Delayed bone healing?

good evening all. I’m just wondering if anyone has had an issues with bones healing?

CONTEXT: pretty fit, healthy-ish, gym goer coeliac disease, previous methotrexate, currently on Secukinumab for PsA, I fractured my 5th metatarsal by jumping in a puddle 🫣15 weeks ago and it’s still not healing. I’ve been told to stop secukinumab for the moment- last injection was sept.
I’ve seen orthopedics and now 2moro I see another specialist to decide if I need surgery and a metal plate fitted 🫣

Can’t work out why the bone hasn’t healed and I feel like the doctors avoid my question.
anyone ever experienced anything similar with their bones not healing?


  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,148

    Hi @Laura83,

    I don’t have experience of the drugs you mention, but I have broken my fifth metatarsal twice just by standing on it awkwardly 🙄) I was told that the inflammation from arthritis ( I’ve got rheumatoid ) can slow down healing but in neither case did it take as long as 15 weeks. However, taking methotrexate can inhibit healing of fractures- here’s what I found on the Versus Arthritis website about it:

    it’s certainly worth asking your orthopaedic surgeon again, or maybe your rheumatologist.

    Anna ( Moderator)

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  • Laura83
    Laura83 Member Posts: 4

    Hi Anna,

    Thank you for your reply. Hopefully I’ll get clearer answers 2moro from the orthoPod specialist. I don’t ever see my Rheum Dr it’s usually the specialist nurse, she was the one who advised me to cease my meds until I healed (as there’s a contraindication with the blood thinners I was taking to prevent DVT)

    It’s such a sore break and so easy to do 🫣

  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,148

    Good luck with the orthopaedic specialist tomorrow 😊

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm