Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi toady

    How are you?

    I am more than half asleep

    And the thought of custard is making me nauseous— no offence of course

    so I’ll just say have a good evening tc xx

    👋good evening to SK and C too take care xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600
    edited 23. May 2024, 17:59

    Sorry bosh, I forget my food comments are not for Sleek's ears and Sleek's alone, I shall whisper or refrain, but no offence taken whomsoever or whatsoever as usual 😘 2 pks cream crackers on way too 👍️ . Good luck for the next builder instalment xx

    Ta for live (ish) updates SK, a definite no is at least straightforwarder than an 'in two minds' I guess, shame though. Hope you feel better xx

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  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    No rain here I seem to have been luckier than most. Online, just bits & pieces; mostly storage boxes, I do love boxes it's a thing of mine 😄 theirs are as cheap & as good as any I find, time I had a reorganize. Have a grocery shop coming too tomorrow fairly early I usually book for lunchtimeish but it's recycling bins anyway so may as well be up & doing. Didn't put the heating on but could have done with it really, horrid 😕. Better soon hopefully 👍️ xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    Brew time if anyone is up. 😁

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201
    edited 24. May 2024, 02:12

    just watching the last four hours of the Le Mans 24 hour endurance moto race from April. Found out that Discovery Plus cover loads of motorcycle sport including the Dakar (Toni - does Paul follow that?) and the coverage is excellent. Yes I have watched it all, or at least it’s been on whilst Sucré and I have been blowing things up with his missile launcher or throwing parachute man down the stairs 🤪

    EDIT BMW team are currently second. I so hope they win it.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    oh Iv’ve just noticed my tinnitus has stopped. I thought something was different lol

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 24. May 2024, 05:47

    Morning Joan I had a lovely visit with my friend she was much more upbeat and had bravely put some of her wife's clothes into a charity bag that came through the door. Peanut is 100% back to normal. We took them for a walk and had 2 cuppas put the world to rights. Hope you are doing ok? ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny K Hope no migraines today? who did you give the tinnitus to? Wonderful!

    What a disappointment the bike wasn't right for you. I'm so glad you test rode it and spotted the issues before you bought it.

    The good news actually is that you were enjoying the beemer so much on your way over. You already have the perfect bike for you and you love it. Another bike would be for fun and the experience, but the experience must be comfortable and suit you so you did the right thing👍️Sad though it was as you were so hopeful.

    Hope the family are all doing ok? Anda's dissertation anywhere near done? Sucré well?

    We are staying in Le mans soon in the motorhome. You know Paul he watches all racing of he can. He records it.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi how are you doing this fine sunny day…oh sorry got that wrong didn't i?!😒

    Good luck with vampire nurse my fingers are crossed that the results are all as they should be and she gets in the vein first go. Any trouble I will protect you from becoming a nosegay listing I promise.

    It seems I have torn my rotator cuff the physio GI Joe was actually lovely. He gave me some exercises for one month then I have to go back then might have an injection in it. I will do the exercises religiously.

    I am so glad to hear that the end is nigh. I mean the kitchen is nearly finished😉. I sit starting to look fabulous? What colour did you all choose?

    I am so glad that LA will be with you all in just over a week's time I bet that has cheered your Mum up no end and you will have some free entertainment as will we with LA tales to make us all laugh.

    Hairdressers are like headteachers and my report says 'Really Toni has the potential she just needs to apply herself to her hair conditioner regime. D-'

    Take care Reshmi ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    I sort of watched all of GW but was also nipping in and out of the motorhome - away this weekend locally 3 other village motorhomers are going too. The weather is set to be dreadful so i am very reluctant. I will come home every day to see my Sleekipaws.

    She is so excited about the custard doughnuts she loves those! and boxes to fill. She is ready with her tape and a large black marker pen. she will cut the tape with her claws for you like this puss

    Seems I have torn my rotator cuff and have some exercises to do. They actually feel quite lovely and if they don't work then a steroid jab. Bloods have gone haywire ALT doubled since January - the statins - good job I did what I did with them or I would be yellow by now. Also leucocytes are too low. Sigh….

    Sleek's opinion on the sauerkraut making was - why is no-one stroking me? 4 women at least 2 should be stroking me at any time. 😁 You have to 'burp' the sauerkraut daily (which I must go and do it's in a bowl with a plate squashing it down) after 5 days-2 weeks we can put it in jars. I think we can taste it to see if it's any good….?

    She also thought it is not as good as doughnuts or Swedish Glacé ice cream and not as much fun as boxes.

    I hope the weather allows you outside I am at the dentist with Lucy - I can't have treatment due to blood thinners for another 5 months BUT the good news is the heart monitor is off I am a free Frog again😊 Albeit one with very sore itchy patches where the electrodes were.🙄

    Charlestown I keep missing you are you ok?? Hopefully you are just bored with the weather like us no doubt. ((()))

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    good morning Toni

    How are you?

    I’m feeling a lot better today 👍

    Mum is still asleep

    Blood tests later this morning with vampire nurse

    Ps Lorenzo’s new flat?! 😱

  • sandeelilly
    sandeelilly Member Posts: 79

    Good morning all,

    Thank god it is Friday!! How are we all spending the weekend?

  • sandeelilly
    sandeelilly Member Posts: 79

    Hi Toni,

    Nice to meet you as well, I think it is the worst thing with this thing is not knowing what a day will throw at you, this morning I feel Normal for once but how long that will last is anyone's guess! I too have a four-legged love George( Michael) after one of my Idols he gets me through so much he seems to know when I am bad as he cuddles up and makes it bearable.

    I sometimes think he gets me through a lot

  • sandeelilly
    sandeelilly Member Posts: 79

    @bosh@toady@Charlestown @frogmorton @noddingtonpete Thank you for your welcome, I started on tablets 6 a week then 8 now I am on injections, I am happy I have a diagnosis people do not realise how maddening it is, having all these things wrong with you and no one else seeing it, at least now I have a name even if I am looked at like I had just made it up🙄 It is great to have others going through the unpredictability of this as my partner is a saint and is always there being my cheerleader but he cannot know what I feel like and there are days when I am doing things that are so not like me, I snap a lot more now and I am not a snappy person, but it is strange I do it then think why did I just do that? Like having teenagers again😁

    Thank you for welcoming me and I hope to join in more xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I know you start doing things and then think I could do that. And then it’s dinner time. And you think I do something else. My arm not too sore.

    Toni (()) Barbara’s husband had is new on Wednesday he could be going home to day. He has done well. How are you (()) that’s nice your friend (()) is coping alright. And peanut good. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (()) the builders don’t work on bank holidays do they.

    Skinny Keef (()) that was good you could try the bike. Have a good day love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) I hope you have a good day

    Sandeelilly (()) your cat is lovely how old is he.

    take care
    joan xx
  • sandeelilly
    sandeelilly Member Posts: 79

    @dachshund he is three but so small I rescued him from Romania, took a year to wean him off bread and water and another year to find food that agreed with him so he will always be a small boy bless him 😍

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201

    hey @sandeelilly don’t leave me out ☹️☹️

    I did say hi 😁

  • sandeelilly
    sandeelilly Member Posts: 79

    @Skinny Keef I am terribly sorry HELLO x

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201
    edited 24. May 2024, 14:16

    @sandeelilly Hello 😁

    I pop in and out depending on whether or not I am all D&G (doom and gloom) I try not to post when I am.

  • sandeelilly
    sandeelilly Member Posts: 79

    I rry not too be down too much but with this thong it can't be helped.Today a good day long weekend and work over

    Have a great weekend

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Toni

    Mums bs is ok 👍

    I’m ok too thanks

    Hot water in actual fact only started working today 😱

    So todays shower was well - needed lol

    Feeling less ookey now

    LA actually staying Mon - Thursday of next week

    EF on Monday

    Vampire was creepily polite but what she did to my arm…not extra painful but well what can I say? the red stuff had no proper bandages and also went everywhere- it’s time to do the laundry lol 🧺

    Bye for now Toni need to apply 1000 lotion bottles lol tc xx

    Ps Another reason to dislike eggs or something like that lol xx

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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 24. May 2024, 17:38
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,201


  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,600

    Not so much a downpayment on a post as deferring altogether due to shortage of good temper. I am in such bad mood 😕 got all my stuff done early, bins in, delivery in, food in, all organized so I could have the rest of the day & weekend free. Got as far shutting the door and a cup of tea and the gasman rang to nag me about my boiler service. I knew it was coming but 'on the list' is totally different to someone setting the timer ticking 🙄. I know I complain a lot about this sort of bad timing but that just shows you how often it happens, I mean, it's not a big deal in itself but why all the time. I'm tired already after painting & moving stuff but a couple of days peace & quiet, take stock, have a rest and 5mins doing some different stuff, then by Monday morning I would have been in a different frame of mind. Blast the man. So grumpy 😕.

    Oh and he's a lovely kindly conscientious boilerman but when you're unwell and in a house & situation & neighbourhood not of your choosing, it really does take a lot of stomaching to be the one of this side of the equation, with nothing changing since the last year they were here except quietly desiccating a bit more, while on their side they've had a good working life and a nice home out of it. And not the foggiest that you are doing all the nice to see you how are you-ing through gritted teeth & are not 'a nice lady' in fact but a nasty begrudgeful old cat 😉.

    Love to everyone, beautiful kitties, back tomorrow with proper replies & in some semblance of usual toadliness hopefully 😘😘 take care everyone xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi sandee

    Don’t worry you wouldn’t be human if you didn’t snap at people considering what you’re going through

    Have a nice night tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi toady

    Don’t worry about custard - that’s just the methotrexate speaking lol

    Sorry it was a grumpy sort of day

    At least my gas man experience was good yesterday

    Managed to have a shower today as a result thank goodness 👍

    I slept so much yesterday that I felt refreshed today

    Vampire nurse - well she made a meal of as it were, sorry unfortunately metaphor lol, but all it really meant was a somewhat unsightly exercise top due to red temperamental phlebotomist stains that I need to acquaint with the washing machine haha

    She was very creepily polite and friendly though, her daughter has psoriasis too, this, that, she only drinks from the test tubes on Friday etc, maybe someone had made a complaint, I don’t know.

    I like that word “stomaching” - from the verb “to stomach” of course, so to expand the theme, could there be a “stomacation”? This may be where bill decides his stomach isn’t big enough and comes to Reading for a week of cheese - only diet, only to find that his son LA has beaten him to it? So then, we’ll I’m not sure you live and I won’t pry of course, but then he decides to go “further afield” let’s say, in search of a low - rent biscuit cupboard- but he missed the boat there too and goes back home to eat calamine lotion with his younger son in the stables - now there no doubt is an effective appetite suppressant lol.

    Ok toady have a good night tc xx

    Goodnight also to SC , C and everyone else sorry getting tired now tc all xx