Shiny New Hip Day 20 May 2024



  • Denis68
    Denis68 Member Posts: 60

    @Trish9556 welcome to the club

    Glad to read things are starting to go better for you, I remember really struggling to get sleep on my back until it suddenly happened.

    Hope the progress continues

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 508

    @Trish9556 Wow - 8 hours sleep 3 nights in a row - well done. No wonder you feel stiff and sore when you wake up - hoping it all feels better soon, take care, x

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    Well my shiny new hip is now three weeks old and I'm just back from my first physio appointment.

    Surprisingly she told me I'm doing much better than i thought i was.

    She has given me load of new exercises, permission to drop a stick indoors but not outside, and a target of walking 15 minutes before turning round and walking home. She said setting a time is better than setting a distance. Some days i could walk further than others in that timeframe.

    I can also now walk up and downstairs normally without a stick. Just holding onto the handrail but not first thing in the morning or last thing at night.

    All in all I'm feeling really pleased with myself. Next appointment is in three weeks where i will tackle getting on and off of the floor, using the exercise bike and fingers crossed being allowed to lose the surgical stockings and be able to have a bath or shower.

    Love n hugs

    Trish Xx

  • JPT
    JPT Member Posts: 171

    @Trish9556 wow! Walking upstairs normally already! I'm 13 weeks and that's the one thing that I can't quite do properly. Well done on your recovery, you're speeding along 😊

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697


    Thank you!

    I think the only reason I've been allowed to is because I put a second stair hand rail in a few months ago. Best investment i ever made. It also meant I avoided crutches and two sticks on the stairs until now. I could use one stick and one hand.

    I still have to hold both rails for support but it feels so good!

    I also avoided crutches only post surgery as i have an ongoing issue with one of my wrists which means supporting myself on them is making it a lot worse.

    Happy healing

    Trish Xx

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 508

    @Trish9556 This is so good to read - well done! It is wonderful when we don't see our progress but the professionals do. It's amazing how we learn to live again - I really used to panic about getting up from the floor and then suddenly I was rolling around on the floor laughing with my little grandchildren.

    Please do be careful with your wrist - I have always had problems with one wrist but I've always recovered. This time though it hasn't and I'm waiting to see the MSK clinic with a Carpal Tunnel diagnosis. Whilst on painkillers I didn't realise quite how painful it had become.

    Take care and enjoy those walks!

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    Thank You. I have been on the waiting list to see my original wrist surgeon since December and told 8-12 months before i get an appointment. Im considering asking if i can move my referral to the private hospital he also works at that has just done my hip.

    Trish Xx

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 508

    @Trish9556 - it does sound to be a good idea to move your referral to the private hospital if possible - 8-12 months is a long time to wait.

    I've just heard today I can have an injection two weeks today. I don't know how likely it is to help or to work for but I need to try something.

    Hope you're still making good progress, x

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    Hi @Janlyn

    I have had many injections over the years and I don't think any of them have been overly successful - a few days or a week or two at most.

    Trish xx

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    6 weeks 1/7/2024

    Well I had my 2nd check up with the physio yesterday, exactly six weeks post surgery. She was suprised and happy at my progress and has given me some more exercises to do with therapy bands (I have fabric ones as the ones supplied dig in too much) and helped me get on and off the exercise bike.

    She has suggested, and I have ordered (well hubby has) a set of walking poles for uneven ground which will be so much easier for me - I don't need sticks for support anymore, just for confidence so I'm going to try these out and see how I get on.

    No sticks indoors anymore and can potter around with just one outside if I feel I need it.

    This should have been my last 'included' appointment but for my own confidence I have booked a private session with her in three weeks.

    Today, 6 weeks Plus 1 day I saw my lovely surgeon. He was absolutely delighted at my progress - I had a bath this morning, can get in the shower over the bath and do everything myself apart from put my right foot sock on lol

    He has therefore discharged me congratulating me at my progress and is writing to my GP today to tell him that my left hip will need doing at some point and that he would be happy to receive a referral to do it directly to hopefully save having to jump through all those stupid NHS hoops - GP - MSK - UMMING AND AAHING - HOSPITAL all which takes around 18 months even if you're going to get a referral to a private hospital as I did.

    My life is my own now and not dominated by my hip and I can go and play and dance with my grandchildren but no twisting lol and I can also try sleeping on my operated side with no pillows or cushions to support (does happy dance).

    My last tip for everyone is keep your tub of E45 in the the fridge - it works wonders on post surgery swelling if you can't take anything for it and feels good on hot days too.

    Happy healing everyone

    Trish xx

  • JPT
    JPT Member Posts: 171

    @Trish9556 that's great news, well done! You are doing brilliantly at six weeks. Wish I had known about the E45 too! Julie x

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    Hi Julie

    My amazing shoulder surgeon told me about E45 a long time ago and its my go to now. I also put moisturiser and lippy in the fridge in summer, stops it melting. 🤣🤣

    Just make sure you use the thick glooppy version in a tub. Not lotion

    Trish xx.

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 242


    congratulations you have come so far in 6 weeks.! It must feel lovely to be free of sticks/crutches and any other restrictions.

    I am now home after having my new hip done last Tuesday and your post spurs me on and gives me something to aim for.

    As for the tub of E45 cream what a great idea to put in the fridge. I did not know that you could use it on any swelling, as my right knee down to /including feet is a little swollen.

    I hope that you do not have to wait too long for the other hip to be done and I know what you mean about the wait between various departments/chasing things up and having to jump through hoops😯

    Take care.😊

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    Hi @Fran54

    E45 is basically a moisturiser and i have always used it post op once the wound has dried up.

    I can't take anti inflammatories and have recently learned via my lovely Pharmacist that I can't use anti inflammatory creams either (because of my Asthma and Bronchiecstasis) as the active ingredients are absorbed into the body. E45 is brilliant for me as it's a gentle massage into the skin and if it's been in the fridge, I found relieved the pain of some of my swelling. The benefits being you can use it as often as you like!

    I used a foot spa on alternate days when I was changing my surgical stockings. ( I was glad to get rid of those after having to wear them for six weeks). It was a good investment a few years ago and has been perfect post surgery. It has a massage and a bubble option and keeps the temperature at a nice temperature. Perfect for swollen feet which I suffer with anyway.

    My physio at the hospital told me to make sure that my feet were raised for at least two hours a day to alleviate some of the swelling too. I did my physio on the bed then used being there for an afternoon nap with my feet raised slightly on a cushion.

    I hope you have a good recovery, I'm a stubborn independent person and my husband kept telling me not to do that lol Probably did a few things before I was supposed to but my mantra is if you want to do something, try, if it is to painful, don't do it and try again another day!

    Trish xx

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697


    Almost 7 weeks since surgery and today i have used my bike for the first time in months. I'm only allowed 5 minutes each time i use it and dont think i could've done much more first time round. Quite a leisurely pace too. Seat was on its middle setting.

    With all the rain and ridiculous pollen levels this summer it will be nice to be able to do something different indoors while i listen to my book!!

    Happy healing!

    Trish xx

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 500

    @Trish9556 this is a great story Trish. I bet the sense of freedom feels great, and would jump up and down for joy, not that your allowed to I suppose.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    Thank you @Baloo

    Its been a hard 7 weeks but I'm stubborn, dont do as I'm told and like my independence. A nightmare of a patient lol.

    This recovery hasnt been for me, its for my grandchildren who have missed their nutty nanna.

    If I had a trampoline i would be on it...i think thats why the grandchildren don't have one 🤣🤣🤣

    You should always look forward in recovery and never backwards

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • olivia_b
    olivia_b Moderator Posts: 54

    Hi @Trish9556, it is so brilliant to see you on the bike after only 7 weeks!

    Glad you are making progress and keeping yourself busy.

    Have a lovely rest of your weekend :)

  • Nurina
    Nurina Member Posts: 375

    That's brilliant and inspiring @Trish9556 Well done! X

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 508

    @Trish9556 Wow, well done, I think you're doing better than I was at nine weeks, although I've no complaints and would do it all again. I actually tripped and fell on my garden path today - my worst nightmare, but somehow at almost eight months I seem to have stopped watching the path in front of me. Anyway so far so good, a badly grazed knee and some bleeding on my hands, and I didn't push my walking too far just in case, but fingers crossed I seem to have got away with it.

    Hoping you continue to make such excellent progress and well done on your graduations! Take care, x

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    thank you @Janlyn


  • KC1
    KC1 Member Posts: 116

    what a star you are Trish, I love that you’re a nutty nanna 😂

    How’s the cycling going? And how are you finding your walking poles? I used them post op, haven’t used them again yet but will have them with me when I’m a bit further on in my post op journey, especially as I have missed hiking.

    Your e45 tip has been great, so soothing.

    Thanks for all your ongoing encouragement

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 697

    thank you @KC1

    The last few weeks have been difficult with the weather and air conditions affecting my asthma so I haven't managed as much as I would like. I have inreased my bike as I can do that with all doors and windows shut lol.

    I use the poles when I'm out walking on uneven ground and love them. I don't use my stick anymore unless I'm going out for a day which will involve lots of walking/stairs etc in which case I fold it up and put it in my back pack for in case I need it.

    E45 is even better when it's kept in the fridge, especially in hot weather.

    Well done with your own recovery

    Trish xx