Pain management

Gillypompom Member Posts: 1
edited 7. Jan 2025, 21:04 in Living with arthritis

Hello, new here, first post.
I have OA in knees and hips, and pain often keeps me awake at nights. I am also diabetic, with irritable bladder and bowel and hyperparathyroidism. I have had some physio and have exercises for my legs. I am overweight and 73. I have been referred to rheumatology but have no idea when I will get an appointment. I struggle to find doctors wiling to discuss me as a whole person and accept that treating one condition may make others worse. For instance ibuprofen can irritate my bladder and instead of waking with pain I wake to wee! I am currently taking 40mg amitryptiline, paracetamol and occasional ibuprofen. I have tried naproxen but was only able to get a prescription for two weeks. I take turmeric and multivitamins. I need someone to sit down and discuss my whole self and make a plan for pain management because but 10 minutes on a phone discussing one issue only is all I can get. Is there any advice anyone can give me?


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Hello @Gillypompom welcome to the online community.

    You do have a lot going on there I can certainly see why you struggle to get different Drs to see you as a whole person and how each issue can interact with others.

    You title your post pain management so I will pop a couple of link in for you which might be of interest:

    You mention that you have had some physiotherapy. If you are the kind of person who is keen to help themselves this might also be something you would like to read:

    It does require some commitment, but quite a few of our members really found it helpful.

    Hopefully some of our members might have further suggestions.

    Best wishes


  • Arciere
    Arciere Member Posts: 106

    Hi @Gillypompom

    I’ve been trying to think about what to say to help you. I wonder if picking one thing to focus on, to start with, might help.

    You say you have a referral to Rheumatology but you’re not sure when the appointment will be confirmed. Could you consider focussing on that as a starter for 10?

    Perhaps a phone call to the Rheumatology department at the hospital you’ve been referred to? To see if they can tell you when you may be seen, or when they will confirm the appointment? I know making contact can be hard. I do promote the Rheumatology Advice Telephone Lines - so maybe that’s worth a Google to see if you can find the number for the one at your local hospital. If you can’t find it - I would expect your GP Surgery to know it.

    I say that because when I was waiting for my rheumatologist appointment, my GP wasn’t able to help me with pain relief, so I called the Rheumatology Advice Line and a Specialist Nurse wrote to my GP asking them to help me, which they did.

    Hope this helps