Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni

    How are you this evening?
    I’m not too bad thanks
    You’re very welcome about the poem, Im glad you liked it.

    Yesterday I didn’t even manage ablutions due to the EF situation

    My stomach was ok yesterday thanks

    But today I was pressurised to eat some takeaway chicken biryani from the cultural society

    So my stomach was upset because of that but I’m feeling a little bit better now thankfully

    It was torture yesterday though Toni

    Whole place was filled with tasty Indian desserts and all manner of “stomach - nasties”

    Bill was allowed to sleep around 4.30 pm but mum made sure I stayed awake 🤷‍♀️

    I think at one point BR may have called everyone bald lol,

    But my sister said I was “one of the least bald” - a compliment from my sister- I may have to write that down - only joking 😂

    Poor BR wanted to go to the garden and pick Mima some flowers - but luckily my sis persuaded him it was too cold - aww ❤️

    LA was busy watching cartoons and using his Pokémon - hearing to hear me talking very quietly with his mummy in the kitchen about the gingerbread monster cookie I’d bought for the kids.

    He asked if he could look at it but not eat it

    He was eating lunch at the same time, what a cheeky monkey lol

    Of course we both knew that he wouldn’t keep that promise so the cookie was devoured at a later juncture

    Have a good night Toni and everyone tc xx

    Ps so this is where I go if I want to verbally complain about the vampire nurse 👍 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Hi all

    Rather a silly Sunday for me, had tech woes because an app decided it needed updating and then, like they do, decided my phone wasn't good enough for it either 🙄 so as it was a banking app I can't get in and do this that or the other til I think of something 🤷‍♀️. Which being me I spent far too long persisting with after I should have stopped. A plague on them all, once I get in I'm moving the funds and in future anything that doesn't have a web browser option is getting the chop, I have been pushed too far 😄. Didn't get that much done up the loft but fear not frog if in doubt I will rope in human assistance as well as Sleek's 👍️. The hoover bot looks very nifty 😀 quite discreet and littler than I thought. Yes of course it does hard floors too, duh toad 😳 glad it's well behaved 😊. Hope you get a heater you like too. The one I already have has always been good but you have to sort of start again looking around really, things change, brands that used to be better etc. Definitely a cold one, I already hate it 😬 but picking up a little bit in the week I hope. Have a good new week love to everyone all mums and grampies etc 😘 xx oh I somehow scrolled past your sweet little hat yesterday, love it, and just in an evening! 😍 bet it's perfect.

    Hello Joan, yes I don't like heights really but I'm alright if I have something to hang on to, my stepladders have nice long handles one side etc. I'd love a head for heights and for turning for that matter, never have been able to do spinny things ever 😕. Ooh no I haven't seen Charley Dimmock either, or Alan Titchmarsh, having been watching Monty Don mostly I forget other programmes are on. I will have to go and see what needs doing outdoors myself but cold weather gardening isn't the same I'm not hardy enough to enjoy it 😬.

    Hi bosh, sorry you've had a tricky time of it digestion-wise, hope you can return to plain fare once EF and naughty littleys have exited. Sill gastric oracle had it in for me yesterday too 🙄 so I went fairly plain myself too, a little cottage pie which didn't turn out that well more derelict than charming cottage 😄 and have had the good old R Brek for supper. Question, what's your method for getting it neatly into the bowl? I always seem to waft it about the place when getting the bag back in the packet 🤔😄. Have a good night and hope you get a walk in tomorrow that suits you. I noticed today that my jacket looks like it's faded a bit 😔 from being hung at the bottom of the hall banister facing the full sunlight from the front door I suppose - good job I didn't hang it on a peg on the side wall instead it would have faded just on one half 😮. Such is life lol. Bye for now take care :) xx

    Night everyone 😘 xx

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 16

    Still waking up at 3am in pain I feel like I've been run over by a steam roller. Ankles still swollen. Love to get some seep

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,855
    edited 14. Oct 2024, 06:24

    Morning Joan how are you doing today? Saw my lovely neighbour (him) yesterday and arranged to go round for a cuppa with my lovely neighbour (her) Thursday afternoon. So many different medications. They are trying some of the meds like MTX on people who have OA now too maybe they will help who knows? Gosh yes I have put my vest back on already it's getting proper chilly. The little bot is surprisingly powerful isn't she?Take care Joan ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    Hope you and your Mum are well today. Especially after the takeaway from the cultural society event.

    I heard potatoes are bad for diabetes but how amazing that the patch can actually prove it to her. I think everyone should be allowed to have a patch who has diabetes. Well maybe all of us so we can see what is good/bad for us what pressure we are putting on our bodies.

    Does upma have a lot of carbs in it? I hope not and rice in general too😕 Mind you my niece in law (she is from the Philippines has diabetes and she blames it on rice. They eat a lot a lot a lot of rice out there and she says there is a lot of diabetes too.

    My goodness me that LA can get away with a lot. His timing with his 'still bald' comment was just spot on though maybe we can add stand-up comedian to his list of career possibilities😉 How did BB take that I wonder?😯

    Sorry LA was being so naughty that his favourite Auntie could hardly bring herself to speak to him. Was BR his usual sweet self though? I see he wanted to pick you some flowers, but….

    I see he was not in fact perfectly behaved saying you are all bald! How very dare he say that you have beautiful thick and glossy hair! I expect he was joining in with his beloved big brother.

    I rather thought the gingerbread would be consumed when it comes to treats LA has hearing as good as my old dog when I opened a chocolate bar😋

    Why was BIL allowed a nap but not you? I'm sure he has no health conditions apart from what he does to his own stomach🙄

    Love the vampire nurse complaints dept🤣

    Have a good day today ((())) xxx

    Morning @Stuartknee I am so sorry to hear you are still struggling. Some people here nap in the day if they can to 'catch up' on sleep. I favour the idea of trying to get some slow release pain meds from the Dr to hopefully help you sleep a bit longer at night. Nothing worse than being awake at night you can feel like you are the only one.

    Years ago we used to have two threads 'early birds' and 'night owls' for people who struggled to sleep they would chat all night and feel less alone. I was an early bird like you up too early.

    Take care

    Morning Toady hope you are doing ok today.

    I don't think I use banking apps though I do pay bills and transfer funds on my phone. It is possible. My own account and our joint account. I can imagine all too well just how frustrated you must have been yesterday a plague on them all indeed. Sleek said it was 'in fur iating' and Auntie Toady was very cross.

    The little bot might get called Beyoncé Bot she being so powerful! I think Sleek was a tad scared though so will need to 'do' a room at a time. I must get a photo of her next to Bessie the garden Bot (does that make Beyoncé a 'house bot'?) when she is back from her winter service.

    Glad you will be careful when you insulate the loft and even get hooman help that is for the best. Are you after your little radiator just for yourself too?

    Much better I think financially just to heat where we are on maybe the bedroom. The first house I had after leaving home had no central heating. A gas fire in lounge and two of those storage heaters in the hall and landing. When we were kids I think we had the same (in Essex) and an outside loo. We really are very lucky these days. Oh yes! and did you ever have a radiant heater in the bathroom? I bet Joan remembers those too.

    Glad you liked the hat it was pretty easy as Arya is really tiny.❤️

    Have a good day Toady keep warm ((())) xxx

    Aren't they adorable?!

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good morning Toni

    wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,123

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I’m sorry you are having a problem. I have one banking app I pay bills with I haven’t any problem yet with it. I put the tv on for quiz shows I like the Chase the best.
    Go careful with your climbing jobs. Have a good day

    Toni (()) yes I remember having an outside toilet and a gus under the bed. And a bed pan you put it in the bed to warm it. Those were the days. And when we had squares of paper to use in the toilet. There was not so many illnesses then was there. Have a good time with your lovely lady neighbour (()) I hope she’s okay. Have a good day love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Ayala (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I’m sorry you have tummy problems I hope they don’t last too long. Love to your mum (())

    Stuartknee (()) what has the Doctor said about your knee. Have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Bacon bats how funny lol

    Mums ok 👍

    Dad is being dad 🤷‍♀️

    Actually it was BR who said, “Still bald” lol

    I love the fact that he thought with compost and water dad could grow a full head of hair in 5 minutes 😂

    👋 Joan

    How are you?

    My stomach is a bit better but not fully thanks

    👋 toady

    Ablutions time

    Bye for now all tc xx

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 16

    I have a doctors appointment booked for 5th November its the only one available.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    sorry to hear that that was the only one available Stuartknee

    Bye for now tc x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi young at heart toady

    How are you?

    Oh no Internet banking and tech woes - yikes!

    Have they got sorted out yet?

    I’m not sure I dare ask lol, but do you have a local bank branch? Or even semi - local? I hope so, but they seem to die like cabbage dust or even cheese sandwich crumbs at the moment don’t they? Oh dear, I hope it all gets sorted out soon.

    Yesterday some guy on Facebook was harassing me “on another level” as they say, so I’ve come off it completely for now

    Ive made a few friends from Facebook recently who seem ok and i just use catsnap to communicate with them, but it’s a quite small number of people really so it doesn’t feel so much like time wasting, hassle and giving people opportunities for potential harassment

    I must admit that I’m half asleep with mums thermostat control again

    But at least it’s set at a lower temperature than when EF visited

    Have a good night toady tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Hi Toni

    How’s your shoulder now?

    Is it still hurting?

    My mum says the patch is attached to her arm with a needle, so it can’t be comfortable, but you know my mum, she never complains, bless her.

    She had a telephone appointment with the diabetic nurse today and the nurse has increased her morning insulin dose and eliminated the lunchtime dose, evening one remains the same.

    So the changes to the insulin should help her even more hopefully 👍

    Yes I think you’re right some carbs are definitely better than others, I’ll try and find out a bit more about it at some point

    I do remember mum saying the same thing as your N.I.L. - white rice is really bad for diabetes, brown rice is good however, the only problem I think, is that brown rice can upset the stomach, mum generally has white rice at supper but she’s very careful about the quantity, during the day she’s very restrained indeed, another problem is that dad is so set in his ways, he thinks veg should always be boiled, Mother Nature forbid he should voluntarily eat a salad!

    This is the problem you see Toni,

    Dad is making things difficult for us, especially poor mum, at every stage

    On a more cheery note, LA coloured in a lovely picture of a Dino and his pet rabbit and gave it to us,

    I was on the verge of saying that i don’t think dinosaurs had pet rabbits, but that would’ve meant no cheese sandwich for me, not even a bowl of R Brek - what a thought 😂

    Have a good night Toni and tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399
    edited 14. Oct 2024, 23:45

    Hi all, just a late wave so you know I'm not marooned up the loft without a ladder (not possible thankfully, it's firmly attached) - have been on the internet far too much today 😳 so am turning off before I go any more cross-eyed, proper visit tomorrow 👍. I might be making headway with my silly app thing🤞no, no bank branch bosh, should I want such a thing; when Freuds split from ☕S🐝 I got one branch in my town, the wrong one ofc, and the other right one miles away in next nearest town. This app account isn't my main though so fear not I haven't been locked out of my biccie money funds 🤭.

    Love to Joan, have a good day tomorrow, will be in the cafe at a sensible time 😊 xx

    Likewise frog, see you then with my today's leftover chat & possibly some pics , love to all 😘 xx

    Sorry you are having such a tough time Stuart glad you are going to be seen, that's not toooo long to wait (hopefully there will not be 'fireworks' ! with your GP, do you get on ok with them as a rule?) Hope you do get some sleep 🤞😴 xx

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 16

    I sleep where I can even in a deck chair pain in the knee to get out of. I hope she (GP) gives me stronger pain killers to last through the night this is getting really annoying.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,855

    Morning Joan how are you today? All is well here. Charley now has a larger car which can fit in baby them and the dogs. It's an estate much more practical for them all. Used to be my brother's when he had all his children at home. I am looking forward to having a catch up with my lovely neighbour she seems really well after several short stays in hospital.

    When you think about it we are very lucky to have central heating and everything indoors now aren't we? I remember my Dad fitting a toilet inside for my mum for her birthday! I wonder why there are so many more people ill these days though🤔 very odd and not good.

    Have a good day Joan ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you this delightfully damp day? Let's hope maybe the sun comes out later. Is your stomach back to normal yet? I do hope so.

    Oh no! It was BR! He thinks Big Babu can grow his hair back that easily? If that were the case we'd have no bald men at all😂 Bless his innocent little heart.

    Does you mum feel the needle then inside the patch or is it ok once she got used to it? It does sound very state of the art. I know there are pumps that can directly pump the right amount of insulin into people I should think god for children. Imagine if you had to inject your child morning and night that would feel dreadful wouldn't it?

    Brown rice and bread, although better for us health-wise do not help my stomach at all what about yours?

    So quite a lot of adjustments to your Mum's regime let's hope it makes a huge difference for her. 🤞

    It really can't be helpful that your Dad will only eat veggies boiled within an inch of their lives. Nice crunchy salad would really be good for him! You know - I'd do you and your Mum a salad and him veggies put yourselves first.

    Reshmi some men see a good looking girl/woman like you on a platform like chasebook and will harass them. It might be safer to be off there for a while I agree.

    Have you spoken to the old chap lately?

    Have a good day my friend ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    you sound all internetted out! A new word duly invented for you there! I hope today you can spend less time online.

    Glad to hear your loft ladder i the attached variety, but is it at the top of the stairs or safely on the landing?😣

    I''m very glad to hear you have not lost access to your main account that would be a worry not at all good. Hopefully you'll find a way around it soon and all will be well. Just in case have a biccie

    Save the bourbons for me they are vegan ta!

    Sleek is en route I think she is not keen on Beyoncé Bot at all so far she is dodging her! Not sure i blame her though she gave her a good sniff when i switched her off. She was thinking about getting herself one for her ickle house. She may spend a while on catazon…..

    Take care Toad ((())) xxx

    Good morning @Stuartknee I am very glad to hear you have an appointment even if it is a while off. I hope your Dr will help you with something to give you a better night sleep and less pain at night.

    I think you can cope better in the day when you have slept the night before don't you?

    I've put the kettle on if you fancy a cuppa. Do you prefer coffee or tea?

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,123

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) that’s good you still have your main bank. Have a good day. One minute the weather man says it will be hot then it’s going to snow I don’t know what it’s going to be next.

    Toni (()) I’m sorry your neighbour been in hospital (()) have a good day. Yes it’s nice Charley and Annie have a car big enough for everyone. Any news on your shoulder. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Ayala (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day sorry you have tummy troubles (()) love to your mum (())

    Stuart knee not too long to your appointment. Have you tried heat on your knee.

    take care
    joan xx
  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,399

    Morning all 👋 right I'm out of the woods with the app now (having been slightly clever but mostly quite stupid in places 🙄), so will give thought to shutting the account anyway - one day it will definitely decide my phone isn't compatible and I'm not being armtwisted into changing it. More & more now, websites keep nudging you that 'it's better in the app', well no, hardly ever. Anyway off the internet for me today and outside instead if poss, have done a little a bit up the loft, the insulation arrived yesterday. Yes ladder firmly on the floor on the landing frog 👍 no chance of me 'dangling, Mr Mainwaring' over the stairwell, like Cpl. Jones 🤭. It's a good metal one. I'd like to be able to hoover up there but not on really, it'll have to be dustpan & brush. Yes Sleek is bound to be a bit wary of Beyoncé and would need to give her a good once-over. Talking of Sleek, here is my recreation of her mood board in the 'mini boutique-hotel bedroom' as promised, I may have got a little carried away 😂 but it was a change from the banking horrors yesterday. Note the suitable reading material and the toad companion (he makes a lovely toad croak). Didn't really mean to buy star lights they're a bit xmassy now I think about it, I just liked that they were wooden. The little heater is partly with that room in mind but yes to be portable too, my other is a 1200w I think and too big. I remember night storage heaters well! ugly things 😣 and electric bar heaters but they would cost a fortune to run now. There's an overhead light with circular element heater thing in the bathroom here but its pull string broke back awhile and I wouldn't trust it anyway tbh 😬 shame, it was quite effective! Hope you are having a good day and got a walk in the dry, very overcast & a bit dank here. Love to all and I will bag the custard creams ta if you are the bourbons 😊👍️. xx

    Hello Joan, I am all sorted now thank you 👍️ apps have their place I suppose but I don't like them they need updating too often and there's the possibility for problems like mine which I had to get around in a round the houses way. Bring back proper old banks etc etc mutter grumble. Gosh yes the weather who knows what's what, I look ahead if I want to know about rain but you have to take it all with a pinch of salt anyway. Have a good day I will be careful thank you, no more loft today. Yes I like the Chase 😊 did you see that a Countdown contestant tried to stab another at a past winners' event in Blackpool 😮. Love to the dogs too 😘 xx

    Hi bosh, yes my banking woes are over for now thanks so you can keep the internet for me for a while, well maybe just a bit of browsing 😉 very mixed blessing the old online world, like your pestery person, no-one needs that sort of thing. Hope your day is going ok and the temps are ambient (bit optimistic that I know). Love yesterday's pretty pic, very peaceful, no Phantom Neighbours. Another person comes in in the daytime now while the PN is out, so is that the Phantom Neighbour's ghost?! 🤔 maybe there is one for past, present and future 😱 eek. Take care 'scuse if I've missed anything I will probably be in later anyway 👋 :) xx

    I wouldn't take any bets on me getting in or out of a deckchair in a hurry @Stuartknee 😬 very tricky things! Hope your day is as ok as poss and sorry it was an early awake day again for you 😔. Take care keep us posted :) xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    Hi everyone

    a whole message became bald!!

    Tech issues I guess

    I’ll try again soon

    But I also have the female issue 🤮

    Bye for now all tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi toady

    How are you?

    I must admit I did make a few spurious transactions from one of your esteemed bank accounts

    Sorry about that but LA has eaten all the cheese in the southeast again 🤷‍♀️

    I’m not sure how in BR’s eyes the whole multigenerational family has turned bald - maybe he’s writing for Dr Chew?

    Maybe a better way of making money than raiding your account 😂

    I think BR has polished off all the R Brek nationwide sorry about that

    Breakfast may have to be S*reddies - does that appeal?

    Or even just water from the bosh - abode?

    It seems to taste of salt at the moment- the water softener has gone a bit bald at the moment too, it seems, how delightful

    So a plethora of ghosts? Oh dear - The Phantom Raven’s Birdbath perhaps?

    That’s the version Poe wrote when he overdid the gluco - zade, never reached the publication stage you know 🤥

    Bye for now toady tc xx

    Ps how not to eat a toast lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni

    As you may have noticed I returned to Facebook in a controlled kind of manner

    I’ve also changed Facebook settings so less unwanted people can find me.

    It’s another heavy totm this time for me, particularly unpleasant

    I may go to group tomorrow if I feel up to it and if I’m “still bald” of course lol,

    We’ll never be able to stop saying that, will we Toni? 😂

    Yes very cute that BR thinks a granddad’s baldness can be reversed in 5 minutes haha,

    The miracle of R Brek hey? Reversing male baldness since 1645 - I think that’s the correct date at least

    The house is very sauna - fied

    I tried to post one of LA’s drawings before- that’s when the tech issue started - never mind I’ll just have to consume porridge flavoured with hair - growing shampoo again, what a life, lol.

    Have a good night Toni, Joan toady and Stuartknee tc xx

    Ps Northern Lights pic xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,855

    Morning Joan how are you doing? All is well here the dogs had a run out in the new car Charley sent me a photo of them in the estate bit at the back perfect they are safe and baby gets the whole middle bit to herself too also safely. My shoulder (dare I actually say this?) is now maybe hopefully starting to improve🤞 How about you with your pain are you coping ok? Have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you this delightfully rubbish Wednesday morning🙄 too hot and with TOTM I suspect. I hope you are able to get to the group time out of the house would do you good.

    Hope your Mum is doing ok has the change in insulin had any noticeable effects yet?

    I have no ready break left so we're on different breakfasts here too. Also no cheese left. Paul has eaten the lot including the vegan cheese boy he must have been desperate!!!

    Going for a walk with Kari pre-foodbank this morning will need my hat as of course as you know - still bald😂 Nope that will be a little VC funny phrase.

    Years ago a lady wrote a thread '9 hairs and a nit' about having headlice and she also had kids one of them caught headlice at school. It did make me laugh I have never forgotten it. She lost a lot of hair due to her meds.

    What a shame you couldn't share one of the great artist LA's latest compositions without blowing up your ipad🙄 Very frustrating indeed.

    Well done sorting out fbook hopefully you will get less unwanted male attention that way all being well. We need a better word for it….waste book? It does waste a lot of time?? Come on Reshmi help me out with a better name for it.

    Have a good day my friend ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    I love your mood board - it's much clearer than Sleek's was - I think the neutral colour is perfect nice and calming. The lights are lovely stars are fine any time of the year I think the rattan lamp is perfect as is the reference to summer and of course Sleek's blankie. I have a Toad too no croaking though unfortunately.

    So the heater on the ceiling must have been an old radiant heater then? Probably quite unsafe yes - they always smelt a bit funny didn't they? A small oil filled one would do the job, on wheels, well maybe medium small. I was wondering about a small fan heater too just to fire on me when I sit down on my own. I'm already under my blankie on the settee so chances are it will get colder yet this winter.

    So you've been cleaning up in the loft have you? getting ready for your insulation such a good idea it will make such a difference. I am very glad indeed to hear your ladder is a sturdy metal attached one I shall worry slightly less. No Mr Mainwaring dangling for you!!!

    Toad I think I may have a wasps nest here outside my kitchen. I can see them on the window outside.😣 Help!

    Hope @Stuartknee had a better night last night.

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 16

    I had a bad day yesterday, then slept from 8:30pm till 4:30am still woke up stiff as a board.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,123

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I have a neighbour who has a Tc o phone he won’t try to get the internet he is on pay as you go. he doesn’t get on very well. That’s good the ladder is safely on the ground. and you. I hope you can spend some time in the garden the weather doesn’t look very good. Have a good day.

    Toni (()) that’s good your shoulder is improving. That’s good Charley and Annie and Ayala and the dogs all enjoyed their time out. Yes I’m alright thank you. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Ayala (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I hope you have a good day today. Love to your mum (()) you take care

    Stuart knee (()) I hope your pain is easing have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,816

    hi Toni

    How are you this afternoon?

    Yes a gloomy start no doubt but I did somehow manage to get up before the heating got going.
    Yes raging totm I’m afraid, needed gluco- zade just to leave the house.

    But the day itself wasn’t so bad thanks

    It was good to go to group and speak to people other than kids and family members lol

    Nice M said she saw her son who has diabetes for a nice meal, so I was pleased for her.

    J the organiser was her pleasant jolly self as usual

    RR was busy texting someone- probably some supposed female artist on Facebook lol - I will get to the Facebook topic in due course haha 👍

    Yes it definitely did me good to go out get fresh air etc

    I’m not sure about mum

    I know she has started the new dosage - or re - arrangement- well you know what I mean-

    She’s in a bit of a mood, so I don’t know- I’ve tried to ask her but maybe she’ll tell me later

    Oh dear maybe P had some help from southern littleys?

    Staffordshire is a long way for LA to drive in an unlicensed taxi though - “still unlicensed” - doesn’t have quite the same ring to it somehow 😂

    Don’t even mention the lack of driving licence or the fact that the driver is “slightly” underage haha

    Toni you are about as bald as I am haha

    The nits phrase is funny too

    Yes shame about LA’s art indeed

    Thanks about Facebook

    I came up with lace hook before

    But it’s a tricky one

    I’ll think about it 👍

    Chase - book was good though lol

    Waste book is also quite good

    Yes people often spend their whole lives there it’s true

    The most important people I keep in touch with there is severely autistic and he likes using FB and he is unlike most people there - a nice and “wholesome” kind of person, also he’s only young but his father died and his step mother bullies him.

    ok I did have a gastric episode, nothing serious, but it was painful, so I’ll go for now Toni

    So bye for now and tc xx