Viral arthritis update

I posted recently after seemingly getting arthritis over night in ankles, wrists and fingers mainly. Swollen and painful. I’m pleased to report it cleared after just over a week, so certainly sounds as though linked to a viral infection. Just wanted to say thank you very much to everyone who was kind in responding to my concerns. It’s certainly given me a glimpse into the condition which I knew little about and what so many people are facing every day xx


  • Bryony
    Bryony Member Posts: 53

    Thanks for updating us. Very glad it has resolved.

  • Teapot
    Teapot Member Posts: 246

    Good morning

    I am also in pain in my feet ankles fingers and hands at night. This is keeping me awake and I need to take Naproxen which does help for a while. My right hand is now very mís sharpen with very large nodules. I am now in my second week of this and I don’t see my consultant until October. I have rang the hospital and they said ask my go for pain killers. I am still waiting to hear when funding will be agreed for my Alliadamum injections so am running of half my meds at the moment just methotrexate. I have never heard of viral arthritis so would be grateful if you have any more information that would help me through this present situation. Like…did you take pain killers and how long for ? Many thanks and apologies for ramble but comes after another no sleep night.