I’m tired with a bit of a stomachache but otherwise ok👍

    Have a good night joan tc xx

    ps I found this image online under “ favourite tea paintings” lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,326

    hi toady

    How are you?

    Sorry, my stomach is not ok

    Also massive rows taking place at home

    Builders came today but no guarantee they’ll return tomorrow of course

    I’m so tired, I think attempting an early night is my best option

    Have a good night toady tc xx

    ps “random” pic lol xx

    👋 SK just wanted to say in reply to an old post, damp definitely worsens my arthritis, yes. Goodnight tc x

    👋 C goodnight tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    Sorry about the assorted trials & tribulations bosh, wish you a better day tomorrow have as good night as poss 😴😘 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,603

    My turn for the kettle ☕

    The rain's really noisy, just checked the forecast wish I hadn't 🙄. Hope everyone having a decent sleep - btw SK no reason I was peppering my post with Sucré's name yesterday, just some cut & paste gremlin 🤪.

    Right, tea and have another shot at sleep, night all xx