Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,839

    hi sandee

    How are things with you?

    I see, I have bipolar disorder but I’ve been well for a long time, I was told never to come off my meds but of course all mental health conditions are not the same.

    I also inject mxt (as I like to call it) but my dose changed recently too, it’s a different type of syringe and I’m not fully used to it, today I was tired and didn’t inject it properly, it went everywhere, oh well, I know to be more careful next time I guess, it is frustrating though isn’t it?

    When I was first diagnosed with PsA I was really completely “lost” and traumatised until I found this forum, the people on here are so nice

    I know what you mean, energy levels seem to vary so much day to day, for me at least

    And how people feel just after diagnosis is very difficult indeed I think

    I’m on the drowsy side but ok thanks 🙏

    Whereabouts are you roughly, if you don’t mind me asking?

    I’m in the southeast - Reading to be specific.
    have a nice evening tc xx

    bosh (also known as Reshmi)

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,407

    Hi all 👋 really cold today, rain set in by lunchtime, strong winds by the afternoon, lovely June day 🙄

    Yes please do bring some sunshine back frog, in fact couldn't you stick a bit in the post? Bit desperate for some, thunder & lightning tomorrow apparently 😣 when is a toad supposed to plant its thuja occidentalis?! ok it's not here yet, so I'll grudgingly let it pass. Glad all's well with you, not so good that there have been A&E visits at home, I thought the gestational diabetes diagnosis had been confirmed? is there a bit of 'depts. not talking to each other' type thing? Sounds like things are in hand now, all the v best 🤞. Nothing going on with me, bit of a write-off today, shopping wasn't til gone 3 and grotty day ever since. Bins out & go to bed basically. Oh the specs, when you said might you get them from a shop I thought you meant pop round the corner 😬 #awks. I have shopbought ones they are handy, no idea how near they would be to a prescription for me but I can thread a needle better than without, that's near enough 🤷‍♀️. Do you use yours for screen use &c? No spares 🤨? Hope having a good evening, love to all :) xx

    Hello Joan, yes all my shopping was there, no subs, you brought me luck obviously thank you 👍️ I did have to wait around though I think I've gone off the flexible slot option 😄 still while I waited I defrosted the fridge, cleaned out the tea & coffee cupboard and cut up some old carpet underlay for the bin tonight, that's what happens when I can't settle to anything else when someone's coming, at least it was useful that way! You asked how my comp was before, it seems ok now, I had to do a 'system restore' to take it back a day or two, I hope it wasn't caused by something that will just happen over again. I was going to say yes Paul wouldn't be a good comedian if he wasn't smiley, but then I remembered quite a few have made a career out of deadpan style! Hope he goes on ok there are better treatments all the time I expect 🤞. Hope it wasn't as cold for you as here, really not nice! and the longest day soon 🙄. Have a good Friday :) xx

    Hi to bosh 👋 glad the physio was helpful 😀 stuffy waiting rooms yes they sort of creep over you like a tide of sleepiness don't they, hard to resist 😱. Hope the mxt effects are short-lived as poss this week 👍️ the biccie cupboard is once again stocked with rich tea and crackers. Really cold today quite shockingly so 😮 I had washing on the line yesterday it wouldn't have done anything this weather, well blown into the next county maybe, but no sun. I loved your poem there was just something about it that I did feel calmness wash over me just like being in a sunny undersea safe place, v clever to have that effect on someone 😀. Hope everyone well, have a good Friday :) xx

    Hello @sandeelillee you are in the mxt gang here as well then, I don't take it these days but did used to inject, have they swapped you to those spring-loaded faster than a speeding bullet pens?! 😮 I am ok thank you there is usually not much to report from me, my main thing is ongoing fatigue really, can't do a lot about that but it is very frustrating because somebody somewhere would be glad of the functionality I have but can't use 🙄 on the upside I don't have the pain others have. Hope work goes on ok I know what you mean but I'm glad you don't think too much of it is on their side (even though overthinking is a cross to bear in itself). Enjoy the car 😊 yes it has been no year for gardening I don't know why I persist in this climate really but just don't want to give in I suppose! Have a good evening :) nearly the weekend xx

    Glad you liked the levels Colin 😊 & hope your day went well too, after the late night. How do you take your metho (or mxt, mtx, mixy, mexy we call it all sorts here 😄), just out of interest; is it injections for you? Filthy weather here really, hope it's better where you are! Have a good evening :) 👋 xx

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,407

    Sorry I missed you in passing again bosh, oh dear trouble with mxt, the dreaded spills kit I remember it well 😬 no harm done I hope. I seem to remember the point of the spring-loaded ones was they were easier, which they are I suppose 🤔 I just never liked them myself.

    'Night again 👋 :) xx

    & to everyone 😴 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,839

    hi Toni

    How are you this evening/ night?

    That’s terrible about your DIL - I told mum about it - she like me was appalled that it was allowed to get that bad - glad that she’s alright now though of course 🤗

    I’m not always that busy but it’s been busy recently for some reason

    Thanks about the poem

    The recent time when I wrote two poems in the same day, I wasn’t chilled at all, but the writing helps me.
    No vampire nurse today so that was good 👍

    My sis says that BR went through a phase of greeting everyone- so family, caters, waitresses etc - with “Hello my friend, stay hidated” lol, I think he would make a good volunteer giving out water bottles to marathon runners haha.

    Yes it’s very good about my mums results - thanks 🙏

    How is your stomach at the moment?

    Have a good night Toni tc xx

    Ps This is the council employee from “wherever toady lives” carrying herself and orange blossom guy to the dump for some time to reflect on their sins - oh dear 😂 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,839

    hi toady

    Thanks about the poem

    It wasn’t that cold here earlier on but has cooled down in the last few hours

    Shame about your laundry

    Obviously you don’t have to answer- but may I ask your very approximate whereabouts please?

    North, midlands, south or whatever- only if you feel comfortable disclosing that information of course

    It would just be useful if I write about you poetically in the future

    I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but one of Balzac’s characters has “polite days” and “impolite days” - I think that sounds like a good idea, but the reality is that I think I’d have never ending impolite days where I’d spend a lot time roaming around in dressing gowns at home drinking tea and sending Toni on biscuit runs - only joking of course - and if anyone wants a seven hour phone call- I will of course put them through to your amphibian palace - haha

    Ok I’d better have one “polite day” a week I guess, in case of blood tests and trips to chemist for orange blossom potions, a grasshopper sandwich, a plague of locusts and all that kind of everyday shopping.

    Please remember I cannot guarantee the low glycemic index of locusts - especially a plague

    have a good night toady and take care xx

    Ps root veg toad in the whole - bowl donated by bill apparently xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,407

    Yes Midlands is about it bosh 👍️ , I only don't narrow it down further in case I want to be snidey about my hosp or consultant and it would be too easy to work out who I'm defaming 🧐😉, so pretty central really, handy for all points NESW I suppose (if one was going anywhere these days..) not so handy for those 'I must down to the sea again' moments. That is a great toad not in the hole 😀 and yes a great bowl too 🤭. Don't worry I didn't actually want to do any laundry today thanks just contrasting the weather, I defrosted the fridge that was enough housework haha ✌️.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870
    edited 14. Jun 2024, 05:22

    Morning Joan I know my specs! I was balancing them on one ear and my nose to read and post here😕 Good news is I have bought some temporary ones for now from Cetrakour and they are fine☺️ Fingers crossed Annie should be fine now she is getting proper help. How are you and Lexi and Pepper doing? Hoping we can get Coronation street tonight in the motorhome we are starting our journey home so maybe…. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Sandeelily

    I am very pleased to hear your job is a sit on your bum one! Then i am not so worried about your foot especially as it's the top of it too. I crushed my toes many years ago and kept going you can still see and feel the wonkiness!!! Lucy (youngest) broke hers once had a boot and it healed really well.

    Voldermort what a great name! Seriously didn't let you take your test? Wow. What a controlling person. Hopefully you'll do fine automatics are easy-peasy and you can take your test in one too. My Penelope is automatic, but I can and do drive both just so far not the motorhome!

    Glad to hear Den's spuds are flowering everything is odd this year with all that rain we had.

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    I would not be offended🤧 if you forgot me! I would know it was a genuine oversight it can happen to any of us with our busy lives, but I am very glad you remembered me in the end. Thanks for the biccie it was vegan I'm sure😋

    How are you and your Mum? Annie is doing better now her BS is under control and sees the diabetic nurse today to get supplies and good advice now hopefully. I thought you and your Mum would be appalled and shocked about her treatment, but hopefully all will be well now.

    MTX night for me today so how is your hangover? We are travelling North this morning towards our final stop before travelling home on Sunday. My stomach hasn't been too bad, but in general I bring my own food (fridge and freezer in the motorhome) and just buy bread and veggies here. Just one day I didn't stray far! Yours been ok I hope?

    Bless little BR making sure everyone is hydrated - whoever they are! I bet everyone adored him (and of course they still will!) what a good job for him. It can be voluntary to fit in with all of his other potential professions.

    Totally or Toadaly think orange blossom guy needs to be taken to the tip after what he did😡

    Take care of yourself ((())) xxx

    Morning Colin

    Thank you of course Penelope features so people know it's me posting on Youtube.

    How long does it take you uploading and editing your vids? It takes my sister one day filming them often as much as two doing the voiceover then the editing deleting a few adverts etc….

    I am after a good camera for my bike helmet I expect yours is really good quality, but if you have any tips? Skinny Keef will love seeing the beemer in the flying squirrel shop! That copper kettle is HUGE!!!

    Short posts are fine here none of us mind that at all. Some of us like me though can talk for England!

    Have a good day.

    Morning Toady

    hope you are doing ok. I had a photo of my Sleekipaws via Kari yesterday I spotted biccie crumbs on her whiskers….was that you?!

    Where are you planting your thuja occidentalis? It might like some rain from a storm of course even if you don't…..?

    I think until Annie went to A&E it had only been their 'opinion' that it was probably gestational diabetes and that they 'had to do tests', but no rush to do them nor even advice in the meantime. Annie stopped all carbs and sugars etc, but still the BS rose and rose. All being well she will be ok now she is seeing the diabetic team not the midwives for it.

    You and I are quote close by, but where I am in Staffordshire i actually could be at one of two hospitals so luckily no-one would know which. As if you would badmouth yours!!! Oh dear have I just badmouthed the midwives here??? Perhaps so, but again it could be one of two and all praise to Stafford hospital for helping. When Lucy had cancer she used about 5 different hospitals for her various seizure/infection emergencies that's how central we are.

    At home I do indeed have spare specs slightly weaker for teh laptop than reading books. I often get then from the cheap shops. I got some though yesterday so my sight is restored. Gosh yes needle threading🙄 not much fun at all without it actually hurts!

    Right I'd better get off for my walk we are off on our travels again but north this time towards home staying at Le Mans. So not much chance to move much.

    Take care!

  • sandeelilly
    sandeelilly Member Posts: 77

    Morning All,

    @bosh The new injections are meant to be easier if you have issues with your fingers, we will see! I had never heard of PsA before my diagnosis, I have no skin issues so it never entered my head! Then I was all over the place it was good I knew what was wrong but I was scared then MTX started and OMG swings? I could have started a funfair with the amount of mood swings I was having! Then I found you all,you made sense of what I was feeling and I realised I was not going mad! you all have been so nice and I am so happy to have found you all, I cannot get on with the complete tiredness it is something that really gets to me.

    I live in New Addington near Biggin Hill Surrey not that far from Reading. I had a lot of great weekends there when I was younger and my twins spent every festival there from 16 till at least 30!

    You look after yourself, have a wonderful weekend

    Sandee x

    @toady Hello! yes MTX it is all the way :( I had the injections with the yellow top that I had to press now you just hold it to your stomach and it shoots! I am still getting used to the effects of this thing, I have always been on the tired side but it is crippling now, Im ex-Navy, and was an Officer for the cadets for years but i have had to give that up, I never sat still but now I can have days where I want to sleep all day! I think that is the hardest part for me, my pain is the same and by now I am used to it so I just get on, but having to slow down is killing me, My house is a tip and I hate it but by the time I am home from work I just want to sleep!

    This is the issue I have at work I fall asleep at my desk it is so embarrassing at times but I do not want to leave just yet, I should! but I spent years stuck at home and cannot do that again.

    My car is my new goal I cannot wait the freedom will be amazing, traveling on Public Transport kills me I think that exhausts me more than most things.

    You take things easy love

    speak soon

    Sandee xx

    @frogmorton bless you for worrying about me, My foot should be ok I can not let it stop me! The name is what the children nicknamed him, too nice in my view but gets the idea lol He was VERY controlling but I was blind to it I thought we had a good marriage till the morning he walked! I love the autos Den says they are bumper cars lol I have so many places I want to visit, Den would take me but I do not want to keep asking him.

    Dens pots are getting there a miracle with this weather his strawberries and tomatoes are not doing so well. I fell asleep last night when I woke during the night I swear we had fast-forwarded to October the wind and rain were terrible.

    You my dear have a wonderful weekend, and PLEASE look after yourself

    Sandee xx

    @dachshund @Arthritic_Adventures @Skinny Keef @charlestown I hope you are all well looking after yourselves

    Sandee xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,130

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) have a good weekend I think it’s rain all weekend. Our freezer defrost’s its self.
    that’s good you had everything you ordered. I still fancy the custard doughnuts but can you only get a bag of four. I sometimes get custard tarts.

    Toni (()) have a good trip back home Sleek will be watching and waiting for you. That’s good you got some specs. Good that Annie is doing better now (()) Lexi and Pepper are well thank you. There is no Coronation Street tonight it’s football. I hope your are isn’t feeling too bad. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) you sound a very happy and contented lady. Love to your mum (())

    Sandeelilly (()) yes Arthritis wears you out you want to do things but your body doesn’t want you to do them. I’m glad I got Arthritis because there is a lot of worse things I could have. Have a good weekend.

    Colin (()) have a good weekend. What weather have you got there.

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good weekend thinking of you and Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Charlestown (()) have a good weekend

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,839

    hi to the lovely Toni

    How are you today?

    It’s a lot cooler - well in my location anyway- which is good- managed relatively early morning walk without having to move a load of stuff to the cold room, which I do almost every morning

    Forecast said, “pretty cool weather “ or something like that, I think they overstated it a bit there, or as the less diplomatic LA might have said, “Apparently they were lying” lol

    I really hope I’m never on trial and with him as the presiding judge 😱

    What’s your weather like today?

    I’m very glad that your DIL is seeing the diabetic nurse today👍

    Mums ok today 🙏

    I’m not sure if I’m repeating myself but I remember once QJL’s husband had a hospital maybe a scan or something like that and his wife was meant to be sitting in the waiting room, but she had disappeared so he got the nurse to look for her and she was found in the cafe eating a massive cake and she had type 2 diabetes!
    She does eat a massive amount of sugar though, by anyone’s standards - maybe she’s addicted I suppose.

    I’m in a rather hot room right now,

    So bye for now Toni enjoy your holiday and don’t tell any lies LA will know 🤥tc xx

    Ps me achieving perfect posture without the physio lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,839

    hi toady

    How are you today?

    Midlands- fair enough 👍

    Mum and I are ok thanks 🙏

    Thanks about the syringes.

    I see so figurative washing on the line

    So no need of me to accuse you of lying like LA and of course no corresponding punishment of compulsory “hanging out” at the dump lol.

    In Reading there’s a really nice supermarket cafe but the only problem is that it’s right next to the rubbish dump and the “fragrance” is very much comparable to “eau de chien” indeed 🤢

    Sometimes there’s no smell however, I guess it’s a matter of being aware of the phases of dump - related smelly time, like the phases of the moon 😂

    My leg is aching a bit from the physio but I guess that’s good

    Ok bye for now toady tc xx

    Ps not breakfast time of course but I thought it looked nice xx

  • @dachshund

    Really luck with the weather now, believe it of not we had a hurricane warning yesterday!!! The outlook is like this for the next week or so now

    @frogmorton She's a cutie that Penelope just love her, thanks for the kind comments on the video. That one I shot on Monday about (7 hours) and shot on Tuesday and a long 12 hours on Wednesday editing. that's easy the fastest I've ever put one together though. I used this new AI feature in CapCut (Editing software I'm using) call transcribed base editing. It's cazy unbelievable it analyzes your video and creates a text transcript of your works and uh ums and pauses. Then you edit the text and take spaces and pauses and uhm and ahs out of the text it then applies this to the video and comes out almost perfect. I've spent weeks on other videos though, it's VERY time consuming.

    @toady I'm still taking the pill form of MX, 8 - 2mg I believe?? I've pretty good on it lately, I'm really luck I seem to respond well to meds and with little side effects (Oh other than the three forms of skin cancer from the Humira, but I've been clean for three years after changing that one up) I go the hang overs originally for a few years but since changing that up to four pills in the morning ang 4 pills at night on my Metho day I don't have that much anymore. I am tired the next day if I'm not really active. easily remedied with a nap after lunch!

    @boch There's that cake again, seems to be a reoccurring them on here, talk of decant cake? Mmmmm goes great with a cup of tea! Sorry about the story though, shame for her hooked on sugar.

    All the best to everyone, I have to organize my Tremfya delivery now. Do the rest of you feel like you're always organizing and picking up meds from the pharmacy? I feel like everyday I have to order something or in Ontario you have to have the Pharmacy contact your doctor to renew prescriptions, then you have to call the pharmacy a few days later an check up on it? Half the time they say Oh we haven't heard back from your doctor, so you phone your doctors off and they say yes we faxed it in two days ago (Faxed really it's 2024!!!!) We'll fax it again! Call the pharmacy no one will pick up the phone because they are all busy. Leave message never hear back. Finally get a text you prescription is ready to pick up!!! Rinse repeat every two three weeks or so with another med.

    Sorry just venting, have a great day!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,839

    hi Joan

    How are you?


    Mum and I are ok today thanks.

    Have a nice afternoon tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,407
    edited 14. Jun 2024, 17:41

    Hi all 👋 no thunder & lightning as forecast, whatever - barely a drop of rain, what are they on about 🤷‍♀️ it's all very well but if you'd looked at that yesterday you could easily have rearranged something to avoid it, and not needed to. It's not bad at all.

    Afternoon frog 😊 glad you can see us all clearly again, I think that's a good thing 🤭 yes spare specs at home, that's about it isn't it. I don't have any spare anythings so I can't talk. Quite sunny here really, will pop out later if poss. The thuja, two of, will go in the brick border thingy, I've half a mind to dig the orange blossom up and put them somewhere else maybe & watch them 🤔. Nothing else happening, except my agapanthus will flower this year, has some lovely buds coming 😊 so the splitting and repotting helped I hope 👍️. I see about the diabetic team and general situation, should be better all round. Would I badmouth my rheumy team? would I not 😉 well past tense mostly, certain persons who made my early stages worse than they needed to be, but who knows about the future, staff come staff go. Hope your northwards trip went well, and have a lovely evening - the biccie crumbs, ah yes, shortbread fingers I'm afraid, will be more careful, and with the sugar from the doughnuts Sleek is helping me out with 😉. Take care :) xx

    Hello Joan, my freezer in this fridge is only a little compartment it ices up quite quickly but defrosts quick too. I have a bigger one I do less often, I have to refrigerate meds so don't like to depend on one fridge just in case 😬. I used to love custard tarts haven't had one for ages! I got the ring doughnuts this time because then I warm them up again over the next few days, they are nice then and helps them keep better than just getting drier. Thank you have a good weekend too take care :) xx

    Hi to bosh, glad I don't have to be taken to the dump for my sins, but I will keep it in mind as a warning for impolite days 😬 can we get away with one polite day each a week do you think? I've already used one of my impolite ones muttering threats in here about my noisy neighbour 😳 and I might need another for postie, who turned up with a parcel but didn't take the one he was meant to collect off me 🙄! In other news I have just signed up to my new voice over internet phone line thingy and managed to get a telephone number ending in 1984 which I thought was rather brilliant of me 😂. Once I've set up the phone itself I can review very very carefully who to hand it out to, this may well be no-one 👍️ (especially not seven-hour marathon call offenders) but I will enjoy the number for its own sake. That does look a nice breakfast 🍒😊 have a good evening :) xx edit I have just seen something called glucozade shall we say but with a B in front 😮 how very ookey not to mention a borderline bosh copyright infringement if you ask me!

    Those injections are a whole new thing then since my time @sandeelilly, the pushbutton pen is as far as I knew about, these type sound a bit over-enthusiastic! I actually preferred just the inject yourself syringe but the choice was taken off me 🤷‍♀️. Sorry about your tiredness, some people do go from being very active like yourself before their autoimmune condition, I never was energetic to begin with. I would quite like a word with whichever ancestor passed down some very dodgy mitochondria or whatever controls these things 😉 . People don't understand fatigue very well do they until they feel it, there are certain people I would love to have spend a day as me so they could identify (including some doctors). Glad it's the weekend for you hope it's restful :) xx

    @Arthritic_Adventures I have all my meds delivered one way or another Colin, very fortunate that I am able to do it this way now, like you there was a lot of going round in circles for me once - especially because over here it is increasingly the case that pharmacies get stock from central places and less control over requesting certain brands unless they are independents. There is the occasional hitch now when they are waiting for out of stock brands but generally it runs well. That looks like some very nice weather 😍 have a good weekend :) xx

    Love to everyone 😘 kettle is going on. xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,130

    There was Thunder here No lightning

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,839

    hi sandee

    A fellow southerner- that’s good to know

    I see Reading Festival, I like music but the noise at that time for residents, it’s a terrible thing lol

    Yes fatigue is a big problem I agree

    Hope you have a good night tc xx

    Hi @Arthritic_Adventures

    We do mention cake a lot, but it was also my nephew’s birthday so even more cake - rich chat was going on

    Thanks, QJL is not a particularly nice person, but yes, sad about her addiction that’s true

    Have a good night tc xx

    👋 Joan

    I think we just had rain, no thunder

    You take care too and a have a good night take care xx

    Hi toady

    Bl***zade? My goodness some kind of intellectual property rights have been violated I definitely agree!
    I could ask my sis the expert to double- check but she’s quite scary so maybe not lol

    1984 - that’s a brilliant one

    Certain dad - related passwords used to involve 666 at one point- not my fault - ok it was fault really - I confess

    yes you’re right we might need a second day of eating cucumber sandwiches off of china plates and getting the maid to prepare our porridge and polenta from scratch

    My hair has grown a bit but I might need to borrow some of your tresses please, otherwise JA might mind, haha.

    But being polite for two days consecutively might be a bit much

    Maybe we could have “Manners Monday” and “Formality Friday”? or something like that?
    Just to break it up a bit? 😂

    Ok I am rather tired at this time as per usual so before this becomes a full on “Fatigue Friday (Night)”

    I’ll say have a good night toady and take care xx

    Ps one way to get rid of 7 hour phone chats with blossom - mowers and people of that ilk xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,870

    Morning Joan hope you are well. Yes no coronation street again and on Monday too it's Tuesday so rude!!!! Glad the dogs are ok. Sleek is ok with Kari and Tia and Charley popping in. We have got as far as Le Mans and are here another night travelling home on Sunday. We've stayed here before too it's the most beautiful Château. I will take a photo later ((())) xxx

    Morning Sandeelily

    Sounds as though your children had your ex sussed way before you. As long as Den treats you right now that's all that matters ☺️

    Glad his spuds are finally flowering shouldn't be many weeks now till you re enjoying them.

    Automatic cars are fine - our motorhome is automatic as is Paul's van makes me far less travel sick than his jerky gear changes used to!!!🤢 Bless him. The Fig is automatic, but the Juke is normal.

    I see you are quite close to Reshmi then Geographically speaking. I have some family in reading - a half cousin.

    Take care and of that foot especially! ((()))

    Morning Colin

    that information about editing was really interesting I shall share it with my sister when I get home it might be really useful to her. It's not the filming she hates it's the editing out the erms and uhs yes!!!

    I am at Le mans today the 24 hour is on so lots of cars to see only 3 bikes here on the you and Skinny Keef can tell me if they are good ones…

    Getting meds in the UK? A joke! I have to drop my paper prescription in to GP they them in theory electronically send it to pharmacy then I go there a few days later to collect it to find half of it isn't there! Luckily for me as I am tablet MTX only no need to wait in for deliveries😊

    Have a good day! Temp here about 24 and sunny though we did have rain driving up yesterday and quite a bit of it🙄

    Morning Reshmi

    Hope you and your Mum ok. How is the physio going? Not too achy I hope? I am still doing mi ehere not easy in a motorhome as really I need a wall and a doorframe for two of them.

    I promise not to tell any fibs!🤥 Please don't set LA on me I do not want to incur his wrath.

    Oh dear me QJL eating cake when she should have been waiting for her poor husband. Some people - any chance to indulge in spite of their diabetes. No wonder really when you have people like your Mum and Annie doing their best for their health by not eating all the nice stuff. Then you get someone like her!

    Yes you can't do anything if you have a cat on your lap

    Hope it was ok to post this to make Reshmi smile.

    Morning to Skinny Keef see above bike pics - are they special? I am at Le Mans camping in the motorhome and they were parked with the classics in the show area???

    Hope you Anda and Sucré are all very well love and ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady!

    Hmmm can you move the shrub now? Just don't want to do it any more harm do you? I think it might need extra watering maybe some of that fungi stuff that Monty rates if you do? So glad the agapanthus is doing better for your early ministrations.

    Glad Sleek is visiting she is great at spotting Kari arriving I reckon that she gets a message from Mabel maybe so she can nip back and look all hard done by🤭

    It is good to see you all again it was tough balancing the broken one son my nose. I was considering a plaster like Jack Duckworth from coronation st. used to!

    You know i think for lots of people our early diagnosis is the tricky time. The fact they don't seem to 'get' how fearful we are in the early days and how incredibly painful and debilitating it is. Ah well we are 'ok' now.

    One more night here - a lovely day so far - woken to the birds chirping loudly we have a spot in the woods. Fabulous.

    Home tomorrow😊

    take care

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,130

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I thought warming doughnuts up would make them more greasy. That’s a good easy number you have. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) have a good drive back about what time do you think you might be home. I know people who are diabetic and they eat what they want. I order my meds by phone wait a few days then phone the chemist she says they are ready to be collected I go and pick them up. Have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day and your mum (()) when do you get your results.

    Sandeelilly (()) have a good day how is your foot.

    Skinny (()) have you left us i hope not. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Colin (()) how long have you lived in Canada. Have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,839

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Mum and I are ok 👍

    Ps seed cake in preparation for “Manners Monday” when toady and I will be polite all day - I know hard to believe lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,839

    hi Toni

    Sorry forgot to say, very funny video 😂

    Bye for now tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,839

    hi Joan

    How are you?

    Mum and I are ok thanks

    Not sure the docs don’t normally tell me the results unless somethings wrong, which is very rare, so don’t worry

    Have a nice afternoon tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,839
    edited 15. Jun 2024, 18:44

    hi Toni

    How are you this evening?

    My goodness what a breakfast, don’t tell bill he’ll join you in France as an unwanted guest lol, putting hot sauce on his croissants no doubt.

    Brown sugar - yummy

    mum was actually in a mood yesterday in the late afternoon and evening, I think she was just tired bless her

    The problem is she won’t let anyone else help her most of the time

    Anyway I do some small things for her, better than nothing.

    Not enough room and equipment to do your physio, that’s tough, anyway it’s not for long 👍

    I had a massive morning nap today, which wasn’t usual for me, but ultimately I felt better - could well be just the hangover from our “friend” mxt.

    How are you feeling today mxt - wise?

    Have you taken it yet?

    BR is taking vengeance, LA is still not sharing his Santa - esque hoard of toys etc, so understandably poor innocent little BR is getting angry and calling him “yucky big brother” from time to time, it’s a well deserved title Im afraid.

    BR had a temperature yesterday, unfortunately,

    but he’s better now, just about,

    so my sis took him to a birthday party this afternoon- I’m not sure if that was wise but definitely her decision, he seemed happy in the photo though,

    he was joyously consuming fish goujons, chips and marrot (sorry carrot lol) sticks!
    Look at that LA no chicken and he’s still happy ❤️,

    but the funny thing was there was a lady baby next to him very possessively guarding her fish, thinking that BR is one of those high tea appropriating little chaps - I almost said, wrong brother lol
    ok end of instalment bfn tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,407
    edited 15. Jun 2024, 19:45

    Hi all 👋 well I had the thunder and lightning today instead of when it said so, I'm going to write myself a 2-week weather forecast and see at the end if I'm any more accurate then they are 🤪.

    Safe travels back frog 😊 going by the outlook you might be back just in time to run into the couple of days of microwave temps before it all goes to pot again 😄. My spuds are out there flowering, proper, all by themselves in the rain wasting their sweetness on the desert air so to speak 😔 (desert, some hopes!). Will try & get out tomorrow no chance today. Potting up indoors instead, good old 'too many seedlings shame to waste them' scenario 😬. I'll see if the thuja would fit around the orange blossom & if it's not really on I'll experiment with taking one up maybe, there were 3 so there is still an unmowed one, but that (typically) was the one doing the least well 🙄. Glad the birdies were chirping for you, but what birdies? anything to see & identify? Looks nice for you in the pics anyway 😀 even if you did have some wet yesterday. I probably harp on about having meds delivered but is it definitely no help to you, it is to me, hugely; couple of clicks & sent in post, no sig. I'm one small flat box so it all depends, but can recommend (saves me a 2mile round walk!). As you may have seen, I now have my new phone system, so I'm sure half a day yesterday getting in a twist setting it up, a bit of trial error and not being quite sure what I did in the end that worked, qualifies me perfectly to give advice if needs be 🤪😂. Haven't even dared pick it up yet to check for dialling tone 😄. Have a good drive once you are on the road, and a good night :) xx

    Hello joan, I saw you had thunder last night, couple of flashes today I thought it was going to come on worse than it did. The doughnuts don't seem to get any greasier they go soft and quite nice, I suppose if anything they let a bit of their oil out on the baking tray, maybe that helps 🤷‍♀️ but also they aren't the greasiest type to begin with I don't think. It is a good telephone number 😀 well with the other digits, shame you can't just have a 4 digit number like you used to. I picked a slightly different area code you can have what you want (that's what businesses do, who aren't really local to you but want a local number apparently 🤨), I suppose I could have picked Glasgow or something and confused everyone 🤭. Have a good Sunday :) xx

    Don't think I didn't consider 666 in a number bosh 😂😂 that's v funny you should mention, but it was too expensive haha, and who knows there may have been another 'price to pay' if I'd taken it 😱. Mind you that number is part of my hospital or case note number, says it all! 🙄 Hope your day is ok and you have a good Sunday, if it's Manners Monday we have to get everything out of our systems tomorrow, can it be done 🤔😄. I do like the system though, breaking it up is a very good idea, I second that 👍️😀. Never had seed cake ever, there's a thought. Hope all party-going littleys are well and everyone else, your mum of course hope she feels less tired & better for it soon. :) xx

    Hope everyone not in is having a good weekend 😘 thinking of you all xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,839

    hi toady

    Glad that you approve of a break in etiquette lol

    I see too many of my family members have taken the satanic phone numbers - that says it all really, doesn’t it? 😂

    Yes you very understandably don’t want to start recreating your own version of Dr Faustus, but if you do, I promise to look for replacement souls on nosegay for you, but would a refurbished soul be acceptable I wonder? If so and it’s a buy one get 5 or 6 half price, I may take it upon myself to spiritually renovate VC, or I may just replenish the tea bags lol.

    I also hope the party goers enjoy their rather glamorous full on social life .

    Have a good night toady tc xx

    👋 greetings also to sandee

    Good night everyone very cardboard- tasting crackered right now tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,839

    hi again Toni

    Sorry got waylaid with the evening repast etc

    LA threw a shoe at bill!

    Whether it was his own tiny shoe or his mother’s terrifying stiletto- I’m not sure yet

    I’m awaiting that instalment myself to be honest lol.

    Have a good night Toni , I hope your nose is ok take care xx