Mobility trikes

looking for mobility trike to help walk my dogs on farm tracks and grass field tracks.

Any suggestions please for all terrain trikes.




  • annabanana
    annabanana Moderator Posts: 134

    Hi Jane, thanks for posting on the online community - it's lovely to have you here! Unfortunately I don't have any recommendations for mobility trikes but hopefully someone with more experience on this topic will come along and you and your dogs will be able to go on some great walks😊.

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    Is there some particular reason why you want a trike, not a four-wheeler? When I was thinking of an ordinary scooter, years ago, an Occupational Theràpist told me not to get a three wheeler as they could be unstable, especially over bumpy bits.

    I'd also suggest you buy from a proper disability shop not off the internet. You need to know what's right for you personally.. My own local one has a chap who will do alterations too eg making àn attatchment for your pooper scooper. I'd imaginè ýou wouldn't want to have to get off to access it.

    Happy searching. I imagine it will be fun, if expensive..

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • wrists24
    wrists24 Member Posts: 3

    thankyou, looking at both 3&4 wheels just don’t want to go for the larger 4 wheels just yet as I can walk short distances.

    Yes ads promise the world !! But off road is not the same to all !!


  • RuthieB
    RuthieB Member Posts: 4

    Hi Jane,

    Have you heard of Ice Trikes? They're a fantastic company & very passionate about supporting people to get moving in whatever way they can. If they don't have the bike you need they'll pass you on to someone who does. I live in the Lakes and there's now a whole group of people doing off road riding together who have various mobility issues & most got their bikes from Ice Trikes.

    If I can help with any other info do let me know.


  • wrists24
    wrists24 Member Posts: 3

    thank you that’s very kind