Val's Cafe
Toady, you need to learn the phrase, “No, go away!”
If you want to be polite you could add please on the end, but I find that generally takes too much effort and doesn’t always have the armour piercing quality of the first phrase for stupid or thick skinned people.
Come on say it with me………
Now, don’t you feel better already 😁
practice it morning and night so it springs to mind straight away when you need it.1 -
BMW came second. Less than a lap behind Team Suzuki after 24 hours. The Suzuki was a fantastic looking bike, I wonder if I might get one of those…………..
Night all x
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Morning! Joan I hope you are doing ok? How are you feeling? I expect trying to keep busy? That's what i would be doing. Great news about Barbara's husband hopefully Lee will help her look after him when he gets home. Take care ((())) xxx
Morning @sandeelilly lovely to see you little pusskin! He is so sweet This is my Sleekipuss (Aka Sleek, darling, Diddicat etc etc…)
a more round version of your George. I am spending the weekend in Shropshire at weston park in our motorhome at the caravan and motorhome club-fest. Yesterday saw an ELO tribute today i can't remember who is there! I live only half an hour away from there so am at home now with Sleek feeding her and having a cuppa. Oh and posting here.
This forum (particularly the café) has been a lifesaver to me over the years from initial symptoms through my daughter's leukaemia when she was 16) to now so I am sure you will find it just as supportive. Do you ahve children I wonder?
My advice is to get reliably informed, rest when you need to eat healthily try not to get too stressed. Talk to others who understand and enjoy the good days😊
Take care ((()))
Morning Reshmi well done with your bloods that's a job done and dusted. I hope the blood stains from your tests came out ok. I think she's getting to like you! Scary. Just be careful. Eat and wear garlic.
Hope you and your Mum are ok?
I'm so glad you are seeing EF on Monday and then LA is staying for the week (almost) That will be fun entertaining all round and some funny tales for us 😊 It will also do your Mum the world of good I expect she's missed them a lot due to chicken pox and kitchen fiascos🙄
We are indeed best not kept in fridges rather like eggs🥚 😁
I hope you have hot water and a beautiful kitchen by now?
take care ((())) xxx
Morning Charlestown - there you are and there is littleboy! Lovely to see you both I thought I'd lost you! Have a good weekend today will be the best day i think so better make the most of it.
Morning Skinny Keef I hope you are ok today? Sorry my posts will be rubbish this weekend being away at a grown ups festival about 1/2 an hour from home. Pretending to be young and healthy.
At home just now feeding my Sleekipaws.
have a good weekend hope Sucré and Loanda are well ((())) xxx
Morning Toady
Today is an ok day let's make the most of it for tomorrow it rains…..
Oh dear a man is coming. Oh dear me.
Lucy needs a man her hot water is not working reliably I'm afraid, but she'll have to wait till after the bank holiday I'm sure.
I know he may well be a nice man , but it's not always easy to plaster on the smile and act interested and nice when you don't want the invasion, the company and all the other rubbish you mentioned. You have my sympathy as you know I hate men in ma hoose even if they are delightful🙄 did all my housework, cooked a meal and gave me £1000
I am back here hugging my Sleek and having a cuppa.
Today will be tolerable at the festival i think tomorrow it rains good and proper but we are visiting Paul's sister anyway so that's fine we can stay dry.
Take care my friend and knickers to everything Sleek is coming over when i leave.
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@bosh Thank you im starting to see
@Charlestown he is adorable I am having a good day today thanks x
@toady Feic em! your house your boiler it is your decision NOT theirs Ring the company tell them you are ill and you do not appreciate being bullied and then to send someone whois ill
Don't let them ruin your weekend x
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) I bought some jam doughnuts yesterday I fancied them. Have a good day. I think it’s rain for the rest of the holiday.
Toni (()) have a nice time at the festival. It must be a good few years since Lucy had Leukaemia. Something I or you won’t forget Lucy is doing so well now. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good bank holiday love to your mum (())
Skinny Keef (()) have a good bank holiday all of you love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) have a good bank holiday. how old is your cat.
Sandeelily have a good bank holiday a home is not a home if it hasn’t got a animal living there as well.
take care
joan xx1 -
Morning all 👋
Earlyish for me thought I'd post while half awake in case bad mood kicks back in 😉
Can I just clarify that when I said boilerman was nagging me I just mean ringing to remind me, NO pestering or tutting at me, he's the last person to be a nuisance in himself. I just react badly to something (anything) shoving itself into my list of stuff to do when I've literally that minute ticked the last lot off and a sit-down is in sight and the illusion of not too much on my mind for a while 🙄.
Thank you frog yes that's it absolutely, not at any price and a free gift do I want someone 'in' these days 😂 it'll have to wait anyway I have other things I want to fit in first much as I'd rather get this 'off me'. Stupid phones, I say again 😠 will whitelist Sleek and the rest can whistle for it. I will be delighted to see her she will be quite ok here, lots to play, still plenty of taping up to do 👍😽 so sorry it 's going to rain on you tomorrow. Hope Paul's sister well glad you've got someone to go to & on hand with a teapot. Well done your brave friend and can't believe how well Peanut has done, that's amazing news 😊. Sorry if I've missed much will catch up with you and the sauerkraut in due course, hope it does not mutate over the weekend and take over the kitchen 😱😂. I will get outdoors I promise, I have pea seedlings that came up yesterday, and stuff to see to. Love to all hope Lucy not without hot water and it at least hangs on :) xx
Hello to Joan from yesterday and in advance 👋 yes you do sit down and then think of something else to do, I was hoping for a slightly longer bit of peace & quiet this weekend after painting etc 🙄 people do ring at the worst times somehow I swear they know you have just sat down 🙄. Oh well the sun is shining can't worry about everything it will keep. Love to you and the dogs, nice to hear about Barbara thank you for saying 😘 . When I got my custard doughnuts yesterday, they were frozen 😮 they were just in the normal bakery section online, I panicked that they had put my bag in the freezing section of the van and other things might be affected but then I read the website & other people put in the reviews that they come frozen but it doesn't say so. I've had them before but not eaten them straight away so had no idea. Hope yours were nice :) Yes rain after today for me I think. xx
Morning bosh, thank you for the post I laughed about bill and the biscuit cupboard 😂 yes no possibility of a vacancy coming up there I'm afraid, as you know, you have first option on that particular 'desirable rental opportunity' and there's a waiting list of interested parties for any spare timeshare slots. So the stables it is unfortunately 🐴😂. Sorry about the vampire nurse oh dear 😱 hope the next patient did not see you emerge in that horror-film like condition and that they mopped the room up after you 😬 (made a meal of it 😂 haha), not sure if a friendly vampire is even more ookey! definitely unsettling anyway, yes maybe someone might have had 'words' mightn't they 😬.. Glad you got your hot water and have a good Bank Hol weekend I hope :) xx
Hi SK, as above, I am ok didn't pick the phone up I just know there is a message lurking - I can do go away (and the rest 😉) these days when go away is appropriate, it's the other stuff that's the problem, the long list of unavoidables instead of go aways (tradesmen I 'should' be booking to do stuff). Can only do so much but I don't do well at things in the pipeline, they hang over me in the meantime 😕. Boilerman is fine he's a good sort I just hate everything that marks time up into chunks, yearly this, fortnightly that, would like to chuck out the clock and the calendar in an ideal world. Thank you I know where to come for motivational reminders, I could always imagine chucking unwanted persons out the window like parachute man too, that's a good one 😂. Hope you have a good bank hol as poss - any more racing to come? Is the tinnitus less because of less bunker and more bikes btw? 🤔. xx
Hello @sandeelilly , love your George, all rescue stories are great 😊 lovely that he has a nice home. Thank you I'm not being bullied by the gasman, he's fine, I just hate people ringing at the worst time putting something back on my 'list', had worked hard lately decorating and moving things around the house, gardening etc, was set for a quiet bank hol with not much on my mind. I would never use illness as a reason for putting someone off, I'm afraid you're talking to someone who had to leave their metaphorical pint on the bar halfway through and be dragged away by illness and 30-odd years later still thinks they will be back to finish it off and no-one will have noticed I left 😂 very bad but you cope how you cope & that's mine 🤷♀️. Hope you have some sun today and things are as well as poss with you and you have another feel normal day 🤞😊 xx
Hi to Charlestown hope you can get in the garden while the going's good 👍️ washing and honeysuckle potting and whatever we can fit in, mine will probably be potting stuff on, I have a backlog 😬. Lovely pic of Little Boy - those paws! Take care see you next visit 👋 :) xx
Love to all 😘☕️
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morning all
Not sure about the tinnitus Toady. Normally get more high pitched noises after doing lots of music, but this was a low rumble.
Yes lots of racing on. World Superbikes, British Supers and MotoGP just for starters. Thats without the Supermoto from Europe and Flatrack from the USA. The flatrack guys are absolutely NUTTS!!! Going sideways at 100mph drifting around the bends. Lots of clips on utube if you wanna get the idea.
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hi Dachshund, when I am out and see a little dog like your lovely two I always say “Sausage!” out loud. My little one always loved meeting a sausage. Ahhh, happy days. 😁
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hey Toni, enjoy the festival. Don’t let mixing with the grown ups rub off too much or you’ll think we’re all krazy here!!!
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morning @sandeelilly , have a nice BHWE.
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hey Reshmi, how’s it going? I fought off yet another migraine this morning with some neck stretches. Took 30 minutes of intense pain but it’s almost gone and better than having pain all day. I am dreading starting the MXT or MTX or whatever it’s called.
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i hope i haven’t left anyone out.
Oh Charlestown, good morning 😁
am i done now? Probably not.0 -
good morning Toni
How are you today?
Mums bs is ok 👍
I’m very tired but managed a sweaty hot weather walk
High pollen count today 🤢🤢
Bye for now tc xx
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@Skinny Keef hello
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Hi all 👋 no rain here even though there was forecast a bit, none forecast for the rest of today so watch it do some now instead 🤪
Have been in the garden & spotted this male large red damselfly, clickable link below in case anyone not keen on bugs
Hope everyone having a good afternoon - @dachshund don't tell Lexi & Pepper about the two labradors running away and stealing a loaf of bread from that village petrol station they might be led into bad ways 🤭 lovely picture of them today 😊 xx
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👋toady Joan SK and C
How are you all?
Ablutions- time
Wppl xx
Ps this wasn’t my cheesy joke toady, so don’t tell me off please lol xx
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hi again Toni
How are you this evening?
Eat and wear garlic, I like that lol
Maybe the vampire nurse has developed an affection for me,
But to my mind it seemed like one of the managers had reprimanded her so she talked about every subject under the sun, including the “fact” that she was more professional than all the hospital phlebotomists- so I just smiled and nodded politely cursing myself on waking up late and wearing an oregano necklace instead of garlic, that Lorenzo, he’s controlling us all lol.
mum is ok thanks in general, but she’s getting stressed about EF coming, dad’s being a nuisance etc.
dad is eating an unprecedented amount of rubbish - pastry etc
I’m tired of telling him how bad this is for his health, so I’ve stopped doing so
yes EF soon then the little Lord
House is full of ice cream Toni 😱😱
Yes will be lovely but it will be exhausting, let’s hope young LA limits his tantrums, otherwise I’ll send him to Staffordshire 😂
Cinema with LA on Tuesday, a film about imaginary friends - aww,
Let’s hope my stomach can cope with nuggets etc 🤢
Also no sleeping in the cold room then, I found myself worrying about it then, I then realised when I had the mental health blip in hot weather last year, it was the wrong medication that caused it not sleep - lack 👍
Yes mum will love seeing the littleys
Ok all points may not have been answered but I’ll have to stop there
Have a nice evening Toni tc xx
Ps funny news, at least it wasn’t toady’s milkman lol xx
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hi SK
Glad the physio helped you
Tomorrow should be cooler I think
Have a good night tc xx
Ps when your dinner cooks you lol xx
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👋 toady
how are you?
Quite a trying day reallyI am probably 95 % asleep 💤
Well you are free to write about the horror story of the rogue phlebotomist
Just make sure I get the royalties lol
If you want some free ice cream from my local ice cream mountain I’ll just bung some in your boiler, lol, oh no was that a faux pas? 😂
Have a good night tc xx
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Morning Everyone ❤️
Sorry this is short.
Just to let you all know I'm OK on way to Paul's sister's in Weymouth 4 hours there and 4 hours back!
Pouring down at camp site😖
Sleek is being looked after by my sister and Toady.
Reshmi's LA is staystaying today hoorah.
And yes you had a medication blip last year it was not you it was the drs. You will be fine but do try to rest a bit when you can.
Lorenzo and oregano!!!! Brilliant 👏
Toady that Damselfly I lovedvit beautiful 😍
See you all soon xxx
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@frogmorton Have a great time x
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) sorry about your doughnuts. I haven’t had any frozen ones even when they have been delivered. We have thunder and lightning today. Have a good day.
Toni (()) have a nice time at Paul’s sisters. Our neighbours are in Weymouth at the moment. Love to them and Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day all of you (())
Skinny Keef (()) how are you today. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Charlestown (()) have a good day sorry about your propogator and your seedlings.
Sandeelilly (()) have a good day I hope it’s not raining there.take care
joan xx0
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