
Deb1234 Member Posts: 4
edited 12. Nov 2024, 12:23 in Living with arthritis

just been diagnosed 7 weeks now go to see a physio Tuesday what pain killers help tried so many nothing helps can not sleep at night just feeling so fed up x


  • SLH22
    SLH22 Member Posts: 14

    Sorry to hear you are fed up. I am sure we can all relate to this. What have you been diagnosed with?

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 539
    edited 9. Nov 2024, 16:45

    @Deb1234 arthritis is a whole bundle of pain and it takes time to adapt. I went pain free 1st July.

    Do share a bit more about whats happening. I do know though its not like treating a headache. The pain killers seemed to be doing nothing until I realised I need to take the full recommended dose and keep on it then I began to see how they were helping.

    And yet there is other painkillers, anti inflammatory, take one and the jobs done.

  • Ari
    Ari Member Posts: 14

    @Deb1234 very sorry to hear,but stay still its manageable here you can find every one who can just not relate but also felt you, feeling your phase

    Initially it's kinda cruel because you doesn't know why the hell it hurts here oh my god now there?

    So for first few days just try to rest a lot don't do anything like no hard tasks..just rest is needed when pain is there..if hands paining don't eat by yourself ask mom to feed for first few days till pain settle..if you put more pressure it hurts more and it won't stop so.. whenever or for whatever you feel hard to do stop then and there and get a help.(For few days believe me)

    Trust me I've been the same stage I cried everyday but now I am just lifting 20 kgs almost in gym haha..that's how life is when it tests you just stay calm and at end you will win

    Try to figure which work pains you and try to minimise that and eat good food like veggies,fruits and nuts

    Don't skip meds and yeah waking up might be hard,I know that part once you wake just relax your body in bed it's okay if it takes time to turn your body,don't feel sad that makes the pain bad

    The more you're sad the more it hurts

    And for sleep take a hot shower it's soothes the pain and relaxes you and eventually you will fall in sleep.. and stand in the hot water tub for 5 min it relaxes more and yeah just and let me know


  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 525

    Morning @Deb1234 and welcome to the online community.

    Sorry to hear your concerns about sleeping with pain.

    I listen to audiobooks as a distraction myself but as you can see others are connecting with their help and support.

    So please give us more information to help support you even more.

    Best wishes @Naomi33

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Deb1234
    Deb1234 Member Posts: 4

    thanks for your reply have been off work now for 7 weeks it started in left shoulder and now is in right shoulder and also in leg .Iknow they say not to get upset as this increases pain but it is so hard they say to try to do exercise but it hurts I go to see a physio tomorrow so will see how that goes .Have you ever had an injection and what is your thoughts on them .Other then tablets and creams what helps you with pain sorry if this is a lot of questions thanks again x

  • Ari
    Ari Member Posts: 14

    @Deb1234 please do ask more questions don't be sorry.

    And yeah very first time I was having the extreme pain i got a injection in my hip it was like normal injection not any complicated ask you doctor about the direction and where they injecting that's absolutely fine

    Hope it helped you


  • Deb1234
    Deb1234 Member Posts: 4

    Thanks for getting back to me today is not a good day Will speak to my doctor thanks again

  • Moira
    Moira Member Posts: 116


    Poor you. I can sympathise. My phumatologist has prescribed a low doesage od a sleeping tablet. Taken with my ant-imflatories and a pain killer (on her advice), it has made a huge difference to sleep.

    Check with doctor/specialist what would be best for you. Everyone is different.

    Good luck.

  • Deb1234
    Deb1234 Member Posts: 4

    can I ask what tablets you take I no everyone is different.At the moment I can not find anything that helps x

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 539

    @Deb1234 I nearly had a guided shoulder injection but by understanding there is friction at the shoulder sinews I corrected my posture instead. I was slouching too much. Also I learned to sleep on my back as this was the least painful. At first with a neck pillow and later with a foot wedge. Pills won't do this. Physio will show you where the pain really is.

    I got by with paracetamols but, at first I needed steroids as it was paralysing.

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Good morning @Deb1234

    I wondered whether you have read this information?

    This could help prepare you for discussing pain medication with your GP.

    Best wishes


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Good luck today @Deb1234 hope you get on ok with the physio

    Toni x