Val's Cafe



  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi dachshund yeah I couldn't be without my dogs even though they are noisy I will be pleased tonight when I finish work I hope your day goes ok for you.

  • Stuartknee
    Stuartknee Member Posts: 113


    I still have not shaken off my last cold.

    My joints all ache exercise is not happening. Mums not improving either

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi Stuartknee I'm sorry you still haven't got rid of your cold and your body aches I hope you are able to get plenty of rest and I hope you feel better soon I'm sorry your mam isn't very well this illness is hard to live with at times take care of yourself.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Toni

    How are you?

    Mums ok 👍

    Nice protective gear lol

    Yes I keep a low profile as much as possible lol

    Yes good she has energy

    I suppose so, I know she has new meds and must look out for swelling, I’m sure they must be monitoring it really, it’s what they normally do 👍👍

    Yes it’s difficult for mum to fully come to terms with it, i understand

    Yes not much sympathy from BB unfortunately

    Thanks for accepting my “blip” lol

    I may need to go cold (vegan) turkey however,

    I’m not sure how that works really,

    I do enjoy licking cereal bowls so I maybe have to try drinking R Brek from a milk carton 😱

    Yes indeed, poor innocent BR is repeating all sorts of stuff, yes B Shark is the root of all evil haha

    Nice about sunshine, sad about cat, is P ok?

    Yes we can blame toady

    I’ve written a poem for the bank

    About toady, the phantom Poe and the storm

    Bye for now Toni tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    👋 greetings toady JoJo Joan SK S knee

    How are you all?

    Before I forget

    This is my poem 🙏

    Bye for now all tc xx

    It’s called “ When toady and Phantom Poe created a gale,
    All because her nosegay cheques got lost in the mail”
    It was the stitching hour,
    But toady’s taste for embroidery, had turned sour
    She was bored by the repetitive routine of needle and thread
    Before cinnamon R Brek and retiring to bed
    So she modified the birdbath ritual
    And summoned one more ghost, then was habitual
    Her doorway was suddenly darkened by the phantom Edgar Allan Poe
    He said “greetings fellow fan of bats and ravens- a hearty hello
    I hear your spirit neighbours won’t leave you alone
    They even give you no peace when you are on the telephone
    That’s easily remedied oh great lady of the toads
    I’ll soon have them looking for alternative abodes
    I’ll whip up a storm, like wicked witch of the west
    With the rain and gusts of wind, that would put even the patience of BR to the test
    Evening will become was dark and sinister as night
    No marmalade sandwiches for dinner, just hot sauce and gruel mixed with marrots of course for perfect eyesight

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi toady

    Vampire nurse blood? Surely not 😂

    Have a good night I’m hackered as the IT professionals say lol
    take care xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599
    edited 28. Jan 2025, 23:26

    'night all, today got away from me totally I'm afraid, I must actually go to bed 😬 even though I could easily do a couple more hours online and still not be caught up. Have changed horses midstream so it's miceland tomorrow and al fresco to follow sometime frog. there was such a lot out of stock 🙄 (no offence Jojo 🤭) that I had to make an executive decisions as they say or I would be out of all the basics. Back tomorrow, hope Lucy got on as well as possible🤞 thanks for the tree info, will come back to that & all other matters 👍 hope Paul ok and you have a good night xx

    Sorry not to be more help Joan I will pick up the thread with you tomorrow though, hope your day has been ok 😘 yes February looms, good heavens 😱 xx

    Thank you for the poem bosh it is super-fabulous, just what I needed 👻🌪️🦇 more on that tomorrow. The phantoms have been restless today actually, and there have been nosegay related matters too so it's highly relatable as they say 😬. Sleep well best to your mum too 😴😘 xx

    Hope your day was ok Jojo, and have a good day off tomorrow 👋 . So your dog likes to fetch his harness, very bright aren't they 😀 you hear about dogs who supposedly know when their owners are on their way home don't you 🤔. Have a good night :) xx

    Hope you feel better very soon Stuart and shake off the cold 😘xx

    Night all xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi toady it wasn't a good day at work yesterday I started straight off with a heart palpitation making my job hard every time I got on the kick stool I thought I was going to faint I got though the shift as best as I could yeah my dog is pretty clever lol I hope you had a decent day and hope you are well.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227


    Morning Joan how are you today? I hope all is well. Let's hope if the injection works it helps one part of you at least!!! The rain has stopped here ATM hope that's it for the day. I think tomorrow is supposed to be quite nice. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Jojo I hope once the children are at school it's your turn to put your feet up watch a film and nod off if you need to. I volunteer at the foodbank on a Tuesday and Bosh goes to her group on a Wednesday. I am imagining you on the sofa with your girl dog next to you possibly the boy not far away too and a nice cuppa within reach😊 No palpitations today please that is a worry(()) xx

    Morning Stuart your cold (and your Mum's) is really hanging about🤔 that's not good at all are you sure it wasn't this flu people having been getting that makes you ache all over? (())

    Morning Reshmi

    I am glad to hear you and your Mum are doing ok. Long may it last.

    You can't expect much sympathy from BB really even though your Mum was really poorly and gosh has had a kidney transplant!!. It's not in his nature. You understand though having more than one condition yourself. How you have to get your head around each new one. He has enjoyed pretty good health so has no real empathy.

    Well ok I have a confession to make myself. If I open a new yoghurt ('Shall grow' blueberry it's heaven!) I lick the lid. Yes I do I actually do.😳 So if you slurp up anything left in your cereal bowl I do understand.

    Perhaps BR can go to some sort of group for children addicted to baby shark? Maybe there's one for slightly older children addicted to maths games too….?

    Your poem for Toady is brilliant!! How do you you do it?! I love it so must she it's totally our Toady's life in the nutshell. Well done you. Also impressed how quickly the bank cleared it was it a bacs deposit? Faster payments or what?!

    The cat pic! That is Lucy's Winnie she'd do that!

    Take care and have a good day be careful at the group of any nasty members. ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady I hope you are ok the weather looks overcast but at least dry so far.

    Paul was away overnight on Monday so when he got back Elfie wasn't speaking to him - look!

    I see yesterday was suitably mad for you mine was too. Bro visited at lunchtime then after lunch I took 3 of my different soups to Lucy (she's doing ok ta) then after that I went to visit my lovely neighbours for an hour which turned into 2!!! Luckily I had my soup to just heat up when I got in and Paul got home about 8. My worhardo (sorry Jojo but I do shop in Al Fresco in store) order arrived at 7.30 no subs!

    Have you noticed that candy kittens have changed slightly? the packets are stripey and the shape slightly different ? They taste just as good though. I hope your order from miceland is all present and correct. Sleek is looking forward to something not sure what. Might just be unpacking it she loves doing that. Unless you bought more vegan whipping cream?

    Take care Toady and hear's to a better day for you ((())) xxx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi frogmorton yeah it's going to have to be a quiet day I think once I get the kids to school I've got a film picked out I'm sure once I've walked the the dogs they will be happy to curl up under the fleece blanket next to me thankfully so far no heart palpitations I hope you have a good day I hope you are well.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) have a good Day. I tried to take a photo of what comes up on the screen but it goes too quick. I haven’t seen any birds.

    Toni (()) have a good day. I had a message from one of Sue’s carers to see how I was getting on or if I needed anything. How is your shoulder and your jaw.

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love your mum (())

    Jojo (()) that’s good you have a few days off.

    Stuart (()) sorry you still have a cold and your mum still not well (())

    Skinny Keef (()) how are you love to Loanda (()) and Sucre (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    good afternoon Toni

    How are you?

    Mums ok 👍

    I made it to group!
    bye for now tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi again Toni

    How are things?
    Mum is an ok mood currently

    Delicious crumpets by the way, very tempting

    Thanks about mum

    That’s absolutely right about BB, he used to be a bit kinder once, but these days…well I might “flatten” him quite frankly

    Yes, that’s right, he did have bypass surgery a long time ago, but he just sees things from his own perspective, that’s very true unfortunately

    Don’t worry any lid - licking etc is personal, it’s not like you slurped from toady’s phantom neighbours’ cereal bowls, although that may be a good eviction method, we must remember to inform toady lol

    Yes two addict -support groups needed for the littleys, I agree, also one hot sauce addiction- group for bill I think 😂

    Thanks so much about the poem, I think toady’s mentioning the phantoms was the main inspiration 👍👍

    Thanks about me too, sorry should’ve mentioned that before

    I was actually feeling very energetic and well rested today,

    Got a bit of a headache currently, but that’s normal as I’m hiding from the cleaners in the cold room, but don’t worry I’ve just put a hat on, but not five 😂
    Thanks, yes bacs payment this time lol

    That’s funny about Winnie the cat, haha

    I did carefully go to group thanks, I was late enough to avoid conversational interaction with nasties luckily 👍

    Mainly talked to nice Alan, RR was in the remote artists’ corner, or whatever it’s called lol, I greeted J the leader, she responded, two people who had left early had left gifts of chocolate and shortbread - sorry but shortbread??
    so I avoided the “ potential recurrence of gastric ulcer -related snacks” and drank some humble squash- please don’t tell young BR, he would definitely “flatten” me, also please don’t tell LA, he may put me in the oven like a pizza - I suppose that’s one way to avoid costly takeaways - mima with pepperoni 🤢🤢

    Have a good afternoon Toni

    Bye for now and tc xx

    Ps best way to avoid electrical fires, according to S Trek 😱xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,599

    Hi folks 👋 order is restored today, as far as it ever is 😄 it all went a bit pete tong yesterday as the young folks say, or they did once upon a time. I did a quiz the other day the topic was outdated slang, most of them I never knew the first time round (tubular?!! 🤔🤷‍♀️😄).

    Miceland been & gone frog and not much wrong, 1 missing 1 sub - everything back in stock in al fresco today ofc but it was still the right decision tbh 👍️ it's my jab day so I wasn't sorry to just have someone taking 2 mins to drop the shopping. I'm occasionally tempted to put my 2nd choice item in basket but in subs line say 'if you do have [out of stock item] on the day can I have that'? it would go wrong though wouldn't it 😬. Oh Elfie I can't believe you are sulking 😂 but that arms folded cold shoulder is perfect, just speaks volumes. Perfectly arranged 👍️😂. Hope all is harmonious today, yes Sleek has been helping; more interested in unpacking the scones & jam than the fruit & veg, but aren't we all 😄. No I did make an effort to get more fruit, a pineapple, raspberries blueberries etc. I haven't bought recent C Kittens so will keep an eye out. Have they squeaked the weight down a bit that's the usual these days. What were your nice soups? 😊 Busy day for you yesterday so I hope you too are having a quieter one today. I even pottered for a bit earlier it was quite nice actually, & yes dry - lots of bulbs coming up and even the sweet peas I sowed direct as an experiment. Sorry that it's the motorhome's fridge that's playing up (again?), it is rather crucial 😕 hope not a fiddly fix assuming possible. The tree man's quote is high in relation to your tree I think, pro rata, rather disappointed as I would like to use them apart from cost, and just get on, without more quotes. The problem is I have more work at the back that would therefore be higher again, at that point probably prohibitive, so I would pretty much have to look elsewhere then anyway 😕 have to have a think. Have a good rest of day I intend mine to be quiet now hopefully 😘 will they rearrange the veganuary thing? xx

    Hello Joan, I can't get pics on anything either when the screen changes quickly. I have poked about on the internet a bit today and is this any use to you?

    ^ I know they wanted to restart in this instance, but it might be similar. People suggested that 'pressing the power button alone is not enough to get the unit to prompt to shut off, just shuts off the display. Press and hold the power button and either of the volume buttons and see if you can get the shut down slider to pop up.' Not sure if this is anything like yours but we shall persist 😄. I hadn't seen about WHS but wouldn't surprise me, they were such a good shop once but it's all change isn't it 😔. Funnily enough the birds were quieter today in the nice weather so not many around today at all. Nice to see the sun though 😊 xx

    Hi bosh, who made it to group, hurrah 😊👍️ good timing too as to who was there, & it was even a nice day for it, well hopefully. I haven't been out much just to the back garden, only to fill the birdbath, no spells today one must pace oneself 😉😄. Oh such a wonderful poem, 'one more ghost than was habitual', loved it. Yes please Poe bring on the sinister ominous weather and repel the phantom neighbours to their alternative abodes 😂. They are quiet today so maybe…. 🤔🤞. I did have annoyances yesterday re nosegay but as a buyer, a seller cancelled my order out of stock, then thay have the cheek to give as reason for cancellation 'buyer asked to cancel', they are not supposed to do that. It's to avoid too many strikes on their own account. I could report them but I'm too soft when it comes down to it 🙄. I do also lick my yogurt lids btw, if we are having a straw poll on that 😄. Have a good evening I will be taking it easy I hope - any spare energy do pass it on - need more power Scotty (if only!!). Take care thanks again for the poems and great pics 😊 xx

    Hi Jojo, oh dear sorry the palpitations made a return 😔 hope you have had the benefit of resting today. I meant to ask do you like to garden much if at all, obviously it can be more limited than we'd like (such as kneeling down 😬) but I like to do a bit here & there. Have a good evening 👋 xx

    Stuart I hope things improve soon xx

    Hi to SK and anyone passing ☕️ xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi Joan

    How are you today?

    Mum isn’t too bad today thanks

    It was relatively nice weather here, I went on a longer walk after group

    Have a good night Joan tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi JoJo

    How are you today?

    Sorry you had heart palpitations yesterday

    Do you get them a lot?

    I get them sometimes but not too often

    Maybe you could try seeing your GP?

    Have a good night, you and your family, tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    hi lady of the toads

    Glad you liked the poem

    Sorry about the nosegay pest

    Glad you are pacing yourself with the necromancy 😂😂

    Yes relatively nice weather here today

    Licking lids - yes I do the same

    Ok have a good night toady
    remember spell- book closed tonight please

    I will be checking- any misdemeanours and BR and I may have to “flatten” you

    Have a good night toady tc xx

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi toady yeah I rested today I watched a film I've grown plants in the house before but I'm not good at keeping them alive just as well I'm better with animals and kids but I might try doing some this year with the kids what sort of things do you grow I love all the pretty colours of plants.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    Morning Joan how lovely to hear from one of Sue's carers😊 did you tell her you could have done with carers yourself a bit back? I bet she was upset about your hip. Shoulder and jaw just the same you know me like you I just get on with it. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning to Stuart hope finally you and your Mum are getting over that awful cold you both had. What a nasty one it must have been. (())

    Morning Jojo how are you today? Yesterday was it a good one? The dogs will love being snuggled up with Mum under your blankie to watch the film. If you dropped off well that's what you needed. Was the film any good though? Take care my day was good at the foodbank thank you ☺️ (())xx

    Morning Reshmi

    I am very pleased to hear your Mum is in much better spirits it sounds as though she has got her head round her latest diagnosis and is adjusting. She probably doesn't like a fuss and it's hard to accept when your body lets you down as we well know.

    You seem to be on great form though yourself maybe making the most of the halcyon days between MTX jabs and TOTM 🙄 Bacs yes by far the quickest way for your poems to clear.

    Shortbread nicely swerved there at the group Reshmi! We do not want any more ulcers nope. Nice Alan? Sounds a peaceful session. No RR stories though he was probably doing a book reading of his latest tome. I imagine those nearby were avidly enthralled possibly sitting on the floor….

    I was wondering whether EF are considering visiting this weekend? If so do you need any supplies of hot sauce? Cheese? I think the problem with addiction support groups is that the people going have to want help and I very much doubt BIL is ready to change yet. In spite of his reflux. Don't tell him I said that though please he might bomb up the motorway and flatten me😁

    Have a good day - if you are MTXing I send extra ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady hope all is well with you today.

    Oh. I knew the chap doing our tree was cheap he is lovely too. He has an interesting cough like a bark, but if you ignore that. Sounds disappointing I presume your lovely chap was a heck of a lot more than ours?😔 underwear!😠 When I worked with a lass who had CP many years ago she used a word board to communicate. She used to point to 'underwear' when she wanted to express her frustration. I hope this will get through any swear filters we may have on the site.

    Ah yes Sleek is much better at put scones, jam, vegan squirty cream and the like away than bin liners and veggies. Well done buying extra fruit and veg Toady that's good. Glad to hear it was an almost perfect order though and that it was quick so you can do your jab. Hope that went well no leaks or anything like that.

    Elfie is speaking to Paul again, but there is something wrong with him not sure what yet time will tell. He just seemed a bit off yesterday not his usual self and he's still asleep now. Elfie not Paul.

    I am going to put together a list of things 'not quite right' with the motorhome. There's a nice man in the next town who is a mobile motorhome and caravan 'fixer' he might be able to help.

    Guess what I've got?! A Grey mentos vegan pie in a tin!!! I will feed back on that. Soups are mushroom, roasted red pepper and tomato and vegetable and lentil. and now a grey mentos pie what more could a woman want? apart from scones maybe….🤣

    Best get on. Have a good day if you can ((())) xxx

    a quick wave to Skinny Keef if he happens by ((()))👋

  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi frogmorton I'm not too bad today thanks yeah I enjoyed the film I took the dogs out for a decent walk over the field my first long walk in ages so I was quite proud of myself it beats going around the block all the time so they slept quite well though the film especially after a nice bone im pleased you had a good day at the food bank yesterday hope you are well.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

    Ps flattening or stamping made me think of ELB

    So here’s a baby elephant like BR with his family ❤️ xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,241

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I don’t have a problem closing it down. Good luck finding the right gardener. You will know when you have the right one that’s right by the price.

    Toni (()) have a good day with your friend she is doing well it’s good she has the dogs for company

    Reshmi (()) that’s good your mum is feeling better you have a good day

    Stuart (()) that’s good you and your mum are feeling better and the cold has gone

    Skinny Keef (()) have a good day love to Loanda (()) and Sucre (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Jojo_16
    Jojo_16 Member Posts: 209

    Hi bosh I'm good today how are you doing today yeah I do get heart palpitations quite often I'm going to try phoning the doctors tomorrow morning I couldn't get an appointment today I hope your mam is ok.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,316

    Hi JoJo

    Glad you are ok today

    I understand

    she’s doing more or less ok thanks

    That was funny what you wrote about it easier to tend to animals and kids than plants or something like that lol

    I may have caught a slight cold, but other that I’m okay thanks

    Have a good afternoon bye tc xx