Val's Cafe



  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 78

    Really cold, not much fun warming cold muscles everything aches.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,181

    good morning Toni Skinny Keef and everyone

    Welcome back SK 🤗

    Wppl xx

    Ps coffee for SK

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,150

    Hi Reshmi and Toni thanks for the welcome back.
    I take 7.5 mg of MTX on a Tuesday and the folic acid Thursday and Saturday. I only took 5mg last week and I was fine. No side effects and a big difference in inflammation and no bad heads at all.
    This week I took the full 7.5 (supposed to be 12.5 in two weeks time) and I feel like death. Couldn’t breath in the night and would have foned 111 but I need to be here for a delivery at 8:30 so held off as last time I ended up in hospital.
    Does the breathing thing pass or am I one of the 1 in 200 that can’t take it due to lung inflammation do you think???

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,150

    Get well soon Joan.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,150

    my doc just foned me as i emailed his secretary this morning. He said just take 2 next week and see how i get on. Sounds like a plan.

    Thanks for the warm welcome back 🙏

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,181

    you’re welcome Skinny Keef

    I actually take a different dosage of methotrexate and haven’t experienced breathing problems personally

    Maybe it’s a rare side effect I’m not sure

    Toni would probably know more about this

    Hope you have a good afternoon

    Bye for now and take care x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,181

    hi lovely ladies and gents

    Or more specifically Toni toady Stuartknee and of course Skinny Keef

    Sorry for the late post

    How are you all?

    Been a bit of a sluggish morning with heating blaring etc

    Also mum had very low blood sugar just now, but dad and I helped her and it’s normal level now thank G**

    My blood test is in roughly an hour and a half’s time

    Then I have to come back and inject our “friend” mxt

    As there’s a lunch with EF on Sunday

    What gastric fun

    Toni I cried a lot yesterday but ultimately it was good, even though it blocked up my nose, as I got the emotions out and also got some proper rest

    Yes you’re right, dad waking me up on purpose by shouting really isn’t helping matters at all

    But today I feel ok thanks

    Yes dads driving me to the hospital- the dreaded grumpy dad lift lol

    Lovely card for Joan

    I thought of something to write here but it’s left my sieve of a mind lol

    You take care in the cold, don’t walk on the ice

    Ok bye everyone need to get ready for non - phantom phlebotomist

    Tc xx

    Ps Ood - type fashion, I blame that toady lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,137

    Skinny Keef how quickly after taking your MTX did it make you struggle to breathe? and how quickly for the difficulty to 'go off'???

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,549

    Hi folks 👋 thinking of Joan and hoping she's doing as well as can be today 🤞.

    Super choice of card frog 😊 yes that should get there in a trice - sorry she hasn't got her iPad, if she did she would no doubt be in here as soon as she could & thinking about everyone else not herself as usual. She will be glad to see SK's name there 👍️. Thank you for sorting it out 😊. Hope all ok with you today, it has been so bright & sunny mostly but didn't seem to put a dent in the cold really, yes bird bath still solid even by midday - but any lying ice/snow is definitely going. Have put out bin and hope for the best I can get it in again - especially past a road full of gas worker vehicles and barriers - they were working late last night which is not permitted in residential area barring emergencies, that's what I always understood, so I had to hope there wasn't one! Not unheard of for one lot of repairs to cause other problems in the course of what they are doing, is it. Quiet day today thankfully so have started the 'advanced level' bathroom cleaning for possible plumbers 😬 and will see how the next few days go maybe at least contact someone. Other than that Sleek and I have just been keeping warm, polishing off the doughnuts and passing on any gossip. Good thinking with the cat treats on her present we'll see if she just snatches them or hangs about for an explore, you will know by telltale cat wool won't you. Hope everyone else well and your lovely neighbour, as Joan would ask without fail. Take care, warmer on Sat apparently but only by the usual price, rain 😕 ah well sun tomorrow at least :) xx

    Leaving a 😘 and a 👋 in the slot where Joan ought to be xx

    Hi to bosh, thank you for goodnight wish and the robin last night, what a beauty 😍 I have seen my own robin today and been out with food for him including cheese, yes cheese 🤫. It's all go with you isn't it I am behind the times wishing you good luck for your bloods etc, hope they were ok - sorry you had to miss group but you got some shopping done any macarons? 😄I did think that was clever. Yes the teamaking is in full swing round the clock here, won't be long til next pot the dark comes down so quickly, you need something cheerful. Hope your mum has been steady the rest of the day, credit where it's due to grumpy dad doing (some of the helping) I guess and yourself as always obvs. The threat of a MH meal rides again then does it, oh dear, well your turn on the gastric rota should have passed safely by then I hope. Glad a good cry helped you too. Ooh, nice fashion pic which for bringing the bin in tomorrow do you think and which for seeing the phantom plumber in? The dinner jacket ensemble looks quite good for that with a built in germ filter maybe, so the frock for the bins I think 😂. Have a good evening :) xx

    Woohoo Keef 😀 hello stranger, sorry the mtx is not going down too well but sounds like scaling back is a good idea, maybe hadn't had time to acclimatize quite 🤔 glad it's doing it's job with the inflammation anyway, that's good. Hope family well 👋 :) xx

    Hi Stuart, yes the cold is no joke at all with arthritis 😕 I find that if my worse hand gets cold even from say being outside in this for a few mins, I sort of lose the full use of it until I warm up again - not like numbness, more like the right signals don't get to it, v odd. Had it last year and totally forgot til now. Hope your achiness improves when it warms up again a bit like they forecast 🤞.

    Love to everybody 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,150

    Hi Toni, it was about 36 hours after taking it.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,150

    the first week on mtx I was like YES - got my life back, no headache for a week, less pain, taking less tram, but then this week it’s worse again and I been bad again. Piling on the tram and anti inflamms just to get through the day.

    Feeling okayish now. I will stick to 5mg for the next couple of weeks. It’s nice just to have a clear head 😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,181

    hi toady

    It’s been a bit of a stinker of a day

    My mood isn’t “high” thank goodness

    But mum wasn’t well of course

    Just felt shattered after non - phantom phlebotomist

    Plus it’s freezing of course

    Am actually going to inject mxt tomorrow 🤢

    Yes ood - fashion for bins etc 😂😂

    so maybe we should thank Mother Nature that we are not phantom wire - touchers who are out of pocket beyond the grave ookey

    Good night all tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,137
    edited 22. Nov 2024, 06:33


    Had a couple of texts from Joan yesterday she thanked me for telling you all what's happened and of course sends her love she is so pleased that Keef is back 😊 of course she asked after my friend and her yorkies wished you all a good night too!! Still our Joan😊 ((())) xxx

    Skinny a cuppa for you?

    I think sticking to the lower dose is a really good idea for a while especially if it made a difference. Building up slower might be better for you. If you experience breathing issues though it is a 111 job. Oh keef how are the family? ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi yesterday sounded like a better day for you and very wise not to upset your MH by adding in MTX. Joining me today is perfect I shall have some company😊 Sometimes a good cry is exactly what we need.

    Well done having your bloods with the PF (phantom phlebotomist) even if it did mean a lift from Black Bear. Waking you up indeed😠 he can be a very mean black bear, but a lift in this weather is very much appreciated I suppose.

    You wouldn't believe it but I was ferrying people around in snow myself last night in the dark. I was actually quite proud of myself because my meno symptom's have caused me issues in recent years interfering a lot of my usual driving ability. Paul was not back from working it was snowing but the meeting was then and the people much more vulnerable than me.

    It's good you will see EF this weekend they will be so pleased and it will make you 3 smile and have some funny nephew tales to talk and think about.

    Wonder whether you have to pay the fine before you touch the electric wires???

    I was very careful Reshmi didn't even walk yesterday I did some of the VA exercises instead indoors.

    Take care yourself pleased and keep warm((())) xxx

    Morning Toady Hope all is well with you? I am so glad you all approve of the card I just hope it finds her fingers crossed if not today (I did send 1st) tomorrow.

    The gas workers are in the street?!😯 oh no I hope everything is ok. I think they must have at the very least had to make something safe before leaving the road last night. Sleek was full of it all of their escapades seem to be in her notebook not on the evidence board. She likes to keep her investigations serperate.

    No evidence that she even went up the first platform - where the treats are - no floof. She is stubborn our girl as you know. Time will tell.

    I hope this snow will turn to rain soon - it was much snowier up at my friend's . I had to park a slight distance away and walk up not the best fun I've ever had I'm afraid. Was going to ask for the next bed to Joan if I went a cropper. I do have some walking poles with spikes on though. You know I think I'd actually be happy if this turns to rain!!!!

    Hope the deep bathroom cleaning is progressing nicely.

    Another onesie duvet day is in order today I fear keep warm dry and safe especially if you fetch the bin in and when you thaw out the bird bath ((())) xxx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,181

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,150

    they all good thanks Toni. Sucré nursery skool uniform. 😁

    Morning everyone. 🤪

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,181

    hi Toni toady J SK SKnee

    Sorry for abbreviations but it’s mxt day 🤢

    How are you all?

    Mums ok right now 👍

    Did an early walk which was good

    Need to do ablutions etc

    Nice pic of Sucre SK 👍

    Bye for now all tc xx

    Ps just a “random” pic xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,549

    Hi all 👋 absolutely nothing going on here, less cold but doesn't terribly feel like it imo 🤔

    Thanks for updating us on Joan frog 👍️ lovely to be asked after & wished a good night 😊. Hope her card is there or very nearly, it being the weekend now. She will be missing the dogs 😦 hope everything is going well towards her recovery even though early days. Driving out in the snow and dark yourself 😬 and I bet you didn't even have your Ice Road Trucker snow chains on 🤨 well done though. Snow nearly gone here anyway, yes the rain will be much safer - just could do without the quantities that we're in for and wind too 😕 you forget how horrible, having had a run of dry days. It should clear at your friend's too. Nothing going on here, no noise from workmen, neighbours or roadmen, all quiet as mice! 🤷‍♀️ Long may it last but nothing for Sleek to put it any of her notebooks whatever. She can work on my xmas list if she likes heaven knows I don't see me doing anything to it 😱. Sorry about the total non interest in the present, I wonder if like children, she would suddenly decide she likes it if you talk about giving it to Mabel or Winnie in earshot, maybe possessiveness would kick in 😉. Bathroom coming along, except I keep tidying things like freestanding storage posing the 'good' toiletries etc and remembering he'll have to move them all out of the way anyway 🙄. Airing cupboard, don't let me forget the airing cupboard just in case 😣. Well the lottery ticket was a non-starter, I have one for tonight after that it'll have to be Plan B, when I think of it 😄. Love to everyone keep warm :) xx

    Flowers and grapes for Joan as per the card 💐🍇 and I see there is a teddy tucked in so better have one of those too 🧸 thinking of you Joan 😘 xx

    School, oh the horror SK 😱 hope he enjoys it more than me, well he couldn't really enjoy it much less 🤨 looks happy enough / looks the part anyway he will be fine 👍️. Hope you're doing ok today :) xx

    Hi bosh, sorry it's foul friday 😣 hope the mxt is in one of its better moods especially if yesterday was a bit of a stinker too 😬. Funnily enough I didn't turn any heads bringing the bins in, thus reinforcing my suspicions that all the locals are bots of some sort and in fact oblivious to all things out of the ordinary & otherwise 😉. Nobody appeared to have been in line for the $200 fine at any rate, I really was slightly alarmed that the gasmen had mucked up the electrics as it did have the air of a bit of a crisis that night lights flashing lots of orangeclad workers bustling about, but the next morning the streets were not strewn with frizzled up neighbours so that was nice wasn't it (said with air of innocence 😄). There are new people on the corner of the cul de sac nearby I am just literally waiting for them to dig up the nice front garden for more gravel & cars, I bet you here & now 😠. Oh well will just have to work on one of those spells where vines & thorns & whatnot twine up over their house overnight, that'll teach 'em. Have a good night hope your mum does too :) xx

    Hope Stuart as well as possible today 👋 :) xx

    Love to everyone 😴 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,181

    hi toady

    The very idea of frizzled up neighbours oh dear lol

    My brain is frazzled today young at heart toady

    Mxt plus still recovering from that yucky pm mood swing

    Plus good gastric behaviour is required as Sunday is MH meal time

    Back is feeling slightly ookey - but not too much

    Have a good night tc xx

    Ps octopus ood - like jewellery - the phantom plumbers are paying lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,181

    hi lovely Toni

    How are you tonight?

    That was kind of you to drive the vulnerable people

    Mums ok 👍

    But in the afternoon her blood sugar was low again but the patch alerted her and dad and i helped her again

    But i don’t think it was quite as bad as last time

    More to report on this but a bit tired now

    BR got a badge for sleeping through the night

    He said he slept through because big brudder answered all his questions in the night lol

    What queries I don’t know for sure lol, maybe “were jelly babies invented in Reading or Slough? Do cabbages have the same nutritional value in Staffordshire as in Portugal?” 😂

    Ok I’m too tired to write anything sensible lol

    Have a good night Toni SK S Knee etc tc xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,137
    edited 23. Nov 2024, 07:01

    Morning everyone!

    I heard from Joan yesterday all seems to be well she sounds just like our Joan which is exactly what we need. She is a determined lady I am sure if anyone can make a quick recovery it will be her. I was thinking though that she might need the hospital aftercare team when she gets home though? They can do 6 weeks here which should be enough to see her back on her feet knowing Joan. She sends her love again to everyone ((())) xxx

    Morning Skinny Keef how are you doing? So adorable to see Sucré in his uniform for nursery. Is he loving it? Maybe more importantly are you both making the most of the respite😉 Only joking you will miss him for sure.

    How is Loanda getting on with her coursework how long before she finishes?

    ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? I see your mum's sugar went low again but the patch alerted you? That is good also good to read that BB helped you to sort her out! That's a turn up for the books!

    It's pouring down here just the sort of weekend for visiting family.

    Well done BR sleeping in his own bed all night. If he keeps it up for a whole week maybe he'll get more than a sticker? Who knows. I wonder what sort of issues trouble a sleepy BR too🤔 perhaps what could I ask for for Christmas…..when is it my birthday? When will I see my Auntie Mima again…..

    BTW our cabbages are very nutritious here I had some yesterday also carrots (marrots) swede new potatoes leeks and 3 different beans yes a Toni vegan casserole. It was YUM! A small amount of onion and garlic though i am pretty sure those two can cause gastric issues sadly…..

    Could you please turn off the rain? I think I will have to do some of the VA exercises again that is the 2nd time this week I couldn't walk.

    Of course I had to help the older people, but really, honestly Reshmi snow frightens me to drive in. Paul's van is much less scary because it has huge wheels. Anyway nice and steadily I remembered what the driving instructor used to say they all got home safely.

    Take care my friend ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady it's raining poor little Sleek is in the wardrobe digging out her mackintosh and sou'wester she's fuming muttering quite a bit about snow and ice then this! She has booked a catsi and will call at costa packet on the way. Another duvet day I think for you both.

    Not sure about me I had planned a forage for wild moss and pine cones but the rain is just non-stop and big ole drops of it these little guys love it though!!

    Joan's card didn't arrive yesterday or at least didn't get to her I do hope it does today fingers crossed. Bless her she is incredible isn't she she just gets on with it.

    It's really bad out there but safer than snow for sure. Nope I have no snow chains on my tyres. Honestly! Why do they think I know what I am doing🤣 Imagine anyone relying on me.

    Sleek is very happy to do a Christmas list one of her friends is doing her parents' books for them also in the rain.

    Maybe I do indeed have to threaten to 'pass on' Sleeks new tree if it comes to it, but hopefully according to the Google oracle she will experiment in her own good time. Could be weeks though🙄

    Oh yes!!!! You have to empty your bathroom not titivate it to look nice🤭 But I do get that!!!

    Did you win the lottery? Mind of you do will that be the last we see of you?! Will you jet off to an isolated cottage somewhere with no neighbours, but good safe paths (for scootering), better weather, good Drs (really good ones where you can get an appt) nearby recycling facilities etc……😁

    Have a good day Toady ((())) xxx

    Morning to Stuart I hope you have had some decent sleep and are coping ok (())

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,181

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,549

    Hi all 👋 well this is a bit grim, I did hope the worst of it was this morning etc but apparently it's even grimmer overnight now, thanks 'Bert'

    Yes Sleek and I are of one mind frog as you know, fuming & muttering is about it 😄 nasty old weather. Still she got here very quickly no queues in costa packet apparently and we made the best of things. Lovely cat pics, aw that kitten 😍 and clever kitty with its notebook, very serious and busy. I haven't checked the lottery results yet but you have got my checklist off to a T there, all the requirements 😄👍️ chuck in covid free shops and yes I'm off - but not giving up my seat in the cafe, oh no. I've got my corner and my mug and I'm stopping 😊. Glad you heard from Joan yes I hope whatever help she can get on release is enough, are they still talking about Monday do you know? Hope your day has been ok, sorry there was no foraging. I am replacing bird feeders otherwise everything on the ground will be soggy or frozen at this stage, no good at all, though I do tuck bits away under shrubs etc in the dry. Breaking the bird bath ice yesterday and of course today it will be flooded, the birdies will also be fuming and muttering I expect 🐦️😣. Hope you get a nice crisp foraging day soon, looks bright but cold start of the week? Have a good Sunday not too many expeditions into the cold hopefully :) xx

    Love to Joan and pleased to hear about things through Toni look forward to your return, it's not right at all without a post from you 😘 xx

    Hi bosh, ooh yes the ood / octopus please, very nice indeed 😍 glad I'm not paying I expect it cost a few squid 🐙😄 groan. Hope your day has been ok so far no more incidences with your mum & glad at least the one yesterday was quite 'mini' as it goes, hope she's alright. Nothing happening here, apart from the rain, yikes hope it doesn't affect you much. I like the sound of big brother's question time, more use than PM's questions I imagine and maybe more factual, or maybe not 😂. No badge for sleeping for me, the gastric oracle was very mean and I did nothing to deserve it, bah. A toad can't live by cream cracker alone but there seem an awful lot of things on the off limit list 🙄. That reminds me my bank sent me such a dumb email including references to being on Santa's naughty list, a bank, I mean, cringe 😕. I won't be sorry to get to bed, and listen to some of a Doctor Chew audiobook, I could do with a few more really but some are only available as expensive downloads and it's a lot to pay for at best a couple of night's listening 🤷‍♀️. Have a good night yourself :) xx

    Wave to SK, Stuart and anyone else passing 👋 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,181
    edited 23. Nov 2024, 22:10

    hi lovely Toni

    How are you tonight?

    Yes the patch alerted her thankfully

    She’s ok 👍

    That Toni special vegan casserole sounds great and yummy

    I don’t why the phantom plumbers didn’t turn off the rain 🤷‍♀️

    It was freezing and raining when I first walked today but the walk back was a bit better

    I must admit I swigged a whole hot choc at Cost A Packet but it was an extra stressful morning with all the shouting, so it wasn’t the worst crime 👍

    LA has a new game in which he pretends to be a green monster who threatens to eat BR if he doesn’t wake up in time for lunch, lol, eating an illegal cheese sandwich is one thing, but a brother? Oh dear, we may need to all ask toady if we can hide in her biccie cupboard in case our siblings skipped breakfast haha

    Yes snow must be scary for driving indeed

    I think I’ll have to leave it there Toni as EF are coming here tomorrow- slight change of plans- my goodness tomorrow I’ll do my best to report from the front line - it’s every cabbage for herself!

    Good night Toni SK and S knee tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,181

    greetings frazzled toady

    Or maybe frazzled bosh lol

    How are you tonight?

    The four orange - clad workers of the apocalypse- oh dear

    LA is playing the brother - eating game - distinctly ookey

    Cucumber sandwich- eating is ok, but sibling - swallowing- not quite proper etiquette on Sophistication Saturday, also if you really feel the need to eat your sibling- you should at least stop to chew 😂😂

    That’s what the gastric oracles told me at any rate

    EF are invading tomorrow on Sibling - Swallowing Sunday, or whatever the official terminology is haha

    So gather your weapons, sorry cabbages and prepare to the throw them at any invading workmen, neighbours, relatives or R Brek - thieves, but not at the al fresco delivery man as I’ve signed a waiver

    Even if you are enraged due to the porridge not being of the requisite cinnamon- flavour

    That’s the closest to a poem you’re getting tonight lol

    Goodnight toady tc xx

    ps I know a terrible pun, but at least it’s not mine lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,137

    Morning Everyone!

    I heard from Joan a couple of times yesterday so we can be reassured she is doing well. I told her about the photos of Skinny Keef's Sucré she will have a look herself when she gets home but said Sucré is a lovely little boy and is glad Keef is back.

    The food is apparently ok although there is a lot of it and she's seeing a lot of the physiotherapist😯 hope he/she is not cut from the same cloth as GI Joe.

    As ever she sends her love to us all and for us all to take care.

    Morning Skinny Keef hope you are doing ok today? I have had a Grandaughter (first Grandchild) since you stopped posting (so glad you are back and hadn't deleted your account) I will see whether I can include you in the PMs I sent so you can see a photo of her. Her name is Arya I am sure you approve being a lover of unusual names ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi gosh you are in for a busy day today. I hope you can keep in touch while bullets are flying overhead. The tensions will be high food prep and tidying etc for the most honoured of guests.

    Gosh having a hot chocolate if that's all you did yesterday after what went on is absolutely fine. You deserved it. Costa packet needs you anyway😉

    I had some emotional cabbage (loved that!!!!) myself yesterday it was lovely also some runner beans (so I'll run not walk today!) and some asparagus, so plenty of greens. My sister and brother are safe for now. Actually they are safe full stop as I don't eat meat do I?😳 Maybe point out to LA that although it is sibling-scoffing-Sunday (I mean everyone knows that don't they?) you aren't going to eat their Mummy. Seriously I hope BR isn't too scared bless him.

    I still prefer rain to snow, but the phantom plumbers really ought to have turned that stop cock off before they left for the weekend shouldn't they? I had a look for it and do not know where it is…..

    Your outfit for the day is ready post ablutions!!! Good luck private Bosh. ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    More rain🙄 yet more rain and today we absolutely MUST go to the market at Leamington for more Hungarian gulás and lángos. I need it and this is the last time they will be there before Christmas. Paul loved it too next I have to make it myself instead. The lángos is a cross between bread and yorkshire pudding just lovely and everyone knows gulás as goulash.

    Sleek is coming to yours again after she has called into (for a change and comparison) bra hooks. Oops! will I end up in the spam queue again I ask myself?

    At least the bird bath will be defrosted today I hate taking a hot kettle out which is what I do it's risky yes? That's a really good idea popping bits of food into bushes for them. Yesterday I was watching them out and about getting almost blown over (and that was a magpie!) poor little souls. I think I may have heard some swearing out there and do not blame them at all.

    I must admit I am a little worried about our card as Joan has yet to mention it😔 I do hope it gets to her soon though before she leaves I will check in whether she is still ok for home tomorrow later. I am also a little worried that she said her leg is still 'dead' after the spinal block? Surely that should not be after all this time? I mean is her nerve affected??? At least she is seeing a lot of the physios so that's good.

    Did you win the lottery? Mind if you do you'd better PM in case you get a whole load of begging letters….. Time I PM'd an up to date pic of Arya for you all including Keef to see.

    Covid free world would suit me Toady🙄

    Take care and hope your day is ok. No foraging today for me either grrrrr😕

    A quick hello 👋 to Stuart knee if you pop by hope all is well for you and you are getting some sleep atm (())