First Hip Replacement Looming

Hellesbelles Member Posts: 18
edited 8. Feb 2025, 12:05 in Living with arthritis

Hi all

I have a date for my first THR - Feb 18th. However, my consultant says as soon as I am over this op, he will have me back in to do the other one. Apparently, because they are both so bad, doing just one is pointless as I won't get any benefit from it.

Has anyone here had both hips done in succession? If so, what sort of timescale was there between each op??

Thanks, Helen


  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 525

    Afternoon @Hellesbelles

    I have no personal experience but my friend had first one in June 2024 and advised June 2025 for second one.

    Obviously everyone and every situation different so best get first one done then ask the question.

    Best wishes @Naomi33

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Having the first done and strong will help you with the second. I had my second 10 months later but there are people here that waited only 3 months. All depends on where you live. Good luck

  • NanaAnna
    NanaAnna Member Posts: 8

    Hi Helen ,I had my 2nd hip done several weeks ago and the previous one Nov '23 so a little over a year between them. From what I can gather, a year seems to be a common gap here in Australia, but obviously everyone presents differently. For me, it took me a good six months to feel really comfortable with the hip and be back into regular moderate-high intensity exercise, as I had quite a discrepancy in leg length following the first hip. This time everything is very even which is great. I also think you need to be psychologically ready for another big op, although this time I am way less anxious about the post op process. Ultimately, the scheduling of your next hip will depend on progress with the first and I wish you all the best for February 18th 2025!

  • Thank you all for your comments. Its getting real now - 3 weeks next Tuesday and I'm dreading it.

    I live alone and while I have good family support they do all work full time.

    I am trying to plan ahead, but things (usually at silly o'clock) come into my head. You know, how will I do this, or how will I do that.

    Tuesday January 28th I get to meet the physio so am making a list if questsions!

    I have a second pre op assessment on Feb 4th followed by bloods for cross match on Feb 14th, then the 'big day' Feb 18th.

    My aim is to be back at work Easter Tuesday, when I will be 9 weeks post op

    Do you think that is realistic ? Iknow everyone is different !

    Thanks 😁

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    Hi @Hellesbelles I do understand your fears and those during the night thoughts - all perfectly normal. I live alone and had my hip replacement just over 12 months ago and amazingly managed much better than I had thought I would. I did have family popping in for half an hour for the first few days, but really I could have managed without them, although nice to see them.

    Planning ahead is really good preparation. Try to think of how you would manage normal tasks so you can prepare. I moved all commonly used kitchen equipment to cupboards I could easily reach and bought in lots of easily prepared but nutritious food. I thought about easy to put on clothes and kept them all handy. I found a long handled shoe horn and sock helper the most useful bits of equipment but you'll find your own way. It's amazing how ingenious we can be when alone and wanting to do something. My physio said she liked patients who lived alone because they had to find a way to do things and that helped their recovery. I did have neighbours who would have popped in if necessary so that gave me a bit of a comfort feeling, I didn't need them though.

    Regarding getting back to work - I think it depends. Almost immediately I could spend several hours sat at my computer, but it was a good few weeks before I felt comfortable going out unless it was almost door to door. I was managing on trains, for long distances, from around 12 weeks and from 6 weeks for short distances. I was driving at 3 weeks as I have an automatic and my 'new' hip is on the left side. I really didn't walk more than about half a mile a day for a number of weeks/months. If you can work from home, or have easy travel and some control over sitting/standing/walking at work you should be okay but everyone is different. Good to have the aim but be prepared to be realistic - we all recover at different timescales and we can help or hinder that by listening to our body.

    Wishing you the very best of luck, it's hard not to worry beforehand but most of us have found we've coped better than we imagined.

  • @Janlyn Thank you so much for your comments.

    I had already thought about rearranging things in my kitchen - that was one of the things that came to me at 2.30am one morning.

    I have heard people say it won't be as bad as you think I guess we all think the worst at times.

    I have a long handled shoehorn, but yet to get a sock helper. Now trying to decide what the best type of clothes/footwear I will need !!!

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Hellesbelles Oh, those 2.30am thoughts - I do remember them well!

    I know I definitely preferred to plan for the worst and hope for the best, and truly it wasn't as bad as I had thought, but then we all have different experiences. I do remember the slow struggle upstairs and then remembering my medication was downstairs and having to struggle slowly downstairs and back up again - I only did that once! In reality after a few days I was going up and down quickly and now after 12 months running up and down again.

    It was December when I had my surgery and I really found the sock helper essential for socks and tights - the only alternative would have been waiting for the family to visit or calling a neighbour in! I found a couple of long, loose dresses and skirts in the back of my wardrobe which were easy to pull on over my head rather than struggling with trousers. Being long they were warmer too. Once I managed to get back into jeans I had to be careful as they rubbed on my scar and caused a bit of a discharge problem. Soon solved by wearing looser trousers and putting a plaster over my scar whilst exercising. It's amazing how we find ways to cope with the unexpected problems that crop up!

  • @Janlyn, I have bought a couple of loose knitted dresses from Temu & I also have some loose fitting jogging trousers too!

    I live on a first floor apartment (no lift) so once I'm back home I shall be all on one level which I'm glad about!

    Just trying to decide whether I need a mattress topper or not...currently going round measuring the height of everything!!!

  • Rona123
    Rona123 Member Posts: 4

    Good luck for your op @Hellesbelles - I had mine in august 2024 and am doing well. you will be fine.

    @NanaAnna - what was your leg length discrepancy? Mine is 1cm true and 2.5 cm apparent. The latter is what I feel! I have a heel lift in my unoperated side’s shoe. Did you have a heel lift or a full length insole?

  • @Rona123 thank you so much.

    I hope you continue to make good progress

  • As someone who also lives alone and has had both hips done, you should do great. It sounds like you've taken all the necessary precautions. Ankle socks and slip on shoes help. Just make sure you listen to your body and you'll be fine. Good luck!

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Hellesbelles you definitely are getting organised and that's good, a mattress topper might be more comfortable but I wouldnt have thought essential - I used a lot of pillows wherever I felt they would help. All sounds good!

  • @Janlyn thank you. Maybe I'll re-consider on the mattress topper then. I ghave already bought extra pillows!!

  • So today, a lovely man from Dudley Council dropped these off for me..

    I feel like a really old lady with the trolley, but at least is caused a few laughs lol 🤣 🤣

    Just need at least one more grabber, & toilet teat raiser to be given out on day of discharge from hospital

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Hellesbelles Haha, you are getting well prepared. The beauty of having these things is yes, you do feel old, but they can be useful and once you don't need them any more you do feel years younger instantly!

  • alwayssewing
    alwayssewing Member Posts: 99

    @Hellesbelles I had my first THR on 1st February last year and the second on 16th May last year. The 2nd should have been done in April but I caught a nasty virus so they moved it to May. I had a wheelchair to get to the car park after the first op but walked to the car with crutches after the second because it was so good.

    I found healing was a bit different with the second, the bruising was deeper and took longer to go. Other than that everything went well. I'm now waiting for my knees to be done.

    So long as you are sensible and don't overdo anything you will be ok to have the operations close together. They like to have at least 12 weeks between.

  • Hellesbelles
    Hellesbelles Member Posts: 18

    @alwayssewing. Thank you!

    Its all starting to get real now. Just under 2 weeks to go for my left hip & I'm hoping I won't have to wait too long for the right one to be done

  • Wobblylegs
    Wobblylegs Member Posts: 140
    edited 7. Feb 2025, 08:04

    @Hellesbelles I’m a fellow hippie my op is taking place on Feb 11th so just 4 days to go. I’ve followed your thread as it’s really useful in terms of equipment. We can join up and share progress if you’d like? You don’t live far from me by the sound of it as I’m over near Telford. I’m having hip done at RJAH though and therapy services brought me a toilet frame and a 4” cushion for my chair.

    But I’m panicking with just 4 days to go about shoes for after the op. I’m told to bring in sturdy shoes with plenty of room and a mid fastening but I’ve only got one pair like that and they’re Mary Jane style shoes which are quite stiff if my feet should swell. I was going to take in my Skechers go walk slip on one's as they are soft and malleable but now I’m worried they come too far up the foot? I think I’m just having a last minute panic here 😂.

    Plus I also have to have the other hip done as soon as too!

  • Hellesbelles
    Hellesbelles Member Posts: 18

    @Wobblylegs Would love to share progress. I need to get a cushion - I think that's all I need now.

    I ordered two pairs of Sketchers this week, both of which I have had to return. Think I'll just stick with my old flat faithf

    I hope all goes well for you on Tuesday - I can't believe mine has come round so quickly, I think last minute panics are more than justified!

  • Wobblylegs
    Wobblylegs Member Posts: 140

    I’ll speak on the other side then and let you know how it goes, I’ve decided to go with my old faithful Skechers slip ons and cut them ifI need too. Good luck for 18th

  • Hellesbelles
    Hellesbelles Member Posts: 18

    @Wobblylegs Thank you. Keep me updated when you can. Good luc