Val's Cafe
brew time 🤪
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Morning Joan how are you today? If it wasn't bad for the environment I'd get plastic for the greenhouse, but glass is better. Us and next door are bungalows then we have a row of maybe 10 with one odd one down the road so not many really the rest are houses. How many are where you are? ((())) xxx
Morning Skinny Keef. I hope today is a better day for you less pain.
That boy of yours has a really soft heart looking after his Daddad like that when you were suffering. A very sweet and kind response.
I am so glad you are seriously considering getting the bike. We know life can be far too short who knows what's round the corner and we should enjoy ourselves when we can. Also Loanda can have a ride too so a real bargain like 2 for the price of one. Doing that studying I'd say she deserves a bit of fun too.
Glad the tramadols are sorted finally😊 I need to get my meds looked at they aren't 100 right either I don't think.
Take care ((()))
Morning Toady
It's raining☔
Did you watch GW? I didn't I failed life is just too stupidly busy. Supposed to be away this rainy weekend coming in the motorhome so I cleaned it out. Oh and fell out too back'ards no harm done - how odd!
Sleek didn't ring you did she, but possibly the odd catsapp? She can be very well behaved. If she did ring you it would probably only be about food or something else she's seen online.
I love the pot 'feet' all of them especially of course the froggies! Sleek thinks they ought to have cats.
I am so glad you finished the ceiling and can get that earworm out of your head!!! Sleek reckons it looks fab-you-lus. You got to piddle too that's good so stocked up on cold drinks for the rainy weather. Lashings and lashings of gingers beer eh?! Kari bought me the lady bird book entitled Grandparents. So funny!
I hope the new plants will love their home I'm sure they will anything is better than the neglect they get at lidl. Honestly! Aldi is as bad at least our asda soaks theirs daily.
My Dad had a great push mower it did a fabulous job sigh…..those were the days.
Have a good day.
Morning Reshmi hope you and your Mum are ok.
The main thing is to get to the group today away from the builders. I do hope you get there (and stay dry it's raining here) and when you get back maybe you'll see a big difference in the kitchen🤞Even if you don't perhaps you'll have some entertaining RR stories.
Glad to hear BiIl is already potty trained I am too you'll be glad to know. I was pretty early with that as i wanted to be a big girl like Kari so family legend says anyway.
A horse? BR wants to be a horse?!! Bless him that's an unusual ambition for a small boy. Mind you Tia used to pretend to be one quite a lot as a child. I will not let the boys know that you are having squash today or there might be a stampede from the 'posh end' to the well-known holiday resort of Reading!!
Bloods for me this morning so wish me luck. Just at the Drs so nice and easy before the foodbank.
Very entertaining pic of GI Joe doing is PT bit with two lazy men🤭
Take care and stay dry ((())) xxx
Did I miss Charlestown? I hope I didn't but also that you are ok and having a good day ((()))
BIL's 'light breakfast'
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good morning Toni 🌸
Good luck for bloods
Group today
Mum in a mood
Feeling better but am on the squash lol
Wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) I hope you have a good day. They say we are going to have hot weather in a few months. Everyone in the street are having new kitchens there are 11 bungalows. This one is the biggest being on the end and being built for disabled.
Toni (()) that must have been a shock to fall out of the motor home backwards did you have anything in your hands at the time. I hope you don’t end up we pain from it. We have 11 bungalows here we all at to meet at a place and we could pick what colour we wanted for places then after a few weeks we met again and we were all given the keys we all moved in. In the same week. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) sorry about all the problems you all have I hope they don’t last much longer.
Skinny Keef (()) you only live once enjoy yourself you have a lovely little family love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) have a good day.
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Guys and Girls,
I am new here and only diagnosed with PsA about 6 months ago, I was on 8 MTX tablets a week but nothing changed, now I am on Metoject pen 25mg, today will be my 5th one, but I just cannot shift the clouds, I have has "something wrong" for a long time and when I would go to the Drs they would just say it's my weight ( I'm 16 stone ) and all my issues started when I lost weight! by last year I was on 18 painkillers a day! till a new dr who joined my practice got alarmed and called me to ask why I was taking so many.
Thanks to him I have a diagnosis but because it has taken so long, the damage has been done!
Now I have another problem, tiredness has always been an issue but since I started the injections I am exhausted! no matter how much sleep I get! I am snappy over the silliest things and all I want to do is cry, is this normal? will it change? at the moment I do not know what is worse than not knowing or knowing and feeling like this.
Work is draining me I am trying to carry on but it is hard, I have looked at giving up work but I cannot afford to, the same is true if I reduce my hours. Sorry I seem to have become a world-class moaner too, Please give me hope as i cannot see the end at the moment and I hate feeling this way. I know my depression is part of it but it has never been this bad so do not think it is just that. I cannot talk to my manager as only been in the job 12 months and already since the injections I have been away a lot I think he is fed up with me and I cannot afford to lose the job.
Sorry to dump this all on you, but I have no one I can offload on who would understand, my partner is amazing but he is getting tired of it too, so please tell me there is light at the end of the tunnel and I promise moaning myrtle will disappear.
Thank you to Charlestown for pointing me in this direction
I hope you all are feeling well and looking forward to the long weekend.
Thank you in advance for reading my moan and I look forward to getting to know you all
Sandee xxx
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hi sandee
Nice to meet you
I just wanted to quickly I have PsA too and it took a year maybe slightly longer actually for me to see a real improvement I was told this was “normal” but it’s also soul - destroying I know, but there is definitely hope for you
Sorry somewhat busy
But just wanted to reply quickly hope this helps
Bye tc xx0 -
Hi Toni 🌸
How are you?
mums bs is ok 👍She’s in a better mood now
Group was ok but lots of rain
Stomach is ok but haven’t eaten quite “normally” yet
More later bye for now tc xx
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Hi all 👋
Hope all went well with bloods frog 👍️ and you proceeded there in an orderly fashion, negotiating all doorways & obstacles. Not doing much today, I would at least like to be outdoors though, but yes it is/has rained considerably 😣. I will continue with GW instead, no I only got so far too, there just isn't the time is there 🤷♀️ last I saw Joe was being jokey at Malvern (the sort of jokey I call silly & don't like much 🤨), will pitch back in now where I left off. Finished my 'Swedish' shopping order; you can't get lost online of course but as I rarely leave until I've looked at every last thing it probably takes me just as long as real life shoppers 🤭. Please supply Sleek on Friday, as there will be boxes 😀. Should I be buying storage boxes instead of parting with the stuff in them, well one step at a time 😉. Oh there are cat pot feet, absolutely 😊 in fact looking at my pic that's one sitting up to the right of the birds, tail curled around. I was even more worried about breakable ears, being tall rather than low. Have a good evening love to all :) xx
Hello joan, oh you all moved in on the same day? 😮 gosh there must have been a lot of kettles going on that day, practically round the clock I should think. Glad to hear we are going to have hot weather in a few months, could we have hot weather for a few months please? Not so hot it's uncomfortable for others but some happy medium where I can get things done would be nice 👍️. Have a good rest of day :) xx
Hi to bosh 👋 gosh you weren't kidding about the ook factor in that Doctor Chew episode were you 😱😱 omg, I mean Daleks & Cybermen are one thing but AI phlebotomists, that's a whole new level of terrifying 😣. Yes definite credits ought to be yours for pointing out the supervillain potential of our friendly neighbourhood blood nurses 😬😱. Let's hope they don't work them into a regular role, and especially not a singing & dancing one, as they seem rather keen on in this series 🤨. Sorry it was a wet day for you the group, it's dried up here now, typical. Good luck with the rest of your week and glad your mum is in a better mood and her bs is good 👍️ :) xx
Hope all's well with SK today, it was a tea rota last night wasn't it, mine wasn't brilliant hope you got some sleep after 🤞 xx
Wave to Charlestown, I forgot to ask what honeysuckle you got the other day? 😊 Not very nice out bit frustrating when you have stuff to get on with, but less hot, hope it suits you reasonably well today. xx p.s. just cross posted with you, glad we were coincidentally talking about pot feet! 😀 shame you haven't got a few more. One of my pots is just up on little offcuts of wood at the moment, not v glamorous! Yes too much rain for planting out. What mileage are you settling on for the bike at the moment? 😊
Hello to @sandeelilly , firstly don't apologize for 'moaning', it's a very big shock & upset to have your life tipped up by illness, fingers crossed the right medication is your light at the end of the tunnel as it is for many. Sorry you are having a frustrating time with the PsA and your medication 😔. How long were you on the tablets for before the injections, and do you / the Drs think mtx is helping in terms of your symptoms? How are any blood tests in terms of inflammation? I have RA and fatigue is a big thing for me, and has always been tied in to what my inflammatory situation is to a large extent. It's probably hard to know whether the tiredness is the mtx, especially if you feel it started with the injections rather than tablets 🤔 does it vary, across the time between doses? It is a common side effect and 25mg is the upper (if not maximum) dose I believe. Are you happy with the diagnosis of PsA in the sense that seems to fit well, to you? Sorry you had problems getting the diagnosis and I hope it will become apparent how much the condition is causing the tiredness, as bosh said it is early days for getting under control. As far as work goes I feel for you it is a dilemma, you can only push yourself so hard unfortunately 😔 but time & medication can potentially change the outlook and I do hope your employer will bear with you. Take care xx p.s. Tea or coffee? ☕️
Love to all 😘 xx
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Is it EVER gonna stop raining??????????????
Grumpy!0 -
hi Sandee
RA & moaning, mmm, let me see, yep, same here 😉
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hi Toni
How were the bloods? I hope it went ok
Lord internet wasn’t too present today
Due to builders /plumbers / rain or whatever- see how I’ve lumped them all in the same category? Lol
Nice M wasn’t too well today unfortunately, I felt sad, but the likelihood is that she’ll be her normal self next week or very soon
RR was making all sorts of silly comments and acting like lord of the manor, who incidentally will be holidaying in the squash capital soon, two weeks’ time or maybe even less! I will check with mum and let you know 👍
I like Bill’s breakfast, my goodness, but bill eating a piece of fruit is a rare sight indeed haha
Mum is in a better mood 👍
No hot water plus plumbers and cybermen and Daleks - ok I may be exaggerating 😂- meant no shower today, but hopefully things will be more normal tomorrow
BR sang a lovely song he learned at nursery about snacks and bright horizons, he’s so clever but he sang it shyly, he’s not a big shouter like LA, not unless big bro is leading him astray
It’s a relief to hear that you’re potty trained 😂
below is a little poem I wrote yesterday
Bye for now Toni tc Xx
“Ode to common sense for the ears of a stylist so dense”
My hairdresser once said
‘When the conditioner is wrong
Your hair is like life without music or song’
But I’m not overpaying for designer styling gloop
I’d feel like a bowl devoid of warming soup
I can live with my dehydrated tresses
I also require no costly hair oil nor do I long for expensive designer dresses
I have a simple philosophy about life
Just do and spend what you need to keep going, like the potato running away from the kitchen knife1 -
👋 toady SK and C
Hope you’re all doing ok?
Sorry another early builder - related start tomorrow
👋 Joan
How are you?
Thanks about the problems
There were less rows today🙏
Have a good night everyone and take care xx
Ps pic of toady having a nice cup of tea, not a cabbage or chocolate in sight lol xx
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Morning Joan How are you today? How fabulous is that being able to chose what colour for the bungalow when they were new! That is lovely. Ours was extended as you know by the previous owner and they also bought the patch of greenbelt land too which we are very grateful for. Going to see my friend and the dogs today after physio take care ((()))
Morning Reshmi hope you are doing ok today and yesterday's squash helped a lot?
Glad to hear your Mum was ok even if not the happiest mum. I bet she is desperate for that kitchen to be finished so you can have EF over and LA (Lord of the manor)to stay over.
Well done getting to group. RR has been having lessons from LA has he in being Lord of the manor there🙄 That really doesn't surprise me at all. Sorry to hear nice M isn't great just now I hope you're right and that she is feeling a bit better in a few weeks 😕
Loved yesterday's poem! How right you are. I do not know what hairdressers think they are telling us what 'products' to use and how to use them. Overplaying their part in our lives aren't they?!!
Is the kitchen looking any closer to being finished yet? I do hope so you really need hot water.
Take care and have a good day. GI Joe for me today with this arm/ elbow /shoulder. Bloods went really well yesterday nice nurse honestly!
((())) xxx
Morning @sandeelilly lovely to meet you. You are very welcome here this is the forum cafe. It was started many years ago maybe 15 years by valval who died a few years ago of cancer. It's just for people to chat have a virtual food and drink.
Some of what we chat about is utter nonsense like my cat (Sleek) visiting people for instance and our abbreviations for things and names for various things (al fresco for Tesco).
Mostly though it's distraction and support.
I am sorry to hear about your pain but very glad a good GP spotted that you had PsA rather than blaming weight for health issues. Honestly! So annoying. As Bosh (Reshmi) said it can take a while to get your medication combination right and many of us are on more than one medication for our arthritis.
It is extremely hard to feel like you are working and not recovering when at home like others without the condition do. Many of us would like to reduce our hours or stop altogether but finances are prohibitive. It's so unfair as is this talk of changing PIP to vouchers for 'things' to help us manage our conditions rather than money. A lot of us use the money to help reduce our ours🙄
Oh well stop moaning Toni!
Take care it's lovely to have you here.
Morning Charlestown hope you are well today?
I did tip back but actually didn't really hurt myself as i didn't know it was coming….if that makes sense so just fell!
I was hoovering (yes with bad arm) Pauls' footwell and just stepped back like in a car but it's way higher up. No harm done really incredible!
Your garden sounds lovely just the right size.
Yes more rain and more rain I actually was back in PJs last night!
take care
Morning Skinny Keef
Hope you are ok today? No D&G? Soon have the family back hopefully if Anda is working on her dissertation she is close to being finished now?
Hope Sucré is well.
Sending some ((())) Take it steady.
Morning Toady
Guess what? it's raining!! well I never. I supposed no outdoor watering necessary.
Cat feet yes the ickle ears might easily get chipped off. they should be sleepy cats ears down for safety😕
Sleek is bouncing about on her back paws ready for helping with your boxes on Friday boxing stuff up? Yes that's a really good start and labelled will be fine for now.
Oh yes Joe being silly at Malvern mildly irritating i agree. Never mind still need to find time I mean it's Thursday today.
Bloods done easily and stopped bleeding straight away thinners seem to have made little difference. That stupid heart monitor will be off this afternoon yippee!!!! I can't wait l am heartily sick of beeping all the time. I bashed into a doorway here, but none at the Drs. Physio today maybe some answers to the arm issue😊
Yesterday we made (or started off) the sauerkraut. It was good fun at least. I now have to check on it daily…..
Have a good day Toad
Oh Sleek is here mackintosh and sou'wester on wants to finish GW…..
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migraine city AGAIN!☹️
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) I go for my booster this afternoon. I didn’t know it is a bank holiday this weekend. Have a good day. How is the painting.
Toni (()) good luck with your bloods and the physio. Have a nice time with your friend (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I hope you have a good day today and your mum (()) how many cups of tea/. Coffee do the workmen have a day.
Skinny Keef (()) I hope you have a good day today. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) they said we would have the new cupboards in August. I hope you have a good day.
Welcome Sandeelilly (()) I’m sorry I have Osteoarthritis and I don’t know anything about psA. But I know there are people on here that know about it. Take care
take care
joan xx2 -
hi Toni
How are you?
Glad bloods went well
Hope physio goes well for you today 👍
Mums bs is ok thanks
I’m ok but stomach was a bit unsettled
Seems to be a bit better now
Yes hairdressers think they are G*ds lol
Haven’t left the house yet
Might have a quick walk pre- mxt not sure yet
In MH there was a drug- taking potential paedophile in play area!
But the mums called police who warned him off 👍👍
Bye for now Toni tc xx
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head starting to clear i think. Just having a cuppa in bed.
got test ride booked for later so I hope i be okay for that.
Reshmi that poem is the best one you’ve done so far on here. Liked it a lot 👍it had a touch of the professional about it and I could definitely see it in a book of poetry.2 -
Hi all 👋 no rain and none for a day or two, all being well, but really quite chilly 😕
Sleek was able to take her souwester off promptly and hang it up here to dry off, hopefully won't need it on the way back 👍️. Yes we are watching GW, I have comments, but will only confer with you again when I next know how far you've got. I'll be having 'miceland' as well tomorrow btw, so I'll be very glad of Sleek; doughnuts (custard) tell her, then all being well we can unpack the other shopping and play 😊. I have a new terracotta pot too, so if we get the weather, I can go out & finish some fiddling about with planters. Yes the cats' ears, I don't think they lend themselves to pottery 😬. That cat in your pic though, with the light shining through its own dear ears, lovely 😍 what a sweetie. Does Sleek have an opinion on the sauerkraut making? it's all v interesting, how do you know when 'time's up'? Hope physio was helpful and you are a free frog once more by now 😀 hope family well too, love to all :) xx
Hello joan, oh not another bank holiday, I forgot too 😕. Hope your jab was ok not feeling the effects too much and your arm not sore 🤞. I have finished painting for now, the ceiling will have to be done over properly again sometime but it's clean and will do for now. I am tidying & sorting in there I always have high hopes for making more of a difference but it's not exactly empty looking yet 🙄 have to be more ruthless I suppose. Really on the cold side here today hope not too bad for you :) xx
Hi bosh, hope your stomach is further improved and your day is ok so far, it's much cooler hopefully better for your walk if you did have time for one. I loved 'me' having my nice tea on the lawn thank you 😊 . Teddy's fur needs no help from the HD does it 👍️ they don't get much chance to dictate to me these days, I guess I have become an unintentional HD refusenik 😬 oh well I guess that fits with your very apt last line, a great philosophy. Hope things relatively calm especially before the mxt storm, not to mention possible visits from squash consumers in the future. I bought one of those little concentrated squash bottles because it was all I could carry on top of the rest of my shopping at the time, is that something you've ever tried, not sure how healthy they are - now just poking round the juice aisle in my online grocery shop looking for proper OJ and wondering (amongst other shoppers/reviewers) why a lemon and raspberry juice drink needs to be blue 🤨. I love that little outdoor tea-table painting btw just didn't like to click 'like' on a post that had creepy people hanging around kids if you know what I mean, well done Mums 👍️. Have a good evening as poss :) xx
Hope you felt well enough after the elevenses to make your test ride SK 🤞give us all the lowdown if you did 👍️ no rain here, everyone seems to be having it worse than me at the moment, it's not warm though 😕. Have a good evening :) xx
How's things with you Charlestown hope not too much wind today 🌪️ more flood warnings etc, some people are having it really awful at the moment 😕. Did I read that you may be able to see the Northern Lights again? 🤔 Not been in the garden hardly will have a look round later if I get the chance. No sign of my runner beans yet or the peas, hurry up 🙄😄. 👋 xx
All the best to anyone not in xx
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hi Toady and anyone else interested in the moto adventures of Skinny Keef.
i did indeed feel well enough to keep my appointment with the big orange Triumph Scrambler. Had a nice ride to the shop on the faithful old Beemer and as I was riding there I was thinking it will have to be good to better this, but then as it is a prospective addition rather than a replacement it didn’t really matter as long it was comfortable.They had it ready for me and fuelled up when I got there and waived the £10 insurance fee as I wasn’t a professional test rider and a serious buyer. The ride started well as i rode out of the dealership car park, but the further I got the more the shortcomings annoyed me. The clocks are digital, and try as I might I couldn’t make out in the sunshine what the revs were, speedo was just about readable. The seat was a bit like a park bench although the suspension was excellent. Engine was good as far as I could tell without revving too much as it only had 3 miles on it and needs to be treated gently. I doubt anyone else will treat it gently like i did. It didn’t have a quality feel to it like the Beemer so I reluctantly returned it and said I would keep looking.
sorry this isn’t very detailed but i am feeling rough again.1 -
hi again Toni
How are you this afternoon/ evening?No hot water today, well not until about 6.30 pm 😱
LA is coming to stay on Monday of next week just for one day and one night I think
Yes scary goings on at the Maidenhead play area, the man in question tried to give a gold watch to one of the older boys, and was smoking some form of illegal drug, at least he’s been dealt with, so that’s something
Builders are here, even the gas man made an appearance- don’t tell LA! Haha.
Feeling rather mxt - ish today unfortunately
The hairdresser is a bit like a headmaster, “ Why weren’t you here before? Look at the state of you! A dehydrated hair - possesser like you will never get a proper education!” Or something like that lol, he is of course very polite when talking about anything payment- related of course haha 💷
The kitchen is meant to be ready in about two days I think, although that of course depends on the mercy of the builders
Ok I guess I should stop now to try and make a strawberry conserve of my energy or something like that lol
Mums mood is better today 🙏
Mxt bloods for me tomorrow early morning -I checked my appointment-I’m booked in with vampire nurse 🤢
So if my arm does become a temporary pin cushion- please ask toady not to sell it on nosegay 😂
Have a good evening Toni tc xx
Ps pic not aimed at Sleek lol xx
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hi Joan
How are you today?
Mum and I are more or less ok thanks
How was your booster?
They usually get their own hot drinks so I’m not quite sure
Have a nice evening Joan tc xx
Ps this pic is ‘ Five o’clock tea” by J Stewart
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