Feeling sad

Blubegood Member Posts: 5
edited 8. Oct 2024, 17:35 in Living with arthritis

I just wanted to post to say how sad I am.

I don’t need any replies I just want to moan with people who may understand how I am feeling.

I have Osteoarthritis in my right knee and I am finding the pain to be quite severe despite medication.

I don’t think I’m coming to terms with how it is affecting my everyday life.
I’m 56 and walk like a person much older.

I feel robbed to be honest. Robbed of the life I wanted to live.

I want to do so many things but instead I struggle to even walk 20mins at a time.

My poor dogs aren’t getting the exercise they deserve, my lovely allotment is becoming too much even though I have help.

I know others are worse off and I should be happy to be here but some days I just feel sad.
I know that’s OK, it’s ok to feel sad and I don’t even know what I’m wanting from posting / I guess I just want to be heard and acknowledged ☹️


  • Hermione
    Hermione Member Posts: 25

    Hi there.
    I hear you and I understand. Sometimes you just need to say it even if you don’t expect an answer or a solution. Saying it is good, because you are acknowledging how you feel and you’re not trying to brush it off and pretend everything is fine.
    I have a lot of times like this, too. (Feeling really down even while I count my blessings). Even if we don’t have a life-threatening condition and yes, there are people worse off, you have the right to feel what you feel and it’s valid.
    I had some sessions with a health psychologist and to be honest, all I did was cry and cry in all our sessions. Did that help me? I think so, because there was no-one else who would listen in a non-judgmental way and she didn’t even try to advise me what to do, she just let me cry for an hour each time non-stop. She clearly knew that this was what I needed at that point.
    Half the battle is acknowledging what you are up against. So you are half way.
    Stay strong and even if that feels like an extra battle, you can do it. Change could happen - I hope it does for you - maybe better pain relief or a knee replacement?

    Sending love and strength to you.

  • Blubegood
    Blubegood Member Posts: 5

    Thank you so much for ‘hearing me’

    Your kind words and understanding has meant more than I’d ever imagined.

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Oh @Blubegood

    You are 100% heard here. Everyone understands.

    I know you said you didn't want replies, but here we all are!

    Hope something in here might help a little too:

    If you feel it might help of course please do call our helpline

    My very best wishes and please do keep posting it helps.


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Hi there I hear you too.

    I am so sorry you feel so sad ATM. It's totally reasonable to feel like this @Blubegood.

    Your dogs can get as much from playing with them inside you know they ahve your love which is really important too.

    Maybe you could do what i do on bad days I go for 2 walks on am one pm and you can rest in between. Possibly this won't fit in with your life, but just an idea.

    Are you anywhere near the point when surgery is an option I wonder?

    Sending ((())) and if you start to feel worryingly worse do talk to your GP lots of people here take low dose antidepressants feeling low is so so normal.

    Toni x

  • SoniaR
    SoniaR Member Posts: 68

    Bless you. It can be a shock as to how much arthritis can impact on your life. I love my garden but now have a gardener, I now have cleaners as I can only be on my legs a few minutes at a time. I can’t walk at all for more than 5 minutes without intense pain and now use a mobility scooter which has given me a lot of freedom. It’s opened up my world and I see lots of people taking their dog for a walk whilst sitting on a scooter! There is a benefit called PIP which may help with these costs if you qualify.

    Dont forget your dogs can be given “brain” exercises such as searching for a hidden toy or food treats in the garden or eating food from a kong. There are lots of brain toys for sale so do a google search for ideas and toys you can buy. Sometimes brain exercises tire them out more than a walk round the block! If funds allow you could also employ a dog walker to give them a bit of a run. Never feel guilty.

    Dont forget surgery may be an option in the future such as total knee replacements. A big op I know but it may reduce your pain. Many of us are in the same situation and we totally get how you feel. Sharing your feelings is a good thing to do. You are not alone.