Knee osteoarthritis
Hello, I'm new to this forum. I've had pain in one knee, gradually getting worse, for 14 years and had an arthroscopy 12 years ago. I've had 3 X-rays on the knee showing gradual degeneration over the years, the last a year ago. I've had 2 steroid injections since last June, the 2nd of which only gave pain relief for a few…
Pain management
Hi I'm new to this but I'm really at loss with my pain i have psoratic arthritis in my feet and osteoarthritis in both knees and spine and a bakers cyst behind my knee. I'm struggling with pain relief as I have health anxiety and emetophobia so I can't take new medications cos I worry about the side effects. I take…
CBD Oil Amitriptyline
Hi. Couple of questions. Does anyone on here take CBD Oil or capsules to relieve pain of osteoarthritis? What dose? Does it work? Can it be safely taken with Amitriptyline.? Do people take Amitriptylin? What dose? Does it work? Asking as I am currently on 10mg daily Amitriptyline prescribed for Neuropathy not…
Severe Arthritis pain
hi all I have recently had X-rays on my neck and shoulders and the Doctor has told me the results are very bad my left shoulder and the back of my neck are the worse parts and he said Eventually i will have to have an operation on my left shoulder. I am on Tramadol and paracetamol and Pregabalin which I have just had upped…
Osteoarthritis…. Any advice
I’ve recently been told I have osteoarthritis in my left big toe and in my hands. I have been told I have degenerative conditions in my right knee and to be so much more careful with my activity. many advice would be greatly appreciated. Any information regarding supplements etc … anything that may help. Thank you.
Facing ankle fusion as an active sporty person?
hi all, I’m new here! 42yr old mum of young children (5&7) and have inherited osteoarthritis from my creaky mum! Unfortunately post traumatic injury, the arthritis in my ankle has reached ‘end stage’ and the surgeon has recommended a fusion. As an active person who has lived with and sucked up chronic pain for years and…
New, 66, Alone, In A OA Flare, No Pain Relief, Trying To Avoid Depression/Anxiety!
Hello, I'm 66, new to the VA Forum, it's good to see so many people here using it. Please bear with this lengthy post. My anterior THRs were done in 2016 and 2017 but it now feels like OA is all over, particularly the spine, neck (both of these were fractured in a fall last year), hands + trigger fingers (tendons), and…
Pain management
Hello, new here, first post. I have OA in knees and hips, and pain often keeps me awake at nights. I am also diabetic, with irritable bladder and bowel and hyperparathyroidism. I have had some physio and have exercises for my legs. I am overweight and 73. I have been referred to rheumatology but have no idea when I will…
Hi all, Has anyone had useful help after being referred to a pain management clinic? After 3 x telephone calls, the lady I've been speaking with did a relaxation technique with me (which I have done thousands of times in the past for an anxiety issue), and then wanted to refer me to a Psychologist…she's told me that not…
Pain control
Level 4 osteoarthritis in my right knee with level 3 in my left along with gout. I take naproxen & stomach protector plus paracetamol every day. I use a TENS on my knees when I get home from work as I can't use it or my walking stick in work as I work in a food production factory. I had a lidocaine injection in my right…
What is best for knee pain
Hi What is best to use for really bad knee pain due to inflammation- I have been using a knee wrap, heat and a massage gun to help ease pain. Is there anything else anyone can suggest to help my pain please ?
Advice on Axial Spondyloarthritis
Hi, just wondering whether I put up with this pain or I need to see my GP or Rheumatologist. My rib cage is very painful when I breath in - so can only do shallow breathing. I know this is part of AxSpA but any recommendations on how to stop the pain would be really apprieciated. I am on biologic injections but just lately…
Leg pain at night
Does anyone else on here experience pain in the legs at night, particularly the knees ( as I have osteoarthritis ), and it keeps me awake and I have to keep altering position or get up to walk about to find some relief..
I’m new 😊
Hi everyone, I have finally been diagnosed with OA after two years of hospital visits , along the way I also have an osteoporosis diagnosis and PFPS, a great gift for my 60th , I have constant pain and stiffness in both my knees and I hate to think how much l have spent on pills, potions and miracle knee braces and to be…
Hip pain what is your go to for pain relief?
Hello all A couple of months ago I developed a new pain in my hip that runs down my leg into my shin and ankle. I have an appointment for a scan in a couple of weeks so hoping to have a better diagnosis then as not sure if it is RA, OA (I have both) or something else. Have been advised by phone to use the usual pain…
Pain relief
Good afternoon everyone I hope you are well. I am apart from this unbearable pain in my right knee. I was diagnosed with mild arthritis in my right knee about 10 months ago. I've took all sorts of pain relief, sprays and creams to help ease or relieve the pain. I also got arthritis in my left knee at the beginning of this…
Cold sore
I developed a cold sore throughout the day yesterday and I don’t think I’ve ever felt so ill with one. I’ve had a sore face, earache, headache, swollen gland, eyes have felt swollen, extreme fatigue and more pain through my body than usual. I have PsA and osteoarthritis in my thumbs. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so ill…
Osteoarthritis and Apixaban
I have osteoarthritis in both knees. It is quite bad. Since coming to England in 2020, some of my medication changed and I now believe that this change may be affecting/contributing to my general body pain. I have a blood clotting disorder and was on warfarin in South Africa for around 6 years. Once in the UK, I was put…
Looking for solutions and need some advice...
My grandparents suffer from arthritis meaning they can no longer complete most tasks at home and need a lot of help, especially during celebrations and family events. I was wondering if anyone has tried using gadgets to help them out and whether they are worth trying so I've made a google form for some feedback. Feel free…
Rheumatoid arthritis - constant shooting pain in feet.
Hello, thank you for allowing me to join the group. I am a female, 22 and have just been diagnosed with RA. I have seen the rheumatologist and have been given steroids and methotrexate which has helped a lot however I am left with constant shooting pains in my toes and foot. Unfortunately not having much support/luck with…
Does taking HRT have any impact on osteoarthritis?
Hi, I have severe bone on bone osteoarthritis in my hip. I'm new hear this is my first post. I'm currently post menopause for 12 months now and I read that the drop in estrogen and collagen has an affect on arthritis so I was wondering if anyone had started taking HRT whilst suffering arthritis and if it had any effect on…
Hi, please can anyone who takes Amytriptiline for pain relief advise me how long it is likely to take for the pain to ease? I have been taking 25mg for around 3 weeks now and haven't noticed any difference yet...I'm not sure whether to carry on with it....also has anyone who takes it experienced weight gain at all? Any…
Waiting on a diagnosis - any advice on painkillers?
My GP suspects I have inflammatory arthritis and I've been referred to rheumatology in a few weeks time. The pain I have is mainly in my fingers but while waiting for my hospital appointment my elbows now feel like they are on fire as well. Paracetamol and ibuprofen aren't doing anything for me. Is there any other pain…
Pain relief
Hello I'm currently using naproxen to help me cope with the pain and swelling I get in my right ankle can anyone recommend a different pain relief drug that works for them please. thanks
pain relief
I have been prescribed cocodamol 8/500 for osteoarthritis until now-GP has not renewed my prescription and said I must now buy it from a pharmacist. I am surprised by this change of mind-no apparent reason. Not all chemists stock this. What would the community advise? Ibuprofen? But I have heart medication not compatible…