Keeping injections in a fridge


For a few years now I've had biologic injections that I've had to keep refrigerated (2-8 degrees C)

I recently got a temperature sensor that connects to my phone and I've found out the area in my fridge where my medication is stored occasionally goes a degree or so over/under the 2-8 degrees for a brief time (usually 5 to 30 minutes).

Does anyone know if this is having an effect on my meds? Currently it's Infliximab injections.

Does anyone have any advice on stabilising the temperature? I know about the different temperature ranges in different parts of the fridge already.

Can anyone recommend a decent mini fridge for the injections? The 'Lifeinabox' fridge is so expensive, presumably because of its portability which is something I don't need. Does anybody know of a good, small, accurate/stable temperature mains powered fridge that won't break the bank?

Thanks in advance



  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 852

    Hi @Moonunit

    I bought a Russel Hobbs 43litre table top fridge in July 2021 to keep my Amgevita biologic in. I also bought a small digital fridge thermometer that hangs on the shelf besides the pen boxes. In the 3 years I've had it the fridge hasn't deviated outside the 2 to 6 degrees when I've monitored it.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 818

    We bought a wine fridge many years ago - not for wine but for our tortoise who needs stable temperatures while he is hibernating. We also attach a digital thermometer to it so we can check he's not too warm or too cold and we've never had to adjust it too much - he should be hibernated between 5 - 8 degrees. We also add bottles of water if we do need to adjust it so should work fine for your injections.
