Is it worth claiming PIP

mosborn11 Member Posts: 41
edited 17. Sep 2024, 14:33 in Work and financial support

Hi Everyone,

I've started a claim for PIP but with all the horror stories coming out about it I'm starting to wonder if it's worth it.

For context in January I was diagnosed with Inflammatory Arthritis, and haven't been able to leave the house much since November when the issues started. I already have a myriad of stomach issues, as well as PTSD and Autism. My therapist recommended I apply for PIP as I'm only able to work part time and it would help cover things that I need like hiring cleaners and help for the house etc.

What has your experience with PIP been like and was it worth applying? For me, I'm worried about the toll getting rejected might take on my mental health.



  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 385

    Morning @mosborn11

    I like you was disillusioned and thought not worth hassle with forms and interviews etc etc.

    However through being diagnosed with RA and sign posted to support groups. I was contacted by my local government Welfare Rights who helped and advised me through process with forms and interviews and made me feel worthy and entitled to PIP so maybe contact them for advice and support ??

    Best wishes @Naomi33

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • I am in a similar situation, OH have advised working from home and less in the office, work have half agreeing to this 2daya at home 3 in the office, but more and more they want me in the office, my RA nurse has advised that the stress is not helping, I am wondering whether to see if I am eligible for PIP so that I can afford to drop a day and hopefully feel a bit better. Feeling very let down by work.

  • I’m on pip and I had to buy all the adaptions I needed I’ve been on pip since 40yrs when I could not work anymore i was 10yrs old when they told my mom That I had analysing spondylitis and osteoarthritis, I just remember Doctor said it was a man’s disease

    I had nothing off social service I bought my own, but if you think pip bought it me your wrong anything to do with a disability is very expensive like a mobility scooter£300 pounds in China same one here £1500

    So the rich get richer and the poor get poorer in this country. So now they are making us have vouchers how low can they go with that I already feel like a 3rd class citizen people are not very nice to people with Disability’s most are not. This do not care Arthritis is inherited from our forefathers and they Evan want us to cut back on pain relief. We’re ill cos we’ve worked hard you don’t see many going in parliament in a scooter or wheelchair.
    it sound like going backwards in time war time.

  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,058

    Hi @Lynnedeloop and welcome to the online community,

    Living with a disability such as arthritis can certainly involve extra costs sometimes, and as you say, these can be difficult to deal with when you’re living on a strict budget. You might be interested in the link below - it gives suggestions for managing the costs of living with arthritis:

    I hope you find it useful,

    Anna ( Moderator)

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • mosborn11
    mosborn11 Member Posts: 41

    I completely agree, the disdain this country and it's parliament has for disabled people and our wellbeing is insane.

  • mosborn11
    mosborn11 Member Posts: 41

    If it helps anyone at all, I just thought I would update and let you know that I have been granted PIP. I'm obviously so pleased but also so surprised because of all the stories I've been told about PIP.

    Some helpful things to know:

    • your application can still go through even if you don't fill in the main form
    • You can send more evidence after the interview

  • NSG2023
    NSG2023 Member Posts: 7

    I applied myself for PIP in January 2024, they rejected the claim but I went to CAB and they have taken it on for me and gone through the appeal, which was also rejected. We are currently going to tribunal with it and can take several more months. Its frustrating they make things so difficult for those who really need the support.

    My advice is get someone like CAB to help with the claim and even filling in the form.

  • mosborn11
    mosborn11 Member Posts: 41

    Wow that's crazy I'm so sorry! From all the stories I've heard it feels like it's almost randomly allocated? My wife who I would consider as having more complex conditions than me was rejected, but I also know people who seem to have a much easier time than me, get it and get more? I honestly think it just depends on the whim of who you speak to on the phone and who writes up your report?

    On my report they genuinely wrote the phrase "You have disclosed that you are diagnosed with Autism. I have decided that you do not have any difficulties with communicating" so it feels like they just make stuff up 🤷