Full right hip replacement and coming off old medication.

Hi all I had a frh replacement last Wednesday I know how lucky I am the op went so well and everything is good with it. The hospital told me to take paracetamol and ibrufen and stop taking the Co codamol which I have been taking since Nov 23, 8 a day the Dr's wouldn't give me anything different and then kept saying I would come addicted.

Well I tried stopping the cocodamol yesterday as i don't need this pain killer now, it was terrible day upset tummy, cold/hot shaking no sleep could not get comfortable at all. I'm thinking I have to stop gradually and I wondered if there is anyone in the community who has experienced this kind of thing. Thank you.


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 809

    Hi @Loupylou118

    When you have been on any medication long term you cannot simply stop it. You need to wean yourself off it dropping the dose gradually over a number of weeks otherwise you will go cold turkey like a drug addict trying to give it up.

    If you are taking 8 a day you need to drop one each time with at least a week/10 days between each reduction of the dose.

    Quite honestly I am surprised the doctors didn't advise you to slowly reduce your dose.

    Trish xx

  • Loupylou118
    Loupylou118 Member Posts: 3
    edited 21. Aug 2024, 21:15

    Thank you so much Trish your reply has put my mind at ease.

    I spoke to my Dr's today and they just said ease off them each day no other information and at the hospital they said come off them but no sort of plan for me to follow, if that makes any sense. I just thought if I reached out somebody may be able to help.

    I will hopefully get some much needed sleep tonight you are a star.x