Biosimilar vs Imraldi

Hi Community - I have been on Imraldi for 2.5 years now (PSA) and it’s changed my life. Today I received a letter from the NHS stating they are moving everyone to a BioSimilar (Yuflyma) - assuming due to cost. I am going to contact my consultant but wondered if anyone has any experience of changing from one to another? I’m really concerned about it after plenty of time on the pharmaceutical merry go round, where I’m now stable and happy on this drug. Thanks all - stay safe and well x


  • JohnD
    JohnD Member Posts: 1

    Hi Sheriff

    I have been on 3 different biosimiliars so far. I started on Humira which I quite liked. Then was changed to Imraldi. I have to say that I found it very painful to inject. I whinged a bit and was changed to Amgevita. I have heard various people say different things about each, but I found Imraldi the worst. I guess everyone is different though and has different experiences.

  • MrDJ
    MrDJ Member Posts: 328

    I totally understand where you are coming from here as been there and got the tee shirt.

    15 years on Infliximab infusion and it was a wonder drug. walked in on crutches and after first infusion walked out unaided for the first time in roughly 13 years of using crutches. also bloods dropped from 97/122 to 7/10.

    i didnt believe it so asked for a second blood test which showed the same.

    sadly after 15 years licences are open to all and they switched me to bio similar remsima. many doctors always said its exactly the same drug but cheaper. it wasnt until around 2 years ago that one consultant agreed with me as i said it was lacking something as with the original i felt drained after it but the next day i felt a boost, with the bio similar i just feel the same, not drained after and no boost the next day. BUT and its a big but, the bio similar is still keeping my esr and crp within normal limits even though im in more pain.

    The prices have now dropped for the original as they cant compete with the bio.

    4-5 months ago one doc said she would apply to see if i can switch back to the original but nothing mentioned since.

    Make sure you see the head consultant as i believe their underdogs dont have the authority to decide to switch you back. sadly its not as simple of just being one person that authorizes a switch back so all i can suggest is keep asking.

    keep us posted.